Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or its characters, they belong ot Akir Toriyama, Funimation Productions, etc. So please don't sue me. This is strictly for entertainment, I am not making any money from this.

Author's note: Okay, this is pretty much the thing that starts this whole fic up and going, so from here on things will be getting better and better. As things continue into the story, violence might get way to harsh for young readers so, just heed the warning. Oh and in the rest of the story when you see these * * at the beginning and end of a sentence, this is people talking telepathically. Now.. enjoy! (oh and since 18's in this I thought I'd tell you, Marron isn't born yet.)



Chapter 1: Begin The Training


"I've been sensing some new power lately, I have no idea where it came from." Goku talked at the weekly meeting for the Z-Warriors.

" I have to, but it's so strong and evil," Piccolo stated a matter of factly.

'Man, I wonder what that vision meant, I'll have to keep an eye out.' Vegeta thought as he stood alone under a tree, away from his fellow warriors.

"....Vegeta? Anyone home?" Goku waved his hand in front of Vegeta's faceto snap him out of his trance.

" Huh? Kakarot! Get your hand out of my face!" He yelled as he slapped Goku's hand away.

" Ow! Geez, sorry. But haven't you been sensing any new energy lately?"

" Yeah, why? I really haven't been paying much attention to it." he lied.

" Oh, just curious." Goku said, taking note of the awkward look on Vegeta's face.

Goku walked back toward his fellow warriors, " Hey guys" he said glancing over his shoulder worriedly, "Vegeta hasn't been himself lately, has he?"

" Not at all," Gohan said, "usually, when we have our little get togethers, or what ever you want to call them, he locks himself up in the gravity room or something."

At that moment, Goten walked toward the group, hoping to catch Trunks at a time to where he coul play."Hey guys!" he kind of half yelled half said.

" Goten!" Trunks sang, " Let's go play!" They then went straight up to Trunks' room.

"Huh?" Vegeta muttured after hearing the voice of Goku's youngest son. ' Wait a minute!' he thought as his eyes began to bulge.

"Uh..." Krillin mumbled as he noted the size of Vegeta's eyes. "I think ther's a problem."The Z-warriors all turned there heads toward Vegeta.

' Goten! He wasn't... the vision! He wasn't there! Neither was Trunks!' Vegeta's mind was racing, ' What does it mean? Can it be they'll be the only surviviors? Will they be...' He didn't want to believe it, but he was sure, ' the Earth's last defense?!' Still not wanting to believe it, he begain to tremble.

" Uh.... Vegeta?" Everyone stared at the trembling Saiyan prince.

" Huh?" What?!" he said almost yelling.

"Aahh!" everyone almost jumped out of their skin. "What's wrong with you?" Goku asked.

"Well....." Vegeta said, but he was interupted.

"LUNCHTIME!" Bulma, Videl, 18, and ChiChi called from the kitchen.

So after lunch was eaten, everyone went back outside to ponder about what was wrong with Vegeta, for now he was silent.

Hours, passed, Piccolo and Gohan were meditating under a tree, and the others were sparring. When out of no where...

" You really are pathetic fools."

" Huh?" Every oine stopped what they were doing and looked to the skies.

' He looks familiar...' Vegeta thought ' too familiar.

"Who are you?!" Goku yelled.

" My name is none of your concern."

' None of your concern?' Vegeta ran these words through his braing countless times, ' I bet I know what he'll say next.'

Both at the same time, Vegeta and the mysterious creature both said, " However, if you really want to know, I'll tell you."

The Z-warriors stood in awe at Vegeta wondering how he knew what he was going to say. They didn't know what to think.

" My name is Kilaya." They both finished at the same time. Vegeta's brows furrowed further, he returned the cold stare he received from the person standing in front of him.

" Goten! Trunks!" Vegeta barked.

" Yes sir?" They asked, trembling.

" Go inside now!"

Trunks and Goten obeyed without complaint. They ran so fast they almost tripped over their own two feet.

*Vegeta, what;s going on?* Goku asked him, *how'd you know what that guy was going to say?*

*Right now, that's not important, we have other thing to deal with* he answered. *besides, I'll have to tell you later*

"I won't fight you now." Kilaya said interupting their conversation. "You're too weak"

" Huh?" the others turned away from Vegeta.

" You cant rain, I'll be back when I think you are ready." With that, he disappeared along with his powerlevel and any sign of him what so ever.

After a few minutes Vegeta broke the silence, "Everyone, get ready."

" For what Vegeta?" Gohan asked.

" Intense training."


Well there's chapter one, I hope you enjoyed it. Email me and let me know how you like it so far, Believe me things will be getting better and better. Chapter 2 might take a little longer to get out but I will get it out as soon as I can. :)


Table of Contents
Chapter 2