By: Vejichan


The First Tier

His eyes were closed, his whole body was forming a tiny ball, his tail floating and moving gracefull in the green liquid that filled the long crystal tube were his small, yet powerful body floated; he wasn't aware of those who were around the tube, looking at him, waiting for him, not aware of the tons of machines that filled the dark room with tiny lights trying to bring him to life... He was not aware of his own existence, his mind was clear, pure, as was his heart...

"Check his brain waves, vital signs, everything! we can't lose this one, He's the last" A cold voice spoked in the dark room, "Is he going to live?" another voice arrogant and cold asked "We don't know it for sure your Majesty, He is the strongest of the all the specimen we created, but I don't know If we can bring this one alive... All we can do is wait" "If this one is lost too... my bloodline will meet it's end... and the super saiyajin will never arise... my whole kind, will perish..." Vejita Ou speaked softly watching the tiny form inside the crystal tube "We'll do all we can your Majesty..." the Alien Scientist told him praying to the gods that the little baby inside the tube could live.

Vejita Ou went to the tube placing a strong hand on it's surface looking deeply the baby's body "You are the last hope of my kind... without you, everything will be lost, come to life... come to me... my Son" the browns of the tiny creature moved slightly and his tiny body started to tremble "Doctor!! Come here please, Quickly!!" another person called "What? What is it?" the doctor asked "His brain waves, he is reacting to the King's voice!!" "He can come to life then!! We must do something to help him!!" Soon the whole room was filled with voices, comands and people running from a machine to another "Your Majesty, keep calling him! He is reacting to your voice!" Vejita Ou looked at the Scientist then again to the baby "I've waiting for you too long... come to me, I'm here for you... come... my prince" a blue glow surrounded the baby's body, soon, his eyes opened sligthly looking at the black eyes through the green liquid, his arm reached out to the white gloved hand pressed against his prission of glass, soon his little hand met the King's Hand through the crystal "My Child..." the glow around the tiny body soon filled his entire form, the instruments around started to make alarm sounds, soon all the machinery was short-circuitring and small explotions were heard inside the room.

The Light inside the tube grew stronger beginning to break the glass "What's Happening?!" someone cried out "The baby is... He's so Powerfull!!" the Alien Scientist said looking at the glowing tube, soon the crystal broke into pieces bathing the whole room with the blue light causing everyone to cover their eyes from the light. Vejita Ou opened his eyes slowly and glared to the place were once the tube was, there was only the metallic base of the tube and in it's center the little baby lied fully awake whimpering and trembling at the room's coldness, nobody dared to speak so, the baby's soft whimpers were the only sounds inside the room. Vejita Ou walked towards the little creature, his cold gaze inspected the small form, he didn't even noticed that he had a cut on his right cheek and was bleeding, the baby turned his head to his side and his black eyes met the king's dark eyes, the King of Vejitasei felt his heart beating with excitement, finaly, after years devoted to give his Kingdom a Heir, after tons of failures and frustration, that tiny creature was alive, his heir, the next ruler of Vejitasei.

The baby moved his tail softly while looking into the King's eyes, his whole body was still covered with some of the green liquid as was his tail, Vejita Ou saw his son began to shake noticing the coldness of the room, he went to the baby taking him in his strong arms, holding him protectively, the baby glared at Vejita Ou's face and his hand reached out to his cut, the King noticed where his little hand was pointing, he saw his cut bleeding and turned his gaze to his baby's face "I'll be fine" He whispered to the child in his arms understanding the baby's worried gaze. Vejita Ou turned to see the scientist "Call Nappa" "Yes your Majesty!" ten minutes after Nappa entered the room "Did you Called me you Majesty?" A huge almost bald Saiyajin Kneel in front of the Saiyajin King "Yes, Take this child to be cleaned" "Your Majesty! A Heir?!" "Yes, now hurry" the king handled the baby to the other saiyajin who took him in his massive arms, Nappa left the room quickly, Vejita Ou went out the room to his chambers "He's very powerful... I know he will become the Legendary Super Saiyajin someday...".

The King of Vejitasei glared at the nocturne sky in the balcony of his royal chambers, he heard a knock in the doors "Who is?" He asked without turning his gaze from the dark sky "It's me your Majesty, Nappa" "Come In" Nappa entered the King's room bowing with respect "Your Majesty, the baby was cleaned and is now in the nursery, the machinery is feeding him" Vejita Ou felt something odd inside of his being when he heard Nappa's words... Someway, the fact of Machines feeding and rising his son make him feel uncomfortable, He felt so full and someway happy when he carried the child in his arms... He knew that his queen would never accept her baby been rised in such way. When he traveled around the galaxy searching for a way to produce a Heir, after his wife's dead, he learned from many species the different ways they rised their children, when he arrived to Chikyuusei were he was helped by a great human Scientist, owner of Capsule Corporation, who designed the device were his son had been growing since he was an embryon, He learned about human feelings, and the kind of bonds they formed with many others, the care they take on their children, and that "love" the fathers feel for their children, this love was some kind of emotional nourishment for the human children, He understood that love as the feeling he had for his Queen, and the same was what she felt for him, the reason they were bonded.

The Saiyan race was not an emotional kind, all of them were taught no to show emotions instead of hatred, anger of cruelty, that was the point of his strength, what gaved the race it's power as mercenaries, he himself thought for many years that show any kind of emotion was a sign of weakness, until he met a female warrior that showed to him that feelings of care, like this "love" gaved an incredible strenght, he considerated her as a weak woman until she proved to be the bravest of all the female saiyajin and the strongest. Vejita Ou felt some kind of fascination with that beautiful strange woman and soon he found himself taking her a his Queen, she was perfect in all points of view, she was strong so she would give him a strong heir, she was beatiful and graceful so he would enjoy her company, she was intelligent and he would talk with her about many things, unlike his father and his grandfather before him, His queen wasn't a boring and mere walking-incubator.

Vejita Ou decided then to take care of his son by himself, no machine would raise his son the way he was raised. "Nappa, when the machine it's done with it's work feeding the child, bring him to me" Nappa blinked at his King's command "Your Majesty, may I ask What for?" The King remained silent for a moment "Things are going to chage a bit around here... this child it's unique, his power is awesome, I cannot trust the old Saiyan ways to raise this child" Nappa glared puzzled to his King "What you mean, your Majesty?" Vejita Ou turned to face his soldier "I'll take care of the prince by myself, no machine will feed him after tonight, no elite soldier will teach him to fight. I'll raise him all by myself, any mistake in the raising of this child could mean a monstrous end for our race" Nappa knew his King very well, He knew half of what he told was true, but the real thing behind his behavior were the feelings he had for his dead Queen and the fact that the prince was all that was left of her. Nappa could tell that some kind of special bond formed between the King and his newly "born" son, the Scientist told him abour that "interesting" moment when the baby and the King touched each other's hand through the tube where the baby had been. Nappa was loyal to the old traditions of the Saiyan race, but his loyalty to his King was beyond any kind of respect he could have for old traditions, and also he knew what the King said about the incredible power of the baby prince was the truth, He trusted his King's decitions. "As you Wish your Majesty, I'll bring the prince after the incubator it's done with him" "Fine, You can leave now" "Yes my King" Nappa turned and left.

Nappa went to the palace's nursery to check on the prince, the baby was asleep. Nappa took him carefuly in his arms and exited the nursery towards the King's quarters, where he knew the baby prince was going to live at least one year. "Your Majesty, I have brought the prince as you asked" "Good, give him to me" Vejita Ou took the baby in his arms and once again an incredible warmth filled the King's Heart "Bring me these things tomorrow, I'll need them" the King of Vejitasei gaved a list to his Soldier, Nappa took the lista and bowed to his king "As you wish my King" "You can leave now" the almost bald saiyajin left the room leaving the King and prince alone. The King looked as his child deep asleep, the Saiyajin's features softened at the peaceful face of his son "My Son... You have no idea of how much I've been waiting for you... All my people had been waiting for you..." The King went to his desk where a picture was, it was a picture of his dead Queen, "I promise you that I'll take care of this child... He'll be raised the way you wanted, I know this was what you wanted for our son." The Widow King promised to the picture of his wife. The little prince in his arms moved slowly, his tail arched and moved from one side to another and finaly his big black eyes opened looking directly at the King's dark eyes "You're awake" he whispered softly to his son, the baby's response was the movement of his tail and a soft whimper. Vejita Ou walked to his bed where he laid the prince carefuly "Sleep my son" the king caresed unconsiously the baby's soft cheek, to his surprise the black eyed child took his white gloved finger in his tiny hand with such force that if the King wasn't the strongest of his race the infant's strong grip could had been painful "So much power in such a little body. I knew you were very powerful my prince. Now rest child." The baby prince released his father's finger looking at him, the King caresed his baby's black hair soothing the infant until he was asleep again.

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Author's Notes: First of All thank you for reading my story, May I be excused if my english is not very good because Spanish is my mother languange and my knowledge of English it's not as good as I wish it could be. Now, a few notes about the story. As you may see, this is an Altern Universe where our favourite Saiyajin Prince is born under unusual circumstances, His father holds a very different character and is actualy a caring father eternaly in love with his dead wife. Of course we will see Bulma around here, but not yet. And Freeza will show his disgusting face around here too. Any comment is more than welcomed, See you!.

Table of Contents
Chapter 2