Disclaimer: Pointless thought of the day: if Toryiama based most of his characters on people he had met, who was the basis for Recoome? Now, after that grisly thought (come on, have you seen him throwing ki blasts between his legs?), I will state that I do not have any of the rights to DBZ, mores the pity.

Note: SEX, now that I've got your attention, no, there will not be any contained in this chapter, well, maybe a little citrus type stuff. But I can offer you violence, fighting, adult language, dramatic irony, metaphor and the dreaded personification. Read at your own risk. I also made a mistake with the name of the author of 'Forces of Nature', it was J. K. Gray-Ross. All the Saigyno words contained in this chapter were found at: http://www.ceantar.org/Dicts/search.html and in the glossary for your convenience.

I also want to thank all the people who have written to me or have given me encouragement for this story and with my other work; your support is greatly appreciated. That being said, if you wish to write to me, my email is always opened.

Chapter 13


A shiver passed down my spine as I beheld the two new comrades that had come in the middle of the night; as if it wasn't bad enough being in the presence of that decrepit old psycho, but now with these two, … Fates, words cannot describe. It's hard not to watch them out of a sort of morbid fascination, the two of them looking uncomfortably at myself and the mad scientist to my right, readjusting that silver band around their arm that the good slaver had ready for them when they arrived. Well, the self serving thought comes to mind, I rolled the dice and took this path; could have helped it I had know about this one though. Who knew that out there, in the infinite black void of space, creatures like this actually existed? Well, if tailed, super strong humans exist, I guess over stuff, sweaty blowfish and blue mud suckers can too. I freeze for a second under that purple gaze, damn bastards, but I guess if you look that ugly you have to make some kind of advantage out of it. My eyes flit from their obvious mockery of my feeble human fear to a beam of light radiating from a small metal disk. Again I am met with a mocking glare, black in colour but at this stare my blood boils, all fear replaced by hatred, yet not a iota of it did I betrayed, a great credit to years of schooling my face.

"This better not be a waste of our time, or you'll find me definitely not someone to mess with." It's a good thing I can hold my tongue as well as my expression, fear is one thing but pride is definitely another.

"Oh that's him, I never forget a face; those eyes, the hair and the tail are rather difficult to forget too." I can't keep the sarcasm from my voice, it's becoming harder to be intimidated by something that could be lunch. My smirk and attitude do not go unnoticed, or unpunished, as a blur of pink flashes before me and I hit the floor, the sharp stab of pain overcoming me as I clench my bruised stomach. I find myself lifted off my knees and smell the rancid stench of the alien's breath; I guess his resemblance to a fish doesn't just end with appearance.

"Hold your tongue, you filthy maggot. The Master has spent more time on this pathetic rock than he ever should have, especially considering the weaklings that inhabit it. Now, before I see what kind of dent you could make in the wall, is that the creature you saw?" I swear by now I must be going green, even the sewer pits of Ar can't smell this bad. Damn, those things are strong, and fast, and I thought that Saiyajin was quick; I almost switch my loyalties in this war, almost. I still want to see that Saiyajin down, it's why I'm here, isn't it?

"If you keep holding it like that," the other, smaller one chuckles out. "It won't be able to answer any of your questions." The pressure on my neck is finally gone and the air clears marginally as I fill my empty lungs; talk about a disgusting way to die.

"Well," It would seem that the calmer of the two aliens is questioning me now. "Is this the creature you saw. The Master was very interested about your little announcement, the most impressive news he's heard from Gero in almost a decade." The larger monster spares the old man a look of contempt only to stare back my way. I will give the old bugger credit, to think for ten years he kept those idiots off his tail, and that the Mistress scammed him for just as long, even made something of herself, far better than that old traitorous bastard. Sparing my own glance to the old man, those pale blue eyes not even trying to hide his fear, the fine sheen of sweat across his brow; there is still a smirk of superiority on his face as he catches my glare, better it is me getting the hits than him he thinks. The tension in the room mounts again at my lack of response, I might be on their side but it doesn't mean that I'm going to be that helpful, though I might want to avoid the knocks again. Damn, he could have ripped me a new stomach, and something in my mind tells me that was nothing but a tap to him; I wonder, in terrible awe, of how powerful this Master must be if these two are nothing more than annoying gnats in comparison.

"That, that's the one, Prince Vegita he called himself. Strutted around like a prise peacock. If you don't mind me asking, why do you guys want him?" The huge sweat ball clenches his fist again and I tense, preparing myself to make that dent in the wall. I shake a little in my fear and that sadistic smirk appears once more, my weakness buying me a small reprieve. The image of the grinning diminutive Saiyajin disappears once more into the small disk, the attention now turning to the larger of the two as he brought his finger to the contraption over his eyes, tiny lights blinking from the green surface. A low rumbling growl rises up in his throat as he scans through the room, stopping to stare at the old man and myself before walking towards the window, the barest rays of the Sun cutting through the darkened sky. Finally getting back on my feet, I watch the alien with veiled interest, what could be so special about a piece of glass? The blue one merely watches too, while Gero just trembles. The weight of his betrayal would seem almost too much for him now, after twelve years of lies and deception, the measure of his sins now standing before him. I blink in surprise as the wail of high-pitched beeping rings through the too empty room, followed almost instantly by a second, short beeping sound.

"What the hell was that?" the raspy voice of the mud sucker blurted out, the sound must have surprised him as well. The permanent sadistic scowl that marked that pink face showed a mixture of shock and anger, the growl only growing in intensity until it drowned out the beeping device.

"By the Empire, what the fuck is this? There are two of them, fifty and sixty thousand respectively."

At the announcement, the mud sucker's eyes nearly bugged out of his head. "That's impossible, no Saiyajin is that powerful, Vegita's only been measure at forty thousand at his very best and that was only a year ago. There is no way that there could be a Saiyajin over that, and to have two of them over … it's just impossible. The only Saiyajin that is even close to the Prince is that genetic freak lieutenant. Maybe there is something wrong with the scouter, let me check out mine." With that, the sceptical creature joined his larger counterpart, punching the solitary button over his own ear and gasping in shock at the foreign symbols that flashed before his eyes.

"There's been a mistake," he commented, his voice monotonous, dead toned from shock. "It's not fifty and sixty thousand; it's now seventy and eighty thousand …"

"This is impossible, the damn thing must be busted, unless, they're lying to us," The low mumbled voice of the walking blowfish his gaze turning back to Gero. The man immediately paled under that gaze, and I could tell he was just as clueless as myself as to what they were babbling about.

"You told us there was one Saiyajin here, and that it had been restrained, now we find two power levels beyond anything the planet Vegitasei has ever produced, the Master will not be amused when he hears about this one. What is in that direction anyway, approximately 130 kilometres to the north northwest of here?" He points back to the window, to the west of the coming dawn.

"That distance, the only thing that exists in that region is Modulus, the towns of Am Faoilleach and An Giblean, and the start of the Le Fort foothills. The only other place of any distinction would be Bushi house." I answer out, rather curious about this little mystery; two powers where only one is unexpected, mayhaps the Mistress has been experimenting, or those weapons that she sent to Bushi are giving off that signal that those devices are reading.

"So one of those signals is Vegita, but who could possibly be the other reading?"

"I guess I could answer that one for you as well, as it would seem you have walked in on a war between Modulus and Bushi versus this house and the reigning warlord of the region. Modulus, as the technological house of that area and with a Saiyajin to test on, created some amazing ki based weaponry. The signal that you are picking up might possibly be the armoury of Bushi." Another soft beep emulated from the blue being's device and his thick lips closed in a sneer.

"Then why is the power level at seventy thousand moving, and approaching eighty thousand? It's headed to the east, a position south east of here. Wait, the signals dropping now, it's lower than my level now, what kind of insanity is this? I guess it would seem that this planet has more to offer than mere frustrations and target practice, I wonder if the Master would like to hear about this one? As far as I know, there are only a few beings that can actually alter their ki level like that; two of which are the Prince Vegita and …"

"That fucking son of a purging squad leader, I knew there was something not right about a being that could hide his ki, you never know what you're truly facing. Damn it though, why are their power levels so high, this was definitely not planned. Old human," the blowfish yelled out, Gero now schooling his face to hold back his fear.

"Where is the communicator, the Master must be informed of this new development." Gero nodded, the first actually practical thing he's done the whole time this little 'crisis' came to light. Turning with his eyes forward and his stance full of purpose, he walked out the door, followed by the smaller of the two aliens and myself. Feeling the heavy head of the twosome's leader, I was drawn back inside the small study, that noxious breath again clogging my airways.

"I don't like your attitude, but you have more on the ball than that old bastard." he rasped out, nodding his head towards the retreating Gero. "You made the Master very happy with the last message he received from this planet, especially considering the news you have given us. The Master has had a lot of interest in this particular Saiyajin for a long time."

"Thanks," the sarcasm returns to my voice, my worth has suddenly shot up. "But I know a lot more about the whole situation than the walking dead over there." Shrugging my shoulder, the heavy weight disappears and I brush off my cloak, ceremoniously ridding myself of any dirt that creature might have infected me with. The low growl in response to my gesture meets my ears, and I continue to keep my back to him, smiling now that I know he cannot do a thing to me.

"So, if all you wanted all this time was the Saiyajin, why bother with Gero, unless your boss has the most amazing ESP I've ever seen. I don't even think you could imagine what has happened because of that collar, and all of that for just one overpowered monkey?" Before I can react, a knee grinds into my back and I slam into the ground, the air forced from my lungs and an oversized hand clamps over my skull. Blood floods my mouth, my teeth cutting the inside of my cheek in the fall as I become aware of my predicament; damn those things can move fast.

"You should consider yourself fortunate that I am allowing you to live at all, if I were him I would have destroyed this planet years ago. If I find out that you have deceived to us, thinking you can get in the Master's good graces," the grip on my head tightened and I cried out silently in pain. "I will personally rip out your lying tongue." The hot sting of saliva rolled down my cheek and I shudder in disgust, only to cry out in pain as a booted toe jabs into my still bruised stomach. The heavy pounding of his footstep vibrate against my cheek as he walks away and I waste no time in getting off the ground, quickly wiping off my cheek. Grasping hold of the wall, I shakily get myself to my feet, spitting out the metallic tasting blood from my mouth.

"By the Fates …" a soft startled voice rings out behind me and I smile despite myself. Turning to see the young slave boy, I steady myself until I am standing proud before him, showing none of the shame that I just been subjected to.

"You should see the stuff he has locked in the basement." I laugh out, knowing Master Gero's reputation and the rumours that exist about him. Walking slowly as to hide my obvious pain, I follow the path that has become like second nature to me now, towards the tunnels below the house and the true secret of Gero.


"I see you have arrived, I trust you had no difficulties?" The static blurred the image on the giant screen for a moment before it cleared, displaying the smiling, almost doll like face of the creature that stared out at the four occupants of the room.

"Yes, My Lord." the smaller, blue subordinate proclaimed, trying to curry favour with his Master. His face half-hidden in shadows, the larger alien sneered in contempt at the pathetic gesture. The being on the screen merely gave a conspiratory smile and looked down at the now scowling blowfish.

"And what news have you to report?" The doll asked again, this time directly at the salmon coloured underling, the lieutenant stood up straight under the uncompromising scrutiny of his Master's gaze.

"We have discovered that the Saiyajin no Ouji is in fact on this planet."


"And, my Lord, with a possible power reading of eighty thousand."

"Eighty thousand you say, the boy shows more promise than I would have imagined. I do believe this is the second best news I have received on this line in ten years." The raspy voice chuckled out, looking in veiled contempt at the elder man working at the controls. That ruby stare soon moved over to the second human in the room, the contempt diminishing to preference as they centred on the half-illuminated face. The human face reacted as all those before had when those eyes looked right through them, standing taller and straighter but the fear that shined out of their eyes was very real.

"My Lord, we also have found another power source, measured at around seventy thousand, and even reaching eighty thousand before it dropped off to just over one thousand." The smile on that magnified face never wavered but in those eyes, pure unadulterated rage burned from their depths.

"Gero, as your assistant seems to have confiscated the collar, you informed me that you were working on some new gadgetry; I would think that now would be as good a time as any to display it for me. I wish to speak in private with my men." Stepping out into the light, Gero bowed quickly and almost ran for the door, his years of long distance servitude had taught him the danger behind that stare. The room was eerily silent as the door slid shut and the three remaining occupants were left in the presence of the very enraged creature; the distance in space between the them and their superiority not enough to offer any comfort.

"What do you mean there are two powers, it's hard enough to understand how the little Saiyajin Prince made his way to that mudball, but another creature of that power, with that ability. One Saiyajin is dangerous enough, but two, particularly the two strongest in as many millennium. I want some real answers, not that yes, Master line that old man thinks he's been getting past me for the last ten years. You?" his gaze returned once more to the lone human. "As dense as your kind is, I can't imagine that you would miss a Saiyajin space pod." The figure walked out into the light, blinking as the full intensity of the glare hit their eyes. Nodding their head, the figure bowed low to the ground, still blinking to rid themselves of the spots that flashed before their eyes.

"I would instruct you to answer me, human; as it is worth your very life. If what you tells me pleases me, I can assure you that you will be well rewarded for your service; but if you dare to speak out of turn, I'm sure that my first lieutenant will have no qualms about ripping your head off."

"Please, My Lord, I mean no disrespect, but I know more of Gero's treachery than you could possibly know, and I do not wish to suffer for his stupidity. I know not what arrangement you had made with him but his assistant, as he calls her, is really the daughter of a rival of his, a personal slave that he took after he killed the family to gain possession of the collar. It was originally the invention of the girl's father, and after the girl escaped Gero's clutches, she took the collar with her; that was ten years ago. The girl, woman now, has the collar, or at least had. She used it to enslave the Saiyajin no Ouji, this Vegita when he first arrived on this planet, took away his ki and made him an object for her amusement. I have seen the Saiyajin in action though, your Excellency, even with the collar he is powerful."

Laughter filled the room, the look of anger wiped from the threatening being's eyes as they chuckled at the tale of Vegita's time on the weak planet.

"Captured and made the slave of a woman, I can just see the little monkey now. Was the collar effective? I might just see how he enjoys serving another Master. Is there anymore that you can tell me about this woman, I can always use a good technician, or harem slave?" A shiver passed down the kneeling figure's spine at the last part, hiding the movement in their cloak as they continued to hide their eyes from the vigilant gaze of the Master.

"The collar was effective enough, it made the Saiyajin as weak as any human, weaker in some cases. The woman, the Mistress of Modulus as she became, kept the Saiyajin under her complete control for almost a month, but I am afraid he has escaped. I have heard the rumours that Modulus fell, as well as another house in the area known as Bushi, under the control of two warriors, male warriors. The news came after the night of the New Moons, when in fact a full Moon did appear, that and the story of two gigantic apelike creatures tore up the woods east of Modulus."

"Well, at least that confirms what we are dealing with, two monkey upstarts. Was there any word on where the Moon came from?"

"No, only that it simply appeared during the night, lit up the sky it did."

"Hmm, this is rich, like two for the price of one; I can finally get my hands on that damn Saiyajin, and get that collar that I have been promised for the past twelve years. But you did not tell me of the woman, I would very much like to know who has kept me from my prise, both of them, for so long." The perfect, doll like smile turned frightening and sadistic at the mention of the woman, truly of any woman, but this one, the Master could tell, had special significance.

"She is merely a woman who happened to be gifted or curse with more brains than the Fates usually reserve for women and it cost her dearly. She cares greatly for power and control; I guess you might call her beautiful, depending on how you measure such things." Again those scrutinising eyes examined the human before them, the sadistic happiness from before shining brightly again, the smirk growing wider as the Master caught a glimpse of contempt from the other two occupants. Such pathetic fools, how they stroked his ego and hurried to lick his boot, forever currying favour with him, and despising those of a higher station, or they that caught his eye.

"You must tell me, weakling, why you bow so lowly to me? What causes you to be such a traitor to your kind? I know that with Gero it is fear; it has always been fear, it always fascinates me to know why creatures will betray their own planets' to gain my blessing. What do you want in return for your service?"

The forwardness of question shocked the one human presence in the room, their head bowing lower to hide any emotions that might betray them. If there was one think to learn from this little encounter, it was that this was a game, a serious one that meant life or death. With beings with this kind of strength and influence, life was nothing more than a game, and this being, the Master, played in very well.

"I am doing this for no better cause then to survive and live to see another day. After I saw the tailed creature, saw its power, heard Gero's fanciful tale about man made meteorites and being with the kind of strength I could not even imagine, I saw the future. I understood it would only be a matter of time before you came, My Lord, and that Gaia's autonomy would be but a forgotten memory. I figured, why fight on the losing side and die when I can fight on the winning side and fulfil the desire for self preservation. I wish only to serve you, my Master."

"Ah, such sense, especially in one so young, it is rewarding to encounter one that speaks the truth, it is rare indeed. Tell me what you wish for, what it is in my power to do and I will offer it to you as payment on your services if you choose to service me."

"It would be my utmost pleasure to service you, Oh Merciful one."

Again more laughter greeted the submissive answer, the mirth only brining a scowl to the faces of the two subordinates. The Master's laughter was one of the greatest prises amongst his underlings, to make the Emperor laugh might prolong your existence or raise you up in the ranks. The conversation was hardly over a whisper after that, as personal a communication as could be had using the giant transmitter, discussing a trade of sorts, the cost of human loyalty. So easy, in the end it was so easy; there were certain forces beyond the simple chemical pulls of specie specific genetic markers or culturally instilled values; survival was truly basic in all creatures. Everyone and anyone had a price, especially if an extended life was one of the rewards. And in the space of twenty minutes, an agreement was reached to do in four days what had previously had not been done in twelve years.

"Even gotten themselves involved with the politics of the region, a never ending source of interest these little monkeys are. To get tangled up in a local war does not surprise me, though, having such a propensity for violence. I'm actually more surprised that Vegita has not ripped apart the planet, if it were not for issue of being caught on it when it blew up. I must say though, you are taking a very small price for such a duty, I would offer you your own system for the headache you would be relieving me of."

"I wish for nothing more than the terms we have agreed to, and a place in your ranks; something that would allow me to be close to both of them."

"If you survive this, human, you many have any position and slave you want, but the Saiyajin is mine." A knock broke through the jovial atmosphere, the eyes of the room all turning to the startled Gero. His arms full of small metallic gadgets, he bowed once low beyond the projected image before him and placed the nick-nacks on a nearby table.

"So, Gero; you tell me you have created a little device that hides the radiative signal of ki from scouters, I wish to see a demonstration, and after twelve years, you better have something good for me."


"Have they identified the object yet?"

"No, My Lord," Tioce said as he stood by the warlord's side. "Reismen has gone to lead the guard if it turns out to be a hostile, and shoot it out of the sky if necessary. He felt it would be a good trial for the heat pulse canon, something about the challenge of a moving target." A light rumbling and the high wail of the beam shook the walls of the fortress, the solid red laser strike appearing before the window, the blast as thick as a man's head. Even in the brightness of the dawning Sun that filled the immaculate hall, the walls glowed red for a moment in the beam's wake. Another rumble rocked the solid stone structure as the beam hit, obviously the ground.

"Do you think it would blow up if it hit?"

"Which, the beam or the object?"

"Both, I guess it doesn't matter as long the thing ends up flash fried where its flying. I'm going to have one of those idiots see if we can develop some sort of transport for it, why bother attacking Modulus or Bushi when I could just burn them to the ground."

"Should I go and get one of the techs; they are rather handy, my Lord." Tioce relaxed under the easy manner of the man who sat by his side. It had in the beginning almost impossible to read the moods of his current master, when Tioce had nearly cut his neck the first time he had to shave him, the servant thought it would mean his head for sure. That time he had been told to watch out, the master had enough people after his blood; he didn't need one more, especially so close to his own person. He had almost forgotten the violent nature of his new employer until the day he had mixed up the supper order. Fingering the faint, hairline scars that ran up his side, the mark of Dolore's scalpel forever reminding him of the unpredictability of his new owner. At night he could still remember the rank smell of burning and the stench of vomit and urine, the lingering mark of those that had gone before him and had not walked out of that chamber. How could Dolore sleep at night, the thought would come as the horrific sleepless hours would drag on; and how could Lord Enleo? Sometimes he could swear he felt the anguish of those that had met their fate within these walls, and yet the master never suffered from a conscience. Now, the black visaged figure was at peace, he never seemed more at peace than when he was destroying something. The beam hummed once more and another volley flew across the sky, this shot more to the West. The red light once more flashed before the window and fell to the earth with a great shutter; it was lucky that the region was so desolate, the very land itself could catch on fire with the heat from the canon. Through the loud reverberations from the blast, the din of raised voice caught the perceptive Tioce's ear and another blast of fiery red flared before their eyes.

"Tioce, go out and see what the commotion is about; I can't have my best weapon malfunctioning." Not wishing to displease his employer and suffer the grave consequences of such actions, he complied. Keeping his face always towards the large man seated upon the ornate throne, the ever loyal servant made his way to the door. Alone with his thoughts and the comforting light of the killer laser, Enleo looked out at the arid landscape before him, looking in awe at the huge burn marks that blackened the rocky soil of the area. Once more he could feel the slight rumble that signified the powering up of the device and again the red streaked across the dreary grey sky; rather unlike Reismen to miss a target after so many shots, but when working with a new weapon, such things are bound to happen. Finally, the damn forsaken treaty bore fruit, and particularly destructive fruit at that; I guess that old man wasn't so worthless after all. Stupid old fool, he could easily have ruled this side of the Eastern mountains with weaponry like this but it takes a strong army to pick up the piece after a war, and he was the only one with forces enough to accomplish such a task. Maybe I'll make him chief technical advisor, or give him back his own house, complete with the woman of Modulus as a slave. Ideas of how to possibly transport the heavy weapon now occupied the warlord's mind, even as another blast of burning light tore through the sky and set the house shaking. The screams of his soldiers grew even louder and the house shook once more, even more violently than all the other trials before. Odd this one was though, the familiar streak of red was missing, replaced by a soft yellow glow as the high pitched screech of twisting metal rang in the warlord's ears. The shouts of battle grew all the louder and Enleo wonder what creature could possibly be so foolish to attack him in his own stronghold. Rising up out of his throne, he scowled to the empty room, he should have at least kept one messenger on call for emergencies. No matter, he would deal with this little annoyance, as he had with most of the dilemmas of his life, by himself, and grabbing one of Gero's smaller devices, he stalked towards the door. It was only at the last moments that he heard the hard pounding of heel against polished stone and the huge glided doors of the main hall swung opened, crashing against the plaster wall. Holding as stoic a stare as he could under the circumstance, he glared up at his battered valet dangling in the air, held from the scruff of his neck by a large, muscular man. Everything about the figure spoke of darkness, from the midnight hued armour that covered his chest to the olive pallor of his skin. Wild, pure black spikes fell over hard, ebony eyes, the promise of pain, death and chaos radiating from their depth. For the first time in Enleo's entire life, he took a step back in retreat, the bitter taste of fear filling his mouth. Caught in the gaze, the dismayed human gripping the handle of the personal size laser pistol, the slight movement drawing the creature's attention to the gun in Enleo's hand. A smirk formed on the darker man's face, and Enleo growled in rage, aiming his pistol at the other man's knee cap.

"Who in the hells are you?" He sneered, staring from those cold eyes, to Tioce's bruised face to the odd brown fur belt the man wore around his waist. A muted coughing relived the tension that disseminated between the two men, Enleo's attention once more drawn back to his head servant as the grip on his aide's neck loosen and he fell unceremoniously to the floor. Getting shakily to his feet, Tioce brushed himself off and stood proudly as if to announce the presence of a visiting dignitary. Sometimes the man's vocation truly went beyond that of reason.

"May I present to you, My Lord, Master Kakarott, the new Commander of Bushi house." Even in his dishevelled state, the proper man servant could not stray from the high breed manners with which he had been trained. If the situation had been different, if he had not just learned that the newest thorn in his side wasn't staring him in the face, he might have laughed at Tioce. But he was there, the tail once more grabbing his attention; so the stupid messenger was right after all, all of them were right. Meeting gazes with the wingless angel or flying man with a tail, he suddenly understood all of the grand proclamations as he was trapped in that stare, in eyes that truly knew no fear. Soon another coughing fit from Tioce broke the silence, the man asking if refreshments might be required for such a council as this; there were times when the man's propriety could vex a sage. Waving the man off, the stand off between the two power houses continued until the hinges of the door softly groaned, and they were alone. It had been several moments before either moved, Enleo too anxious to take his eyes off this new threat, the Saiyajin warrior too amused with his new challenge.

After being greeted by the lumbering, ineffectual attack of that heat weapon, he easily demolished the first obstacle in his way, and now he was looking at the first step to gaining the victory and obtaining his goal. To think that this man, this short, medium built human could do so much damage, could be feared and hated and vilified, was this 'Scourge of the Fates', the slayer of kings and butcher of thousands. How the crimes did not fit the criminal, of all of those lives, either taken by his hand or destroyed by his deeds was nothing more than a insecure human. Kakarott didn't know whether to laugh at the irony, or rip off the man's head for everything he had caused. Feeling his ki flow, he looked back into those burning black eyes, putting up a stalwart front but his fear and humiliation was obvious. The ball of his energy formed in the Saiyajin's large hand, all he had to do was flick it at one of the very open targets and all the pain this, this weakling had caused would be erased. Kakarott watched that large meaty hand grip tighten around the metallic handle of the measly pistol, it wouldn't even take a iota of his strength to kill him, like he had done to so many others. Looking back into those eyes, recognition eerily descended upon him as he remembered that look, that fear in all those eyes, all those people he had killed. Kami, the weight of this Enleo's crimes were nothing compared with his own, compared to the oceans of blood he had spilt in his time with the purging and recon troops. Even if he did kill him, it would not take away the pain, running away from misery only made it gnawed at you all the more, the shame and pain truly unbearable, his own life had taught him that. If he were to kill this man, it would only make the suffering fester all the more; sometimes the only cure for pain is more pain, he realised, the energy in his hand dispersing back into his body.

"I have come to officially declare war on your forces and those of your allies. In four days we will meet on the plains of Noi Tide, any and all forces you can muster against the combined armies of the houses of Bushi and Modulus."

"Strong words for a thing that looks like an ape, speaking on behalf of the little Amazonian bitch or do you actually have a spine attached to that tail? Do you think I really fear you, I have crushed armies under foot, I doubt you have no more than a thousand men at your disposal. What's the matter, chimp, is this some pissing contest you and the wench have, do you think you could possibly fare any better than she and her father did four years ago?" It was one of the hardest things the Royal Lieutenant had ever done, standing completely unemotional in the face of his enemy's condemnation, the desire to kill the pathetic human growing every moment he had to be in the same room with him. Emotions had always been a difficult area for him, the stoicism that defined most Saiyajin did not afflict him, or he was afflicted with greater emotions then most of his kind. Anger burned through his veins, all he needed was one good hit and it would all end…

"Words of reality from the one that just single-handedly destroyed your laser weapon, do not think such technology is new, or even invincible. Stupid human, this is not for the woman, but for power, something you must understand. We will fight for supremacy of this land mass, I am the last thing standing in your way, and you stand in mine and the winner of this contest gets Gaia. Agree or not, I do not care, I'll grind you into the ground like the worm you are; you're not even worthy to kiss my feet." Kakarott growled lightly, his tone thick with sarcasm as he mocked his opponent. A savage cry was ripped from Enleo's throat and his even tightening grip on the pistol's trigger finally snapped all the way and a bone jarring blast of the radiation created light beam screamed to life and hurtled towards the Saiyajin's form, only to find that space empty. A quick, knife hand attack hit both of his radii and the metal crashed to the floor. Finding himself even closer to that gaze, the primal instinct of fight or flight overwhelmed the human and taking the former, he lunged himself at the Saiyajin, no thought or reason behind the attack. In total contrast to the human that rushed towards him, Kakarott stood cold and confident, and at the last minute blurred out of human's rampage. Shocked at the sudden disappearance of his opponent, Enleo whipped around, his equilibrium rocking and was unprepared when the strong force of bone and muscle connected with his stomach, and a sharp stabbing pain screamed to life in his arm. He hit the floor and writhed in pain, every slight movement of his radius producing a sickening grounding sound in his ears. Gaining enough of his pride, the battered human got back up on his feet, his body shaking with pain and rage.

"You fucking bastard, fight me. You use some optical illusion to trick me then get in a couple of lucky shots in and you think you have won, I swear I'll …"

"I'm sure you'd like to try but your radius is fractured, and I will not fight a wounded enemy, not one this weak anyway. Gaoling isn't, know that you lost and so badly, it must be eating away inside of you right now. Well, if you will not fight me for power or honour, try and take your revenge then, human, if you dare."

"We will meet then, four days from now on the field of Noi Tide. When the sun is at its peak, we will see who is the stronger." Nodding in agreement, Kakarott smirked down at the human, smug superiority glowing from his eyes, and he bent down to retrieve the downed pistol, securing it inside his armour.

"I knew you would see reason, so it is set." Walking towards the towering bay window, the Saiyajin allowed his aura to surround him. "Don’t bother having someone show me out." And with that, the ki ball that had once been meant for the warlord now burned through the thin glass of the window, the huge outline of a circle visible against the flawless surface of the glass. The room was then filled with the harsh wail of the wind and the high pitched shattering of glass as the Saiyajin flew through the hole he had made, leaving Enleo alone with his rage. Stomping over to the door, he was less than surprised to see Tioce, standing faithfully by the door, a strip off his uniform blotting away the blood that trickled down the side of his face.

"Tioce, what in the name of the hells are you doing here?"

"My Lord, just in case you needed my services."

"There's no time for that, it would seem that the monkey has decided to finally show what a strong ape it is and fight against me. There is to be a battle, a bit more formal than I would have liked but in four days on the field of Noi Tide, us against them as it were."

"Noi Tide; but isn't …"

"Yes, such a stupid creature to propose the battle field at the same place where I defeated the forces of Bushi once before, I think we shall find that history might just repeat itself in this case too, except this time I'll destroy the entire family. I will not leave one descendant of the old Lord of Bushi alive to haunt me again. Now, I have some errands for you to take care of for me, I see now that I will definitely require the services of the Coltello, so send a messenger to Sauvage woods, a reliable one. I will also require another pulse canon, as, that thing has informed me it has been destroyed. Tell them to build something stronger, and a way to transport it, what good is a weapon like that if you can't transport it. And see if you can get the attention of the 'great master tech' Gero, he had mentioned something about a plan and right now I will need every edge I can get to succeed."

"Yes, sir."


The Sun had risen to one-third of its way through the sky when he finally left that abomination of a place; the air was so thick with death, he doubted anything could remove the smell of burnt and decaying flesh. It was once a heady smell, reminding him of battle and victory; now it was linked with murder and chaos and death. Now, it was nothing more that an lingering aroma in his nostrils, and his ears were filled with the shouts of men, hurrying and scurrying to repair the damage, and to prepare. And so must he, prepare to meet his foe. That weapon would be a problem; as crude as it might have been in his eyes, it was still effective. He could take care of any large canons, but the smaller one; the handheld ones could cause trouble. He would possibly need new armour, stronger weapons, he didn't know anything about how the wars on this planet were fought, but he knew that he would need the assistance of those teches. Now to the second step, how do deal with the sheer number of enemies; numerically the odds weren't on his side, even with the soldiers' skill to be considered it would be difficult. It had been his experience though that men fought harder when it was their homes and loved ones at stake; maybe he had more soldiers than had originally assumed. Pausing for one last look at the gothic monstrosity, he growled in anger as his eyes beheld the severed heads that hung from the portcullis and the chard remains of a corpse impaled on a large wooden spike. He vowed then and there; when he defeated the owner of this palace, he would burn this abomination to the ground.


If you don't think I'll fight you, Vegita, you have greatly underestimated me, Bulma thought, resolving as she walked down the marble hallway. With every step towards her study she felt it getting stronger, that overriding sense of nervousness, fear, anticipation and bliss. It had been with her all day, that odd mixture of dread and delight at the back of her mind that had been there since she had woken up; and she knew he felt it too. I'm tired of you hiding from me, Vegita, you did something last night and I want to know, I want to know what happened to me, to us.

It was with a confused mind and a light heart that she remembered the night before, so close to death, she could feel the very life force draining out of her, and he came back to her, saved her, and had, had. Fates, she could still hear that strange song in her ears. Never had she felt so confused and happy as she had when she had awoken that morning, the memory of his lovemaking and the strange growling, and what he had asked of her. The words still burned through her consciousness; she had known he had asked her something in that weird language, those growls that were as foreign as the man was himself and yet familiar as Vegita had become to her over their time together. Whatever he had asked of her she had answered and then that burning, wondrous, all consuming passion took over and everything changed. Feeling enclosed in those warm sheets, she opened her eyes and beheld the other side of her bed, empty of his presence, all but his scent and the indentation of his head upon the pillow as proof that he had come to her that night. She sighed softly and ran her hand across vacant sheets, the warmth from his body still evident, it definitely had not been a dream, but what did it mean? Looking over at her bookshelf, it appeared barren to her eyes, most of the books were down in her lab, used as reference material as she plugged away for hours, in an attempt to stave off the man that she only last night welcomed with opened arms. She shivered at the thought of what drove her to that level of desperation, if in the light of day their feud was still the reality and the night before just a stay of execution. Remembering one of his favourite tricks, she slowly turned about the room, peering into the corners where the rays of the Sun had not touch; nope, she was alone and that feeling, a dulled version of that agony and ecstasy from the night before pulled at her. He was still in the house, a sharp image of him in the training room with her soldiers flashed before her eyes; focusing on his face, she looked puzzled at the smirk that spread over his face as he explained and demonstrated a technique to the eager humans before him. Suddenly, his head jerked up and he stared out into space, his eyes staring right at her and burned, the link between them jarred through her and she gasped at the intensity. For the briefest of moments, she felt as if he was with her, his essence all around her and the questions that plagued her flew from her mind, only to have the connection snapped and her alone once more in her room. It was amazing how quickly the hostilities ended between them, well, at the point of life or death. He still had a lot of explaining to do and from what it appeared in her vision, he intended to stick around. Noticing her nakedness for the first time, she scowled, wondering if that was why he had such an expression on his face, and walked towards her closet and grabbing a robe to cover herself with. Growling harshly about stupid men and their libidos, she was caught off guard by a knock against the hard oak door, could he have come back?

"My Mistress, are you awake?" The voice was soft and respectful, completely in contrast to its owner, Bulma thought, not being able to keep the smile off her face. She should have known it could not possibly have been the Saiyajin Prince, he would have never bothered to knock.

"Hai, Dessai, and you may enter." The blue haired woman couldn't keep the amusement from her voice at the thought of Vegita knocking at her door or asking for her permission on anything. The door slowly creaked open and Bulma found herself in the company of the disobedient but loyal servant. Bowing to her Mistress, Dassai's expression was much like Bulma's, the silly, mischievous grin that suited the maroon haired girl so well.

"I was informed by the Master a few moments ago that you had awaken and was instructed that you should be taken to the bathing chambers, as you obviously needed one, with your hair looking as it did." Dessai watched transfixed as the metamorphosis from smiling to enrage took place before her.

"Why that, over bearing, arrogant ass, who the hell is he to talk about anyone's hair?" Bulma fumed, the colour rising in her cheeks and her graceful hands clenching into fists. How dare he, even if she did look a mess he didn't have to say such a thing. Assuming he was still in the training room, she growled and started to the door, half a mind to walk down there and chew him out for such insolence.

"I was also told, my Lady, to inform you that he needs you to continue your work, building weapons for the battle that is coming. I gathered that Bushi is still going through with their declaration of war against Enleo and there is to be a full out war in the very near future. I'm suppose to attend you and get you anything that is needed, and keep you away from him until he is finished with his business today." The smirk widened across Dessai's face and she could hardly contain her chuckle.

"He figured the loudest, most disobedient slave in the house was the best one to attend to the loudest, most disobedient woman on the planet." Bulma stared back at her barely composed servant and started to laugh herself, just picturing Vegita giving such a command, trying to look high and mighty to Dessai as she mocked him behind his back. After so much hardship over the last few days she laughed with an openness and ease that she had forgotten had existed; she was safe and her servants were safe, it was wonderful to have that serenity throughout the house once more. But even that mood would come to an end, war was coming and the pain, misery and death that came with it and she must prepare to face her old nightmare again, this time her technology and brain against his own. And Vegita, he would be there, fighting for her side, against her enemies; amazing how things work out in the end.

"Well, how dreadful if we did not carry out the 'Master's' orders." Bulma purred out, her tone ringing with sarcasm and amusement. "If I don't get a chance to wash my hair it will end up looking like our resident Prince's." Walking to the door, she followed Dessai lead as the young servant bowed and ushered her Mistress towards the hall.

After that, the day went very quickly, Dessai by her side as the young girl told her of everything that had gone on during her captivity in the Kennel and imprisonment in her lab over the last week. It seemed as if the new Master of Bushi had, much to the astonishment of his newly acquired warriors, declared war on Enleo and set a date for a battle, determined to defeat the warlord, and as far as Dessai had heard, he had meant to become not the tyrant as Enleo had been, but a benevolent ruler. Shocked that any Saiyajin could think of an action beyond themselves, even if it did have to do with fighting, the very irony of the situation perplexed her. Unless Vegita's boasts had only been for show, he was the Prince and therefore this other Saiyajin was by all rights his underling, so why was the fight against Enleo in the name of Bushi and not of the Saiyajin Prince? Why, if the other Saiyajin was to win, was he to be made the ruler of Gaia? It was beyond Bulma's comprehension of her knowledge of the Saiyajins, to understand what this all meant. Against the horrors of purging squads and the nightmare that had been Vegita's childhood and the general aggressiveness of Saiyajin culture, it would actually seem that these two specimens of the race got along. That link that now existed between the two souls drew taught again, making its presence known to the human woman, a flash of a hard fought battle before a million enthralled eyes, followed immediately by calming sight of an old friend that she had never known. Some time during that day, she felt Vegita's presence leave the house, and something inexplicably that he had gone to fight against that other Saiyajin; fates only knew what condition he'd be in when he got back. Maybe friendship did exist between these creatures; sometimes she didn't know what was more confusing, the Saiyajin race itself or men in general.

"A little from column A, a little from column B." Her soft reflective voice echoed in the silent hall, the white walls and mauve marble tinted a warm gold as the sun grew lower in the sky and she stopped in her track to admire the view. Even as she immersed herself in the tranquillity of the scene, the uncertain nature of her future crept upon her; what would become on her now, now that she had accepted Vegita? She didn't doubt that there was something there now, it would seem she was one of the only ones would hadn't been aware that there was, but now neither of them could deny it. She had assumed that she was now free, or that she was no longer his slave; in any case he had not confined her to the Kennels and made her fulfil his every whim, she had been given as much freedom as if she were the Mistress once again. Thoughts of being Vegita's equal, of standing by his side as a queen formed in her imagination and she allowed the fantasy to play out for her, ending the fairy tale when the players began to act as if they were Kaissa piece for her brother to manipulate. She did not want that life, after the mess that her life had become her needs had become simple and few, just her work and the right to rule herself, even that was going to be taken away from her if Vegita wished; life was so unfair sometimes. If it had come true, that she had found someone who was her equal, would he accept her as his? Even if he did, this existence that she had forged for herself was truly over. What if the ship did come back, if he went back to his own planet; ha, when would be more like it, would she be welcomed, or would she just become a fancy, high borne slave girl for his amusement? From the sounds of it, women and weaker species were not looked upon with any kind of respect; the worst of it was, if he was offering her that world over her own she couldn't honestly say she wouldn't go with him. The threat of lobotomy and a life as a mindless drone scared her worse than any torture that Gero or Enleo could create, but maybe ignorance really could be bliss, and maybe, if she was with him. No, how could she give up so easily, take the route of self death, she had fought against him when he tried to take away her pride, was she just now going to give up her very soul to him? It all came down to what she wanted more, companionship or freedom, and while in her mind the choice was an obvious one, in that swirling mass that was her emotions, the two sides clashed vehemently. Avoiding these thoughts for most of the day, all the uncertainty washed over her, and she leaned against the wall, her strength rapidly deserting her. Thoughts of running, of trying to start a new life, maybe going to Ar, or becoming a peasant or anything, just to end this dilemma. It hit her then, that wondrously frightening feeling of two souls becoming one, and she felt his presence, looked out of his eyes into the heart of her study. She stood up straight then, not willing to allow him to see her as a weakling; her eyes widening when his deep throaty laughter filled her head, and whispered, almost lovingly, the word 'Coward'. It was gone in an instant and Bulma slumped at the loss, panting deeply to recover from these emotions that she could not understand, and that burning tension that filled her whenever she could sense his presence or hear his voice. A voice that was laughing at her, she growled, the passion converted quickly to a passionate rage. How dare he call her a coward, she wasn't the one who ran out on him, forgetting that at that time they were still enemies. Getting back to her feet, she continued on her path with new purpose, whatever her fate might be, she would rise to met it, tired of hiding and allowing others to dictate to her what her future should be. She didn't slow in her progress until she was met with the thick intimidating door of her study. Pausing, she considered knocking to announce her presence, and threw it away and pushed open the door and walked in, not showing an iota of the fear or anxiety that had plagued her before. Besides, she thought to herself, it wasn't as if didn't realise that she was coming. The room glowed gold and red, the sun in the distance illuminating the room, and there, casting his shadow across the floor, his hair like an ebony flame, his compact body tense and his arms crossed as he watched the world from her study window. He was without his armour, his body suit moulded perfectly to his powerfully built body, though she noticed how he favoured one arm. The link was strong now, their proximity to one another allowing the intangible bond to leap between them, and she held her arms to her body, a sharp pain shooting through her ribs and shoulder for a second before it disappeared.

"You didn't knock." That low rumbling baritone from just a few moments ago appeared again, a shiver passed down her spine; the blissful sensation whenever she heard his voice flowed over her and somehow, she doubted that would ever change. Still angry with the way he had laughed at her, she allowed a little smile out, and breathed in deep, catching a hint of his smell in the air. All the while, the Saiyajin continued to keep his back to her, anything he could to invoke her anger and she squared her shoulders and prepared to defend herself and finally get some answers.

"I didn't think I had to knock in my own house, or was I actually able to surprise you, 'My Prince'? Did I interrupt your brooding?"

"How easily you forget, Simleag, this is my house, I can go where and when I please and you will remember your place."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, 'My Lord', I guess you were the one who bought this house and built it up to the standing that it is today. I guess it also must have slipped my mind but I was unaware of what position I now possess in YOUR house." Her voice heavy with anger and bitterness, she swallowed hard when those midnight eyes turned in her direction, piercing through her gaze and she felt frozen with fear. Stupid girl, just because you are out of the Kennel doesn't mean that this man isn't dangerous, or that you are completely safe.

"I guess I should have also added a short memory when I was pointing out your more admirable traits to that insolent slave girl this morning. Your position is as it was when I took control of this house, or have you forgotten? I have given you free reign in your lab for the purpose of preparing this house for the challenges of war, and I needed someone with higher knowledge of mechanics to work on our side, and I only want the best." Supreme confidence burned from his eyes, his words so calm and yet said with such annoyance; Bulma didn't know why but she could tell there was more than the mere words he spoke.

"You're lying."

"You dare to question my words, wench?"

"Oh, I heard you fine, but did you? Your words now and your actions the other night contradict each other too greatly for me to believe anything you say. What is the matter, Saiyajin no Ouji; what is it about the truth that scares you so?" Caught in the sudden glare to the setting sun, a gasp escaped Bulma's mouth as Vegita's form disappeared, only to reappear in front of her, his body hard against her own; his hands secured around her back while one held her neck. Those burning inky depths promising every measure of torture that he had promised during his captivity and after but with a new element that she had never witnessed before. It was like a watching a battle rage in his eyes, and by some great miracle, she could see into that war, his internal struggle, the titanic forces of Vegita's will and pride at war… for her?

"I see not even being near death you could pound some sense into, or has made you any wiser, wench. You forget, if I wish, I could crush you by merely tightening of my fingers, kill every member of this house without a second thought, eradicate this entire planet with a fraction of my ki and you think I fear words, you know nothing!"

"Then why did you save me, why haven't you destroyed this house, this planet? Why were you so gentle with me last night and screaming at me now, is this some kind of great game to you? Do you think I like having you in my head, hearing you laugh at my humanity and insecurities, and yet you cannot stand the same treatment. You did something to me, and I want you to tell me, what happened last night?" With every question, every breath that came from Bulma's mouth, the volume of her voice rose higher and higher until she was screaming in the Saiyajin Prince's face, her eyes shining and her cheeks flushed with her fury. Taking the element of surprise once more, Bulma's couldn't even gasp out this time as his mouth covered hers and he kissed her savagely, ravaging her mouth and drawing her even closer to his hard frame. Wide eyed in surprise, she at first fought against this new assault on her senses and then gave in, running her fingers through his spiky black hair. The air seemed to grow thicker with their contact and that link, like a chain that drew them together, the wildness infecting her and she saw him from the inside out, saw the conflict, the pain, and excruciating need for her.

"Cuibhreach." she moaned when his lips left hers to map the delicate curve if her neck and he froze at the sound, backing away from her, the fear she accused him of having evident in his wild eyes. It was only when the level of his fear registered to her that she pulled herself out of the wonderful lethargy that his touch produced.

"Please, you have to tell me, what has happened? You can't lie to me, Vegita, I can feel it, I can feel everything, I see a life I have never lived and know of things that I have never seen or heard about but they are as clear to me as if I had seen them with my own eyes. I don't know what to make of all of this, but I know that there is something there, between you and me, and I want to know." Kami damned stupid bond, what had he been thinking creating it. Ha, he was fooling himself, it was there almost from the beginning, searching back in his memory he could see that the dangerous seeds were sewn early on, it was only recently that they had become too strong to bear. No, he had merely given recognition of its existence and made it whole, and joined them, through all channels; what had he been thinking? Hmmm, that was it, he hadn't, he had seen her in danger, the tremors of her fear as real as if he were in his body and the protection instinct took over. Even after, his hormones got the better of him, how could they not with her challenging him, fighting against him to claim equality by his side. Proud woman, so like himself it was scary. And then, oh Kami, that song, her body, the bond made flesh and blood, even now he could smell the child's influences on her; it was taking all his concentration not to do what he had last night and take her again. Even his lips had her taste on it, damn weakness, damn hormones, damn her. What was he suppose to do with her now, by every right of the Saiyajin they were one, mates for life; the bond had gone farther and made them mates for eternity, but his people would never accept her. All through the day he had snatched hints of her thoughts, his genuine curiosity about the woman he had chained his own soul to could not be denied and her concerns become his own. She was so fragile, what would happen to her when she reached Vegitasei, the gravity, the air, anything might kill her. He would definitely have to keep her away from his father, not wishing to even think of the old bastard getting his hands near her. And his people, they would never accept her, though, maybe he was doing them and her a disservice, remembering Kakarott's reaction at the guard's first glimpse of her. Beyond what her power level might be, she still carried the heir to the throne, and if the brat's ki had the even a half of the potential he had, no one would question her right to reign by his side. As to the other half of her concern, he didn't know what to even make of it, this fixation she had on freedom and independence; silly human, everyone is a subject of their instincts, no one is truly free beyond the laws of nature. Weird concepts they have, these Gaians, this grand desire to be free, though maybe free for yourself. I guess they are not so odd after all, recalling his own wishes to escape the suffocation that was the court life on Vegitasei, but to give it a name and a limit to an all consuming desire; what an odd species. And even though he knew her inside and out, it was still a stranger that stood before him, an unknown force that he had tied himself to for all eternity. Against his nature, he sighed in understanding and defeat, and resolved to know the woman who had he agreed to live his life with.

"What do you wish to know?"

"Anything you can tell me." Her soft pink lips formed a small smile of support, knowing the battle that had gone on within him, what it cost him in pride to say those words. Walking up to him, she eased herself into his loose embrace and smoothed her hands over the hard plains of his chest.

"I want to know who you are, as it would seem that we are stuck with one another." Crafty woman had pulled more out of his thoughts than he had realised, but she was not without her own great gifts; the sight they had called it.

"You do not know what you have gotten yourself into, you do not know who or what I am."

"I guess we'll have to start at the beginning." and stepping just slightly out of his embrace, she extended her open palm to him.

"My name is Bulma of Modulus, master technician and inhabitant of the planet Gaia. Who are you?" Looking incredulously at the woman, he soon grasped the concept and took her slender hand into his own glove one.

"I am the Crown Prince Vegita of the Planet Vegitasei." Releasing his hand, she walked to one of the soft lounges and he joined her, sitting down and bringing her into his lap, Bulma relaxing against him, resting her head on his warm uninjured shoulder. In all the interactions that they had ever had, all the time they spent with one another, this was the first time they ever talked, truly and without boundary talked about anything. The suns rays slowly dipped below the horizon, they asked every question that had burned between them since their first meeting, about the other person's lives, every curiosity Bulma had about Vegitasei, what it would it be like on the planet, about the bond, about the difficulties they would have. They discussed the obstacles that would be faced, mostly those of a physical nature for Bulma, the differences in air, gravity, climate, and culture on Vegita's home planet. She took in, with more than a little squeamishness, the details of the ascension of the royal line, trying not to think of the possibility when her future sons would come of age. And he asked her about her life, her inventions, the ideas that had whirled in her head, the hardships of her enslavement with the terrible knowledge of her family's death and the collar that was the cause. Bulma could feel the tension return in his body at the mention of the object that had brought him such misery and she said in words, so soft they were a whisper against his skin, apologising to him for the wrongs of that time, begging his forgiveness. The gentle easy tone of his voices soothed the anxiety from Bulma's mind, seeing truly for the first time the depths of Vegita's intelligence, as he talked of her of the possibility of a future together. The fearlessness and stubbornness that he displayed against all odds was just as strong now to ensure that no harm came to her, his tone and manner exhibiting the utmost confidence, while through that link she could sense his fear. The growing sliver of the smaller Moon was high in the sky as exhaustion encroached upon the pair. Nuzzling up to her Prince, Bulma closed her eyes, whispering to him as she fell asleep.

"We’ll find a way to make it work." Laying back on the warm couch, Vegita just considered all that had happened in such a short time, as Bulma's body laid wrapped in his arms. Looking down on her peaceful face, he knew from his own experiences of life on Vegitsei what the road ahead would be like, what she would have to face. Rubbing her back, the Saiyajin allowed himself to relax, if only a little; he now understood this woman a little better, even if her species and sex was still, in general, a great mystery to him.

"We'll find a way to make it work." he repeated to himself, joining his new mate in slumber.


It was funny how situations repeat themselves, only a few days ago he was standing here, listening blankly as a young boy told him this sad tale, right before he was about to hunt down his rescuer for sport. Now, looking out with pride at something no Saiyajin should looked at with anything by contempt, he watched the loading of first shipment of weaponry and soldiers to the outlining villages in the area. To think that a Saiyajin warrior with any kind of power would give it away to weaklings, it was a travesty, but when had he ever gone with what suppose to be expected of him.

"My Lord, the ki weaponry is secured; are you sure you want to do this? The people of Am Faoilleach, those of the outskirts of your land, they are farmers, crafts people, labourers; they aren't warriors. I trust your judgement, sir, and I know that all the men and I would march into the hells themselves if we thought we could win but, these people. They aren't part of this, they have families, wives, children, and you are leading them to their deaths." Kreden finally spoke, voicing the concern that had been present since Kakarott had announced this plan.

"Aren't they warriors? You have no idea the sort of battles I've fought, or what I've done in my life, but don't discount those people out there. They will fight, for their homes, their wives, their husbands," he paused for a reflective moment. "Their children, and will fight with more passion than any hired soldier for those reasons alone. They have suffered as you, and they deserve their chance to fight. Did you not hear that boy, five days ago? He was not a warrior, not with any sort of professional training, and you did not hesitate to consider him an ally, wish him well when he and the convoy went back two days ago? They deserve the same chance to defend their homes as the rebels have theirs, even if it is as sharp shooters." The glint of awareness shone in Kreden's eyes, he didn't think his new Master would take the chance of allowing untrained civilians to fight, but as sharp shooters, weeding down the ranks of Enleo's men; it was a move the old Master would have made.

"A wise decision then sir, many in the village are good with the simple weapon of long bow and arrow, it might take some practice but the ki weapons of the Mistress Modulus are light and easy to man, it shall be interesting."

"Yes." Kakarott replied, an absence in his voice as his eyes merely stared off after the departing carrier. Kreden regarded his superior with bewilderment, the inner workings of this creature's mind beyond his own understanding. It was with a sense of awe though as he watched the progression towards the village, the carrier that would once have been made of wood now gleamed brightly in the early morning sun, the glinting metal a wonder to see. Most impressive of all, the whirling of the small engines tripled the carrier's speed, a simple invention the teches working on the pods had come up with it. It truly was an amazing world he lived in, a shame that all this invention and achievement came only from the pursuit of war. Turning back to his silence leader, the second in command cleared his throat, jarring the Saiyajin from his meditative gaze.

"If you would allow me, sir, I'd think it might be good to restock our food stuffs and supplies. If something should go wrong in battle, and there is a siege, we would not last the winter on what we have. Besides, we would not last the winter anyway, My Lord. I'm afraid you've made quite a dent in our stores." Despite the sombre expression on his face, Kakarott couldn't help but let a small smile escape on that one; nice to know his attempts at levity had not gone in vain.

"Fine. Take a squad of men and hunt as much game as you can. There is another transport headed for the village before noon, I think it would be a good manoeuvre if ChiChi were to go into town and purchase how ever much grain and vegetables that are necessary. If anyone can boast the morale of the people, it would be the symbol of the rebellion, and who else would know how much food is needed to feed a house of warriors?" Giving his curt reply, Kreden excused himself to gather the hunting party together. Kakarott had almost been a second away from joining in, but thought against it; hunting had lost its appeal for the moment. Besides, he still had one more piece of the puzzle to put together. Turning his back to the activity of the yard, his mind was set on the small workroom in the lower pits of the fortress, crammed with spare mechanical parts and glowing from the illumination of a hundred multi-coloured lights.

It was a great mystery to Kakarott why he had allowed the human scientists to continue their work on the Prince's pod; at the time, the only thoughts had been to return to the ship and back to the home world, back to the drudgery of life on Vegitasei. Down through the endless corridors, he now had a different purpose, something so utterly un-Saiyajin; he could just see the look of contempt on Nappa's face. He wondered sometimes of the plan; he could easily wipe out this pitiful humans entire military forces by himself, my Kami, if the Prince decided to help him it would not take more than an hour. At first he had considered that as the most likely option, but this was not just a battle to win some piece of property, no matter what lie he told to provoke that human into accepting this challenge, it was a war of revenge, his little Amazon had said as much. These people, they did not fight for profit or reward, just the reward of life and the promise of peace, and to avenge those that had died. He knew no matter how many oaths he made them swear, they would not accept him if he did not allow them to fight their enemies, to win back their honour; such a warrior's notion. He would fight as he could, ensure that the casualties on his own side were as small as possible but he must lead them into battle, not fight it for them. And for that he would need weapons, and the help of those two humans. Standing at the door for a moment, he finally cleared his throat, watching in amusement as they jumped a foot at the break in the silence. Bowing their respect, the master tech walked towards him; he had guts, that one, it could almost make up for Kakarott thinking that he was ChiChi's lover.

"I have an assignment for you."

"I believe you are mistaken, we do not work for you, only the Mistress ChiChi, and the Mistress of Modulus." the man answered back in a calm, matter-of-fact tone.

"I think you are mistaken, I have won this house and all that was once the Mistress ChiChi's has been forfeited to me."

"Our oaths were given only to the Mistress ChiChi, not to the house of Bushi, and as you are clearly not the Mistress ChiChi, we owe you nothing." This was going to be more difficult than he had first anticipated.

"Fine, then I will ask you, who were you working for when you built the carrier and the engine to run it?" There was a moment in all battles, a second in time where, no matter the strategy or playing field, the point of victory was in sight. Unable to hide the smirk from his face, Kakarott watched in interest as the match descended to its obvious conclusion, his human counterpart paling as he too realised his mistake.

"We were working for ourselves, as members of both Modulus and Bushi, we too are enemies of Enleo and Okazaki. We build for ourselves for the war effort and what will help those that have earned our oaths." I guess even with such a large blow to their argument, this human still fights; how very Saiyajin of them.

"Then I see we are both in agreement, we both at least have a common enemy and a common goal, I want to defeat these two powers as much as you do, and I want to see what you can come with to aid in this common goal. I have seen some of the defence systems, headed mainly be a heat cannon or a laser pulse gun, both in large canon form and a hand held version." Digging under the plating of his black armour, he pulled out a small pistol and threw it lightly into the watching hands of the tech.

"Think of it as a gift, or a peace offering if you wish. I want to know how it works: the power source: what is its damage capacity, what materials can it pierce, what might be able to deflect it, what weakness it might have in design, mechanism?"

"Why? Do you want us to recreate it?" The sceptical sentiment accusing the Saiyajin of being as ruthless and devious as the man he had stolen the pistol from.

"No," his voice so soft and full of deeper knowledge Sar'in hardly recognised it. "I want you to produce an amour that will protect against it." One look into the tech's grey eyes, the solemn nature of his stare that descended to the contraption in his hands; funny how Sar'in's look of defeat resembled his own of victory, reluctantly content.

"The battle is in three days, I know it is not much time but whatever you could tell me, and what ever defence you can come up with to go against it is all I need." Nodding in response to his new task, the shorter human turned back to his work bench and grabbed a collection of small screw drivers and a small acetylene welding torch.

"Sir," the younger tech finally interjected, gulping when the Saiyajin's harsh black stare levelled on him. "What do you want us to do with the pods? The first one is almost completely repaired, just a few adjustments to be made to the gravity settings and the frequencies for the communication link. Yours is completely operational, I'm yet to configure the chamber's life system for human use, the gravity settings are much too high, they take up more energy than the navigational systems alone."

"It is the set to the gravitational force on my home planet." Kakarott replied with a smirk.

"You're planet's gravity is ten times that of Gaia's, no wonder you Saiyajins are so strong."

"Yes, well, do whatever you can to make sure those things can fly, I trust you can make the necessary adjustments and do not do anything with the communication link until I specifically requested, and if turn off the homing device."

"Yes, sir, but I was also thinking, the outer shelf, it might be a good starting point to find a material that is impervious to the heat canon. For the pods to make the sort of landings that they do, the outer level or coating of the ship must be able to handle the greatest extremes of heat to not burn up on the entry into the atmosphere…" It truly was déjà vu, standing before a young naïve slave, whose mind might have been beyond that of a man twice his age, but his mouth that of a chatty woman. The Saiyajin warrior could feel the abject boredom he had suffered when first learning of the Prince's fate on the ship coming over him, his head beginning to pound in response. Please Kami, if you can give me any … he couldn't even finish his intended thought as the shouts of surprise and the blaring of that ki weaponry rang in his ears. Kami was truly smiling on him today. Kakarott knew who it was the minute he caught the signal of the unmistakable ki approaching, no matter how much he tried to hide it, but from the shouts of the soldiers, it would seem that he'd already made his presence known. In less than a second he was gone from the stifling room and the insanity of that technician's babbling, up through the dimly lit, stone halls and back out into the blazing light of the late morning. Before him was a scene of pure chaos; ten of his well trained warriors laid sprawled on the ground, while another twenty stood at the ready, ki pistols in hand, all to defeat the one man. And there, standing as proudly as if he had bested a member of the Ginyu force, with nary a scratch of scorch mark on his person, stood Vegita; the smug, arrogant look plastered to his face. Passing over the figure that stood transfixed in the doorway, the Prince moved his eyes over the frightened men that had taken up battle positions around him, scrutinising them and their inability. A loud groan and the shuffling of flesh against gravel broke the draw between Vegita and the human troops of Bushi, and with that same familiar grin, the Saiyajin raised his hand, and a blue-white light radiated from his palm. Unaware of his fate, the man blinked furiously to restore his vision, and staring back at his attacker, his brown eyes grew wide in fear and the man unabashedly feel to his knees, pleading with the better warrior for mercy. Preparing himself to strike his Prince in defence of his men, Kakarott and the whole yard of troops watched in amazement as Vegita lowered his hand, the ki dissipating back into the warrior's aura.

"Good to know that your soldiers have such respect for their betters, even if their commander doesn't have the same sense. They must have picked up some of your stupidity though, to think they could attack me with their pitiful toys." Those pure black eyes darted back over his slowly recovering victims, to the stunned troops looking over his handy work and finally resting once more on his fellow Saiyajin.

"You looked shocked, Kakarott, are you telling me you couldn't feel me coming; I hope you are more aware when you do into battle. I had hoped that we could have just gone to spar, but it might seem that I might have hit you harder on the head than I had realised." Walking out from under the cover of the gaping doorway, the black garbed Saiyajin approached the shorter royal figure. Getting down on one knee, Kakarott raised a clenched fist to his chest in the traditional salute of the Saiyajin military. The yard was silent but for the light rumbling of gravel and the two Saiyajins stood across from one another, the obvious difference in height confusing the men of Bushi all the more. That this short, tailed man could be Master Kakarott's superior produced a collective shutter through many of the guards; considering the level of power this new being must have if even Master Kakarott bowed to him in reverence.

"I had thought, My Prince, with your injuries you would prefer to not spar today," the Saiyajin guard proclaimed loudly, "or at least not with me." The implication was barely above a whisper; damn it, was it that easy to figure out. An almost inaudible growl sounded low in Vegita's throat, damn woman, as if her thoughts were in his head, he couldn't even get her scent off his body. Hmphing indifferently at the comment, not acknowledging or denying the claim, but shrugged his non-injured shoulder and growled out in the same low tone.

"At least I'm getting some." Kakarott just started blankly at his fellow Saiyajin, not revealing in any way how those words had affected him. Vegita and he had never gotten into discussions over women; fighting was the primary focus of both of their lives, and women, short of female fighters were just not an issue. Under any other circumstances, he might have found this discussion amusing, the Prince of the Saiyajins discussing sex, but he feared more the punishment the woman might have received. He knew about the harem, and that Vegita did use the abominations that were the pleasure slaves, he could only imagine what that girl might have been going through. Such is the side effects of caring, caring about these humans, even if they deserve the punishment they would receive. Of course, what would happen to this girl when he gained control of Gaia, would she be a citizen under himself, or would Vegita take her back; Kami, if the King caught sight of her. A low grunt broke him from his reverie, and Kakarott's attention snapped back to the impatient monarch before him, arms crossed in his traditional pose; though, there was a certain amount of nursing to that left arm. Coming to his senses, he decided he would have to discuss the matter with his Prince, besides, he was yet to win this war, and that was the point now.


It had been at the moment when the tensions of the scene from the courtyard had finally ebbed and eased from both men's mind that it came, for once too fast for Kakarott to stop it. Rounding a corner towards the main conference area of the house to reveal his plans to Vegita, the rock of his new existence ran smack into the every symbol of his old when ChiChi, leading a small band of warriors to the training room ran straight into Vegita. His skin paled as he looked from his stunned and easily angered Prince to the downed human woman, he knew the time would come when either would want to meet but he always put it in the back of his mind, something to worry about when the time came. As it stood, he was still under Vegita's command, and if ChiChi showed any of the disrespect she showed to him to the Prince, it would be his obligation to kill her if he was commanded to do so.

"What's the big idea, who in the hells is carrying around a brick wall with them?" Concentrating more on the sharp pain in her side and buttocks, ChiChi broke the strained silence in her typical manner and Kakarott could help but look angrily at her behaviour. Finally staring forward at the force that knocked her on her butt, her annoyance turned to fear as her deep brown eyes were met by the coal black stare of the Saiyajin no Ouji. It took a second for her to register anything beyond the fear that she felt, staring into those eyes, but as she saw the tail, she knew, this was the creature that Kakarott had been sent to find, his superior.

"You should learn to hold your tongue, bitch, or you'll be making a fine mess on the wall; do you know who you are talking too?" Why was she so curse with overweening pride, or just an angry disposition; all she knew was that she couldn't let him get away with saying such things about her. Ignoring the pleading looks from the other member of his race that stood at his flank, ChiChi let her mouth get her into trouble once again.

"I'm talking to the Mistress of Modulus' lap dog, a disobedient monkey that broke its collar. And you might think that you can just rip us all apart but if you think I'm afraid of you, you're insane. What's the matter, had she curbed you well enough or have you raped her enough that you deem to let me off with a quick and painless death." Screaming those words, she felt detached from herself, unable of reigning in her insults and accusations or allow her common sense to take over. Getting quickly to her feet, she was instantly thrown back to the ground once more as a blue white aura exploded around the shorter of the two Saiyajins, the force knocking her off her feet and she dared to open her eyes once more. All the bravado and arrogance drained out of her as she was met by those eyes once more, now burning with fury and levelling a ki ball at her head.

"Oh, it'll be a fairly quick death but it will definitely not be painless!" Vegita watch her coldly as her eyes clenched with fear and she tensed herself up, not even willing to face the death that she earned. That this weakling bitch would dare say such things about him, dare to mention his imprisonment in that fucking collar, for that alone she deserved to die. But even those comments had not burned him as badly as the accusation that he raped the little human technician, the words cutting all the more because he had come so close to performing such a deed that the bitch's words were more truth than he was willing to handle. A tiny whimper left the girl's mouth, the sound so like that of Bulma when he had hurt her, and he prepared to fire his attack; this time Kakarott was fast enough.

It was several moments after she had accepted her painful fate before she opened her eyes to see what was the delay. Expecting to see the harsh, cold blue-white light, her eyes took in only the warm glow of yellow, and an impossibly strong figure tower over her like a wall between herself and her death. Straining her senses against the backlash of the energy field, she tried to pick up on their conversation.

"Kakarott, you dare?"

"Please, Vegita, she is merely a soldier in my army, she has no power more than the bite of her tongue. She used to be the leader of these warriors and now that I have claimed power, she still thinks of herself as the Mistress of this house. She is harmless and it was my fault that she has not been properly disciplined and the punishment should be mine for my failure. If you would Ouji-sama." What she wouldn't have given to see the expressions on both of their faces, but she didn't question it when the two auras suddenly dropped off and she was confronted with another set of Saiyajin eyes. She couldn't keep the gratitude from her gaze and was a little lightened by the flicker of relief she saw in those coal black depths.

"I trust you will take care of the matter of curbing the bitch's tongue at your own leisure, but I would rather see this grand battle design you have." And turning his back on Kakarott, he continued his tirade, the arrogance heavy in his voice. "Afterwards you will receive your punishment for defying me." And with that, he walked off down the hall, not a backwards glance to see if his companion was following. She didn't know what ripped her apart worse now, the thought that he now controlled her, or that she was in his debt. Not without her punishment, she realised, looking up again at that ebony gaze.

"Go, little Amazon, you have been given a pardon by the Prince of the Saiyajins and I will not do anything against you myself. Go, I would imagine that you were in a hurry for a reason but I would ask that you go find Kreden before he leaves for his hunt, I have a small errand for you." Before she could even form a reply to this most unexpected statement, the tailed man was turning the corner to follow his comrade. Stopping for a moment, he flashed her a warm, completely heartfelt smile only to blur out of her sight.

"What do we do now, Mistress?" Shaking herself out of her stupor, she once again got to her feet, brushing of the dust from her clothes.

"You heard the Master, we go and train, and none of you talk about what you just saw, we don't need the dissension within our forces at such a time as this." Bowing at the command, the squad walked in the opposite direction of the two Saiyajins. All alone, ChiChi could do nothing more than stare at the spot where he flashed her that grin, had it been any different circumstances she might have laughed at the gesture, now it just left her confused.

"Why did you have to do that for me?"


Peace; so fleeting and so precious, it was amazing in this odyssey I have started myself upon to find a moment like this. Truly it is such a fleeting thing, and all the more precious for its rarity. What I wouldn't give to stop this moment in time, my companion now resting in peace, and I know that they will wake come morning. But, I cannot sleep tonight, the chirps of the last summer crickets, the hooty sage owl all brought into beautiful harmony but the low rustling of the wind-blown leaves made silver in the light of the Moon keep me awake; all the images of the past days swirling through my head not much of a help either. So precious, I had always taken in this beauty, to see the world beyond my nose and to enjoy it with every fibre of my soul but this, a thousand scribes working for a decade could not describe the peace at this moment. Maybe because the scribes don't know what I do, the most precious of peace is that which will soon be shattered and lost forever.

"Can't sleep?" The question is murmured so softly it almost escapes my attention, lost as I am in my thoughts. It would seem that my time for solitude has passed, but that in itself comforts me too, it is lonely in the light.

"No, did I wake you?" I turned my head back towards the belly of the cave that has been our home for too long. My upbringing has made me comfortable in a place such as this, and I guess the life they have led has done much the same. With some reluctance, I walk back in and join the bundled up figure by the fire, the light bringing spots to my eyes after the darkness of the night. Starting into those eyes, by the very pantheon, they still shock me, so beautiful; had they only received the proper training what they could have seen? But now, they were still filled with sleep, a grogginess from the last of my treatments, and I knew we will soon have to discuss leaving this place but I do not want to go. I held my tongue, a part of me still swept up in the wisdom of silence and ponder it, everything lain before my eyes in this rich, twisted tapestry.

"You know the time will be coming soon, you should try to get your rest; you've earned it." That sleep filled voice echoed off the fire lit cave walls and I shook my head in defeat, the exhaustion that has been fought for the past few nights now starting to make my body ache.

"I cannot sleep, every time I close my eyes, it's just everything, I see too much. It's never been like this, the same images over again, I cannot stand the pain." Tears rolled down my cheeks, Fates, maybe I'm going mad, to see all the blood shed, the cries and screams of pain over and over again, and no the faces of those that I have known. Again the cave echoes in sound, and once again, my companion amazes me, moving against the stiffness of injury and the pull of sleep to come to my side and wrap me in their arms, allow me to cry upon their shoulder.

"Do not grieve for me, death comes when it will come, better than this," they said, pointing to their stomach. Light laughter came after the comment, followed by coughing; that weakness is still beyond my power to heal. Rubbing the convulsing body, strong arms tightened around me as the coughing subsides, a light kiss planted upon forehead as a single tear touches the edge of my face and the flood gates open. I tried to be strong, I was strong and would have been fine if it had not been for the vision, over and over again, the heart that beats no more, the loss, the pain, suffering, all for greed, revenge and pride. What a reversal of fortune that the comforted is now the comforter, cooing to me like a child as I let out all my grief on their shoulder. Who knew how long we sat their, me crying with them consoling, two figures huddled together sharing strength, warmth and hope, and soon they would all desert me. Why did it have to be like this, why can't I be like all the others, living in the blind oblivion of existence until the end came upon me, not this long needless suffering. But, I realise, if not for it, I would not have found this person who has me wrapped in their arms, who is like the other half of myself, and I live every day with the knowledge that it will soon end, it truly does make this moment precious.

"Please, tell me what you see, it's not good to keep it bottled up inside. After tonight, we must go out and start to train, see if you really can to anything with that pigsticker you are so fond of. It'll be okay, you can't live in fear of that which you cannot change." The calm, oddly cognisant voice whispered to me, consoling me as a parent would a child. "You get to see what very few can and have, you know what is coming, know what we must do. I know it must be hard for you but you can't just give up; live for the moment, even if the end draws near. Now tell me about these dreams of yours, is there anything new from the last time?" Relaxing in that warm grip, the words and worries of all those sleepless nights and gut wrenching scenes that had played out in my head came tumbling from my mouth, and they took in every word, so calm, like my mother, with wisdom beyond their years. I talked long into the night, the crackling of the fire and its billowing heat lulling me into exhaustion, the two of us wrapped in that blanket, just trying to hold on to this fleeting moment. My recovered companion was fast asleep when I returned the kiss on their temple and let my eyelids fall shut; there would be no bad dreams tonight.


It was drawing closer, ever drawing closer, with dawning and setting of the Sun, every hour and minute and second the time would soon come, and she could not be a part of it. Lashing out with a powerful extension of her leg, ChiChi crushed out imaginary opponent's trachea, only to switch angles and body position to slam her knee into an invisible back. Since the announcement, an electricity, anticipation had gripped the warriors. Every soldier from lowly page and errand boy, to the ranks of hard, seasoned warriors were alive with the possibility of battle, and the even more reeling possibility of victory, and she would not get to see it, to be a part of it. Dodging out of the way of a kick aimed at her knee, she stuck out with her fist, her mind fabricating the feeling of hard muscle behind the hit and she whirled away from her downed shadow enemy, only to jump up and kick out again. Rushing at an oncoming attacker, she caught him in the groin and under the chin, using her shifting momentum to smack at the invisible neck of the injured man, and pushed with all her might, snapping his head up and back, killing instantly. Rolling to disperse the force of her fall, she righted herself in a fighting stance, looking over the empty floor and waited for her mind to conjure new opponents to battle. It took a few moments to relax her stance, her heavy breathing contesting to the fact that she had been long and hard at this little game, letting out all her frustrations upon foes that could not hurt her. Snatching the towel she pilfered from the bathing area and wiping her brow, she walked back up to the central platform of the hall, taking in the beauty of the night. In an hour, the hall would be filled, dawn training that she would be leading, for a battle she would not take a part of. To think after everything he had done to her that he would find the ultimate punishment in the measure of kindness, letting her out of that cage, allowing her to train her men, and denying her the one thing she had strived for all these years. And she would continue to train her men, day after day, preaching to herself that it was for the cause, that was all she had left to hold on to. Who would have thought when she saw that shooting streak of light in the sky that night that all of this would happen, the second his craft hit the surface she was doomed. It was only a matter of time before he found her, even if she hadn't sent out the recon team, he was looking for the pod and it would have draw him to her anyway. Betrayed even by her own allies, it was Bulma who had asked her to try and find the pod, and she, like a willing fool, transported it to her own house. It was her techs that were repairing it, they must have turned on the homing signal and brought this plague upon her. It was Bulma's fault that they were both in this mess, that she lost the battle, went through this hell; wallowing in self-pity before her better sense descended upon her. How in Gaia could Bulma have known this would happen, as far as ChiChi knew the Saiyajin that Bulma captured had been subdued, how could she have known what kind of capabilities an alien space ship would contain, or that the creature would escape. The Amazon suppressed a nervous shutter at the thought of that creature, the Prince of the barbarian race. It seemed what he lacked in height and general bulk he more than made up for in power and rage. Fates, the horrors that Bulma must be facing, what she could have faced if Kakarott hadn't… Why did he do it, why did he even bother to save her, to go against his Prince; he had travelled into the very unknown for that royal hothead and he defied his Prince's wishes for her. He tortures her, soothes her anger, gives her freedom, saves her life and ignores her. That look he gave her when the other Saiyajin had walked ahead, of all the anger, annoyance, arrogance she had expected, she could never in a million year expect him to smile, that beautiful smile he shot her way. What in the hells had it meant, was it his own condescending way of telling her he had saved her, that she had made a fool of herself, or was it like those times when this distance wasn't between them? Would her hatred of him be quite so much if he hadn't been such a good lover, soothing her, making her laugh all the while making her burn in ways she had never known existed. She could have kept her distance from him, worked out some nice, neat plutonic relationship where she could keep her pride and still fulfil her obligation, but he hadn't. Why did she have to be beaten, why hadn't he just left her alone, let her be a warrior, but no, that was just too simple. And why did she still want him, why did she want it to be like it was before, why in all of Gaia, of all the universe did it have to be him?

"Ha!!" her anger could not be held in check any longer and she finally snapped, taking a tall torch stand with her. The blow sent the broken torch flying, finally landing in a far corner by the door, the still vibrant peat fire illuminating a tall, imposing figure leaning against the wall. How long had he been hiding there in the shadows watching her, she feared those eyes sometimes, like they could see right into her.

"Who did you picture this thing to be," he asked, his foot stopping the rolling torch and stamping out the light. Once more cloaked in shadow, ChiChi let her muscles slide easily into a familiar fighting stance, preparing for a strike.

"Poor thing, it didn't see it coming." The huskily breathed words tickled the delicate hairs at the base of her neck, and she lashed out at him, only to have her arms pinned to her side and found herself lifted off the ground. Damn, how can they move so quickly?

"Let me go, you asshole. If this is some idea of a joke, then you can …" Her tirade was stopped in mid sentence as he loosened his grip and she fell hard on her butt against the arena floor. Leaping to her feet, she again took up a fighting stance, her eyes burning into his inky depths; all the anger, pain, confusion and desire she felt at his presence and she lashed out at him. She fought so hard against blurring the line between reason and emotion as she began punching at his face, trying to wipe the smugness off his handsome face, and he dodged all her blows with no more effort than if he were shooing away an annoying gnat. Snarling at him, she prepared to kick him in the side and with movement too quick for her weaker human eyes he grabbed her leg in one hand, his other securing around her neck. Tensing up at the promise of agony she had seen in those eyes, she was mildly shocked by the look that residing there now. As solid and stoic as every, behind them, Fates, they looked so sad, and lost, staring so intently and wistful at her. They were full of fear, fear for her, fear of her, and she stopped her struggles to just stare into those eyes. Recognition hit him and she found herself flying through the air once more, landing, thankfully on her feet, facing her opponent once more, but was he?

"Why did you save me yesterday, why didn't you just let your Prince kill me? I've been nothing but a thorn in your side in your bid for power, my men would have accepted my death." It was becoming harder and harder to form those words of malice looking into those eyes. What kind of life had he lived before this time, what possible reason would he have to look so sad, to know such sadness?

"You underestimate your influence, they would have rebelled if you had been killed. You also over estimate Vegita no Ouji, he would not kill any under my command, we are allies in this venture and he understands how important this battle and building up the forces that will be necessary to gain control after Enleo is defeated is. After the death of one empire, chaos is soon to follow, unless an equally strong empire doesn't come in and restore order."

"So that's it, you just want to take over this planet, how ingenious to make the locals fight your battle for you while you sit back and take the spoils of their sacrifice. Were you and he dividing up the planet for yourselves or are you just going to turn the whole place to rubble?" Anger swelling again at his callous words, at her supposed implications behind them. His own expression hardened infinitesimally but his eyes looked not less lost and hurt.

"You misunderstand my intent, I do not wish to see Gaia fall, it will become a protectorate under the Saiyajin Empire, we are not all the barbarians you see us as. And you Gaians are going to be given the opportunity to decide your own fate by fighting against your own enemy."

"But I'm not allowed to fight, you forbade me from it, treat me like property and you think I should smile and be glad that you have allowed me to serve as your whore?"

"Do you want out of your agreement?" The question was so quick and precise, she almost couldn't believe the words when they came from his mouth, the suddenness catching her off guard.


"I asked if you wished to be relieved of your promise, make it as if you were never tied to me, to wipe it all away, tell we if you want that?" Now she was stunned, catching her completely by surprise. How was she ever going to live with him, get used to this constant force of change that was her mate, or husband, or whatever he was? And yet he was giving her the one thing she had wanted when she first woke up in her own prison; Fates, that was a lifetime ago. All that anger, his ignorance of what he had truly gained when he bested her, the screaming matches and love making and he said he could just wipe it away, like it was some bad dream or inconsequential mistake. Maybe it truly was to him.

"You can't give me back my honour." Her voice was solemn now, all the poison drained away from her voice, the emotions in his eyes breaking down the paper thin composure that kept her emotions from her common sense. She still couldn't believe her ears, did those nights mean nothing to him?

"No, I can't erase the past, nor do I want to. I'm offering you a rematch, one last chance to redeem yourself; if you win, your Amazonian pride will be avenged, and you will be a free woman, to do as you wish."

"It's not that simple …" The barrier burned away as it had the other day and her emotions raged through her, screaming at him for this simplistic view he had, that with a wave of his hand it would all end. He didn't know, didn't understand, it had become so much more complicated.

"Then FIGHT!" And he launched himself at her, no holds barred, no plan or strategy beyond the instinct of blood lust. Jumping out of the way, she dodges those hits that were aimed so close to her face, a hair's breath away from shattering her nose or break her jaw. What was he doing, her mind screamed, her eyes picking up the tiny details of his mad fighting style. It was only the little things, an unguarded side, a weak block, sins a warrior would never commit in battle, unless it was intentional. Taking advantage of a weak guard, she stuck at his side, only to meet the hard wrought muscles of his forearm and a loud sneer of rage. They jostled for superiority in the block, ChiChi bringing her free hand to block the blow that would surely come in her less guarded state; but it never came. Eyes darting momentarily, she couldn't believe how arrogant or careless he was being, standing with his body flat towards her, completely unguarded and not striking her in any way.

"Do it, strike me and release yourself. I will swear that this is the way it is, you would be given your freedom, can fight, if you wish, against Enleo with your own men, you can live in peace until you find someone to give yourself to. Just do it, take it back if you want, your obligation to me is forfeit." There it was, his offer, everything that she dreamed of, built her life around, taking her revenge and living free. Just one hit, one simple strike and it would all end. She could fightn't it then as the tear fell down her cheek; there are some things more important than revenge. Drawing back her arm, she turned her back from him, she couldn't face his reaction, not knowing whether to expect smug arrogance or kind-hearted pity, for in truth she needed neither. She just wanted that feeling of contentment she had that morning after their second night together, before it all went to hell, a protector, a lover, an equal, and for all her pleas to the contrary, she wanted him in her life.

"I gave you my free oath that I would follow you and do what is right by this house and that goes beyond any tradition of my blood. If you wish, it will be as before, I will not contest your claim on this house or on me and if you wish to make this world yours, I will not stop you, but if you dare enslave my people, I will…" She couldn't even finish her sentence before his mouth closed over hers, his lips unable to break the smile of pure happiness as he kissed her with all the passion he had kept bottled up since Vegita's release and the joy at her words. She didn't strike him, didn't take the unconditional freedom that he had offered her. After the tempest of emotions he had gone through with her, to know that she felt them too, that single glistening tear on her cheek a testament. And then her words, she wanted it as before, she had swore her oath to him, his claim on her. Oh Kami, he had forgotten how sweet she actually tasted and how soft she could be under that cold exterior. Pulling back for the embrace and allowing her to catch her breath, he purred in her ear, his voice low and heavy with the relief he felt.

"I hope this is what you meant, I do not think I can pull back to polite strangers again." For once in her life, ChiChi remained silent and just nodded her head before burying it into the crook of his shoulder. The invisible tension that had gripped her for so long let go its hold and she melted against him, and it felt so right, so wonderful.

"Then there is no reason for us not to share the same room." That low tenor voice took on a huskiness and urgency, those pain filled eyes dark now with passion. Setting her back on her feet with some reluctance, he couldn't wipe the smile off his face and his hand grazing her cheek. Flashing him one of his own Saiyajin smirks, she rubbed her soft fingertips across the solid metacarpals of his hand.

"Just remember, I let you win." ChiChi replied, kissing the hand that covered her cheek.


It was remarkable to watch them really, the purely alien thought catching hold in his mind and he scowled against this new sentimentality in him, stupid woman. His scowled turned to a smile as he thought of her, soft and warm and passionate, and so unaware of what he had completely done to her. He still wondered at the madness that made him take her as his mate, but at this point he had no regrets; it's a truly a rare find to encounter an equal, in both wits and will, his match in stubbornness, someone to share his bed with. That he had found it all in such a breathtaking package was a bonus in his eyes, and she was his now, all his. And it would seem that Kakarott found his own mate, a low, defiant hoyden with more pride than sense, well the defiant part fit the guardsmen to a tee but he thanked Kami that he ended up with his blue and white goddess. That black haired harpy was no fit companion for the Saiyajin no Ouji, and to think for her Kakarott would stay on this backwater hunk of rock; well maybe he had been too hasty to classify Kakarott as having sense. The women on this planet, such a strange breed, with no more strength in their bodies that a young Saiyajin child, but pride and stubbornness enough for an entire purging squad. The thought of Kakarott's wench and his own trying to clear a planet, or worse, fighting nose to nose against the Ginyu Force came to mind and he suppressed the rising chuckle. No point in giving her any ideas more than what she already has.

His conference two days ago had once again confirmed how unexpected his woman could be, her genius in more than simple machines. The fire that she held inside of her was unlocked quickly during the fray, trading barbs and insults as soon as she opened her mouth. Like all the times before during his days in the collar, a small shutter followed the thought of the hideous device; it had started in anger and ended in passion, before she reminded him of what he had done. Damn little minx, Kami help him if she learned his language, there would be no escape from her full immersion into his world. And then, in the wake of their abandoned desire, she questioned him about something he hardly knew himself. Concern for his welfare and her own internal conflict raged between the bond, knowledge of something she did know but did not blurred through his mind; funny, they had even begun to share emotions now. It had been a long night, heart-wrenching, as old wounds were reopened and old memories relived, but there was hope there, the comfort of the bond through their shared thoughts. 'Find a way to make it work', he had not even told her about the child, had told her about the bond, what it meant, and what she had already figured out for herself but not of the child. He had woke up several times during the night, and stroked her still flat belly, it would be a few weeks before she would see or notice anything unusual but he wasn't worried, a child to continue her father's legacy, and her mother's eyes. And he would be a Prince, a Saiyajin Prince, to carry on his own legacy and the power of his line, what a child it would be. Feeling out with the sense he had developed to discern the ki of his enemies, he swelled with pride at the tiny life force nestled deep in the womb of his mate.

Do not let your warrior sense be clouded by her, his mind barked out to him and the blissful euphoria that were his thoughts died quickly in the cold grip of reality. Attention turning back towards the main arena, he now recalled why his attention went so far off his usual beaten track. Arms crossed and stance as relaxed as his warrior training would allow, he watched in amusement as the first trials of the reverse ki collars, at the antics of the new warriors with the artificially enhanced ki. The look in their eyes as the unimaginable power flowed through them was reminiscent of his early days of training when he could barely control the power that pulsated through his young body. It had been a hard, arduous process after the junior tech had come and explained the basic concept to them all, about the enhancement of the personal magnetic field that comes with the very pumping of the blood through their bodies. The maudlin pride at the first workable prototype of her father's invention wove its way through the mental tie; she saw the first true demonstration of her righting of Gero's wrongs. Not that any of them realised the difficulties in handling such power; the simple young tech had been unprepared for the degree of mental discipline required. In the end, a group of five warriors were chosen out of the lot, as he led them with directions in simple meditation techniques, the simplest steps to clear their minds and to reign in the power now coursing through them. First lesson had been to manifest their kis into visible auras, and now to the delicate task of forming the shiny red, greens, and blues into balls and strikes. Kami help him if they decided to give these pitiful attacks names, or worse yet, get to the point where they will need to fly. The rest of his new forces now trained with the synthetic ki weaponry the woman developed, partly from his own unique signal, the high tone of one plasmatic beams striking against one another hung on the edge of his hearing. The king never took the time to train his own men, but he knew they had a need for his knowledge to help win this war. All of his energy directed now towards the silly humans, it was a learning experience watching them, teaching them the simplest techniques that are taught to young Saiyajin during their first years of life. It was too much of a last ditch effort to imagine that these now ki wielding humans could be an effective tool in this coming fight, but in the future, in the future he would be training his own son these basic steps to learning his ki. Depending on whether the ship even finds them before Bulma gave birth, the child would be born here, might have to learn its basic training here. Maybe Kakarott really was right and there was something to this planet, though he'd have to insist that Bulma build his gravity chamber before too long, the effects of lower gravity were starting to make him stir crazy. Lower the mental wall between his thoughts and those of his mate, he watched her working, completely unaware of his presence, staying for a moment to admire her ability as she typed in a series of complex codes. Those slender fingers swept effortlessly across the keyboard, and he left her presence, going in deeper to feel out the ki of his son, which was rising at an incredible rate. Pulling back, fearing that his proximity had caused this jump, the shock wave of sharp pain whipped through him, the mental link snapped and he stifled his gasp of discomfort. Bulma…

Not bother to explain himself, his aura burst to life around him, a grand reminder to the practising soldiers how remedial they still were in this new arena. Taking to the air, he vaguely remembered passing through the main doors, speeding through what seemed like kilometres of that endless white marble hall to get to the rows of benches and piles of lifeless metal gadgetry that was her lab. Blind panic led him in this desperate chase, hoping that he would reach her in time, how could he have possibly forgotten about the dangers of his life and how they would affect her. She was so weak, and the child, dear Kami, no. It wasn't before he was met with the clinical steel doors that his normal, ever present common sense took back control and he halted in this all out break neck insanity. The room was calm and quiet, and empty of all energies but hers, the brats, and a few measly human teches. Still, the indiscernible ki hadn't just jumped at nothing, and with the confident air he had mastered during his time in court, he pushed opened the doors and swept into the room with all the command of a man that didn't just tear through the house in abject terror. All heads turned at his entrance, not that he noticed, and he walked purposely towards his mate, her features clenched in pain but looking none the worse for wear. Gazing up at him, the tension in her expression disappearing into a gentle smile.

"Came to my rescue, my Prince?" He couldn't help but snort at that comment.

"What makes you think I would do anything to help you woman. I think you have me confused with one of your enamoured former pleasure slaves. I was just bored and it's only fair that if I can't train, you shouldn't be able to work?"

"Don’t you care about the war, about beating Enleo and Gero? I can't believe a Saiyajin is so willing to give up the chance at fighting." The gentle smile didn't last any longer than the tightened grimace of pain, as the smug Saiyajin Prince chuckled at her. Her eyes burned in response and he decided to play this one out, there was definitely better sport here than in the arena.

"As I would expect, little one, you completely miss my meaning. If it were up to me, I would just take out the pathetic weaklings now, without any assistance from anyone. This is Kakarott's little gem, I'm just here as a casual observer, well maybe not so casual. It is his grand scheme to build himself the loyalty of these people, he is allowing them to fight against their enemy and win back their own pride before letting him gain control. Now why would you possibly think I would come to the rescue of such a low born harridan with a fat butt?"

"You jerk, I'll fat butt you, and if anyone is a shrew…, you are impossible, but not at all aware of any kind of technology. I had the security signal in the training arena wiring down her, so I could watch you while I worked. That little fireworks display you put on was a really good show, almost took my mind off my thumb. Oh, Vegita-chan, you look so cute when you are concerned." Sarcasm dripped from every word and he was mortified beyond belief, not that any of it showed through his composed scowl. Letting his hard wrought mental wall down, he showed her everything he would do to her tonight as punishment, his little human shivering in anticipation, the pheromone signals produced by her skin telling him the effect of the images. Chuckling as he was now ahead in their verbal sparring match, he let the action rest; better to know why he was drawn her to at least save face.

"And what did you do, oh clumsy one, that would force me to make such a spectacle?" He had gotten progressively closer to her the longer they talked, his large hand now eclipsing her small shoulders, staring down at the gadget she had in her hands.

"Normally I wouldn't agree with you unless threatened with death but this time I've very tempted. I burnt my thumb with a sautering iron; a colleague gave me the preliminary work up for the individual gravity field and I was a little careless when I was working with the secondary electrode back-up support. It stung like crazy though I can tell you knew that."

"So you have actually been working on my gravity chamber, nice to see some use coming out of this mechanical garbage."

"It's not garbage, you'd still be stuck on that flying mudball you call a planet if it wasn't for technology and if it ends up that I going to that mudball I'm not taking any chances. I let the different departments do what they could, the chemistry one is just perfecting the minimising resin and we just need the engineering sector to get over there and figure out a usable containing unit. The rest are in development of ki weaponry and these few and helping me with my own research, everything from private gravity field to an individual breathing apparatus for use in outer space."

"Simleag, what do you think Vegitasei is actually like?" He got more than he had bargained for with that question, every punishment he had received from his father and trainers came back at him, all of his memories, and even some that were beyond his recollection inundated him until he had to hold his mind away from her own.

"Figures you would be so one dimensional, not even realising that that is our way of life, but I spent most of my time in the training arenas, diplomacy was for the King and his liaisons, and the palace was designed more for their benefit than our own. There are entire wings with artificial gravity regulators, designed for beings like yourself, can survive with the harsh gravity. And you are supposed to be so smart."

"I caught you, didn't I? And kept you subdued and my willing pleasure slave for almost a month, quite a feat, is it not, Saiyajin no Ouji?"

"Trying to get more punishment, are you? But you still did not get my point, you will be safe if you come to Vegitasei with me, unless you decide to run off and explore on your own, and knowing your stubbornness, that might just be a possibility." His once stationary hands now smoothed over her shoulders, and he leaned in closer to nip at her neck and ear.

"Do you have to go back to training right away? There are only a few more hours and I could close up early, unless you were planning on a late night spar with your friend." It was getting scary now, how much of himself he saw in his mate, even her smiles were turning into his own trademark smirk. She was also mastering the telepathic link too quickly as well, picking up his thoughts and plans as easily as if it were mere passages in those volumes of books she kept. Ignoring the silent presence of her assistants, he continued to lap at her neck, receiving her soft moans in reply. Searching out for his fellow Saiyajin, Vegita smirked at the contentment that had replaced the turmoil in Kakarott's aura; well, it would seem he made up with his little human, so much for a good fight tonight, well out of Kakarott.

"So eager are you then? Think, after the battle, this might be our last night together, if you truly think that those pitiful little human contraptions can hurt me." Rotating her chair to face him, she slide into his arms, her lips locking with his own, while her hands brushed across the base of his tail. The very sensation of her touch caused his breath to quicken and growl raggedly, and a shutter to travel up his spine; wicked woman.

"You need to be cleaned, little one, you smell of oil and chemicals; and maybe I can finally make a decent bathing wench out of you, you were much too slow last time."

"Vegita, you ass!" She screamed, trying to hold back the need to laugh at his comments and not to think of that time not so long ago when they were enemies. Catching the backlash of her thoughts, he leaned in closer, whispering softly into her ear.

"Mi bangadh mi ailleas bith-cha ciorram sibh." It would still be hard to express his emotions to her in words of her own understanding, but now, his low growling oath was enough to soothe her nerves and she smiled at his words. Taking her frail one hand in his larger gloved one, he led her to the door and through the maze of corridors towards the bathing chamber.


Five more minutes, the number went round about in his head like circling vultures ready to rip apart his sanity; the waiting was worse definitely the worst part. After the year of running, hiding, striking, running and hiding again, it is here that we meet our makers but first we wait, and the fear of death and all those close calls came back to wear away his nerves and resolve. Every crunch of leaves and the crack of a broken stick filled him with dread, only five more minutes and they would be attacking the Coltello's main camp.

There had been no words that could describe the joy that caught in the camp when Jolan had returned to them, fresh with a battalion of warriors from Bushi house and weapons more powerful than the sharpest sword. And it was a mixture of fear and relief that had descended upon them all as the boy retold his tale of meeting the new Master of Bushi, a tailed man stronger than the old Master and as fast the wolf through the forest. To learn that the messenger boy from Enleo was right on one account was scary enough but to learn that all their trials might have gone for not was more disheartening. What would have happened to all of them if he had finally decided to join them, to take up this torch and help them? A few more months of hit and run tactics before the general number of the opposing sides soldiers overcame their own and it would be another tract of land under the conqueror's boot. But now, they had a chance, a chance to end all of this pain and misery; and they were the first steps. In four minutes now, they would attack, under the cover of night, just before the setting of the next watch. Looking out cautiously through the thick tree cover into the camp, he caught sight of a few remaining soldiers up at that hour of the night, scattered mostly by the camp fires, sharing the contents of a heavy jug between them. It was only a few minutes more, and we'll see if these babies work as well as they had in the trial runs, he thought, tightening his grasp on the medium sized rifle he now lovingly cradled in his arms. What his life could have been like before all hell came, what it still could be. The thought of living under a strong roof in a permanent house got his blood pumping once again, with his wife by his side, everything he had lost when Enleo's armies came to his village. And with this one act of courage he could bring it all back, be the start of something so amazing, they would write epics about this day and hour. If they made it out. So young most of these kids beside him were, had no choice but to fight, there was nothing left after the invasion, Enleo's army and the Coltello in particular didn't tend to leave anything behind. Wonder what is left of home right now, he heard not long ago that Iuch Ar had been taken, Fates only knew if his wife had made it out. He still remember her eyes shining with tears when he told her that he had chosen to fight in the rebel forces. You are willing to fight for others but not for your own home, a beautiful woman like her, he shuddered to think of the torture that she would be subject to if she were captured. No, he couldn't think like that, she must have escaped, there was some way some how, and some day he would be holding their son in his arms, like he now was this rifle. And if it meant protect the life of his son from tyranny he would go through all the close calls again. No one should have to go up in that pain, that misery, he thought, looking over at the young boy who only a week ago was damning them all to hell as a soldier of Enleo. Now, without a shred of fear in his eyes he prepared himself to face the forces of the man that had destroyed his young life, Fates, that boy would never recover. What it would have been like to have a son like him, but his father was not alive now to see him on this day, see him fight and cast off the shackles of childhood forever, so much in one life and he was no more than fifteen years old. A small smile formed on his face at the sight of the boy, even if he doesn't live to see the dawning of the next day, he'll die happy knowing that he died on with dignity, but he should have just be able to live. The soft cry of a man made bird call rang through his ears and he powered up his weapon, readying himself for what would be coming in so little time. Some how, now, he wasn't as scared as he once was, and looking up to the stars he said a silent prayer for his wife and the poor boy by his side.

* * * * *

Glossary of Saiyan words.

Table of Contents
Chapter 12
Chapter 14