LEMON ALERT! This is the part that earns the R rating for the story. If sex offends you then don't read this, but I wouldn't have added it if it wasn't important to the plot and characterization. Oh and there's also bad language used. On with the story.


~Part 3 - Kiss Me~


"What a weak planet. We should do them a favour and wipe them out of existance!"

"Vegeta, you know Freeza’s orders. With the new peace policies, we aren’t allowed to fight. We just get the Malgonians to sign the treaty as well as have them hand over a supply of almagamite."

"Being a Treaty Officer was not what I had in mind 10 years ago when I agreed to work for Freeza."

"No," agreed Kakarotto. "You wanted to kill and go offworld. Well, one out of two still isn’t bad. Do you want to return to Vegitasei?"

"Dammit Kakarotto, why must you always be so reasonable?"

"I just like to point out our options. Come, I believe the Malgonian King is waiting."

"I swear if I ever find out who gave Freeza that stupid idea on peace policies . . ."

The two Saiyans entered the Palace. Vegeta sneered at the guards as they were led to King Malgo’s throne room. The short, purple alien stood as they entered. He was exceedingly nervous and didn’t trust Saiyans. As such, he had many guards hidden in case they tried to pull anything.

"Freeza tells me that you have something he wants," started Vegeta.

"Yes, here is a supply of almagamite," the King gestured to a box in front of him. "It is extremely rare and potent, but we will continue to mine it for Freeza, provided we are not slaves."

"Fine, here is the peace treaty. You will become part of Freeza’s Empire and continue to function as now." Kakarotto stepped forward with the electronic treaty, ready for King Malgo’s thumb print. Vegeta just stood with his arms crossed, frowning that he had been reduced to a diplomat.

When all was completed, Kakarotto hoisted the box of almagamite up and he and his Prince started to exit. Hidden in the rafters above were two Malgonian soldiers poised with their guns. A slight breeze came in, tickling one of their noses. The soldier tried to control his body’s urge to sneeze, but couldn’t hold it in. As his body convulsed, he accidentally pulled the trigger and a shot was fired, heading towards the taller Saiyan.

Kakarotto, sensing something coming at him, flared his ki just in time as the ball of light hit him, causing him to drop the box.

Vegeta turned with interest. So, they have guns that can shoot ki. Looks like I’ll be able to have fun after all.

All of this happened in mere seconds, for the moment Kakarotto was hit, a series of triggers were pulled and the Saiyans could do nothing but retaliate.

* * * * *

Vegeta and Kakarotto went back to their ship with the almagamite.

"That turned out better than I expected," the Prince grinned.

"Who would have thought that a ki-less race could’ve given us such a challenge?"

Vegeta paused as if he were remembering something. "Sometimes, intelligence makes up for weakness," he said soberly.

"I’ll say, those weapons were something else. I think the best part was when the army was called in. I’ve never had so much fun dodging and shooting as today. And the way the citizens ran, their fear gave me such a sense of power."

"Sometimes you surprise me Kakarotto. For one moment you can seem so . . . Saiyan and at other times, I don’t know what you are. Like when you suggested I spare the lives of the civilians. I swear, if you weren’t such a great sparring partner, I’d kill you myself."

Kakarotto lowered his head. "Forgive me my Prince. I just don’t see the point in killing weaklings. I wish to have some sort of challenge or the death is meaningless. I won’t question you again in the future."

Vegeta sighed. The only time Kakarotto was this reverent was when he truly was sorry. Perhaps there was a method to his thinking, but trying to tame a Saiyan’s bloodlust was damn near impossible.

Just then, the ship’s commlink beeped. Vegeta told Kakarotto to take the ship into orbit as he went to answer the hail.

"JUST WHAT THE HELL DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?!!!" an angry woman’s voice came through the intercom.

"Excuse me?" Vegeta was stunned by the woman’s lack of respect.

"What happened to the peaceful negotiations? Why the Hell did the Malgonians send out a distress signal?"

"I’m surprised that they even had time to call out for help. But I guess when facing a Saiyan, you would need all the help you can get."

"Saiyan? I should have know you bastards would screw this up."

"Woman, I wouldn’t say such things if I were you."

"Why? Because you’ll come over here and kill me? That’s a Saiyan’s answer to everything. Well, Freeza will be none too impressed with you, you just violated the new peace policies. There was to be NO purging but I guess your Saiyan brain is too small to comprehend that."

"First of all, woman, they were the ones that opened fire. Saiyans will not just sit back and allow themselves to be targeted. Secondly, I will not tolerate such insolent remarks from you. You should learn to respect your superiors."

"Listen you Saiyan ass, maybe you didn’t catch the memo, but around here Freeza gives the orders and he expects them to be followed. The next time you want to feel all big and manly by killing people to compensate for your inadequate penis, I suggest you do it on YOUR HOMEWORLD!"


A slight pause, ". . . Prince Vegeta?"

"Ah, now you recognize me. I guess you will apologize for your impertinent remarks. Well go ahead, I do like the sound of begging, but I can’t guarantee I’ll forgive you."

"Why you . . . I could care less what your title is. A Saiyan is a Saiyan is a Saiyan. You’re all nothing but a bunch of stupid monkeys who take pleasure in the suffering of others because it makes you feel strong. You are barbarians who have no soul, no class, and no honour. As far as I’m concerned, THIS CONVERSATION IS OVER!!!"

The vein in Vegeta’s forehead started to bulge as the line went dead. "Why that insolent little bitch . . . Kakarotto, where did that transmission come from?"

"From Freeza’s space station. We’re heading there right after we stop at Vermidia."

"NO! We’re going there right now. I’ve got to teach someone a lesson."

* * * * *

Their ship docked into the station’s port and Vegeta exited quickly. "Where in the station did the transmission come from Kakarotto?"

"I believe the science wing."

The Saiyan Prince’s eyes blazed in fury the closer he got to his destination. Kakarotto followed behind him, glad he was not the object of the Prince’s anger. Vegeta stopped outside the doors, then blasted them open.

"Where is the contemptuous bitch that dared to disrespect me?" he demanded as the scientists all cowered in fear.

"Right over here." Vegeta turned his head to see a blue haired beauty step out of the shadows.

He was quiet for a moment as his breathing slowed down. "You . . ."

"Oh, and I don’t appreciate being called woman, I do have a name you know."

Vegeta quickly regained his senses. "I didn’t care to learn your name as a child so why should I care what it is now?" He had struck a nerve as Bulma’s face faultered. "So you are still alive, I should’ve known. My father wanted to get rid of my weakness but your father was still useful. Goes to show how weak my father is. Had it been me, I would have killed you all."

Bulma couldn’t take it anymore. "DAMMIT Vegeta! Have you no heart? You didn’t use to be this way, but now you’re just like the rest of the Saiyan trash."

Kakarotto intervened. "Do not use such a tone of voice with the Prince. You should give him the respect he deserves."

"Kakarotto, I do not need you to defend me from this harpy."

Bulma went ballistic. "KAKAROTTO?!! PURGER OF CHIKYUU?!! I will make you pay for what you did to my people." She ran to pounce on the shocked Saiyan, but was caught in mid air.

"Let me go dammit." She struggled in an amused Vegeta’s arms.

"Well Kakarotto, it seems you have a fan." Bulma hissed at him as she tried to claw Vegeta. "Maybe it would be best if you left. Go see if our quarters are ready." Kakarotto just nodded and stole one last glance at Bulma before he left.

"Calm down woman. Behaving this way will get you nowhere."

"I demand justice." Bulma sobbed into Vegeta’s chest. The Saiyan looked around uneasily, he was quite uncomfortable with the sudden mood swings of the female in his arms.

He gently detached her from him. "Woman, don’t take it personally. We are Saiyan, we purge all the time, even for Freeza. Kakarotto was but an infant when he was sent to Chikyuu. Just let it be." Vegeta was uncharacteristically trying to soothe Bulma, but his words only made her angrier. Before she could retort, Zarbon walked in.

"Well, well, well, the monkey Prince has returned. Did you come for another beating because I would be more than happy to wipe the floor with your face again. Oh, but I guess I have to wait until Freeza is done with you first. He’s on his way here now, I doubt he’d be too happy to learn about the way you handled your mission."

Vegeta forgot about Bulma and lunged at Zarbon. 10 years definitely gave Vegeta the advantage over Zarbon’s first form. He pounded him senseless goading him to transform so they could finish what was started so long ago. But Zarbon wouldn’t transform, not in front of Bulma. The last time he had done that, he had slept alone for a week.

"Vegeta, no, stop it. STOP IT!" Bulma screamed as she tried to get Vegeta away from Zarbon. The Saiyan stopped and looked smugly down at the battered alien.

"You IDIOT, what have you done?" Bulma cried as she rushed to Zarbon’s side.

"Woman, what is it to you whether he lives or dies?" Vegeta questioned.

"Baka, he is Freeza’s personal guard and . . . and . . . he is my betrothed."

Vegeta’s eyes darkened as he looked from Bulma to Zarbon and then he turned on his heel and walked out the door.

* * * * *

Vegeta went to see if his quarters were set up. He would be staying at the station until his next mission. The image of the blue haired Chikyuu native entered his mind, but he quickly dismissed it. The intercom then came on.

"Prince Vegeta, Lord Freeza has arrived at the station and he wishes to speak with you."

Vegeta sighed and then acknowledged that he was coming. He exited his room and went to Freeza’s office. When he entered, he handed over the box of almagamite that they had received.

"Ah excellent my Prince. When we are done here you can take that down to the science department. Speaking of which I hear you had a run in with my head scientist today. It must have been quite a shock to see your childhood friend, ne?"

"I have no such use for friends."

"Well, yes, but I just wanted you to know that it had been your father’s original intention to get rid of her. I merely suggested that she and her father be transferred into my service. Technically, I saved her."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I remember how close you both were when you were younger. I don’t wish for you to harbour any bad feelings towards me because of her."

"I could care less about the woman. She is weak and of no interest to me."

"Ahh, you are wrong, she is quite useful. Over the years I have come to think of Bulma as a daughter to me. She is quite brilliant – a tactical genious, but then again, you already knew that. Her notions of peace should be listened to."

"Bulma?" Vegeta said the name in distaste. "She is the one behind these new peace policies?"

Freeza smiled. "Like any other parent, I like to see my children happy. She does raise good ideas, but I will be honest with you. You and me Vegeta, we are alike in so many ways. We are warriors first, and Bulma has no idea what that’s like. So while I’m disappointed that the treaty fell through, unofficially I am happy with the way you handled the purge. I didn’t trust the Malgonians and am thrilled to be rid of them. However this will just remain between you and me."

Vegeta just nodded at what Freeza was telling him.

"Good, now take the almagamite to Bulma, she should be expecting it." As Vegeta left, Freeza breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t want to anger the Prince just yet.

* * * * *

Zarbon had healed quickly and was in Bulma’s room. He asked how she knew Vegeta.

"I knew Vegeta for a very brief time in my childhood. We had been . . . close, I guess. But he turned out to be a typical Saiyan. And now he comes here with Kakarotto of all people!" Her fiance held her close until she calmed down.

"I’m still kind of sore, I think I’ll have a bath," Zarbon stated as he broke the silence.

Bulma scowled, "Are the servant girls going to help you?"

"I assure you my love, they mean nothing to me. It’s just their duty to bathe others and I for one find it relaxing. Although, I can think of someone else I’d rather bathe with," Zarbon grinned as he went to unbutton her shirt.

The intercom beeped and a lab assitant’s voice came on. "Uh, sorry to disturb you Bulma-san but there is an angry Saiyan down here, demanding your presence."

Bulma sighed knowing exactly who it was and then grew angry. "FINE, tell him I’ll be right down." She left Zarbon and made her way to the lab. She was greeted with an upset Vegeta.

"Woman, I do not appreciate waiting here for you. Freeza said you’d be here and that is what I expected." He thrusted the minerals at her.

"Oh, I’m sorry Mr. All High and Mighty. I apologize for the fact that I had to tend to my fiance whom you so relentlessly beat up, and then kept you waiting so you could give me some minerals."

"Are you mocking me?"

"Oh nooooooo your highness I would never think to do such a thing."

"Dammit, woman, Freeza should have punished you for such insolence a long time ago. You are nothing but a spoiled brat."

"I’m spoiled?"

"Well, now at least we agree on something."

"Listen you monkey, I don’t know why Freeza tolerated with your ego for so long but that ends now. You are nothing but a lackey. Strongest of the Saiyans – maybe, but what is a Saiyan compared to the strength of Freeza?"

Vegeta spun violently, "I AM NO ONE’S LACKEY! What I do is by choice. I work for Freeza because I like to purge. I like to fight. I like to use my power and make sure I am the last thing people see before they pass on to the next world. I never feel more alive than when I take the life of another. The taste of blood, the stench of death, there is nothing more appealing to a Saiyan."

"You disgust me!"

Vegeta laughed, "I disgust you?! At least I am not the whore of a green haired goon. Although pretty boy is so in love with himself, I hardly see why he’d find you useful." Vegeta turned to walk out the door.

"At least I have somebody," Bulma shot back as she followed him down the halls. "You will never have anybody. You’ll be alone forever. You’re cruel, heartless, ruthless . . . no one could ever love you."

"You think I care about such things woman? Emotions are for the weak," he turned and gave her a look that sent shivers down her spine. "I am strong and in time I will be the strongest. No stupid feelings could ever take hold of me."

"You’re serious aren’t you. You don’t care about anything," Bulma said softly. "What happened to you Vegeta?"

"Nothing happened to me woman, I just saw the light that’s all. A six year old boy hardly knows what’s best for himself, I just learned how to survive. Now, apparently I’ve heard that you are some sort of genious, but in 20 years don’t you think you could’ve learned to appropriately address royalty? I am Prince Vegeta and you should learn to respect me."

"WHAT?! At least I call you by your name. I am not woman, I AM BULMA. And until you can respect me I won’t give you the satisfaction of addressing you by your royal title."

By that time, they had reached Vegeta’s chambers where a group of scantily clad female slaves were waiting at the door. "Oh Prince Vegeta, we were wondering if you would be in need of our bathing services or anything else that might cross your mind."

Vegeta looked at them in disgust. "I have no need of you whores. Find someone else who might be desperate, but just GO!" he sneered then looked at Bulma. "That applies to YOU too." Before she could respond, he slammed his door in her face.

* * * * *

Bulma was still in a foul mood when she got to Zarbon’s. She entered his room and caught him in one of his bathing sessions. She stood there for five minutes. Zarbon was too preoccupied with the women lathering him that, that was how long it took for him to notice Bulma. When he finally did see her, she was in the process of slamming his door with incredible force.

She walked about aimlessly until she got to the observation lounge. Looking at the ships come and go always calmed her down a bit. However, luck was not with her as she saw Kakarotto at one of the tables, looking out the window at the stars.

A female slave walked by him and dropped her tray.

"You stupid idiot. You’re nothing but a worthless slave," a man behind the bar screamed. He came out to strike her but was stopped by Kakarotto. The Saiyan warned him in a low voice to leave, and the man complied. He then helped up the slave who left in a hurry, keeping her head low as she wouldn’t look at the Saiyan in the eye.

Bulma was astonished and curious to this apparent contradiction in Saiyan behaviour. She walked up to Kakarotto and sat across from him. Kakarotto was startled at her presence, considering how she behaved at their previous meeting, and he waited for Bulma to start the conversation.

"Why did you just do that? As a Saiyan, I would have thought that you would have been the one to strike her for disturbing your thoughts or something like that."

"I hate to disillusion you, but I am a true warrior. I fight worthy opponents not weaklings. I only get joy from a challenge, none was presented here."

"If that is true then why do you go on purging missions? Why not just fight in tournaments?"

"I am but a third class soldier. I am loyal to my Prince and follow his orders. Besides, I am a Saiyan and I crave battle. A planet may be full of weaklings, but together they may prove a challenge, and that is what I desire. I know I am not like most Saiyans; it’s true they are brutal murderers. But we are all born with a bloodlust and that must be satiated."

"I don’t believe that to kill is in anyone’s DNA. You must be raised that way."

"I was but a newborn when I purged Chikyuu. I had yet to come into contact with other Saiyans, save for technicians so I was not taught to kill."

Bulma looked at Kakarotto, not sure if that was an apology or not. He definitely did not seem like any other Saiyan she had encountered; he spoke with intelligence. "Perhaps if the Saiyan Empire embraced Freeza’s peaceful reign, they wouldn’t be so prone as to seek out death."

Kakarotto snorted, "Freeza is the worst of all. He is definitely a powerful being but he just sits back and gives the orders to execute different planets. He gets us to do his dirty work for him."

Bulma was about to argue with him when Zarbon entered.

"Bulma, my Baby Blue, I am so sorry. I promise I will make amends. I didn’t realize that my slave baths bothered you so much and I am at fault for that. You mean too much to me and I swear, I will never have another one again."

Bulma almost smiled at how pathetic Zarbon looked. He truly was sorry. "Fine Zarbon, I accept your apology." The blue alien grinned as he picked up his love and brought her back to his quarters. Kakarotto could only stare at what had transpired but quickly forgot about it as his stomach grumbled.

* * * * *

The next day, a female delegate by the name of Mokra came to the station. She was interested in buying a planet and so Vegeta and Kakarotto were called in to discuss the next purging mission. They entered the meeting room and also saw Zarbon and Bulma present.

Vegeta noticed how Bulma was frowning as Mokra talked and flirted with Zarbon. He smirked.

Pretty soon they got down to business and Mokra detailed what she wanted to be done. She gave the specs as to which planet, what she needed intact and when she needed it by. Of course, that last point didn’t phase the Saiyans for they could purge in a matter of hours.

"So what do you want to be done about the planet’s population?" Bulma asked.

Mokra looked at her cooly, "Kill them for all I care. I have more than enough slaves and they would just take up more room. Zarbon?" she linked her arm with his. "Do you think you could show me around and walk me to my quarters? This station is just awfully huge and I wouldn’t want to get lost."

Zarbon glanced at Bulma then smiled at Mokra. "Uh, of course. It is my duty to see that Freeza’s clients are well looked after."

"I hope you mean that," she giggled. She then brushed past a seething Bulma, dragging Zarbon out the door with a possessive hold on him.

She glanced at Vegeta who was trying to conceal his laughter, and then to his companion who was having a harder time. "Not ONE word."

Vegeta composed himself, "Why woman, whatever do you mean? Surely you don’t think I’d mention how your fiance is going to get laid tonight and you aren’t. Oops I just did." He laughed arrogantly.

"At least somebody’s getting laid tonight! You probably rejected those bathing sluts yesterday because you wouldn’t know what to do with a woman once you had her!"

Vegeta’s eyes grew very dark as he stepped closer to her, his breath warm on her face. "I would watch what you say woman," he said menacingly. "There are certain lines you do not cross when talking to a man. And just because I do no jump at the chance to bathe with whores like your boyfriend, who just left with another woman I might add, does not mean I am inexperienced in such areas."

Bulma summoned all her courage to stare right back at Vegeta unphased, though inside she was shaking at what he said. Vegeta continued to hold her gaze and for one brief second, wanted to drown in her eyes.

Kakarotto, who noticed the sudden tension in the room, broke the silence. "Hey Vegeta, I think there are some fights going on today. What say we go watch a few and relax before we head out tomorrow?"

Vegeta gave one last glare to Bulma and nodded his approval to Kakarotto.

* * * * *

A couple of hours later, Zarbon entered his room, surprised to see Bulma waiting.

"What are you doing here Baby Blue?"

"Oh I’m sorry, did you have other plans? Far be it for me to rain in on your fun."

"What are you talking about?"

"Who do you think I’m talking about. You only spent the entire afternoon with her," Bulma accused.

"Mokra? Nothing happened Bulma, I was just being friendly. I’m polite to all clients."

"Well how polite is it to forget a lunch date with your FIANCEE?"

"Oh geez, I’m sorry Bulma, I’m sorry. Time just passed so quickly . . ."

"SAVE IT! You obviously enjoy her company more than mine."

"Ok, now you’re just being childish and petty. I love you remember?"

"Mokra was all over you. How do you expect me to feel? If you loved me then you would’ve come to me. You didn’t, so why don’t you go be with the one you want."

Zarbon grew angry at Bulma’s attitude. "SO MAYBE I WILL! Right now, Mokra, or just about anybody else, would be better company than YOU." He then stalked out of his room.

Bulma started to cry. So anybody else would be better company? I’ll show him, I’ll beat him at his own game. She decided to get even. Bulma knew how desireable she was, half the soldiers on the station would always drool as she walked by. She never paid any attention to them before because of Zarbon, but if he was going to be with someone else tonight, she was going to have some fun too!

* * * * *

The Chikyuu native entered the bar and smiled slyly. She looked around and saw a group of soldiers sitting in the corner. Sashaying up to them, Bulma smiled and asked if any of them wanted to buy her a drink. At first they were stunned; they knew she was the adoptive daughter of Freeza and engaged to Zarbon. But one look at the hunger in her aqua eyes and they were all fighting over who would be the one to buy her a drink.

Bulma just laughed as she watched the soldiers scramble, but grew cold as a clammy hand grabbed her arm. She turned and came face to face with a hideous red alien.

He brought his face close to hers, "My dear, while these boys are preoccupied, what say we go somewhere more quiet?"

Bulma almost vomited at his rancid breath. "No thank you, I am quite fine staying right here."

He tightened his grip, "Oh but I insist."

She struggled as he pulled her to him. "I said NO!"

"Listen bitch, if you want to stay alive you’re coming with me."

"I suggest you let the woman go."

The red alien turned around to see a smirking Vegeta. "Sorry, but I don’t like to share. Go find your own slut, I think there are some whores over there who will do just about anybody, even Saiyans."

At these words, Vegeta became enraged and within a split second, snapped the alien’s neck. His cold, ebony eyes then turned to focus on Bulma. "Woman, just what the Hell did you think you were doing?"

"I had everything under control," she said cooly. "I don’t appreciate you following me."

"I was already in here when you entered woman. I watched how you made a fool out of yourself in front of those weakling soldiers. You’re asking for trouble coming into a place like this."

"Those weakling soldiers don’t seem to share your opinion of me. We were having fun until that red freak and you showed up. And it just so happens I know exactly what I am doing."

"Oh really?" he said smugly. "I take it then that Zarbon is grazing in other pastures tonight."

A dark look flashed in Bulma’s eyes but quickly passed. "I came here to have fun tonight Vegeta. You do remember what fun is?" She looked him directly in the eye. "These soldiers just happen to know what a real woman is and how to satisfy her. But you wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?"

Vegeta just growled as she stepped closer a small smile playing on her lips. "Well, Prince Vegeta, are you man – no – Saiyan enough to handle me?" Her voice became low and sensuous, her breath tickling the hairs on his neck. At that point, almost everyone in the bar had stopped to take notice as to what was happening between the human and Saiyan. Vegeta’s face grew hot as he felt the eyes of everyone on him.

Bulma stood in front of him for a moment then backed off, tilted her head back and laughed. "I didn’t think so." The room erupted into laughter and Vegeta grew in fury.

Not being able to stand the vision of the laughing human in front of him, he grabbed her, flung her over his shoulder and marched out the door, much to the protest of the drinking soldiers.

"Vegeta what the Hell are you doing," Bulma struggled against him.

"Shut up woman, I’ve had enough of your insolence."

He carried her down the hall much to the dismay of passerbys. The Prince slowed as he came to his room, kicked the door open and entered. He brought her kicking and screaming into the bathroom, turned on the shower and tossed her under the cold water.

"That should cool you down you wench."

Bulma sputtered under the water, screaming in frustration as she turned off the faucet. Vegeta just laughed and went back to his room. She tried to get up, but slipped, so she ripped off her boots. Furious at being rejected and humiliated, a devilish smile crossed her face. Oh no Vegeta, this time I win. I’ll show you who has the upper hand.

Stepping out of the bathroom, she saw Vegeta by the desk. Bulma unfastened her dress and let it drop, leaving only her underwear. She seductively walked over to Vegeta, her hips swaying ever so slightly. "You still didn’t answer my question. Would you be able to handle me?"

Vegeta’s eyes widened at the sight of her, his lust and hate battling it out inside of him. "Woman," he whispered. "You don’t know what you’re getting into."

"Then why don’t you show me." She removed her bra.

Within less than a second, Vegeta had removed his armour, shirt and gloves and was crushing Bulma to him as he enveloped her in a kiss. A small groan escaped her mouth as he gently sucked on her lower lip and then moved his way downward. Pausing at her neck, Vegeta summoned all his self-control so as not to bite her. He then moved lower to anoint her glorious breasts and lower still.

His warm mouth on her cool skin was making Bulma go crazy. The sensations were new and pleasurable to her for Zarbon never indulged in foreplay. Vegeta once again claimed her lips with his own, and she started to massage the base of his tail. That was all it took as he carried her to the bed, removing his pants and tearing off her underwear in the process. He gently laid her down, then stopped to gaze at her naked body. His lips quirked upwards, then he kissed her again as he positioned himself above her.

The thrusts were hard and powerful. Rough like a savage beast, but she had expected nothing less from her Saiyan Prince. Each thrust was never hard enough to hurt her; Vegeta seemed to know just what her limit was. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he delved deeper and deeper and she clung to him as they climaxed together. Bulma fell back on to the pillow panting and Vegeta supported himself above her, still inside.

He stared at her for the longest time and then gently nipped her nose. Bulma smiled at him though his face was expressionless. He brought a hand up and brushed her matted hair out of her face. Vegeta lowered his head to kiss Bulma again, and began to thrust more slowly and gently. For the longest time they built up their gentle rhythm, Bulma moaning as Vegeta held her hip, stroked her breasts and nibbled on her earlobes. Her moans intensified until she finally screamed his name and he grunted in her ear and they held each other close as their orgasms racked their bodies.

Slowly, Vegeta pulled out and rolled off of Bulma. He stretched, then brought her to him, his tail sweeping up and down her thighs. His arms surrounded her and held her close as she snuggled into his side. Vegeta buried his face into Bulma’s silky hair, breathing in her essence. He sighed then fell asleep.

Bulma craned her neck to see the face of her sleeping Prince. He had a somewhat content expression. Bulma smiled and kissed his chin. Never had she felt such pleasure or passion before. And now, wrapped in his arms, her world finally seemed to make sense. She cuddled up even closer to him, never had she felt so . . . happy. With these thoughts, and feeling safe in the arms of her lover, Bulma fell asleep.

* * * * *

Bulma slowly woke up and felt big strong arms encircle her from behind. She smiled as she was pulled against a hard body and looked down.

Blue arms? Bulma frantically looked at her surroundings. I’m in my room. She turned around.


"Good morning love, or should I say good afternoon? You never sleep in, what did you do that tired you out so much?" He smiled as he brought her closer.

Quickly overcoming her shock, Bulma spoke, "What the Hell are you doing here?"

"I came by late last night to apologize but you were already sleeping. I just wanted to hold you my Baby Blue."

"And where is Mokra?"

Zarbon nuzzled her. "I’m so sorry about last night, but I swear, nothing happened. She means nothing to me, you’re the one I love. Please forgive me!"

The blue alien continued to hold her, not noticing how her body didn’t respond. Bulma sighed, "Fine Zarbon, I forgive you. I know you can’t lie to me, but please go. I’m late for work and I need to change."

Zarbon chuckled, "What’s all the modesty for? It’s not like I’ve never seen you naked."

"Please, just GO!"

I guess she’s still a little upset with me. "Ok Baby Blue, I’ll leave," he kissed her forehead, "but I’ll see you later." Zarbon then gathered his clothes, changed and left.

Bulma changed, confused as to what happened las night. Vegeta where are you? We have to discuss this. She then left to find her Prince.

* * * * *

Vegeta looked over the final plans of the purge. He just couldn’t concentrate as his thoughts drifted back to Bulma.

He had awoken in the middle of the night with Bulma nestled into his side. He stared at her for the longest time and reached to stroke her face and kiss her temple.

All of a sudden, he had stopped himself. He realized the vulnerable position he was in and cursed himself for his weakness. Yes, he remembered, she was always a weakness, and getting too close would only bring pain.

He had disentangled himself from Bulma, trying not to look at how the starlight played with her hair and body. Vegeta had quickly dressed, wrapped her in a sheet and carried her to her room undetected. He had left just as he saw Zarbon coming down the hall.

Snapping back to the present, Vegeta frowned at the plans. He heard the door open and looked up to see Bulma enter.

Obsidian eyes stared at her as she nervously approached Vegeta.

"So," she spoke softly, her angelic voice tickling Vegeta’s ears. "What happens now?"

The Saiyan Prince looked blankly at Bulma and didn’t utter a sound.

She continued, "I mean, last night was amazing and special. I just want to know where we stand."

Vegeta narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. "Of course last night was amazing woman, I am the Saiyan Prince. You wanted a good fuck and I gave it to you. I admit, it was fun but it meant nothing to me."

Bulma’s jaw dropped in shock and Vegeta turned his back to her, not bearing to see the look on her face.

Filled with pain and hurt, Bulma turned to leave, but then stopped and looked back.

"I don’t believe you!"

She went to face him, tears in her eyes. "I know you care for me Vegeta. You may say you don’t but your actions last night betray your words. So accept it Vegeta, you care for me just as I . . . I care for you."

Vegeta grabbed her, murder in his eyes. Bulma choked back a sob as he raised his right hand. He wanted to yell and scream at her, tell her she was wrong, that he didn’t want her, that she was weak. But he couldn’t do it, so he lowered his hand to run it through her hair, and brought her head in for a kiss.

Bulma’s knees almost buckled but Vegeta held her tightly to him. As their heads bobbed in rhythm, Bulma let out a moan against his mouth and her right hand found its way to the base of his tail. While she rubbed and stroked the soft fur, Vegeta purred as he slowly made a path of kisses to her neck. Losing all self-control and for once, giving in to his emotions, he sank his teeth into her neck. Bulma’s body racked in pleasure as he lapped up her sweet blood.

Wanting to return the favour, Bulma made her way to Vegeta’s neck and started to gnaw. He sighed in ecstasy, then realized what Bulma was doing. Before she could break his skin, Vegeta pulled back. He looked at her startled expression and then noticed his bite marks on her neck. NO!

Vegeta pushed Bulma away with such force, sending her sprawling to the ground.

"LEAVE! Get out of here NOW! You are nothing but a weakness to me, just like when we were children. I . . . I NEVER want to see you again. You will always be a reminder of the weakling I could’ve become. Just GO!"

Bulma ran out crying, not believing what had just occured. Vegeta silently stood there and squeezed his eyes shut. No, not again.

* * * * *

Bulma sat in the observation lounge and watched as Vegeta and Kakarotto’s ship left.

Freeza came by and noticed how upset Bulma was. "What’s wrong my child?"

"I . . . I thought that I had misjudged the Saiyans. I mean, to say they’re all bad is a bit rash. You would think that they had some redeeming qualities. But no, I had been right all along, they’re nothing but cruel and heartless bastards."

"Come, let’s take a walk." Freeza led Bulma to his office.

"You know my child, your father felt that way too. He had been doing some research on how to take care of the Saiyans." Freeza tapped a code into his consule and a hidden drawer was revealed. Inside was a library of vid Cd’s and pages of research. Bulma grabbed one of the books and leafed through it, recognizing her late father’s handwriting.

"Why would you want to get rid of the Saiyans? I thought they were your allies."

"My dear, one must always be prepared. I too thought that they could change, but I have been disappointed time and time again."

"Why would my father agree to this? He always told me that violence was never the answer."

"Oh, my child, loot at it through his eyes. Saiyans took over Chikyuu, Saiyans killed your mother, Saiyans uprooted him to Vegitasei and in the end, it was a Saiyan who killed him."

Bulma looked at the books again. "This research is incomplete."

"Yes, your father was still working on it right before he, ah . . . passed on."

A look of resolve overcame Bulma’s face. "Freeza-san, I want to complete my father’s work, finish what he set out to do. I want to do the universe a favour and rid it of the plague that are the Saiyans!"

* * * * *

Table of Contents
Part 2
Part 4