Warnings: This chapter has some dark moments, violence, profanity and the like. Read at your own discretion.

Disclaimer: List of things to do: 1. Sell this story and make tons of profit. 2. Buy all the DBZ characters for myself. 3. Rule the world.

In other words: I don’t own DBZ or any characters associated with it. I never will. This story is merely written for entertainment purposes and I am making no profit. I think number three might be feasible though…


Chapter 2

* * * * * * * *


The past two days had been a living hell as Bardock tried to adjust to life with a spoiled prince, a temperamental spy and his little vixen of a slave—who, to Bardock’s displeasure, seemed to have cast some spell on his youngest son (it must be her cooking, he finally decided)—his own two slaves, and his brats. With this many beings cramped into one tiny villa, it was a small wonder that no blood had been shed…yet.

There had been many close calls, however, and they seemed to occur between the Prince and his slaves. It was little surprise to him that Bulma would be quick with Vejiita, but Yamucha’s behavior had caught him off guard at first. Zarbon had insisted that the boy not know Vejiita’s true identity and was very wary of the relationship he shared with Bulma. The girl was true to her word and did not reveal Vejiita’s secret.

Bardock had been sure that Bulma would have to be removed from the household if he wished to keep her in the future. It seemed, though, that the Prince would seek her out in between his training sessions just to goad her into an argument. Zarbon was not easily snared into a battle of words and Raditz and Kakarott acted much to formal around him. Apparently the boy’s thirst for battle extended beyond the physical blows he received from Zarbon. Bardock found Bulma’s quick temper and cunning retorts amused the Prince. It seemed that Bulma didn’t mind these verbal spars either.

The boy had been well educated and could converse at a level that Bulma had only shared with Bardock. Bardock had little doubt that this was the only reason Bulma willingly engaged the Prince in battle. Yamucha, on the other hand, saw something completely different.

Yamucha had always been a rather shy boy and tried mentioning his concern quietly to Bulma, who took his words as an insult and called him names she had yet to hurtle in the Prince’s direction. The poor boy, already humiliated, learned that Vejiita had been outside the door listening. From then on, Yamucha became Vejiita’s secondary target. It concerned Bardock that Yamucha wasn’t amusing the Prince as much as Bulma did. He was afraid that the young heir would become very bored with him and Yamucha would find himself in a very sticky situation.

Bardock gazed into the flames and furrowed his brow in deep thought. Perhaps he should take time to reevaluate the goings on between Bulma and the Saiyajin no Ouji. It was possible that Yamucha saw things more clearly then he did, maybe that’s why the young boy was in so much danger. Leaning against the back of the chair, Bardock closed his eyes and heaved a deep sigh. Then again…the young Prince would never fancy a Chikyuujin girl in such a manner: it was unbecoming and unthinkable. He was simply being silly; Yamucha was simply a young boy who has become irrationally jealous. Still, the doubt lingered.

* * * * * * * *

Being led by his sensitive nose and demanding stomach, Vejiita quietly crept into the kitchen. He peered into the kitchen and searched for the wench that Zarbon called a servant. He had once been caught sneaking a taste of the midday meal and received a few minor blows (not that any Chikyuujin could actually lay harm upon his body), but the ten-minute lecture he had received afterward was painfully worse. Clearly that woman had no respect for the higher breed in civilization. Pleased that she was not present he continued towards a simmering pot above the fire.

"I see Zarbon took it easy on you today." The familiar feminine voice called from behind. Vejiita glanced down to appraise his own form. He appeared less battle worn today, but not because his trainer had granted him any sort of leniency.

Without casting a glance behind him, he took a sip from the pot before replying. "We spent most of the day in meditation. A state of mind that such a simple being such as yourself could hardly comprehend."

Vejiita finally turned around, just to get a peak at the insolent slave—only to find her back was facing him. How dare she! He bit his tongue, refusing to let her win. He had quickly discovered that she was deliberately insubordinate, not because of a lack of respect—though there was a shortage of that—but because it upset him. She shrugged her shoulders and cast a casual glance towards him before returning her attention to the bare wall, "I used to watch the guards of the temple—they would meditate as part of their training regimen." She seemed distracted, her attention focused on a bare wall instead of her prince—oh well, the best victories never come easy.

Bulma turned away from the wall and studied the fire it closely. "You know, there are faster ways to cook." She tilted her head, "I mean, you guys could at least use ovens! And, you have no place to store your food—not that you have much leftovers. Look at all this space!" She waved her hands wildly towards the empty wall, "In Chikyuujin homes, this wall would be filled with appliances that make life simpler! Even the dwellers of the Temple took advantage of technological advancement."

The Prince frowned, "There is nothing wrong with Saiyajin methods. We devote our sciences the study of ki manipulation and some medical research. It is simply a waste of time to devote so much energy towards trivial things such as your Chikyuujin ovens."

"You Saiyajins have no appreciation for convenience." Her voice was becoming slightly agitated; it wouldn’t be long before her volume increased. "Of course, I suppose it damages your pride and all."

Vejiita took another sip from the kettle and paused, "My great-great-grandfather was given the opportunity to form an alliance with the Acorsians." He paused and stirred the stew, "In exchange for their technology we would purge one of the neighboring kingdoms. You see the Acrosian land was dying and so were their people. My great-great-grandfather, however, decided to put them out of their misery and eradicate them instead. It was the first great victory of the Saiyajin Empire."

Bulma was thoughtful for a moment, this was a far cry from their usual screaming matches and the Prince was becoming frustrated, "Let’s examine the Cold Empire for a moment." Bulma said in a cool tone, grating Vejiita’s nerves " Freeza’s Empire is built upon conquests that involve the use of technology from the lands he had previously acquired. He hires, or captures, the greatest minds from all the lands and combines the strength of his army and the minds of his scientists to build his Empire--which seems to be devouring your domain."

"Freeza is a fool with little honor. You endanger yourself by letting his name pass your lips so carelessly. One could mistake you for a spy." How he loathed being reminded of the Saiyajins greatest defeat. His threat seemed to have little affect on the enigmatic woman as she glanced down at the stew, noticing the large kettle had been drained a good portion of its contents. "I’d leave before Chi Chi comes back from the market." She stated her tone suggested that there would be no battle today. He was about to turn on his heel when something pricked his senses. His mouth turned into a hateful sneer as the young servant-boy approached.

The unsuspecting boy turned the corner and froze for a moment, before remembering his place. Vejiita eased back and folded his arms, an arrogant smirk formed on his lips as he watched Yamucha bow stiffly out of forced respect. "Lord Daikon." He muttered disdainfully. He shot a wary glance towards Bulma, "You shouldn’t be in here, Bulma." Yamucha’s voice was exhausted; Vejiita could tell this was not the first time he had had to tell this rebellious woman that fact. He wondered why. Holding his tongue for a few moments, Vejiita merely stepped back and listened.

Bulma set her jaw to keep back the harsh words that seemed to slip past her lips more and more often. She was a temperamental creature whose fuse had been cut much shorter by the Prince’s arrival. "I was merely watching dinner while Chi Chi went to market. I wasn’t doing anything else." She stated sharply, shooting a glance towards the third party.

Yamucha sighed, paying no attention to Vejiita, "I’ve covered for you before. You know the master doesn’t take your projects seriously before, but…"

"Yamucha!" Bulma cried while shooting another worried glance towards Vejiita. Yamucha frowned, "Let’s go to the cellar, the Master wants wine with dinner. I think the stew will be fine for now."

Vejiita was quite disappointed; the argument between the two had actually had its intriguing moments. Still, a lover’s quarrel didn’t hold that much interest for the Saiyajin Prince. Still, he could follow…

* * * * * * * *

Yamucha had always prided himself on his ability to stay calm under pressure. He didn’t have the quick temper and sharp tongue like Bulma’s. He had been able to stay quiet while watching Bulma and that arrogant Daikon duke it out with words. He had been able to ward of the jealous burning in his chest as he watched the way the Saiyajin would stare at her and the damn fool probably didn’t even realize it. Yamucha could always keep his anger in line…until today.

Yamucha was furious.

He was fed up with watching Bulma take Daikon’s bait, almost willingly giving him satisfaction. And to make matters worse, she seemed to enjoy it as well. Of course, none of this was as upsetting as the fact that Bulma’s interest in him seemed to have faded. Suddenly, he was some immature boy who wasn’t worthy of her attention. Couldn’t she remember what they had been through together?

Once they had reached the sanctity of the cellar, Yamucha rounded upon Bulma in a rage, "What the hell is wrong with you!?" he snarled viciously. Bulma was so taken aback by his tone that she couldn’t respond. "What are you doing? You know you are going against the Master’s orders by being in the Kitchen, I covered for you before, but he knows now…."

The shock having worn off, Bulma’s eyes narrowed, "That’s not what this is about, and you know it." She hissed, "This is about you being jealous of Daikon. This is about you thinking with something other than your brain! You nearly let it all slip in front of him! He already knows some because he saw that gun, but now he’s going to get suspicious!"

Yamucha threw his hands up in the air, "So what! Maybe I am jealous! I have every reason to be. You’re being completely stupid, Bulma. You should see the way you look at him! Are you just going to forget about everything we shared just because some egotistical Saiyajin comes strutting his stuff? Excuse me if I thought you better than a whore."

Bulma delivered a sharp slap to his cheek, his head whipping to the side. "I’m not asking for anything!" she cried defensively, "I will not play some meager slave to the people who destroyed everything so important to me!" Yamucha touched his tender cheek, she had not countered his accusations about her feelings towards Daikon. His worst fear had been confirmed, "Say what you will," he stated coldly, "It’s what you don’t say that betrays you." Pushing past her, he stormed up the stairs paying no attention to the amused eavesdropper.

* * * * * * * *

The Dark Emperor sat quietly in his private chambers, taking a few precious moments to reflect.

He was known for being ruthless and sometimes cruel. He was considered a strong warrior, though those who had witnessed his true strength had never survived to tell about it. The rumors and stories about Freeza were true, though some had been sugar coated, he mused. Obviously, he could not use propaganda that stated the entire truth. He would never sign any treaties and form any alliances and while conquering all the lands was feasible, it simply wasn’t practical. No, Freeza was careful. He rarely fought in battle, it was hardly necessary. There were few challengers worthy of a glimpse of his power. Those few idiots who were, soon saw his true form.

He had acquired many kingdoms over the years, destroying those few who dared defy him. There was only one thorn in his side…the Saiyajins.

Freeza tried everything to gain control of their growing empire. First, he thought their mutual values would serve as a foundation for a treaty and perhaps a great alliance. But the monkeys were too prideful. Then he thought he had conquered them when he took their great Kingdom, Vejiitasei—but they fled to far off lands and continued to grow. Now, he had little choice but to destroy them…and soon.

Their Prince was growing dangerously strong and if allowed to live any longer, he could become a plausible threat to his throne. Still, he did have the androids for security.

These two marvelous creations were designed to be the perfect warriors. He would have had the deranged Gero build an entire army, if Freeza had not suspected treason. With the twins programmed, Freeza destroyed Gero before he could create something more powerful. They were hardly loyal servants, but they could not rebel as long as he held the remote. They could easily be eradicated the moment he sensed treason among them, but for now they could serve him quite well. Besides, he had more pressing matters.

Freeza could clearly remember the young Zarbon during his inspection of the training camps. He was a stunningly beautiful creature in his mammalian form and he held amazing power. Oh, he had his faults. The boy was prideful and everyday came closer to seeing Freeza for who he really was. It could have been simple, really. If the boy made it through the camp, Freeza would have seen to it that the boy be brought directly to him. He would have shown the boy who he truly was…a monster. He would have torn his pride--broken him completely. Shown him what his defiance had earned him. Then, he would take the hate and mold and shape the boy in his own image. Yes, Zarbon had potential.

Pity, he never completed the camps. The boy had escaped one night, with a few others who had endured enough. At the time Freeza was merely disappointed at the thought of not breaking the boy and seeing what he would become, but he thought little more of the incident until today. Now, it seemed his mistake had repercussions.

Zarbon had turned to the Saiyajins to fight a battle against him. He defended their throne, and their Prince. While he may have managed to elude him for so long, he knew enough about the traitor and soon he would be within his grasp again. Perhaps he would still give the boy a little taste of what could have been before he died. He closed his eyes and murmured "All in good time."

* * * * * * * *

Raditz sat in silence during the evening meal, choosing to watch the events unfold instead of being a participant. Mealtimes were not as exciting since they were mainly preoccupied with their plates, but anytime one of the three servants entered the room to pour more wine or bring out more hot food, Raditz knew something would happen. Whether it was as subtle as a wandering eye or as deliberate as vicious words. Raditz also watched his sire, noting that he did not find these situations as amusing. He would have to take a long vacation when this was over.

True Kakarott was being careless by letting himself be enticed by a Chikyuujin woman, but it was certainly harmless lust. In a matter of a few weeks, she would be gone and his brother would quickly forget. As for the Prince, it was no one’s place to judge his actions. Bardock’s fear was of losing Bulna, and Raditz admitted he would miss the little brat if it came to that. However, he doubted that day would come. Had Bulma really offended the Prince, he would have seen to her death long ago.

The sound of light footsteps entered the dinning room and the dark haired female entered carrying the large pot with the last remains of her delicious stew, "I am terribly sorry for the shortage tonight." She hardly sounded apologetic. Her voice was sharp and cold as she dared to meet the Ouji’s eyes. "But if you could discipline yourselves were your stomachs are concerned, then we wouldn’t have this problem, would we?"

Vejiita opened his mouth, but Zarbon intervened, "Chi Chi, that was hardly necesasry." He turned to them, "I am terribly so…"

The wench wouldn’t let him finish, "You shouldn’t be apologizing." She snapped, "If I wanted to apologize, I would." Vejiita leaned back in his chair; he was clearly not amused by this display. Odd, Bulma’s defiance was entertaining, but this female was merely annoying to Vejiita. Raditz leaned forward; perhaps his father had other reasons to be concerned.

Zarbon rose to his feet, "Chi Chi, I insist that you retire for the evening, before you embarrass me any further." Raditz nodded in agreement as the woman opened her mouth, then wisely shut it. Turning sharply, she strode out of the room with her nose up high. Only a few moments after, Kakarott dismissed himself, no doubt to see if he could rustle up a few kitchen scraps. Perhaps he should do the same later, though Raditz doubted he would have as much luck getting through that woman.

Raditz let his eyes wander around the room to examine their reactions. The Prince had little interest in the situation as he focused on finishing his meal. Raditz’s gaze fell upon the woman’s alien master. Though slightly flushed he, too, seemed to pay little heed to her interaction with a Saiyajin. It appeared Bardock’s patience had run out. Rising from his seat he stormed out of the room, muttering about his fool son and Chikyuujin witches. His father worried about the most trivial things, Raditz mused.

Apparently Bardock wished to avoid any other confrontations and had sent Bulma to bed early as well, because Yamucha cleared the table alone. The Prince watched the boy with smug satisfaction and the boy was deliberate not to catch his gaze. Evidently, their last altercation had not gone well for the Chikyuujin.

Zarbon politely dismissed himself for the evening, wishing to meditate in private for a few hours before resting. Assuming Vejiita would not want the company of a low-class soldier, Raditz moved to excuse himself as well. "Sit back down." Vejiita spoke in a quiet, commanding tone. Raditz was quick to obey.

The next few moments were filled with an uncomfortable silence and Raditz fought hard not to squirm. Finally, the Prince spoke. "I had considered confronting your father about this, but I doubt he would be completely honest. And that Chikyuujin loving brother of yours is out of the question." He stared pointedly at Raditz, "I trust you will be entirely truthful in answering my questions."

"Of course, Ouji-sama."

"Good." He turned his gaze away, staring out the window. "Tell me about that Chikyuujin girl you have harbored in this house for many years. Specifically, about her little ‘projects’." Raditz breathed in and reminded himself that this was not necessarily a bad thing.

"I suppose one would consider Bulma a genius of sorts." Raditz began, carefully picking his words. "When she was young, father learned she had a knack for creating devices from scrap metals and such. She made a few harmless devices and Bardock pretended not to notice. She gave an oath that she would not build any weaponry of sorts and her inventions were created only for amusement. She had lied to us."

Raditz paused to catch the Prince’s reaction. His face was stoic and unreadable, "It was in her blood, I suppose. It is her nature to build things and perhaps she could not stop herself. At first, we thought the accidents in the kitchen were results of cooking disasters, but Bulma is not always the greatest liar. Still, we believed her inventions to be harmless and asked that she be more careful. The kitchen is the only room with enough space and light for her to work." Raditz followed the Prince’s gaze out the window while he continued.

" She recently confessed that she would get her supplies from Chikyuujin smugglers at the capital. I tell you, they are a clever breed." He cast another glance towards the Prince; this comment had forced a subtle smirk across his lips. "We did not realize the extent of all of this until that night at Zarbon’s inn. Bardock punished her for her lies, I promise you that."

The Prince nodded, and rose from his seat. Raditz stood up and bowed while the Prince left him alone, saying nothing about Bulma. Returning to his seat, Raditz rested his chin in his palm while wondering what the consequences of that conversation would be.

* * * * * * * *

He had called her a genius.

Vejiita lay silently in his bed, digesting Raditz’s words. In the past few days, Vejiita had come to appreciate the danger that woman could pose. He had come to appreciate her talents and Raditz allowed him a small glimpse into what she was capable of. He already found her intoxicating scent and exotic coloring could easily overpower his common sense. She threatened him on a different level, one that involved his pride, and he would not allow her to beat him with so much at stake.

* * * * * * * *

A very small, compact man lay still in the tall grass that lay just beyond the Chikyuujin border. He was covered from head to toe and his beady eyes pierced the dark. He had had a very long and difficult day. The task his master had given him was a difficult one indeed, but no one else could handle it. Not even those ridiculous machines that Freeza praised so highly. No, he would prove that the Ginyu were not obsolete.

He could hear them from a distance—drawing closer. That meant Freeza was in position to storm the castle and take the King. "Did you find him, Jeiyce?" were the first words spoken.

"Yes Captain." He replied, "Took a bit of work, but I found him. Got a bit of company, and you should see the Prince. His hair’s a bit of a riot."

"How many are there." The Captain’s tone was serious; he preferred not to joke around before heading into a serious battle. The much shorter man thought for a moment, "There’s four Saiyajins, that traitor Zarbon, and three slaves. I caught a glimpse of the one Freeza wants brought back. That one’d be wasted in the engineering department."

There was a snicker from his right, "That hasn’t stopped you before." It was Rikkuum. "Besides, Freeza said to just make sure she’s alive." Jeiyce smiled under his mask, "True." He murmured wistfully and his comrades laughed with him.

"Quiet fools!" hissed the Captain, "We stay here until sun rise. When we get the signal from Freeza, we attack the Ouji." The four men grew quiet and waited as the first inkling of light began to appear in the east.

* * * * * * * *

Freeza stood on top of the dais and stared down at half-dead Saiyajin King. "There is no escape this time." His tail waved excitedly behind him, as he slowly descended towards the defeated Saiyajin. "You poor, poor monkey." He whispered softly, kneeling down and stroking his hair, "You’re all so beautiful when you’re in pain." His hand rested on his cheek, fingers lightly brushing his goatee, the King’s face twisted in disgust and agony. "It’s a pity I can not keep you alive for a while, you would be very entertaining. However, you and your son must simply be eradicated-I cannot afford to make the same mistakes twice." Freeza smiled down, "I can assure you the rest of you filthy apes will not be shown such mercy. Juuanagou and Juuachigou take such delight in their work, as do many of my men. You can watch the suffering of your people with your son in hell."

Vejiita Ou mustered just enough strength to spit on Freeza’s fingers. "I will see you in hell before my son." Freeza merely gazed at his hands, wiping the saliva onto the King’s tattered crimson cape. "We shall see." He muttered.

Tightening his fingers around the Saiyajin no Ou’s neck; he sighed in pleasure when the bones of the King’s neck cracked. It was such a beautiful sound. "Remove his corpse and place it in the center of the capital for all to see. When the Ginyu is finished the Prince’s body will join his. Begin rounding up the monkey’s for the camps immediately."

Soon, only a few guards remained, just to make sure the palace was secure. Freeza leaned back into the throne and closed his eyes. "Comfortable?" the voice drawled from behind. Eyes still shut, Freeza smiled, "Why yes, thank you for your concern Juuanagou. I must thank you and your sister for your help, you two are very efficient indeed. I especially like the work you did on his majesty. I do wish you had saved him for me, though." He sighed, "It is no matter, though."

"We beg your forgiveness, my Lord." Juuachigou appeared from behind her brother, brushing a strand of her pale hair behind her ears "It is an honor to serve you." All three of them knew she was lying, but for now they would let it be. Suddenly rising from his chair, Freeza rushed out of the throne room, "It is time."

* * * * * * * *

Bulma was outside just when she saw it. A burst of bright purple light appeared in the northern sky, right above the capital. "Strange." Apparently, it had caught the eye of another in the household. Vejiita dashed out of the villa with a look of furry and horror. "What is it?" Bulma demanded, but apparently she was invisible.

"Ottoussama." Were the only words uttered as he turned back towards the house, then "Gather plenty of food and water, we must leave at once."

She was about to demand some explanations when she was blown off her feet by a great gust of wind. It was after she had wiped the dirt off of her face when she realized that it had been no wind.

There were five of them, strange looking aliens four of them surrounded Vejiita while the fifth hovered close to her. "I’d just stay still, sweetness." The red-skinned man drawled, "I’ll get to you in a moment." Bulma cursed the great kais when she realized she had no weapons—Bardock had seen them all destroyed.

Feeling helpless, she watched as Vejiita took up a battle stance clearly accepting the unspoken challenge. "So Freeza sends his mighty Ginyu Squad to do battle against the Prince?" He scoffed, "Too much of a coward to fight me himself?"

The large, purple one laughed heartily, "Oh, Freeza passes along his condolences. He so wanted to watch you die, but I suppose torturing your father before killing him was satisfactory enough." Bulma felt her throat tighten and heart race as she watched Vejiita. His face did not change, but for a fleeting moment there was a flicker of agony in his eyes. She never thought she would feel pity for the family that led the assault on the temple. The ones who slaughtered her only family, she cursed them for that but now the Saiyajins were fighting for their lives. It was a never-ending cycle.

There were cries from inside the villa and the rest of the household rushed to investigate the commotion. Zarbon was the first to appear through the door. His features paled considerably and he stumbled back into the wall, gasping, "Ginyu."

Zarbon’s reaction was alarming: What kind of power could these men possess that frightened him so? The horned one, who apparently was their leader, gave a wide grin, "The Ouji is to die at my hands, the rest of you kill the spares."

The next few moments seemed like fantasy as the four began to bicker amongst them, arguing who would kill whom. Suddenly, they began a game of rock, paper scissors. These were strange soldiers indeed. Suddenly a cry of disappointment came from the short bug-eyed creature, "I never get any real fun." Turning away from the group he began swallow a large breath of air when one of the comrades shouted, "Don’t kill the girl, yet." Sick to her stomach, Bulma closed her eyes and covered her ears.

For a fleeting moment Bulma thought time had stopped. Muffled shouts broke through her fingers and she pried one of her eyes open. She couldn’t breathe.

Everyone seemed dazed, lost for a moment—then her eyes fell on it. Yamucha was lying face down on the grass, a large pool of blood gathered around him. She tried to scream, but it was lost somewhere in her throat. She thanked the gods when sweet darkness engulfed her.

* * * * * * * *

So it is true, Guldo can stop time. Zarbon stared at the corpse beside him, the first casualty. He considered himself fortunate that Guldo was given the task to kill the boy, and not one of the fighters. At least his death had been quick, and he never saw it coming. Zarbon seriously doubted he would be given such a blessing. He knew what Freeza was capable of, and he knew he would see it first hand.

He examined possible escape routes and quickly formulated an escape plan. The Chikyuujin forests were very dense and there were many paths to take, and just beyond the woods was the Yadrat border. The most difficult part would be tearing the Saiyajins, mainly the Prince, away from the battle.

The burly humanoid stepped forward, his eyes resting on Bardock and his sons. Zarbon stood deftly still, waiting for his chance. Their only hope of escape was the element of surprise—he just hoped what he had in mind would surprise the right fighters. He watched closely as the three Saiyajins exchanged blows with their opponent. His interest piqued as he watched Kakarott’s smooth technique. That one has great potential. He noticed Bardock back off slightly as his youngest son seemed to be creating a few dents in Rikkuum. Kakarott saw a great opening and with lightning speed, he slammed his fist into the big man’s gut. That’s my cue!

Cursing his luck, Zarbon felt his skin thicken and his muscles swell. There was silence around him. Captain Ginyu and Vejiita, who had previously resigned themselves to watching the battle unfold, wore stoic gazes. The rest were openly shocked.

Wasting no time, Zarbon moved with stellar speed and manage to stun the other three Ginyu. Only Chi Chi understood what he had in mind and was able to give Bardock and his two sons enough warning. Zarbon grimaced, realizing he would probably have to carry the Prince after this, "SOLAR FLARE!"

A flash of light and the Ginyu were stumbling around with their eyes covered—and so was Vejiita. When Kakarott realized what happened, he swept Chi Chi up in his grasp and joined Zarbon in the air. Bardock carried his unconscious servant in his arms while Zarbon reluctantly latched onto Vejiita. "It’s me!" he shouted as the Prince prepared to slam a fist into his face. Nothing else said as they dashed off towards the woods and to momentary safety.

* * * * * * * *

Freeza sat in the center of the fallen capital and watched with great amusement as hordes of the monkeys were brought into the camps. They were collared with temporary ki dampeners. More permanent chips would be implanted into their brains and their ki would be locked.

Just outside the capital, a giant fence was being constructed and the first of many camps were being built. Behind these fences, Freeza would find great joy in the screams of death as his men found creative ways to torture and eradicate the overgrown apes. He had heard nothing of the Ginyu yet, but he had little concern that he would hear cries of victory soon.

Behind him, Juuachigou and Juuanagou stood still their smiles frozen on their smooth features. Watching as a few of Elite Royal guard were shoved in front of him, he smiled in anticipation as a cart of torture devices was brought before him. He waited for his men to choose an instrument of their liking, then settling comfortably in his chair he shouted, "Let the celebration begin!"

* * * * * * * *

Whew! I am alive!

Next Chapter: Vejiita and Co. stumble upon a hidden monastery and a new ally. Bulma reveals the secret of Shenlong and a chance for victory. The Ginyu still trail the Prince and Freeza sends the Twins as reinforcements. And a glimpse into the androids past…

Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 3