Part 14

* * * * *

The Saiyajin King’s vows echoed through the throne room, every being stood in silent anticipation as Lord Freeza seemed, for perhaps the first time, surprised.

Freeza glared spitefully at the Saiyajin army; he licked his lips and glanced back at the Chikyuujin who was quietly backing away. He lashed out his tail and seized her at the torso, pinning her arms at her side, "Don’t leave yet," he hissed softly. A rush of air escaped her lips as he began to squeeze, Freeza returned his attention to Vejiita; "I wasn’t expecting you to come, Vejiita. I suppose my plans are cut short, but the fun will be the same." he mused.

Vejiita stood motionless, the army behind him stood frozen by awe. He clenched his fists, "Your fight is with me, let her go." A small chuckle escaped Freeza’s lips, "Now what fun is that, Vejiita?" he mocked, "You know all too well how much I love my fun!" Bulma’s face was paling and her struggles were dying as she began to lose consciousness.

Bardock watched, desperately trying to keep his rage down. Why wouldn’t Vejiita attack? After all, he carried the speed of a Super Saiyajin! A hint of movement caught his eye and he turned his head. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw the forgotten stranger, poised for battle. Bardock glanced around the Saiyajin army, wondering if anyone else had noticed. His eyes fell on Prince Trunks who was watching the stranger with awe. Could the boy sense something that he could not?

Suddenly, Trunks’ head turned sharply towards Freeza. Bardock looked back to see the mysterious man, but found him gone. There was a sharp cry and Bardock turned towards Freeza; his tail lay limp on the floor, blood staining the marble: Bulma and the stranger had vanished.

Vejiita clenched his fists in anger, only a Super Saiyajin could move with such speed. He glanced down at his son, who seemed lost in thought. Freeza trembled in anger as he stared at his tail. He turned back towards Vejiita, anger seething with every breath. "Tell me Vejiita," he growled, "Just how do you think you can beat me if you cannot even save your own lover?"

Vejiita smirked, letting his fists uncurl, "Simple." he replied, powering up to a level Freeza had never seen before, It was Freeza’s only dread- the Super Saiyajin "By becoming your worst fear."

Trunks took a step back, allowing his father the room he needed. He again, turned his attention back to tracking the stranger’s ki. He was close, perhaps no one would notice if he went to look for him. He looked again at his father, who was now engaged in combat. Sliding past the awe struck army; he slipped out the door and went in search of his mother’s savior.

* * * * *

Bulma leaned up against the wall; her eyes screwed shut as she waited for the nauseous feeling to pass. A gentle hand was placed on her shoulder, "Are you okay?" a concerned voice asked.

Bulma nodded, cracking open her eyes to look at her hero. "Gohan." she whispered, half-stating and half-questioning. He nodded his head and smiled softly, "You’re safe now." he assured, "I’ll take care of Freeza and Vejiita, you stay here."

He rose to his feet, quickly turning out the door. It took a moment for Bulma to comprehend what he had said. She bolted to the door, grabbing his arm and pulling him back. "I don’t give a fuck what you do to Freeza, but Vejiita…you can’t hurt him!"

Gohan turned and pinned her against the wall, "What are you talking about?" he screamed, Bulma flinched suddenly fearing for her life. "Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten that he left me and my father to die on Nameksei and that he killed Krullin!"

"He told me you were already dead." she whispered, her head down in shame, "He lied to me. I knew it too, I just wouldn’t admit how much of a coward I was." she looked up at Gohan; her face was stained with tears, yet she was smiling, "He’s changed. Its not obvious and he will never admit it but," she paused for a moment, "He cares for me."

Gohan shook his head, "Your delusional!" he spat, pulling away from her, "I can’t trust anyone!" He fell to the floor his head buried in his hands and he began to sob like a child. Bulma watched as her own tears streaming down her face. Her heart aching for the boy that had been lost to a bloodthirsty man.

Suddenly, he bolted up his eyes fixed on the door. "Hello?" a child’s voice called out. Bulma choked out a sob as she pushed past Gohan and opened the door and whipped her child into her arms. She held him tight against her chest while he hung there, unsure of what was happening. "My baby." she whispered, hugging him tighter. Gohan stepped back, recognizing the armor the boy wore. "Who is he?" he asked.

Trunks pulled away from his mother and inspected the man in front of him; "I am Prince Trunks, son of King Vejiita and heir to the Neo Saiyajin Empire." Gohan’s jaw dropped to the floor, "I want to thank you for saving my mother." Bulma let out a sob of joy as the boy acknowledged her as his mother. Gohan slid to the floor, grabbing the boy by the shoulders and gazing into his eyes. "My father is relieved, I’m sure, to know that she’s safe." he turned to Bulma and added shyly, "He kind of flipped out when he found out you were gone."

Gohan was stunned, "You should return and help your father fight Freeza." he muttered, "It will take more than one Super Saiyajin to defeat him." Trunks’ eyes widened, "You know of the Super Saiyajin?"

Gohan nodded, "Vaguely. I think I’m one." Without even allowing time for the Prince to respond, Gohan left the room.

* * * * *

Gohan slumped into the darkest corner her could find. He couldn’t bear it; his world had been turned upside down once again. A single tear slid down his cheek as he placed a hand against his heart: it was over.

Don’t do it! A voice pleaded. Gohan froze, the voice…it was so familiar. "Daddy?" he called out, his voice soft and broken. Yes Gohan, it’s me. Gohan burst into tears, "I’m sorry Daddy, I can’t avenge you! Everything is wrong!"

You’re wrong. Everything is right. I’ve been watching and waiting for this Gohan. Fight alongside Vejiita and Trunks, become the boy who fought for what was right not for blood. Vejiita and Bulma belong together, the Saiyajin Empire has a second chance. Have faith, son. This is your second chance too, use it. And remember, I love you.

* * * * *

Dondurma steered down the hallways, searching for the Chikyuujin woman. It was true that no one deserved to suffer at Freeza’s hand, she still had to die. The Saiyajin Empire would grow weak and surely self-destruct if she were allowed to weaken the King any further.

He stopped suddenly as the Prince flew past him in fury. Dondurma waited for a moment, and them continued down the hall the Prince had just come from. He came upon a small room where she was. She was waiting for them to return. They would find her but it would be too late.

* * * * *

Vejiita spit out more blood as he waited for Freeza to finish his final transformation. "Perhaps," he muttered, "I will get a true challenge." He felt his son return to his side, "Where have you been?" he questioned.

"I found her." Trunks replied, "She’ll be safe." Vejiita nodded in relief. "Then you will help me finish Freeza off." Vejiita sneered as the smoke parted and Freeza revealed himself once again.

"Shall we quite wasting time, my dear Vejiita?" Freeza chorused, "Or do you wish to plead for mercy first?"

Trunks growled at the insult, firing up to Super Saiyajin. Freeza cocked his head in surprise, "So there are two of you, eh. All the more fun for me!"

"Actually," a voice called, "There’s three of us." A figure appeared next to Trunks, "Three Super Saiyajin’s." Gohan leered, "Its time for you to face your fear." he teased.

Vejiita stared at him stunned, "You’re Kakarott’s brat!" he stuttered. Bardock turned his head in shock. Gohan glared at Vejiita darkly, "I should kill you for what you did, but Bulma pleaded for your life as did my father."

Vejiita sneered, but would not reply. He turned back towards Freeza, who had vanished. "Damnit!" he cried, "You let him get away."

Trunks shook his head, "He wouldn’t run." he stated simply, "He’s here now."

A cry from behind caught their attention as Freeza’s presence could once again be felt. Vejiita turned just in time to see Bardock collapse to the floor, blood pouring from the hole in his chest. Freeza smiled sadistically, "I thought I had taken care of that insect, but I was mistaken."

Vejiita stood next to Bardock’s fallen body in shock. Bardock looked up at him, "Take care of her." he whispered, "I know she loves you." Vejiita stared at his body coldly. He heaved one final breath and then his body stilled.

Gohan stared curiously at the man who bore his father’s face. Vejiita turned to him and smiled, "I will have to tell you of your Grandfather’s bravery at a different time, but now you can at least join me in avenging his death."

Freeza could not react as three Super Saiyajin’s mercilessly beat him, leaving nothing to bury when they had finished.

* * * * *

Bulma turned sharply as Dondurma entered the room, shutting the door behind him. He pulled out a dagger and lunged towards her without even a word. Bulma had been prepared for attackers and pulled out her gun, shooting him straight in the heart. He collapsed to the floor, his blood staining his silver hair. She knelt next to his body, closing his eyes and covering him with a blanket she had found in one of her capsules.

That was how they had found her when Trunks lead Vejiita and Gohan to her hiding place. Vejiita scooped her up in his arms and buried his face in her hair. It didn’t matter what they thought, she was his just as he belonged to her. She sighed in relief as she buried her face in his neck. "I love you Vejiita." she whispered softly.

Vejiita smiled, "I love you, my Queen."

* * * * *

Hello! Yes, I know its been a while. Sorry, life has been busy. Yes, I do have one, a life that is. I’ve had my final semester of High school and graduation then a trip to Florida-I’ve been busy. I want to apologize to those who emailed me during these past months, I’ve only checked my email a few times. Most have been deleted, so please email me again. I had originally intended to post this chapter and the epilogue at the same time, but since so many are anxious for this part, I’ll post it now. I’ll have the epilogue written in a week or so. And that’s I promise!


Table of Contents
Part 13