Chapter 1

* * * * * * * *

15 years after Prologue

"Bulma!" The young woman flinched as Bardock’s bellowed from across the small villa, "What did you do to the kitchen?" The young woman quickly began to stir the flames in the hearth, pretending she hadn’t heard him. The heavy stomping of boots echoed through the halls as he stormed into the sitting room. "What have you done?" he demanded again, his voice becoming dangerously low.

Bulma stood up and smiled warmly, "Hello Bardock-sama! I heard the hunt was successful." Bardock frowned and clenched his fists, "Do not change the subject, girl!" he hissed, "You had better explain that mess in the kitchen." His face was turning a bright shade of red and Bulma was sure she could see a tiny vein pulsing on his forehead, "I thought I made it clear that you were to go no where near the kitchen. You nearly reduced the entire estate to ashes the last time you tried to prepare dinner!"

Bulma felt her cheeks burn and she looked away, "I was merely looking for some parts for my project. Is it my fault there is little to work with?" Bardock collapsed into a chair and gazed into the flames. "I told you about your ‘projects.’ Even your fellow Chikyuujins are weary of such things. You have other duties to tend to and I prefer that you not dismantle my house for such frivolous activities."

"It is not frivolous!" she replied haughtily, "I thought of all Saiyajins, you would appreciate this. But no! Even the Saiyajins ‘brightest’ minds can’t appreciate technology! And you know I only work on them after I’ve finished my duties." Bardock smirked, "Technology such as yours only creates weakness and laziness."

Bulma opened her mouth to retort, but reconsidered. She knew better than to push him too far. "Don’t worry, Bardock-sama, I’ll clean up the kitchen." Bardock bolted up from his seat, "NO!" he cried, "You are not allowed to go near the kitchen again. I’ll have Yamucha take care of it." He heaved a sigh to regain his composure "Raditz has sent word that we shall be dinning with a very important guess and they shall be arriving soon. Go down to the cellar and bring up the finest wine. After you’ve returned, I wish for you to retire for the night; Yamucha shall serve us. I fear that our guest would not take your treasonous disposition towards our royal throne lightly. "

"Who is he?" Bulma sneered, "The bastard prince himself?" The words had barely left her mouth when his palm connected with her cheek. Bulma gingerly touched the sore skin as Bardock roughly gripped her shoulders, "You will watch your tongue!" He shook her violently while tears threatened to spill down her burning cheeks. Bardock tucked her chin in his palm and bent down to look at her directly in the eye, "I have never struck you before and I hope I never have to again, but you must be careful. Freeza sees our great Prince as a threat to his empire and rumors of a planned assassination are spreading like wildfire. Our guest, Lord Zarbon, will kill you on the spot for such remarks. Do you understand me?" Bulma bit her lower lip and nodded silently. "Good." Bardock and released her and turned away, "Now go."

"Yes, Bardock-sama." She muttered and politely bowed her head. "And Bulma, leave Yamucha to his duties for once." Flushed, Bulma hurried out of the room.

* * * * * * * *

With a great sigh, Bardock stirred the flames. Bulma was a beautiful and naïve girl. He could still remember that look of pure terror she gave the crowd when she was on the auction block. The children from the temple were not selling well and many had already been put down when they did not bring a profit. Somehow, her eyes found his and for a fleeting moment he felt pity. He was not sure why it disturbed him so. No one competed, and in a matter of minutes her title was handed to him.

Whatever had possessed him to purchase her had clearly overruled his common sense--he had already purchased a few other servants from the temple and he had to scrape up money to pay for the girl. To compensate, he sold all but one other servant.

His mate, Kyuuri, was livid. Their second son had just returned from his first mission and the household was full with just one new servant. The girl did not help matters; her sharp mind and quick tongue often sent her in a battle of wills with Kyuuri. Kyuuri treated her like a dog and Bulma’s attitude commanded respect. His mate nearly killed Bulma one day when she found the girl ordering Kakarott in a Chikyuujin game. Bardock had found the entire situation amusing and chastised Kyuuri for her behavior. It was shortly after Kyuuri requested to be stationed in the Arlian lands.

Upset at his mate’s leaving, he fell into a dark void and refused to acknowledge the girl. He had nearly sold her once. She looked into his eyes and he had that…that flash of pity no Saiyajin should feel towards a Chikyuujin. He couldn’t do it. Angry with himself, he continued to ignore her. Bulma was used to receiving attention from the entire house and she would not be ignored.

Determined to win his attention again, she began dismantle appliances in the house and built a small devices, many weapons. She would often explain her ‘projects’ to Kakarott, who would stare at her with mild interest. Impressed, Bardock decided to tutor the young girl. After a few sessions the depth of this girl’s knowledge amazed Bardock. Bulma clung to everything Bardock would teach her. It discouraged her much that the Saiyajins repressed Chikyuujin technology by killing their greatest minds and destroying their greatest accomplishments. Bardock reminded her that the Saiyajins had invented a great many things as well, but most of it was not as advanced as her work.

During Bulma’s first three years, Kyuuri corresponded occasionally. She was more interested in speaking with her two sons, but she occasionally exchanged words with her mate. Bardock implored her to return, but as long as the girl remained Kyuuri refused. At the beginning of the fourth year, Freeza invaded Arlia and destroyed the Saiyajin army stationed there—there were no survivors.

Bardock nearly took his own life at the first word of defeat. A flood of emotions-emotions that no Saiyajin dare show -overcame him and drove him to the brink of insanity. His sons overpowered him and managed subdued him for the evening.

The next morning Bardock requested to be stationed in the Capital for a few months while his two sons remained at the villa and trained intensely, leaving Bulma and Yamucha to themselves. The Capital provided Bardock a chance to occupy his mind.

When he returned, he found Kakarott and Raditz were sprawled out in the hearth room bloody and bandaged and surrounded by empty bottles from the wine cellar. It was clear that his two servants had neglected their duties.

Well…neglected was the wrong word. They were required to stay away from his brats as they took out their anger on each other during the day and well into the cold nights. It was during this time Yamucha and Bulma had become close. Yamucha could better empathize with Bulma; they had both come from the temple and witnessed the execution of their beloved deity.

Bardock broke from his reverie and turned his head towards the kitchen; he could hear her soft laughter. Could she not obey him in even the simplest of tasks? He smirked and returned his gaze towards the flames; he needed to clear his mind of the past. Tonight would bring larger concerns about the future of the Saiyajins. He rose from his seat and glanced out the window and caught a glance of the crescent moon. Another burst of laughter from the kitchen, "Bulma!" He shouted. More giggling and soft footsteps scurried towards the cellar. Bardock sighed and went to check on the progress of the kitchen.

* * * * * * * *

Bulma crept down the narrow hallway, carefully peering over her shoulder to make sure Bardock hadn’t followed her. She peeked into the kitchen entryway, fixing her eyes on the silhouette in the rays of the setting sun. She leaned against the frame and repressed a snicker as Yamucha slipped over a fruit peel. He steadied himself and bent over to scrub the floor. She seized the opportunity to tiptoe quietly behind him, and with no warning--she pounced. Wrapping her arms around his neck she buried her face in his hair to suppress an onslaught of laughter. Yamucha yelped in surprise and stumbled around the room, carrying the giggling girl with him.

Regaining his composure, Yamucha peeled Bulma off of him and pinned her against the counter top. "I guess I have YOU to thank for this lovely mess." Bulma smiled sheepishly and giggled softly. "Your welcome." She whispered, as he leaned over to nibble softly on her neck. His hands traveled lightly over her curves as his lips pressed against hers. He moaned against her mouth and pushed his body against hers. His lips returned to her neck and Bulma began to laugh as his tongue danced over her sensitive skin. "Is this all you ever think about?" she sneered between masked giggles.

It was Yamucha’s turn to blush as he broke all contact, turning his attention to an apparently stubborn spot on the counter. Bulma smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist and nibbled lightly on his ear. Yamucha seemed to pay little heed to her ministrations as he concentrated on that pesky stain. Forcefully turning his head to face her, she pouted her lips and gazed at him through big blue eyes. Yamucha shook his head and continued to ignore her. "Humph!" She thumped the back of his head and turned her back to him. Yamucha rubbed his head, "You are such tease!" he taunted.

Bulma turned her nose up at him as he massaged her shoulders. He buried his face into her hair and inhaled her scent. His hands glided up her to her chest. "Now who is being the tease?" she chortled. She turned and they leaned in for a kiss, "Bulma!" Bardock’s voice echoed from the end of the hall. Bulma sighed and pulled away, "I suppose I should go before Bardock bursts a vein." Yamucha smothered his laughter as Bulma scurried to the door, blowing a kiss over her shoulder.


* * * * * * * *

Kakarott leaned idly against the cellar wall, swinging the bottle between his fingers. He could hear her tiny footfalls from above and his father’s exhausted yelling. Oneesan was always creating some sort of mess--she was such a brat! He blew a bit of dust off the bottle and coughed. Oneesan was certainly unique, even among the Chikyuujins. He could hear her come down the steps, humming softly to herself. He slipped into the shadows and waited for her. She had her back to him, studying the wine rack. He quietly slinked up behind her. "You want this one." He commented as he thrusted the bottle in her face.

She jumped, bumping her head against his chin as he began to laugh hysterically. She rounded on him, her cheeks bright red. "You baka!" she snarled, smacking the side of his head. He grinned innocently at her as he scratched his head. "Hey now! I’m sorry!" Bulma hiked an eyebrow, her lips turning up as she struggled from smiling.

Kakarott shook his head, "You’d better get back up there before he blows." Bulma scoffed and snatched the bottle from his hand. She stomped up the stairs, tossing her hair over her shoulder. "Spoiled brat!" Kakarott called after her, he paused for a moment, "Just stay out of the way tonight. You could really get in trouble."

He could hear her snort, a habit she acquired from living in a household of Saiyajin men. "Trouble’s my middle name! Besides, I never asked you to be my bodyguard." Kakarott frowned; she resented the fact that he was so protective of her. She never understood the dangers of that mouth of hers. He chuckled to himself; oneesan really did like being the center of attention. He just hoped that if she ever got in real trouble, she didn’t bring him down with her.

* * * * * * * *

During the entire dinner, Bardock kept stealing glances down the hall. He certainly hoped that Bulma had decided to retire for the evening. It would be disastrous .to have her present; her treacherous tongue flinging treasonous remarks left and right. It was either that, or--he glanced at his attractive guest--she would be flirting shamelessly. While Lord Zarbon was particularly vain, he despised anyone who through themselves upon him.

"Bardock?" Zarbon’s deceptively gentle voice broke his train of thought. "Are you not at all interested in what I have to say?" Zarbon’s tone was misleadingly soft and controlled, but Bardock new well that he was treading on dangerous waters. Zarbon was an impatient man, a quality he acquired after serving several years in Emperor Freeza’s army. "Of course I am." Bardock replied, "Though I see why you have little interest in my humble opinions."

Zarbon’s lip twitched, "You have a rare quality that I find lacking in the majority of your race: Intelligence. A trait that has clearly been passed to your sons." He stared pointedly at Raditz, who nodded in mild gratitude. Zarbon glanced at Kakarott, who was mercilessly devouring his leg of meat, "Let me amend that phrase: son." Kakarott glanced up for a moment, shrugged, and continued to ravage his meal, undaunted. Bardock mentally slapped himself; you could always count on Kakarott to make a fool of himself.

"The Prince shall be taking a leave of absence from his duties at the palace." Zarbon continued, "With the rising threat of assassinations, Vejiita Ou has thought it best that our great prince lay low for a while. The Ouji was furious. You know he is still very much a spoiled brat who loves nothing more than the heat of battle. He’ll agree to stay in a classified location, disguised as a commoner. The Ou, however, made one mistake—he allowed his son to choose where he should like to stay. Being that the young Vejiita is so fond of me, he has chosen my inn for his new abode." Bardock smirked as Zarbon’s subtle accent dripped with sarcasm. "I fear that in doing this, our Prince has put himself in the gravest of dangers. My inn is strategically located so that passers between lands lodge often under my roof. My agents and myself have eliminated many assassins. I fear that the Prince will be noticed by one of these men before I can interfere."

Bardock chuckled amiably, "That is what Vejiita Ouji hopes, my Lord.

Zarbon smiled at this, "I thought that by eliminating these pathetic creatures he would be sure of my loyalty to his throne." Bardock frowned and firmly shook his head, "To Vejiita, your oath will always lie with Freeza."

Zarbon leaned back into his chair; "I was released of my oath to Freeza long before the raids of Vejiitasei. Freeza does not care about who serves him, as long as they bring him victory. I am dead to him" Bardock nodded, "Freeza may overlook you, but no Saiyajin will forget your past associations." Zarbon was silent for a moment, then with a wave of his hand, "Enough of this idle chatter. What’s for dessert?"

* * * * * * * *

The King strode down the halls with a determined step. He would try one last time to talk some sense into the boy. The King snickered at that thought; his son listened to nothing but his own desires. The King had no one to blame but himself for his son’s spoiled manner. When his ki potential was measured as an infant, there was no doubt that the Legendary had been reborn. After the boy had returned from his preliminary mission and given his birthright, Vejiita Ou made sure the boy was given the finest of everything. The little Ouji was clever enough to discover this and took advantage of it. He never had to work for anything, by the time he was seven none of the trainers could match him.

The King paused outside the training room to watch his son in the training from the observation window. He frowned as he observed his son kick and punch the air with little effort. It seemed that after the boy turned ten, his power peeked and then leveled off. The boy had quit trying. He had this outrageous notion that all the power and glory of the Super Saiyajin would be handed to him on a silver platter. If the brat had been trained in Freeza’s army, he would have learned that power does not come without discipline and effort.

Vejiita Ou banged once on the door, before throwing it open and storming in. The Prince stopped in mid-kick and glanced at his father. His brows furrowed as he scowled in annoyance. He slowly relaxed and levitated back to the ground. "Your barely breaking a sweat." The King remarked pointedly. The Prince shrugged and turned away, "Brat." The King hissed. "You should not go."

The younger Vejiita chuckled, "You’re the one who says I need to challenge myself. Besides, these assassins are beginning to annoy me. I am the next Super Saiyajin and no one can defeat me."

It was the King’s turn to laugh, "Stupid boy. I don’t see the golden hair and emerald eyes of the legends. Tell me, when did you turn Super Saiyajin and I did not see it?" The Prince’s shoulders stiffened, his fingers digging into the flesh of his arms. "You are not the Legendary yet. Try to be reasonable—if that’s possible. Zarbon does a fine job weeding out many potential assassins. Send Nappa to do this job, at least he’s expendable."

Vejiita Ouji turned on his father and snarled, "I will do as I wish! I will bring back the heads of those who dare challenge me and then I will add your head to my collection."

The King shrugged nonchalantly, "I have much to do then. I need to produce a new heir, and soon. I’m not getting any younger." Furious, the Prince lashed out at his father who easily caught his fist in his hand. "There is much you still need to learn boy." Then, he smashed his other fist into his son’s jaw. He released him and the Prince stumbled, taken aback by the blow.

Vejiita glared up at his father and blood began to ooze from his mouth. Shifting his jaw around, he spit at his father. The King glanced down at the bloody saliva soiling his pristine white armor. "Do you wish to try that again, old man?" Vejiita sneered, "I’ve bested you many times before."

The King shook his head firmly, "I was merely proving my point. You have no discipline…you do not think before you act." The king studied his son for a moment, "I hope you have some sort of disguise in mind. It would give you the element of surprise." The Prince raised his chin, "Of course I have." He lied, "I’m not an idiot."

The corner of the Ou’s mouth twitched in an amused fashion, "Of course not." He turned to leave, "Then be on your way. Do as you wish. If you live to return and claim your throne, so be it. If not, it is of little consequence for me. I am not so old that I cannot produce another heir." He cast a wicked glance over his shoulder, "Of course, your survival does not guarantee that your succession is secure, that decision ultimately lies with the Council. You have much to prove."

The Prince watched his father vanish: He spit again, wiping a bit of blood from his mouth. Then he returned to his exercises with a bit more determination.

* * * * * * * *

Bulma was not a patient person, and this old man and his turtle were beginning to push her buttons. He was prattling around, wasting her time. "Well, are you going to buy it or not?" she demanded, casting a weary glance at Kakarott. He was stoic, back towards her.

The old man studied the skin carefully, mumbling to himself. "I’m not sure…" he muttered, fingering the fur delicately. Bulma cast another glance at Kakarott, he was just as annoyed as she was. The old man peeked up at Bulma and smiled strangely, suddenly Bulma became anxious. What was he up too?

He set down the fur and stroked his dirty-white beard. "I think what you’re offering for this fur is a little much." That did it, patience gone. "Perhaps you could throw a little something else into the package for me, eh?

Bulma paid little heed to Kakarott’s growling as she leaned down to stare directly into the man’s eye, "This is not negotiable." She whispered coolly. The man’s eyes twinkled, "Oh come on, I’m not asking for much." His eyes left her and began to travel downwards, "Maybe just a peek at your…"

Bulma latched onto his neck and squeezed, "HENTAI!" she cried, shaking the old man. It was Kakarott’s laughter that brought her to her senses. "You think this is funny?!" she screamed.

"Hilarious." He gasped between chuckles. Infuriated, she ended her assault on the old man and attacked Kakarott. "Hey!" Kakarott teased as she tried to grip his neck, "Just give the old man what he wants."

"Bastard." Bulma snarled, snatching the fur from the old man’s grasp and storming down the street. Kakarott took a moment to compose himself before catching up to her. The old man called out after them, "So you’ll let me know?"

* * * * * * * *

Kakarott was still chuckling as they left the capital. When they reached the outer walls, Bulma had had enough. She spun around and snapped at him, "Are you done yet?"

Kakarott grinned, "I told you not to bother with those Chikyuujins. We got a better price from the Saiyajin merchants, and they didn’t ask for any favors from you."

Bulma winced at his remarks. She liked to believe that Kakarott was different from the other Saiyajins. That he wasn’t as prejudiced and blood thirsty as the others, but this was just her imagination. "The only reason the Saiyajin merchants offered such a good price was because you were there. They knew I was merely fulfilling my duties as your servant."

"So?" Kakarott seemed baffled. "What’s wrong with that. That is what you were doing. At least they know that money went to a Saiyajin instead of a Chikyuujin beggar." Bulma’s mind raced with thousands of things she just wanted to scream at him, make him understand. Make him see that Chikyuujins weren’t dirt or pieces of property to own. Instead, "You’re so dense. Let’s just go home."

Kakarott paid little heed to her remark. "There’s an inn up this road here, let’s stop and eat."

"Again? We just ate an hour ago!" Kakarott gave her a blank stare and proceeded down the path. Exhausted, Bulma followed, "I shouldn’t even bother."

Bulma behaved according to appropriate protocol--something she resented--as they journeyed down the well-traveled road. She walked three paces behind him, head bowed respectfully. She peered up when another Saiyajin would travel by. Saiyajins would normally fly to their destinations, but since this was a crossroads between Chikyuujin and Batijin lands, flying was not allowed. It made Bulma feel a little better when Kakarott decided to walk instead of fly. The Saiyajins were strange enough with their stomachs like bottomless pits and a power that was just as endless.

Bulma stopped behind Kakarott as he paused to exchange words with another traveler. They spoke in the Saiyajin language, a tongue she hardly knew. Bardock only taught her the basic necessities, "The only thing a Chikyuujin needs to understand is her masters orders." Bulma had been livid at that time. Her mind craved to learn new things and Bardock was weary. He taught her some things, enough to keep her technological intellect sharp.

She listened in carefully to their conversation, hoping she could pick up the meaning of a few words. The larger stranger was staring at her with as if she was some insect, his words dripped with disgust—he was talking about her. She watched Kakarott to see how he would react. His face was stoic. Damn him. He said few words, meaning he was angry but most certainly wouldn’t say so. That would be un-Saiyajin like, and Kami forbid that!

The conversation continued and the Stranger began to speak the standard. He had drifted from insulting her to insulting the Chikyuujin population in general. He cast a few amused glances in her direction and she struggled not to meet his eyes. Kakarott eased, even cracking a few jokes himself. When the stranger left, Kakarott continued onward unaware of the bitter tears in Bulma’s eyes.

* * * * * * * *

The inn was dark and shabby, at least compared to the palace. In truth, Vejiita had very little to compare this place too. He frowned and glanced around the dinning room. There were no guests at this time and still the service was poor. He glanced down at his empty plate—at least the food was good. "Wench!" He bellowed towards the kitchen, "Bring me another plate!"

There was a banging of pots in the kitchen and a small, pale, black-haired Chikyuujin stormed out of the back with another plate of food. She slammed the food in front of him and stalked back towards the kitchen, "This is not an all-you-can-eat buffet, sir." She threw over her shoulder.

The audacity! Vejiita stormed after her, throwing the kitchen door open as he barged in. The woman jumped in surprise, but grabbed a pot and swung it at him, smacking him across the head. She frowned at the dented pan and threw it aside. "Guests are not allowed in the kitchen." She barked, pointing towards the door.

Vejiita had had enough, "Don’t you know who I am!" he snarled, slamming his fists into the counter. The woman raised an eyebrow and shook her head. "Just look at me!" he spat. She gave him a once over, and shook her head again. Vejiita turned his head, annoyed, and glanced at himself in the reflection of the pans.

He didn’t even recognize himself. His hair had been slicked back into a ponytail and he wore dirty armor and a dusty black cloak. There was nothing to suggest he was no more than a third-class maggot. His father had been right: the disguise was perfect. Annoyed, he stormed out of the kitchen and returned to his meal, ignoring the laughter of the woman.

A few minutes later, the innkeeper himself appeared. He smiled politely at the guest and headed towards the kitchen. "That wench needs to work on customer service." Vejiita called after him. Zarbon paused and turned to him, "I’ve never had a complaint about Chi Chi before, therefore the problem must lie with you."

Vejiita rose to his feet, "Is that how you speak to all of your guests?" he hissed. Zarbon smiled, "If you have a problem, then you can move on to another inn. But you won’t find cooking as good as Chi Chi’s anywhere in this land."

Zarbon continued towards the kitchen, "Chi Chi how is the stew for dinner coming?" He called as he examined the damaged door, "I suppose I have you to thank for this." He sighed, "I’ll just charge it to your bill." That did it.

"You should not speak to the Saiyajin no Ouji like that." He warned. Zarbon turned slowly and faced him. His smile faded and his pale blue face whitened. "Vejiita…Ouji…I…" He stuttered for a moment as the color returned to his face, the Chikyuujin woman appeared in the doorway, face as white as the apron she wore. Zarbon studied him for a moment, and then grinned. "I hardly recognized you." He circled him, and paused, "I especially like the hair. How much gel did you use?"

Flushed, Vejiita rounded on him. Zarbon stepped back and Vejiita’s fist slammed through the air. "You’re going to have to learn to control yourself. You can’t just jump on everyone who annoys you. If you’re going to hide out, you don’t want to draw attention to yourself."

"I know that you fool, but who else is present to hear us?"

Zarbon shrugged, "Just be careful Vej…do you have an alias?" Vejiita looked at him quizzically, "A false name to go by. You obviously can’t be Vejiita, that name only belongs to the royal family."

"I know that. I’m not stupid!" Vejiita growled, "My alias is…" He searched for a moment, "Daikon."

Zarbon shook his head and glanced towards the kitchen as Chi Chi peered through the door, "You understand what’s going on, Chi?" he asked, she nodded her head indifferently.

Vejiita smirked at her, "That means you have to treat me with respect." He leered. Chi Chi smirked back, and sauntered into the dinning room. Zarbon had a look of dread on his perfect features, "No, Daikon. I will treat you like any other guest. We wouldn’t want to draw attention to you, now would we?" She turned back to the kitchen, tossing her raven hair over her shoulders. "I’m going to prepare a few more plates, we have company."

Vejiita and Zarbon looked towards the door. "Kakarott!" he smiled warmly, come in!" Vejiita examined the warrior with little interest. Kakarott sat down at the bar counter next to him and exchanged casual greetings with Zarbon. A moment later, Vejiita became aware of another presence standing behind the other Saiyajin. She was a strange looking Chikyuujin—pale blue hair and ivory skin. She stood somberly behind Kakarott with her head bowed, but her eyes dared to meet his.

"You should teach your whore better manners." He sneered in disgust. Her cheeks flushed and her navy eyes sparked. Vejiita felt his stomach turn and a flash of heat seared through his veins. Kakarott whose gaze went from her to him, he was very nervous. "She’s not a whore." He simply stated, "I’m sorry if she did anything to offend you, though."

Vejiita shrugged his shoulders, and smirked at the woman. She averted her eyes and clenched the sides of her skirt. "Would you like something to eat, Kakarott?" Zarbon quickly changed the subject. Kakarott grinned, "As if I needed to ask. Chi Chi, bring out a platter!"

The woman appeared from the kitchen and placed a large plate in front of him. Vejiita glared at the woman, who seemed fixated on the other Saiyajin. "Disgusting." He muttered. Kakarott blushed and averted his attention to his food. "If you need anything, just holler." She smiled gently, "My names Chi Chi."

Zarbon smiled softly, amused. Turning to Bulma, "You can go to the kitchen and eat if you like." Bulma frowned when Chi Chi, lead her into the kitchen, both Saiyajins’ eyes trained on them.

"Sickening." Vejiita spat as he returned his gaze to his drink. Kakarott shifted uncomfortably as Zarbon polished the glass mugs. "I think Chikyuujins are fascinating." He drawled, "They’re quite temperamental creatures, and one should never underestimate them. Chi Chi is a bit of a fighter, she has no ki to speak of--but don’t let her catch you unawares. All though," he added slyly, "I don’t think Kakarott would mind wrestling with her."

Kakarott’s face was red as he slowly chewed, "Bulma is really smart." He changed the subject "She builds lots of things; it drives my father up the wall." He smiled, "In fact, I don’t think it was such a good idea to let her into the kitchen." Vejiita jumped down from his seat, "You are quite pathetic. You know the Chikyuujins by their names and speak of them as if they were worthy of cleaning the dirt off of my boots. It makes me sick."

Kakarott frowned, "I will do as I wish." He stated, tearing off a piece of meat from the bone. "What is your name?" he asked, spiting pieces of meat.

"Daikon." He stated simply, turning to go to his room.

"Daikon." Zarbon called after him, "Will you join me for dinner this evening? We’ll dine in private." Vejiita hesitated, and then nodded reluctantly, "Good. Then Kakarott and his family will join us."

"I will no…"

"They can be trusted." Zarbon cut in, "We’ll dine at sunset." He turned to Kakarott, "Leave your servant here and fetch the rest of your family. Chi Chi and your slave can serve us." Kakarott reluctantly nodded and turned to leave, pulling out some money to pay the bill. Zarbon pushed the money back, "On the house."

* * * * * * * *

Cui sat quietly in the corner of the dining room, slowly chewing his food as he stared at the closed doors. He twirled the dagger between his fingers, smirking as he pressed the point against the tip of his index finger. He licked the bead of blood; soon the blood of Vejiita Ouji would stain this knife. He leaned back into his chair; there were a few other travelers, sharing in discussions about the ‘glorious Saiyajins’. He cast a glance across the room. The innkeeper was dinning with some important guests; two women were constantly running back and forth between the kitchen and their private quarters. The blue-haired one had just emerged, carrying an empty platter. He licked his lips as he rose from his chair and strolled over to her.

He stepped in front of her and smiled wickedly. "Tell me, how much does the innkeeper charge for his bed-warmers?" The girl’s eyes narrowed and she smashed the plates against his head. He reached out and pinned the girl against the wall, "We can do it your way if that’s how you want it." The girl looked towards the other guests, who showed little interest in her plight.

Cui grabbed a breast and squeezed it painfully. He smirked as she cried out like a banshee, struggling against him. He leaned forward, pressing his body against hers and then--he was flying across the room.

He managed to climb back on his feet; the world was still spinning as the other guests had risen to their feet. The girl was still against the wall; the next to her stood a tall, angry-looking Saiyajin. Next to him were the innkeeper and three other Saiyajins. The first Saiyajin advanced towards him, "How dare you touch what isn’t yours."

Cui smirked; a little scrap would warm him up for the Prince. "Kakarott, I’ll handle this." The innkeeper stood between them, just as well. He turned to Cui, "I do NOT run a whore house. If that is what you want, leave now."

Cui studied this man closer; there was something so familiar about him. "I apologize for any offense, my mistake." He studied the innkeeper closer, "Have we meet before."

The innkeeper looked weary, "I don’t think so." He stated simply, and then contemplated him, "Would you care to join us for dinner?" Cui smiled, "I’d love to."

"I refuse." One Saiyajin spat, "He touched my servant, and he offended my household. We will not dine with him."

"He offered his apologies, it was a simple misunderstanding." The innkeeper guided Cui into the private room. As he passed the girl, Cui glanced in her direction, licking his lips. The girl ran turned into the kitchen, and quickly reappeared, carrying something behind her back and a bottle of wine in the other. The other Saiyajins reluctantly followed the innkeeper’s lead. The innkeeper latched the door behind him. Then he remembered.

The innkeeper, his name was Zarbon. They had arrived as new recruits for Freeza and went through training together. It was shortly after that Zarbon had left. Cui felt his throat tighten, Zarbon had been very powerful, and if he was the one weeding out the assassins... "I think I need to retire, I have a busy day tomorrow."

Zarbon shook his head, grabbing his arm. "I have a very good memory, Cui. Pity for you."

Cui made a desperate attempt; a beam of ki went straight through Zarbon’s shoulder. There was an outburst as three of the other Saiyajins launched towards him, the other giving him a gleaming look. "Stop." He commanded, "The assassin his mine." Zarbon growled, "Don’t be insane, Vejiita. Cui will kill you."

Cui stopped running: Vejiita? The Prince was here? He grinned, "You make this too easy." The other Saiyajins fell to their knees and the girl stood stalk still. Vejiita himself was overly confident; he would fall easily. "My prince," one Saiyajin stuttered, "Let us help."

"Shut your mouth, low-class baka. No one is to interfere." Cui pulled out his dagger; "My master will be most pleased when I return with your head."

The fight ensued, the two exchanged blows as Cui attempted to get a clean shot at his heart. Then, there was an opening. Cui was able to bury the dagger in his shoulder. With the Saiyajin stunned, Cui kicked him in the groin and Vejiita keeled over. Cui kicked him again and again. The other Saiyajins remained kneeling but they would jump at him if the Prince allowed, "You Saiyajins sure know how to follow orders. If you still want to fight, you can have a shot at me when I’m finished here. Then," he shifted his eyes to the girl, "I’ll finish what I started with you."

Apparently, he had said the wrong thing. He felt a sharp pain in his leg, turning he saw the girl pointing some strange weapon at him. What the…how could a mere Chikyuujin do such a thing?

He launched towards the girl, knocking her to the ground. Then, limping out he managed to escape into the night.

* * * * * * * *

Raditz watched the scene in front of him amusedly. Zarbon was tending his wounds as Kakarott stood between the Prince and Bulma and Bardock stood in the background looking as if he wished he were dead. Another Chikyuujin women came into the room with more food. She knew exactly how to distract any Saiyajin. Kakarott was clearly preoccupied, but not with the food. Raditz frowned, was his brother developing an unnatural taste for Chikyuujin women? It was one thing to be fond of a servant like Bulma, but to look at one like he was…it just wasn’t right.

Raditz studied the Prince closely. He had been smart enough to wear a disguise, but foolish enough to reveal his location. Vejiita was not distracted by the food and advanced on Bulma. Unlike Kakarott, he and his father would not intervene—if the Prince had reason to punish her, it was not their right to object. "You insolent bitch." He spat, "I told no one to interfere." Raditz waited for her reaction.

"You could at least say thank you!" she retorted, "I did save your worthless life!" Vejiita leaned closer towards her, but Bulma did not back down, "If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t do it for you."

The Prince grabbed her by the neck and Kakarott was on his feet. Raditz and Bardock quickly went to restrain him. The Prince turned to him, an amused glint in his eye, "You like this women, do you not? Chikyuujins do put out more, don’t they? Perhaps you should cut off your tail so that you can legally take one as your mate!"

"Shut up!" Bulma gasped and the Prince smiled at her. Kakarott straightened, "I demand that you release my sister." The Prince raised an eyebrow, "You do not demand anything from me." He turned to the girl, "Sister, eh? I am not in the mood to be trifled with tonight. You will live, but do not cross me again. Is that clear?"

Raditz frowned; she was as good as dead. She glanced over at them; Kakarott gave her an imploring look, "Fine." She whispered softly. Vejiita smiled, "Yes, Ouji-sama," Bulma’s face hardened, "Yes, Ouji-sama". Pleased, Vejiita released her. He picked up the gun and crushed it, "Only pathetic weaklings would use such weaponry to defend themselves, I do not want to see anything of this again." He turned away from her, "Since the assassin escaped, it is safe to assume he will go straight to Freeza with this. I will have to stay elsewhere. I believe Bardock would be more than glad to have me." Bardock bowed, "We would be honored, my lord."

Zarbon stumbled to his feet, relief evident on his face. The Prince turned to him, "You will come too. Close the inn and say you are on vacation. You will train me and we shall see how powerful you really are." Raditz fought the urge to laugh as Zarbon moaned and collapsed against the wall. Vejiita stalked up the stairs to gather his things. "How do I get myself into these messes? Zarbon groaned and he turned to Chi Chi. "Pack your things, I will not leave the inn in your hands."

"I can take care of myself." She replied, but Zarbon refused to give in. "You don’t mind, do you Bardock-sama." Of course, Bardock was in no position to refuse. Kakarott smiled and answered for him with red cheeks, "No problem at all." Raditz shook his head; was he truly related to Kakarott?

Raditz cast another glance at Bulma; her fingers were gently massaging her bruised neck as she glared up the stairs where Vejiita had gone. Things were certainly going to be very interesting.

* * * * * * * *

Freeza frowned at the pathetic figure below him. "A mere Chikyuujin woman did this to you?" he drawled, "I thought I could count on you." He raised his index finger, prepared to eliminate this wretched creature from his sight.

"Wait!" Cui pleaded for his life, "I have much information! One of your former operatives is working with the Saiyajins! His name is Zarbon!" Freeza paused, searching the deepest fathoms of his memories, "Zarbon." He repeated. "Ah yes, I remember. That boy had much potential. He could have been my right hand man if he hadn’t been so spineless. Pity." He raised his finger again, "I thank you for that bit of information, but I see no more use for you still." The small sphere of ki slammed into Cui. The servants quickly swept up the ashes.

Freeza sat in his throne, contemplating what he had heard. All was very disturbing. Zarbon had made a grave mistake by believing he could turn on Freeza-oath or no oath; once his soul was sold there was no turning back. And there was the woman. No one had ever heard of technology that could cause such damage. The injury she had inflicted on Cui was quite worrisome, and she had done it using a weapon. There was little doubt she had constructed it herself, no Saiyajin could. Could she construct something even more deadly? This was quite bothersome indeed. However, this woman would be quite beneficial if she were his.

There was a movement behind him, as two shadows appeared from behind the curtain "What is your plan, Lord Freeza?" it was a deceptively-gentle, masculine voice whispered, "My sister and I are anxious for your orders."

Freeza smiled, "Patient my dears, your time for glory will come soon. I do not wish for you to be discovered yet. I will send more spies, find more out about this Chikyuujin woman. Once I have her in my possession, we shall begin our assault and destroy the Saiyajins once and for all."

Freeza waited for the two shadows to disappear. The twins were a great asset to his army, but he would have to be careful. As long as he had the remote, they were under his control but if he lost that…

Freeza shook his head; destiny would not permit it. Soon, everything would fall into place. The Ouji would be dead, Zarbon would pay for his treachery, he would have a new slave to add to his collection, and a new conquest. He would be a god.


* * * * * * * *

Table of Contents
Chapter 2