Chapter 6


It was her last night aboard the Probitas and again she had woken up to the sound of a boat being lowered on the sea, only this time the door wasn't locked and the portholes weren't covered.

She looked out and remained breathless: they weren't moving and were near an island that seemed coming straight from a dream.

The moonlight masked the real color of flowers and trees, making them seem almost black. She was fascinated: there were trees similar to great dark umbrellas, gigantic banyan trees that projected long shadows, a tree that seemed old like time itself, covered in a profusion of buds. They were all covered by the silver reflection of the moonlight. There were also many vines in full bloom, the bougainvillaea that buried everything it touched.

Bulma could see a house at the center of the relatively small island, whose occupants were still awake, since there were many lights on. She took note of the presence of men on the small white beach: six people barely visible against the sand. They seemed involved in a dialogue near a boat, since they didn't show signs of moving. After a really long time, three of them left towards the house, while the others pushed the boat on the sea, climbing on it. Bulma saw it return to the ship and hit against the wood of the flank, then it was raised aboard. A few minutes later, the Probitas continued its voyage, leaving a perplexed Bulma wondering about what had happened that night.

She went to sleep again, with her mind full of questions: who were those men? what were they doing at night on that small island? She was sure it was something related with Royston's criminal traffics, but she hadn't seen anything really illegal. She sighed and closed her eyes.

When she opened them again, Chun Ho was in the cabin with breakfast and the news that they would moor at Honolulu harbour within an hour.

A glance out of the porthole confirmed that they were already sailing along the island and Bulma, after drinking the coffee, hurried to wash her face and comb her hair. But the image she saw reflected on the mirror made her burst out in tears.

"Oh, no!" she exclaimed, talking aloud in the cabin. "Oh, no."

She didn't hear someone knocking, nor did she realize the door had been opened, till a strong hand took her shoulder and forced her to turn around, coming face to face with the captain of the Probitas.

"Go away!" she shouted, furious.

Captain Royston ignored her. He shook his head and asked her, impatient, if she had hurt herself.

"No!" Bulma cried. "D-don't you see?"

Royston released her shoulder, took a handkerchief and tried to stop that river of tears. At the same time, he talked to her with a voice notably gentler than any he had ever used till that moment: "My little girl, it's impossible that you crying for nothing. What's the matter with you? "

"The mosquitoes... Yamcha... I'm hideous!" she sobbed.

She took the handkerchief and, hiding her face in it, continued in a choked moan: "As if it wasn't enough! Look how those insects had reduced my face. It's as I have measles, or worse! And if you dare to laugh, I... I..."

Vegeta grabbed the handkerchief, took her chin and forced her to turn toward the sun.

It wasn't a pretty sight: beside the flushed face, caused by her tears, and the bruises, fading but still noticeable, her face was covered by a multitude of mosquito bites. Even if his lips trembled, the captain did not laugh. Instead, unexpectedly, he brought her face closer and kissed her.

It was a fleeting gesture, without any passion; the gesture of an adult consoling a crying child. But no man, till that moment, had ever done something like that to Bulma Briefs. Not even Yamcha. The only kisses she had ever received had been on the cheek. Now Vegeta Royston had kissed her on the lips, and that brief caress was more shocking than a slap for Bulma. But Royston seemed completely oblivious of her shock.

"Don't take it so bad, it'll pass!" That said, he took a shirt from the wardrobe, probably the reason he had come in the cabin in the first place, she concluded, still in a daze, and left the room.

Bulma remained fixed in place, a hand on her lips and wide eyes still on the spot the captain was a moment before. It took her a while to overcome the shock and outrage that brief contact had brought her, but then she decided to forget the whole incident: he didn't mean anything with that gesture. Still a little perturbed, she went on the deck, to take her first peek at the island.

The scenery was really beautiful, and she forgot her profound depression: exotic flowers, green trees, hills covered with plants, a blue sky full of sunlight with soft, white clouds. In that moment she saw also a steamboat coming towards them. A signal waved from its mast and captain Royston, joining Bulma, with Raditz in tow, exclaimed: "Ah, I knew it! It's the Carysfort, here it comes our dear Bobby."

He gave some orders and the Probitas stopped. After a while a boat from the steamboat reached them.

"Do we let them come aboard?" Raditz asked with scarce enthusiasm.

"Why not? We have nothing to hide."

A minute later a tall man was on the deck, followed by a smiling boy and an old officer. The man had brown hair and blue eyes, and radiated a great sense of authority, while the boy, well young man was more exact, with black eyes and dark hair that went in every direction, had a sunny personality, from what she could see.

"Well, well, well" Royston exclaimed, pleasantly "Look what we have here, our dear Bobby! Very nice of you to come and greet us, Bob. To what do we owe this honour?" The mockery in Royston voice became evident, just to annoy. But Lieutenant Robert Mason remained calm, even if a muscle twitched in his jaw.

"Good morning, Royston. I want to see your cargo."

"And why should I let you do it, Bob?"

Lieutenant Mason pointed to the steamboat behind them and said curtly: "I have both cannons aimed at this ship."

"Ah, I understand. But aren't you forgetting a little detail?"

"If you mean that I would blow up with you, it's useless. My men have precise orders, and I don't think you could take a great satisfaction knowing that I'll go to hell with you."

Captain Royston laughed, amused. "You're right, Bob. But I don't doubt that, as far as you're concerned, you'll be happy to go there, in order to be on my tail. But this time I'm the one that hold you in check, lieutenant. Today your artillery it's useless against me because, you see, it happens that I have a very precious hostage aboard. Probably it never happened to you to fish out a mermaid: here there is one we saved from the waves during our voyage. Let me introduce you..." he turned toward Bulma and gave her a formal bow. "Miss Briefs, can I introduce you Lieutenant Mason of the British Naval Army? You know, it's a human being even him, when you know him a little better. Miss Briefs, dear Robert, is the niece of Mr Ox Briefs."

Mason examined the battered woman with attention and surprise. Vegeta noted that, despite her disastrous appearance, Bulma managed to give off an air of great dignity.

"Really? Then you are Chichi's cousin, she has talked so much of you!" The young man behind Lieutenant Mason exclaimed happily. "I'm Son Goku, nice to meet you!"

"Goku!" Mason said, annoyed "Use your head, it's impossible! Miss Briefs was bound here on the Matsonia!" He turned to look at the captain of the Probitas: "Is this another of yours damned tricks, Royston? Because, if this is the case..."

"It's of no use to get steamed up, Mason, you can't use your cannons against us." Captain Royston observed calmly. "Not as long as I have a lady aboard, even if she wasn't Miss Briefs. But she is. She fell into the sea from the Matsonia and we fished her out in a tangle of fishing-nets."

"Is it true?" the lieutenant asked Bulma.

"Yes, it's true. I'm Bulma Briefs and... and I suppose they think me dead."

Finding his good manners, Lieutenant Mason gave a curt bow and declared himself honoured to meet her. He added that the Matsonia had moored the previous week, so he thought her aunt and cousin had already received the terrible news. Of course they would be happy to see her again.

"But not in many little pieces." Royston pointed out, affable. "Well, what are we going to do about those cannons, Bob? Don't you think that it's better to come to an accord and take Miss Briefs on the Carysfort, so that you can bring her back to her family, without further delay?"

"It'll be a pleasure, for me" Mason announced "As soon as I'll have visited your holds, of course. I don't intend to move from here till I'll have done it."

"Oh, sure, if you are so resolved. But I warn you, you're going towards a sour disappointment, Bobby. You should know by now that I don't tell lies." he said something to his crew and they left, followed by Mason and his men, minus Goku, who had the task to keep an eye on the Probitas' captain while Mason was in the hold. So Bulma remained with the company of the young soldier, Royston and Raditz.

"So, Kakarot, how is it going with that black-haired beauty of the high-society?" Raditz asked Goku with a malicious smile.

"Kakarot?" Bulma exclaimed surprised.

"Well, that's my first name, but nobody uses it, usually, because I like my middle name, Goku, better." He explained to Bulma, then he said: "I don't understand who you are talking about br... b... b-because I don't associate with high-society." he stammered the last part, and Bulma had the impression that he was about to say something and stopped at the last moment.

"Idiot! He is talking about miss Chichi Briefs!" Royston said.

"Oh, I didn't understand..."

In that moment Mason returned, with a scowl on his face. Raditz smirked at that and the lieutenant snapped: "Quit it! I know all too well that you damned scoundrels fish in troubled waters and one of these days I'll catch you red-handed and I'll throw you in jail. That'll teach you to laugh!" Then, remembering Miss Briefs' presence, he apologized for his language.

"It's nothing." Bulma reassured him, expressionless. "Can we go, now?"

"Naturally. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Have you got all that you need?" he said, glaring untrustworthily at Royston. "I wouldn't want you leaving anything on this ship."

"Only her reputation." captain Royston murmured sweetly.

"You animal!..." the lieutenant burst out.

"Come on, Bob! I was only saying what the entire community of Honolulu will whisper. Unless we don't do something to prevent it."

"What do you mean? I don't see how..."

"Neither do I." Bulma interrupted "I've never heard such nonsense in my life. My reputation, captain Royston, is not something so fragile that it can be damaged only by your company!"

"Well, you obviously don't know my reputation. But Bobby does, right Bob?" He winked amused to the lieutenant, and turned towards Bulma: "I think that you'll avoid a great cause of unease, for you and your relatives, if people would be authorized to think that you was found on a relict and saved by the Carysfort that was scouting that zone. I can guarantee that my men will keep their mouths shut, and I'm sure Bob can do the same for his crew. What do you think, Bob?"

The lieutenant stared at Royston for a long time. "I must admit that I'm surprised! Maybe you still have a trace of honour... even if I'm sure your move hides some excellent and egoistic reason. However, I think it's the best thing for Miss Briefs."

Bulma didn't see the need for this subterfuge, but she wasn't indifferent to the vantages of arriving at Honolulu under the care of a ship of the British Naval Army, instead than being dumped on the harbour by the ship of a notorious scoundrel. So she thanked Royston and Raditz for their help and, taking the hand that Mason offered her, she went on the boat that would take her to the Carysfort.

While the steamboat sailed towards the harbour, lieutenant Robert Mason, who until that moment had avoided personal questions, asked abruptly to the new passenger: "You say you've been on the Probitas for ten days, Miss Briefs. Did you notice anything suspicious in that length of time?"

Bulma was about to tell him of the encounter in the open sea between the Probitas and another ship, as well as the mysterious movements of the previous night, but instead she found herself saying: "...No, nothing." She didn't certainly feel any sense of loyalty towards Royston, but her delation would have been a really mean answer to the surprisingly magnanimous gesture of letting her move on the Carysfort. Moreover, lieutenant Mason wasn't a person that inspired confidence: he was far too serious, Bulma didn't want to confide in him. Uncle Ox was the right person: she would tell him of the Probitas' activities once she was at Honolulu.

With that thought in mind, Bulma looked to the fast approaching land, feeling more serene. The young officer, Goku, was at her side, scanning with eagerness the island. He seemed such a nice boy. Suddenly Bulma got a perplexed expression on her face. In her blue eyes appeared a questioning look. "I... I don't understand." she murmured. She was shocked by the sound of her voice. She hadn't meant to say it aloud.

"What?" Goku said, friendly.

"It's... a strange thing" she answered "I've already been here."

He looked at her, perplexed. "Many people have already been here, it's not that strange." he said.

"But... you see... I mean... I've never been here, before"

Goku continued to look at her. "Many have never been here." He understood that, too.

Bulma breathed heavily. In what kind of discussion had she embarked? "I'm from Boston." she said.

"Oh." Goku replied. That explained everything.

"And what I was trying to say... it's that I've never been far away from Boston in my life. And then... I arrive in this place, look around and have a really strange sensation. I've the feeling I have already been here."

There was comprehension on the man's face, now. "Other people had this sensation" he said "It's elective affinity. It took you some time, but finally you reached your home." He gave her a warm smile. "Welcome to your town."

She remained surprised. Her town? It was strange, but she felt drawn to this place. "My town..."

The deep waters made a subtle but striking transition from dark inky blue to aquamarine while the Carysfort neared the Honolulu harbour, sheltered by a small island. The navigable channel leading into the harbour was not very wide and Bulma could see what captain Bradbury had meant when he had called Honolulu a 'sheltered bay'. Some miles in the distance, she could see the quay signing the sea-line, and behind it there was a vast expanse of brilliant green. The town was situated among that green. Behind it stood a mountain chain, peaks of crystalline azure against the light-blue sky. A multitude of ships that was reflected on the crystalline water greeted her sight, and among them, there was the familiar shape of the Matsonia.

"I'm glad for you that the Matsonia hasn't left Honolulu, yet." Lieutenant Mason commented while the Carysfort dropped anchor "You'll be happy to bring them the good news!"

He helped Bulma to go down in a boat and, two minutes later, they cleaved the calm waters for that last length. Goku was looking at the town with an happy expression, glad to be back after a long voyage in the sea.

"Prepare yourself for an emotion, Miss Briefs" the boy said "Landing at the Hawaii is different than landing in any other part of the world. Sure, this is a local ship, always sailing around these waters, and it hasn't the greetings reserved to passenger steamer. But there will be however someone to give us some aloha"

"Some what?" Bulma asked.

"Aloha, it means 'welcome with love'. They give leis, circle of flowers, to greet a friend that returns. I like it, but Lieutenant Mason doesn't approve this custom."

Meanwhile, they had arrived where a flight of stone steps emerged from the sea. Lieutenant Mason helped her on the slipping steps and was leading her towards a carriage that waited him, when three girls approached them. They warmly greeted Goku, putting around his neck necklets made of red and white flowers. Bulma was surprised by their appearance: they wore short dresses that reached only their knees and left their arms and shoulders completely bare. Strange, but it seemed appropriated to that sunny and hot place. The girls left after welcoming Bulma to their island by giving her one of those garlands. She noted that they avoided Lieutenant Mason, who seemed disturbed by their presence.

"Those women have no moral sense!" he said "Going around in those indecent attires, and behaving like that!"

"But they wanted only to welcome us." Goku protested.

"I didn't ask your opinion, soldier" Mason replied. "Please, Miss Briefs, let me help you." he continued, helping Bulma into the carriage.

The trip to her uncle's residence was filled with silence. When they arrived, Bulma hurried to enter the tall, white building, anxious to see her relatives again.

Aunt Harriet Briefs was sitting on the sofa, in deep mourning and bent to console Mrs Bradbury, who was still berating herself for the sickness that had prevented her to take the due care of her protect. At first, neither of them recognized Bulma and, when they finally realized it was really her, Ellen Bradbury fainted and Aunt Harriet was overcome by hysterics. Mason and Goku, disconcerted, left hurriedly to find Mr Briefs, leaving Bulma alone in that critical situation.

So Chichi and her father, entering in the room accompanied by the two men, found a woman, seemingly a perfect stranger, bent on helping the two women.

"Bulma!" Chichi cried out, becoming extremely pale. "It... it's impossible. Is it really you... Bulma?"

"Yes, it's really me." she answered, maintaining herself calm. "Help me with them."

After having calmed Mrs Bradbury and Mrs Briefs, and after a confused interval of tears, kisses, laughs and hugs, a servant was sent to call Mr Bradbury and another one to search Yamcha Cordel.

"I can't believe it." Mrs Bradbury cried "You can't know how much I felt guilty! I've felt myself die when Howard told me the terrible, terrible news... drowned!"

"Your hair!" aunt Harriet gasped "Why Bulma? Oh, honey, your poor face... you seem back from a battle!"

"Does it hurt?" chichi asked, concerned. "Were you afraid? How did it happen? And to think that it has been Goku- I mean the Carysfort- to find you..."

"It wasn't... well... not exactly..." Bulma exited and then, looking her uncle in the eyes, she drew breath and said, resolute: "I think, uncle Ox, that it's better I tell you immediately that I've been saved by a ship named Probitas."

"The Probitas?" he exclaimed "Do you mean the ship of that renegade? But I thought..."

He withered Mason with a glance. The lieutenant shrugged and confirmed: "Yes, I fear it's the truth, Mr Briefs. It has been Royston's ship to save your niece when she fell in the sea, and the only reason I'm the one to bring her here is that this morning I found her on the Probitas, when I stopped the ship to inspect it. We decided... I mean, Royston suggested... that considering his... uhm... reputation in these places, it would be better for Miss Briefs if people thought she was found by the Carysfort..."

"Incredible, maybe that man has still some good sentiment. But his men will talk."

"It's obvious you don't know Vegeta Royston, Mr Briefs." the lieutenant replied "Those men follow his every order without question, and they can be as closed-mouthed as a clam."

"And what about your men?"

"I've explained the situation, and they won't talk."

"Well, as far as I'm concerned" Bulma said, cutting in without compliments "I'm ready to tell everyone the truth, I'm not afraid..."

A strangled moan interrupted her: "Oh, no, dear! You can't!" her aunt intervened. "That man has a terrible reputation. Not only for opium traffic. He is said to be a rake. You can't imagine what people will say if they knew that you passed ten days in his company!"

"I don't like to lie, aunt Harriet, but if you are so worried..." Bulma said. "Well, now, if you can show me my room, I would like to improve a little my appearance."

The tree women accompanied Bulma in a fresh, white room. Her luggage was still on the Matsonia, and so, when Yamcha arrived a little while later, eager to see her, he had to wait on hour for the luggage to arrive, and then another one for Bulma to prepare herself.

She hadn't been able to cancel the damage caused by a dozen of mosquito bites, or to hide the bruises on her eye and check, but the change was still surprising. The green silk dress enchanted her figure, while the short hair, washed and finally free of the rigidity caused by sea-water, curled around her neck, giving her an almost pert appearance. She missed the dignity of her heavy bun, but, looking at her image in the mirror, she hadn't been too unhappy. And so, she went to meet Yamcha feeling a little more near to the solemn Miss Briefs that stepped aboard the Matsonia, instead of the human scum landed that morning from a ship on whose reputation, and that of its captain, was better not to investigate.

* * * * *

Well, the 'introduction' is finally finished! From the next chapter we will start to focus on the situation of the island regarding opium traffic. I hope you liked it so far!

Table of Contents
Chapter 5
Chapter 7