Yeah. It’s been a while, but I had a writer’s block, but then I remembered that this chapter would be the beginning of the group’s ‘Saturday detention’. (I, being the good girl that I am have never had one, but my sister did and she’s gonna help me.) N-e-wayz, I was thinking, wut am I gonna do for this four hour detention thingy. So honestly, I don’t know how this is gonna turn out until this chapter is done, so bear wit me.J Oh yeah, and thanks for the great feedback, and some people even asked to host my stories!! I’m soooo flattered! Princess P.



~ The dreaded Saturday ~

Capsule corp. Bulma tiredly rolled out of her warm bed as her alarm clock started screeching in her ear. It was 7:45 and Bulma was usually never up this early on Saturday mornings, but she had that stupid Saturday detention to go to. ‘And of course I deserve it.’ She thought to herself. ‘ I was stupid enough to fight in school, but 18, Vegeta and especially Krillen didn’t deserve it.’ She suddenly remembered why she had been fighting in the first place. "Arrgh! Yamucha, you asshole!" she yelled in frustration. "How could you do something like this to me…? And not even care…?" she muttered softly to herself. She was lying halfway on the bed with her lower part on the bed and her upper body hanging over when her door slowly opened. Her mother walked in yawning. "Bulma-chan? What’re you doing up so early, hun?" her mother asked. Bulma tumbled out of her bed in surprise. Her mother giggled. "I’m just going to Chichi’s house for the day." Bulma said, because she hadn’t told her parents that she had detention, it wasn’t a Bulma-like thing for her. "Bulma, as being a parent, I know I wouldn’t want one of my daughter’s friends coming over at almost 8 in the morning. Don’t you think you could go a little later? Like 10 perhaps?" Mrs. Briefs asked. (See, Bulma’s mom isn’t a total airhead in my story.J)

"Uh, we’re doin’ a project, Mom." Bulma said as she got up off the floor. "Well, if you’re doing a project Chichi usually comes over here since you have your dad’s lab to work in." Mrs. Briefs said with a hint of suspicion in her voice. Bulma moved aside as her mother went to go make her bed. "But… if you insist that you have to go to Chichi’s then you can go." Mrs. Briefs said as she left Bulma’s room.

Bulma sighed a sigh of relief. ‘Thank God Mom is so cool about everything, if it had been Chichi in my position her mother would have put her under house arrest until she told her where she was going.’ Bulma smiled at the thought. She walked over to her huge walk in closet, and stared into it. It was summer but in the morning it was really crisp outside, so she picked a pair of blue jean capris, a purple and white striped tank top, and a thin blue Tommy girl jacket. She slipped on white socks and her new baby blue adidas sneakers. She left her room and went down the stairs. Her mother was making coffee and was toasting bagels. Bulma went to the fridge and took out one of those tiny pint sized orange juice boxes. She took the cream cheese out of the fridge. "Do you want coffee?" her mother asked. "Mom, you know I don’t drink that stuff." Bulma replied. (I know the DB Bulma drinks coffee, but I don’t and I think it’s nasty) Bulma took a plain bagel and started applying the cream cheese to it. "Yes, but it’ll help you keep awake, wherever it is you’re going." Mrs. Briefs stated. Bulma stopped to stare at her mother. She then glanced at her watch, it was 8:03 and her detention starts at 8:15. She quickly did the other half of her bagel and threw it in a sandwich bag. She got up, "Bye mom, I gotta go." She said as she kissed her mother on the cheek. "Bye dear," Mrs. Briefs said absently as she stirred her coffee. "Hope you enjoy your little Saturday detention." Bulma stopped in her tracks and turned to her mother with a guilty expression on her face. "Uh… How’d you-" Bulma started. But her mother silenced her, "Mothers always know, dear. But I won’t tell your daddy, ok?" "Uh yeah, thank you." Bulma said. "Hurry, before you’re late dear." Mrs. Briefs said. "Oh yeah. Bye!" Bulma said as she ran out the house. " How did she find out, though?" she asked herself as she jogged to the back of her house to the driveway where her Mercedes sat gleaming in the sun. She forgot all about her mother as she stared at her favorite car. She hopped in, started the engine, and drove down the driveway at top speed. She stopped the car at the end of the driveway and her tires squealed. Her father came out on the porch and screamed, "That’s why I took away your driving privileges! Because your reckless!!" Bulma just grinned at him as she sped off down the street.

The Mau household… (A/N: Chichi’s dad’s Japanese name is Gyuu Mau, or somethin’ like dat, so I gave Chichi the last name Mau.) "Where are you going? I’m asking this for the last time, young lady!" Chichi’s mother screamed in her ear. But Chichi just sat calmly in front of her vanity and watched her self as she pulled her jet-black hair into a ponytail. When she was done she clasped a gold ponytail holder around it. "Well at least tell me why are you dressed up? Hmm. Where are you going that’s so special, that you’re wearing your favorite shirt!" her mother continued her tirade. "Mom, I got a Saturday, and I’m going to school for FOUR long hours, but I’m dressed up cuz my Goku’s gonna be there." Chichi said as her cheeks took on a rosy color. "Ugh!" sighed her mother, "Not this ‘Goku-sa’ business. I thought we decided not to have anything to do with him!" Chichi narrowed her eyes, "We did not decide anything. And why don’t you like Goku? Huh, mother?!" "Well for one thing he has no parents…" her mother said. Chichi almost choked, "Mother! I can’t believe you! He can’t help the fact that he has to live with his grandfather because his parents died!" Her mother looked down in guilt, but then set her eyes on Chichi. "You have a Saturday detention?!" she asked in surprise. Chichi was going to respond, but was saved by the sound of Bulma’s horn out in front of her house. "Bye, Mama!" Chichi grinned as she ran out of the house, and jumped in to Bulma’s car. "You’re a life saver!" Chichi praised her friend.

The Son household Goku woke up at 7 o’ clock because he wanted to have a huge healthy breakfast. Then his grandpa (Gohan) came down stairs to see what was going on. "Goku," started his grandpa. "where are you going this fine morning, and so early?" "Oh, I have football practice this morning really early, so that’s why I am up." Goku lied, so he wouldn’t give the old man a heart attack for being a bad child. "Oh, good Goku! Get to that practice and be a strong strapping boy! Like me!, hehe" the old man chuckled. Goku agreed and left the house when he heard Vegeta’s car pull up in front of his house. "Bye grandpa!" Goku yelled and left the house.

Uh… Vegeta’s house (?) Vegeta was about to step out of his house, (which happened to be down the street from Capsule corps.) when he was stopped by his mother. (Yes, he has a mother!) "Another Saturday, Vegeta?" she asked. "Yup." He responded, almost proudly. "Hmm," she said almost dreamily. "I noticed something, Vegeta." she said. "And what’s that?" he asked as he turned to face her. "That if you didn’t spend your Saturday’s at detention maybe you’d have a nice girlfriend!" she laughed, but Vegeta just frowned. Suddenly they saw an all too familiar red Mercedes speed down the street, and they heard the occupant yell, "Hurry up, or you’re gonna be late Vegeta!" "Hey!" his mother said as if a great idea just popped into her head. "Why don’t you and that Briefs girl hook up!" she suggested. Vegeta stuck out his tongue, but his mother saw a little blush appear on his cheeks. "Me and Bulma!? No way! I would never go out with that loud mouth slut!" he said. "Oh, veggie-chan, that’s not nice to say about such a pretty young girl." His mother cooed, and Vegeta rolled his eyes and left the house. He walked over to his black BMW. "Oh, look at that! You won’t even say good bye to your mother; the woman who carried you for 9 pain staking months!" his mother yelled after him. He just ignored her and drove away. ‘If I can make it in 5 minuets I won’t be late.’ He thought as he sped down the street.

Krillen’s house (does Krillen even have a last name?!) Krillen rolled out of his bed, and stared at his clock. It was already 8:11 and he was going to be late. ‘Why didn’t 18 come over to wake me up!’ he yelled to himself as he dressed. He ran down the stairs in a hurry. "Oh, Krillen." His mother said. "Huh?" he asked. "Your girlfriend… What’s her name again?

Oh yeah, Juuhachi-gou, she came over around 7:50 ish, but I told her you were still sleeping." His mother said absently. "What a weird girl. Wanting to go to the mall at 8:00 in the morning, I told her to just go home…" "Aww, man mom! I gotta go! Bye!!" he shouted as he ran out of the house. He jumped on his hover bike and sped off. "Humph! Kids today…" his mother grumbled.

~ Okay; now the Saturday starts J~

Bulma and Chichi walked into the detention room. They weren’t the first to get there. 18, Yamucha, and Rae were in the room. Yamucha was on the left side of the room, looking really pissed; Rae was on the far right, looking mad, but slightly nervous. 18 was sitting boredly in between the two. Bulma and Chichi sat down behind 18 and the noise they made caused Yamucha and Rae to turn around. Rae frowned and quickly turned to face forward again, Yamucha stared at Bulma a little longer, as if he were deciding something. Bulma narrowed her eyebrows and turned away from him to talk to 18. "So," Chichi started, "Why are the two new love birds not talking?" "I honestly don’t know." 18 said disappointedly. "If it hadn’t been for Krillen, I would have been here early enough to see their fight." "Where is Krillen anyway? Don’t tell me he bailed!" Bulma said with a surprised voice. "I don’t think so, but his mother told me he was still sleeping, and she literally shooed me away. I’m not like part of the Krillen fan club!" 18 said angrily. "Oh yeah, his mom is really weird…" Bulma trailed off as Goku and Vegeta walked in, followed by Mr. Piccalurius. (Piccolo, if ya’ll don’t remember J) "Two more minuets and you boys would have been late." He said gruffly. Krillen ran in and plopped down next to 18; he was breathing heavily.

18 rolled her eyes at her boyfriend. Goku sat down in between Chichi and Bulma. Vegeta, not wanting to sit next to Chichi decided to sit next to Bulma. Bulma saw that Vegeta had a sour look on his face. "What’s your problem? You probably had a Saturday scheduled for today anyway, right?" she asked him. He glanced at her and smirked, "I did get one for ‘study hall misconduct’, but I’m pissed cuz I have to spend 4 hours with screeching harpies like you and Chichi." Bulma frowned and Chichi glared at him. Chichi eyes lit up as if a thought just went through her head. She turned to her blue-haired friend, "Bulma! What ever happened to this secret admirer business?" Chichi said loudly so the two people at the front of the room could hear. Bulma saw Yamucha noticeably stiffen at the news Chichi just announced. Bulma turned to her waiting friends and blushed deeply. "Hah ha!" 18 laughed, "It looks like Bulma knows who it is! Look how she’s blushing!" Everyone laughed except Vegeta of course, because he wasn’t happy that Bulma had announced the note to everyone. "You guys… I don’t know who the guy is… And I have no clues--" she said but she was cut off as Mr. Piccalurius slammed his pointer down on the groups cluster of desks. "I’m sorry if I’m interrupting your gossip session," he said sarcastically "but I’m about to take attendance. I want all of you to fill in all the seats in the first front rows." He said as he turned around. "You’ll just have to talk about Ms. Briefs’s love problems later." Bulma blushed some more, and followed her friends to the front of the room. Sitting next to Rae was Juuhachi-gou, then Bulma and Chichi. In the second row sat Krillen, Vegeta, Goku and Yamucha. Mr. Piccalurius raised an eyebrow because they unconsciously separated into girl and boy rows. "I don’t think so!" Mr. P. yelled out, and everybody looked up. "You brats will just talk more the way you set yourselves up. Hmm. Krillen, go sit next to Rae. Juuhachi-gou next to Goku. Vegeta next to Bulma, and Chichi next to Yamucha." The kids groaned as they moved. Bulma glanced at the frowning ‘boy’ next to her. "Isn’t it funny how we always end up together?" she asked. He glanced up at her with a puzzled expression on his face. She felt her heart flutter, ‘He’s so handsome…’ she thought to herself. "What’re you talkin’ about?" he asked. (It seems he wasn’t paying any attention to Bulma-chan) Bulma sighed, "Forget it…" she muttered as she ducked her head down into her book. He shrugged and put his disc man on.

Chichi glanced at Yamucha, who was reading another magazine. She was going to say something to him about the little un-official break up but Mr. Piccalurius called their attention to the front of the classroom. "If you’re here, just say here. Bulma?" he started "Here" she answered absently. "Chichi?" "Gosh, you know I’m here, Mr. P." Chichi said exasperatedly. Mr. Piccalurius just rolled his eyes. "Goku?" "What?" Goku asked as his head shot up from his gameboy. "Juuhachi-gou?" "Right here." She answered. "Krillen?" "Yeah, yeah, I’m here." Krillen muttered as he looked through his backpack for his Eminem C.D. "Vegeta?" "Yo." Vegeta answered. "Yamucha?" No answer came. Piccolo looked around, and saw that Yamucha was daydreaming. "Yamucha?" he asked again, this time with a hint of annoyance in his voice. Everyone turned around to stare at him. He blinked because the person he was staring at was now looking quizzically at him. He sat up straight and Bulma turned around with a little frown on her face, but now Rae was glaring at him. "At least we know that Yamucha’s body’s here, but where his mind is nobody knows." Mr. Piccalurius said. A snicker came from the group of kids who occupied the room. "Alright. No talking for the next four hours." Mr. Piccalurius said as he turned around to go back to his seat. Once his back turned an explosion of different conversations came from the room. "Hey! Shut up!!" he yelled, but the kids just ignored him. He turned to the blackboard and scraped his long nails against it. "Aaaah!!" the group screamed in agony. "Holy shit!" Bulma yelled. "Are you trying to kill us?!" Mr. Piccalurius just sent a disapproving glance her way and sat down.

~An hour and a half later~

Bulma and Chichi crept up to Mr. Piccalurius’s desk. And stood there looking innocent. He glanced up at them, "What do you two want?" he asked skeptically. "Well." Bulma said as she grinned at him. "Chichi wanted to know your first name-" she said but a now frowning Chichi cut her off. "Nuh uh! Bulma wanted to know-" "Whatever!" Bulma said. "So what is it?" Chichi asked sticking her face in Mr. Piccalurius’s. "Uh… It’s Piccolo." He said. "Piccolo?" Bulma asked, "But that’s just like your last name, Mr.…Piccalurius!" "It’s Piccolo P. Piccalurius. That’s my name, now sit down!" he yelled at them. "Anywayz, now I guess I’ll go sit next to my Saturday partner…" Bulma sighed. "Hee hee, is it just a coincidence, or are you and Vegeta always together lately?" asked Chichi. "Yeah, it’s strange to me too, oh well. Hope you have fun with Yamucha." Said Bulma. "Yeah thanks." Answered Chichi, and the girls went there separate ways. When Bulma sat down Vegeta let out a ‘humph’. "Yeah, nice to see you too!" "Oh shut up, now I have spend a whole 2 and a half hours with you, and I know that will be hell, so do me a favor and stop talking!" yelled Vegeta. "If I even talked to you, that would be a favor, because I’m the coolest person you’ll ever know!" smirked Bulma. "humph!" replied Vegeta. "By the way, how did we ever get to meet anywayz, I forget?" asked Bulma. "I didn’t meet you, you met us!" said Vegeta. "Huh?" asked Bulma. "I’ve been in this town for I don’t even remember how long, but you came here in 8th grade and met up with Chichi, who introduced you to Kakarot and Yamucha, and Kakarot introduced you to me, or something like that." Said Vegeta. "Oh…Yeah, now I remember! Wow Vegeta, you remember a lot of stuff!" smiled Bulma. "Yeah, I guess I do." Said Vegeta as he changed a song on his CD player. "Now I remember, you weren’t very nice to me either! You were so immature and such a bully too!" Bulma reminisced. "Really? I don’t remember." Vegeta raised an eyebrow. "Well the first day I got there, I didn’t know anyone and you were in my first class, the teacher told the class who I was and sat me next to YOU!" * flashback *

"Hiya, my name is Bulma…" started Bulma. "I know the teacher just said it, duh!" spat Vegeta. "Oh yeah, well what’s yours?" "Uh Kakarot, yeah dats my name!…what about it?" Vegeta lied. "Nothing, just trying to make friends, I miss my old friends from my old school, I feel so alone here, do you ever get that feeling, like no one likes you, you know?" asked Bulma. "NO! And I don’t care about your problems either!" yelled Vegeta. "HEY EVERYONE, WE HAVE A MENTAL CASE HERE, SHE HAS LIKE LONELYNESS PROBLEMS, MAYBE SHE NEEDS A HUG!" Vegeta announced to the class. Everyone started laughing. "DO YOU NEED A HUG? WOULD YOU LIKE TO BORROW MY BLANKY? WELL SORRY GIRLY, WE DON’T DEAL WITH PEOPLE LIKE YOU HERE!" Again the class laughed, now even harder. "Eew, you’re such a bastard! I didn’t mean it like dat!" Bulma yelled! "hahahaha!" Vegeta laughed more. "Mr. Vegeta, down to the office right now for class disruption!" "Yeah, whatever!" and Vegeta grabbed his things and left. "Oh yeah Bulma, see ya around!" Vegeta smirked. "Shut-up!" yelled Bulma. "Miss Bulma, I hope you’re not a trouble maker like you friend Vegeta there!" said the teacher. "Oh no! That Vegeta guy, or whatever his name is not my friend!" Bulma assured the teacher.

Later that day.

"…Yeah, and my boyfriend Goku is the coolest!, you have to meet him, but don’t try to steal him from me or anything, cuz he’s like one in a million, for real!" bragged Chichi to her new friend Bulma. "Sure, ok, I promise I won’t take him from you!" Bulma giggled. "Hey Chichi, thanks for being so nice to me, ever since this morning’s incident with this jerk from 1st period I thought my day was gonna be like hell!" said Bulma. "No sweat, your cool, we should hang out more, and you could meet my other friends, some of them are a little bitchy but they’re I-ight! Especially Goku’s best friend he’s such a bastard!, but anyways you’ll like them!" said Chichi, and the two walked down the hall going to 8th grade lunch.

Lunch-8th grade style!

Talking was going on everywhere. The lines were long and all the tables were full. "Thank God I found a friend like you, cuz then I would have no where to sit, gosh this place is full! My school was never like this!" exclaimed Bulma. "Oh yeah you never told me what school you came from." Said Chichi. "Um…Beverly Simons School for Girls." Said Bulma. "Hey isn’t that the preppy rich girl school out there in the country somewhere?" asked Chichi. "Uh if you say it like that, I guess yeah." Answered Bulma. "Wow, then why are you in a school like this huh?" asked Chichi smugly. "Well, it actually makes me happy to be in a regular school for once, and other than that my dad’s office changed to the one here in West Capitol City, so my family moved here into the complex."

"Do you mean Capsule Corp. Complex?" asked Chichi. "Yeah, you heard of it?" asked Bulma. "Yeah, well duh, this is where Capsule Corps. Biggest office is! And weren’t they making this really big house there? I think it’s done, I wonder who lives there?…don’t tell me YOU do!" exclaimed Chichi. "Well yeah, my dad well…owns the company." Stuttered Bulma. "NO WAY, I JUST MADE A FRIEND WHO’S DAD OWN’S CC! WOW!" Chichi exclaimed. "Keep it down a little, will ya! I don’t want everyone to know!" Bulma shushed her ecstatic friend.

"So when were you gonna tell me? When I came over to go to the mall and you invited me to you house, I would be like ‘no way’ you don’t live at CC! So you know what, I’m gonna have to come over to see if this is true, is that ok?" asked Chichi. "Sure whatever, I could give you a tour, I don’t even know all the rooms yet, so it would be fun for the both of us!" said Bulma. "COOL!" said Chichi and sat down at the lunch table.

"Hey Goku, this is Bulma, Bulma this is Goku, my bf, ain’t he cute!?" asked Chichi. "Hi Goku, I’m Bulma…" started. "yeah I know, Chichi just told me, hi!" Goku grinned. ‘Guys say that a lot around here’ Bulma thought to herself. "He is cute Chichi!" Bulma said. "Yeah, but don’t forget, you can’t have him!" Chichi giggled. 18 then sat down at the table. "Hey Chichi, who’s the new girl?" she asked in a monotone voice. "This is Bulma, and Bulma this is 18!" The two returned hi’s. Then eventually the rest of the table came, and everyone greeted Bulma in their own special way. Krillen told a joke and Yamucha started to flirt.

"Hey! Where’s dat friend of yours Goku, he owes me $10.00, ya know!" said Chichi. "I dunno, but you probably won’t get your money back anywayz." Said Goku. "Damn him!" yelled Chichi. Chichi turned around to see Yamucha flirting with Bulma and she smiled but knew of Yamucha’s dating record because in 6th grade she dated him and it was a bomb! "Ok Yamucha, break it up, Bulma has to eat, right!" "Huh?" said Bulma. "Ok, call me ok." Said Yamucha and handed her a piece of paper. "Yamucha, you make me sick!" said Chichi in disgust. Bulma just grinned.

"Yo! Chichi’s looking for ya Vegeta, something about money…" Goku warned his friend. "Oh shit!, yo Kakarot, lend me ten dollars! I’ll pay you back." Asked Vegeta. "You probably won’t, but I know the wrath of Chichi, so I’ll help you out this time, I-ight?" Goku said and handed him the money. "Thanks man, I owe ya!" Chichi was still trying to pry her new friend off of Yamucha when Vegeta flashed the bill in front of her. "Finally, you bastard! It only took you a week!" Chichi exclaimed. "Well at least you got your money back, now you can stop stalking me for it!" yelled Vegeta. "I wouldn’t have to stalk if you returned it when you said you would!" Chichi yelled back. "humph!" Vegeta responded. "Oh you guys always fight, can you just be nice for once?!" Goku shook his head. "Shut up!" they both said in unison. "Oh yeah Bulma, this Bastard is Vegeta, remember I told you about him, Goku’s friend?" Chichi said. "Huh?! Vegeta!" yelled Bulma. "Yeah, Vegeta this is Bulma and Bulma this Vegeta." Chichi sighed. "Oh yeah, lonely girl! Wussup? I guess we did see each other again! Huh?" smirked Vegeta. "Eew! I hate you!" Bulma screeched! And she threw a drink at him. "You little bitch, why da hell ya do dat for!" yelled Vegeta. "That’s for humiliating me in 1st period!" replied Bulma. The table laughed at Vegeta and he got red…

* end of flashback *

"Hahahahaha!, I remember dat! You call me mean, at least I wasn’t throwing drinks around!" said Vegeta. "Yeah I guess we were all immature back in those days, huh?" said Bulma. "Hey do you still hate me?" asked Vegeta. "Uh Nah…But you’re still a big jerk!" exclaimed Bulma. "Am I still a bitch?" asked Bulma. "Um…well not as much as a bitch, like back then, but still one nonetheless." Said Vegeta. "Well I guess that will have to do." Bulma smiled. They stopped talking for a while then Bulma asked, "So are you gonna go out with us tonight?" "I dunno…" said Vegeta. "What, your mom won’t let you because of all your detentions?" asked Bulma. "No! I had too many detentions for her to care anymore, but maybe I will, just to hang out." Said Vegeta. "Hey, I don’t really remember ever really hanging out with you before." Said Bulma. "Me neither, but I think we all got drunk some times before." Replied Vegeta. "Oh, well that’s probably why I don’t remember I guess." The two started laughing. Mr. Piccalurius stared at the two. "Excuse me Bulma and Vegeta, you could flirt after your detention is completed, but right now SHUT UP!" he yelled. The two blushed, sank into their chairs, and kept quiet for the rest of the detention.

* * * * *

Hiya! Did ya’ll like this chapter? Honestly I think this chapter is pointless. I didn’t really have a point, but I had to do the Saturday, and since Piccolo-san said no talking, I didn’t want to make them talk a lot…J Next Chapter: In chapter 6, Bulma, Vegeta, and the gang, excluding Yamucha go to a restaurant/bar. Bulma and Vegeta get a little close, and Yamucha, who happened to be there with Rae, gets jealous! Will we have a brawl or will the two opposing guys just walk away calmly? What do you think?! So next chapter’s gonna be in the same day, just at like 8 or 9 o’ clock. Ja’ne! Princess Panchii.

Table of Contents
Chapter 4C
Chapter 6