WARNING: MILD CITRUS lies ahead. This is NOT the whole lemon. Just hints and stuff. If kissing and suggestions bother you (I'm just being careful here), then don't read this.

Chapter 7

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Bulma couldn't sleep, she was too restless, too nervous. Vejiita hadn't come back yet, was he out looking for the z-senshi? Dende help them, it wouldn't be hard for him to find them. Unable to control herself any longer, she burst into tears. 'What was I thinking?' her mind screamed, 'I left my son! I was trying to save him, but it didn't work. Dende I'm a fool!'

The guard looked at Bulma, unsure of what to do. She was sure Vejiita would not be happy if he came back and she wasn't happy, or at least comfortable. She sighed; she had never been in a situation quite like this before. She just sat back and hoped the native would shut-up soon.

'You're not a fool Bulma!' Bulma sniffed, this time she wasn't caught off guard when Dende spoke to her, 'You did what you had to do! You gave the z-senshi time to escape! Chibbi Trunks is safe!'

Bulma sniffed, he crying halted, 'But for how long?' she asked, 'Vejiita will go after them soon, I know it!'

She heard Dende sigh, 'I don't know. He's fighting with Mirai Trunks right now.' Bulma shot up from the bed, the guard immeadeatly got up "You're not going anywhere." she warned.

Bulma paid no attention, "What do you mean he's fighting Trunks!" she said aloud this time. The guard took a step back, 'These natives are crazy!' Bulma suddenly realized her mistake, "What the hell was I thinking?" she screamed, "I have to save Trunks!"

The guard was unprepared for her sudden outbust and didn't expect her to make a dash for the door. The guard moved quickly to catch her, but Bulma was faster. "I have to get to my son!"

Bulma made a mad dash down the hallways; there were no guards, most of them were with Vejiita. The lone female guard trailed closely behind Bulma, but everytime she thought she had her, Bulma would turn down another hallway.

Finally, Bulma lost her. She stopped, her body was sore and her lungs were burning for air. She finally realized she was completely lost. She could hear the voices of the guard and a few other soldiers. She couldn't go anywhere, so she fell to the ground and cried, praying that they wouldn't find her. "Oh Dende," she whispered, "I've lost my son forever, haven't I?"

Dende's voice, was soft and child-like, "It'll be okay, I promise."

* * *

Vejiita laughed at the sight of a warrior like him on the verge of tears. He turned to Aya, who was still trying to recover from the greusome sight, "See what happens to those who defy me!" he mocked, "Don't worry; though, you'll be joining him soon."

Vejiita prepared a blast to kill her, but he was unprepared for Trunks' intervention. The blast missed Aya by a few inches. "If you want to kill her, you'll have to kill me first!"

Vejiita smiled, "That won't be a problem!" Vejiita said, back-handing him. "You're practically dead now!" he kicked him in the side, blood spurtted out of Trunks' mouth. Vejiita wove his tail around his neck and held him up. He slapped him again, "Time to die brat!"

He aimed his blast straight for his heart, but a voice stopped him, "You bastard!" Aya screamed, "What kind of monster are you that you'd kill your own son?"

Vejiita stopped; his tail loosened and Trunks fell to the ground. Vejiita turned and glared at Aya, "Stupid bitch, how could this be my son?"

Aya glanced at Trunks then returned Vejiita's glare, "This is your son from the future; your son from this time is three months old and with the Z-senshi."

Vejiita turned to the boy, "Is this true?" he demanded, Trunks nodded, "Well, I'll have to speak with your mother about this."

He turned to Aya, "Consider yourself lucky bitch, I've changed my mind." Aya looked at him curiously, "You two don't deserve to die, you deserve to rot in this hell I've created. Now excuse me, I have other appointments." he turned to one of the soldiers, "Take these prisoners to Quadrant 3 and have them prepared to be sold. As for these two, leave them be, they won't do anything." He kicked Trunks one more time before leaving, "See you around, son."

* * *

Bulma didn't know how long she had been there, it felt like an eternity. She was completely unaware of the presence behind her until its tail slithered around her and she was taken into two, familiar arms. She opened her tear-stained eyes and gazed into Vejiita's cold, seemingly uncaring face, but she could see a hint of something else there, something she couldn't place.

He didn't say a word, neither did she. He carried her back to her chambers and set her on the bed. It was only then that she noticed the blood on his body. "You killed him didn't you?" she asked.

Vejiita turned to her and smirked, "No." he said, "I didn't. He wasn't worthy to die at MY hands. He's no son of mine!" Bulma looked away, "Yes," she said softly, "He is. You should see him."

Vejiita rolled his eyes, "I already have woman!"

Bulma glared back, "Not him, the other Trunks!"

"What other Trunks?"

Bulma sighed, "The one I just gave birth too, the one from this time!"

Vejiita turned, "I have no desire to ever see the brat." he said coldly.

A sob escaped her throat, "Please," she pleaded, "please let me see him. Please let me take him, he's my son!"

Vejiita looked away, "No." Bulma burst into tears, "You humans have too many emotions. Get over it. The brat stays, whatever happens, happens, I don't care!" Bulma couldn't say anything, "We leave tomorrow."

He said nothing more, he stalked off to the bathroom to shower. Bulma dashed for the door, only to find it was locked. After several desperate attempts to escape, she gave up and fell onto the bed, exhausted.

After a while, Vejiita stalked out of the bathroom. He hiked an eyebrow when he saw Bulma sprawled out across the bed. He sighed, and walked over. He carefully tried to move her, trying not to wake her. Her eyes fluttered open and she fixed a glare on him. He only smirked in return, "Well," he said playfully, "since you're awake, do you want to make up for lost time?"

Bulma slapped him, only doing damage to herself, "Bastard." she cried.

Vejiita sighed, and took her hand. "Relax." he said quietly, stroking her sore fingers, "I won't force you into anything."

Bulma sighed in relief. She pulled her hand from his and turned away, determined to not let him seduce her; he was pretty damn good at that.

He reached for her again, turning her to face him. His face was only inches away from his, his warm breath tickled her nose. "Only when you're ready." He kissed her with passion, bulma felt her control crumble and she returned the kiss. Vejiita broke away, only to laugh. "Can I take that to mean you're ready?"

Bulma regained her composure, and turned away again, "No." she whispered. Vejiita sighed, but accepted her answer this time. He laid down next to her and ordered the lights off.

Bulma was unprepared as he turned her and pulled her against his chest; kissing her temple before dozing off. Bulma snuggled next to him, allowing his steady breathing to lull her to sleep.

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Table of Contents
Chapter 6
Chapter 8