Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or its characters, they belong to Akira Toriyama, Funimation Productions, etc. I am using them strictly for entertainment.

Author's note: I have to point something out, Kilaya is a character I made up. So I would apprefciate it if no one would take him. Thank you. Okay now that I got that out of the way, This chapter might seem a little weird, but I was on a caffeine rush when I wrote it. Things will get better from this point on.



Chapter 2: Two New Super Saiyans


"FINAL FLASH!" Vegeta yelled as the lower class Saiyan charged at him.

" Gah!" Goku screamed as he just barely side stepped the blast. The blast hit the gravity room wall.

Goten and Trunks sat looking on, bored as can be.

* Goten, are you almost asleep?* Trunks asked.

* Almost. Well I was.* Goten answered sleepily.

" PAY ATTENTION!" Vegeta screamed causing the demi-Saiyans to jump in surprise. " If you are going to help in this battle, you need to know these skills!"

"Okay! Gees! I'm sorry!" Goten and Trunks both squeaked.

" Now, let's see what you two have" Vegeta said. Goku just stood back watching so as not to make Vegeta angrier.

"You mean as in FIGHTING?!" Goten asked surprised.

" No as in sleeping!" Vegeta said sarcastically.

" Okay!" Goten said.

Vegeta slapped a hand to his face, " No you baka! Fighting! Use your head!"

" Okay," Goten and Trunks both walked to the center of the room. They both slipped into fighting stance.

Both boys launched towards each other at a high speed, too fast for the human eye. But Goku and Vegeta seemed to follow just fine.

' Now to make it a little harder' Vegeta phased out.

"Huh?" Goku looked around for the Saiyan Prince.

Vegeta reappeared in front of the control panel. Goten and Trunks were too involved in their fight, that they didn't notice him.

" KAMEHAMEHA!" Goten yelled as he fired a blast at his opponent.

" Uh....... Final Flash?!" Trunks yelled questioningly, not sure as to if it would work.

Just as the blasts connected, the gravity shot up to 100 times Earth's normal gravity. Both boys slammed into the ground, grunting in pain. Vegeta just stood by the machine frowning.

"Vegeta! Why'd you do that?!" Goku asked frantically as he picked up his son and Vegeta's son off the ground.

" Because they need the training, now put them back down!" Goku refused, " Kakarot! I am warning you! I know what these kids need, now do what I say!" Still he refused, " You'll either put them down or I'll make you." Goku just pulled them closer. " You leave me no choice then." Vegeta launched himself at Goku causing him to throw Goten and Trunks across the room.

Veegta immediately powered up to Super Saiyan status, Goku did the same. They began throwing kicks, punches, and energy blasts with no sign of stopping. While the battle continued, Goten and Trunks were trying to get to their feet.

" Come on! We have to get.... up!" Trunks grunted as the intense gravity pushed him to the ground.

" Grr... We have to do it!" Goten grunted as well.

As the demi-saiyans tried their hardest to get to their feet, the battle between Goku and Vegeta was gettign more intense by the minute.

The demi-saiyans were still trying to get ot their feet when their hair and eyes began flashing colors. For Goten from black to gold, and black to aqua. For Trunks from purple to gold and blue to aqua.

Sensing the changes in the kids power levels, both full blooded Saiyans stopped their fight to watch. " I hate to say it Kakarot, but I told you so" Vegeta smirked. Goku just watched on in awe.

Finally, the transformation was complete, Goten and Trunks were now Super Saiyans.

"Beep Beep" The little screen lowered from the ceiling. Vegeta and Goku jumped in freont of their sons so that their wives wouldn't see them.

"How's the training coming guys?" Bulma asked.

" Fine." Vegeta and Goku squeaked.

"Something's wrong. You didn't call me woman." Bulma said.

"Where's my son?" Chichi asked as she pushed Bulma out of the way.

"Right here mama" Goten said as he and Trunks both moved in front of their fathers.

" Oh my god!" both of the females fainted at the sight of them.

" Aw, man, come on, let's go help your mother." Vegeta said as they exited the gravity room at top speed.

Meanwhile on Kilaya's ship.....

" So Vegeta and Kakarot's spawn have ascended to Super Saiyans." Kilaya thought aloud, " they could pose a threat."

"Sire, do we enter the Earth's atmosphere?" The Commander of Aviation asked.

"Yes. Enter the Earth's atmosphere, but remain unnoticed."

"Yes, sire." he began to leave.

" Oh and commander" Kilaya started.

"Yes, Sire?"

"If you do this job right, I'll give you a big promotion." He said, " and well, we both know what happens if you fail." he smirked.

The cammander gulped hard, "Yes, sire" he squeaked as he bowed.

" Now out of my sight!" Kilaya shouted. The commander slinked away like a scalded cat.

Back at Capsule Corp.

" Chichi, are you sure you're ok?" Goku asked as she frantically ran around the kitchen fixing lunch with Bulma.

"Yes, now quiet, I need to think!" she screamed.

" When did you guys transform?"Bulma asked.

" Well I transformed on Namek, you see Frieza killed..." Goku started.

" Not you!" Vegeta slapped the back of Goku's head. "The kids!"

"Dad you did it!" Trunks screamed.

"I did what?" Vegeta asked confused.

" You said kids, not brats. You do love me!" Trunks immediatley clinged to Vegeta's leg.

" Argh! Get off me!" Vegeta yelled.

" Trunks leave you're father alone. Now, when did you guys transform?" Bulma asked again.

" Well, we were sparring," Goten said, " I'd say about a week ago."

"But you just transformed today!" Goku yelled in surprise.

" Yeah, we haven't learned to control the power yet." Trunks said.

'Wait! A week ago?' Vegeta thought ' Those visions began a week ago!' a worried look clouded his features, 'I think my conlusion is correct, but I don't want to believe it. Goten and Trunks as the Earth's last defense!'

"Uh... Vegeta? What's wrong? You look worried, "Bulma asked.

"Huh? I'm fine don't worry about me." He replied quickly.

That night...

" Vegeta, what's wrong? You haven't been yourself lately, You're even calling Goten by his real name." Bulma said.

"You can't tell anyone, promise?"


"That guy, Kilaya. I knew he was coming."

" What? How?" Bulma asked shocked.


You'll have to read the next chapter to find out if he'll tell Bulma! I promise I'll get the nexzt chapter out as soon as I can though. Email me with feeback. DBZFreak2788@aol.com.


Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 3