QUICK NOTE: Hey guys, what you think so far? I just want to know how long do you reckon it should be before Buruma and Nappa reach Chikyuu? Oh and in the reviews a couple of people complained about a) the princess being Buruma not Bulma. Personally I like Bulma better but Buruma sounded more saiyan. When she reaches earth, the earthlings refer to her as Bulma. The other thing was Kakarot. If he’s not a saiyan, why does Vegeta call him Kakarot? It’s just a nickname Veggie-head has for him, OK? And I didn’t get 10 reviews L but I couldn’t resist posting this anyway. I would really like as many reviews as possible, especially if they have tips in them. Ok so R&R


Chapter 3: Where?


"Hey guys! You’ll never guess what just happened!" Krillin was ecstatic.

"What, Krillin?" asked Yamcha who sank to the ground, temporarily quitting the sparring match he and Tien were currently fighting.

"Kami asked us if we want him to train us! Isn’t that great? Trained by the guardian of the earth himself!"

"Wow, really Krillin. Wicked," said Tien who had just landed next to Yamcha. Chou tzu dropped down by Tien’s right leg.

"Definitely," Krillin nodded in agreement.

"Well, you guys can go train with the old green coot if you want to. I’m to good for him. I’ll go girl hunting while you losers train with the green asshole. Who knows, I might even get laid!" Yamcha winked at the others.

Yamcha suddenly found himself pinned up against the wall by a very pissed Picollo.

"Hey settle man! Just ‘cause you can’t get a good lay!"

"Never. Insult. Kami in front of me. Or I swear, I’ll blast you into the next dimension faster than you can look up a girl’s skirt," Picollo growled, still holding Yamcha to the wall with his hand.

"Yeah, whatever greenman," Yamcha rolled his eyes.

In a matter of seconds Yamcha was off the island heading towards Kami-knows-where and Picollo was standing there with his palm pointing in the direction Yamcha had just been sent.

"Nice one, Picollo," said Krillin who was grinning.

"Yeah, whatever, baldy. Now come on. If we’re going to train with Kami we better

start now."

Krillin, Tien and Chou tzu nodded in agreement and all four of them blasted upwards, heading for Kami’s lookout.


Vegeta smirked as he felt Kakarot’s approaching ki.

"So the baka finally got a hold of himself," Vegeta mumbled quietly, smirking.

Vegeta went upstairs to his room. He should change into his training gear. He really wanted a good spar out of Kakarot today. Vegeta slipped off his t-shirt, throwing it onto his bed, and pulled if his pants. He reached into his drawers and pulled out a gi suit. He pulled on the blue gi suit and went downstairs (A/N Vegeta’s gi suit is just like Goku’s, except navy. Sorry, something about Vegeta in orange just didn’t fit with me. His gi is the same colour as the spandex he wears in the DBZ TV series ok?) to meet Kakarot. Vegeta opened the fridge door and looked inside. He grabbed a massive plate of food and was just beginning to eat when Kakarot barged in, that baka yaro grin of his plastered on his face.

"Kakarot, you really do choose the most inconvenient moments to turn up!" Vegeta sighed angrily.

"Well Good Afternoon to you to Vegeta! Anyway I came to tell you something, not to spar." Vegeta paused, his fork of food halfway to his mouth.

"Kakarot, I couldn’t care less what you are going to tell me. If you don’t want to spar, then piss off and leave me to eat my lunch in peace!" Vegeta was angry, all thoughts of a good spar rapidly disappearing.

"Well, we will spar, but not here," replied Goku.

"Kakarot what the hell do you mean? Are we gunna spar in space or something?"

Vegeta asked, sarcasm dripping off his words.

"Well in a way," Goku said not giving anything away.

"Kakarot I was joking. Are you trying to crack a joke or are you seriously this lacking upstairs?"

"No, Vegeta. It’s neither of those things. It’s Kami. He invited us to go train with him! Isn’t that great?" Goku said happily.

"Kakarot what makes you think I want that green freak to train me?"

Goku suddenly grinned.

"I’d watch what you say, Vegeta. You’re acting like Yamcha. He told Krillin he didn’t want to train with the green asshole and Picollo nearly blasted him into the next dimension!" Goku said seriously.

As much as Vegeta was annoyed at Goku, the thought of the perverted, cheating man being sent flying brought a smile to his face.

"Oh very well then, Kakarot. I’ll go train. Not because I need the old greeny teaching me but because if you go, then there will be no decent sparring partners left."

"Whatever you say, Vegeta. Now come on. Kami wants us up at his lookout now."
Silently cursing, Vegeta nodded and walked outside. He blasted into the air leaving Kakarot wondering why Vegeta was such an arrogant asshole.



"Now, you all know why you have come here," said the obsolete Namek.

"Yeah, ‘cause otherwise we’d have had to answer to Picollo," said Vegeta so quietly on Goku’s extra sensitive hearing picked it up. He grinned at Vegeta who only glared back from his customary position; arms folded and leaning against the nearest tree.

"You are here to train with me, Kami, for the up and coming saiyan invasion," came the voice of the old Namek again.

Kami launched into a speech about the saiyans, which sounded exactly the same as the one King Kai had given Vegeta. Having heard it all before, Vegeta looked around the lookout at the people standing on it. Kami was standing in front of them all, with Mr. Popo lingering in the background. Goku was standing on Kami’s right, with Gohan sitting on his father’s shoulders. Vegeta looked down at Yajarobe who was sitting down by his left leg, stuffing his fat face. Tien was on his right standing relaxed with Chou tzu standing by Tien’s right leg. Vegeta had always thought it sickening, the bond between Tien and Chou tzu. If he didn’t know better, then he’d say they were… Vegeta shuddered, trying to shake the disgusting thought out of his head. He looked past Tien and Chou tzu, to Picollo who was about 4ft off the ground, his arms and legs crossed, meditating. No doubt he already knew about the saiyans as well. To Picollo’s left was Krillin. The short, bald man was hanging onto Kami’s every word, as was Yamcha who was standing silently in the background.

"Baka actually decided to show his ugly scarred face around here," Vegeta murmured. Goku gave him a quizzical look before the rumbling of his stomach distracted him.

Vegeta didn’t have a problem with scars. That is, scars attained in battle. But Yamcha. All the scars the idiot human had were from woman who scratched him for Kami knows reasons. It was pitiful, really.

"Now, all of you here make Chikyuu’s Special Forces," Kami finished, but looked sideways at Vegeta. Vegeta had always hated that name and the name Z Warrior as well. He preferred to be an individual and take all the credit for himself.

"You will train, spar, fight, whatever you may call it, for a week under the guidance of myself, Mr. Popo and King Kai. Vegeta, Goku. At the end of the week, you two will enter the hyperbolic time chamber. The others will continue to spar. When you two come out, at the end of the day, you will all be taken to a room where you will be taken back in time, to practice fighting saiyans. We have two weeks unil the saiyans arrive. Is that clear?" Kami said.

The warriors all nodded.

"Very well then. Your training begins now."

"Well, Kakarot. If I remember rightly, you owe me a fight," Vegeta smirked.

"Oh, come on Vegeta," Goku whined, "I really have to eat now!"

"Oh bloody hell, Kakarot. Do you ever think about anything other than your

stomach?" Vegeta sighed. Goku grinned apologetically.

"Sorry, Veggie. I’ll spar later, I promise. But right now I think I’m gunna die if I don’t get something to eat!"

"Two things, Kakarot. One. MY NAME IS NOT BLOODY VEGGIE! IT’S VEGETA: V-E-G-E-T-A! Secondly, go and eat. But hurry up about it!"

Goku nodded. Vegeta wasn’t going to admit it, but he was extremely hungry as well, seen as Kakarot had interrupted his lunch and he had therefore not finished it. Vegeta followed Goku inside, to where the food was. Nothing worse than sparring on an empty stomach.


Buruma drummed her fingers against her leg. She leaned forward and pressed some buttons on the keypad.

"There is currently 9 days, 23 hours, 12 minutes and 52 seconds until we reach Chikyuu," came the electronic voice. Buruma sighed and turned her thoughts to Buruma-sei. What would have happened if her and Nappa hadn’t been on their way to Chikyuu? There would be no Saiyans left at all.

‘Except for that one on Chikyuu,’ Buruma thought. There was one Saiyan besides her and Nappa who had survived. She had been sent to Chikyuu as a brat to purge the planet, but they had never received word about her and Chikyuu had remained in this dimension.

‘I wonder if we’ll meet her when we get to Chikyuu. Maybe she was captured and she needs us to help her break out? Well I’ve got news for her. Third-class baka can’t even purge a planet. She either joins us or I’ll kill her slowly and painfully, before we purge earth.’

Buruma leaned over and pressed some keys. A thick gas filled the pod and Princess Buruma slowly started drifting off to sleep.

‘We’ll get you, Carripa. We’re coming," Buruma smirked as she slowly entered the land of unconsciousness.



‘Vegeta. Vegeta, listen to me!’

‘What do you want, asshole?’

‘I want to train you.’

‘You, train me! Whatever. I don’t need you!’

‘And what makes you think that Vegeta?’

‘Your ki is pathetic, Kai! You’re weaker than that harpy of Kakarot’s, and that’s saying something!’


‘Get out of my head, Kakarot!’

‘Well when you’re abusing my wife it’s hard not to!’

‘Oh shut up, Kakarot and keep eating!’

‘No, Goku. I think you need to hear this as well.’

‘OK, then.’

‘This is fine! Let’s just all have a happy conversation IN MY BLOODY HEAD?’

‘Sorry, Vegeta, bear with it. You can’t see into Goku’s head so yours is easier to talk


‘Oh whatever, idiot. Just hurry up, I’m not in a good mood on account of Kakarot has

kept me waiting three hours for a spar!’

‘Sorry, Vegeta but food comes first with me!’


‘Now I want you both to listen carefully. When you’re both finished eating, come outside. Goku, you can use your instant transmission (A/N Yes, Goku does have instant transmission this early on, purely for the sake I can’t think of how to get him to Kai’s any other way without killing himJ ) to get him to my planet.’

‘But King Kai, I don’t know where you are?’

‘Just think King Kai’s planet, OK?’

‘Ok then. Cya soon. I just gotta finish eating!’

‘Ok, now that you’re all finished having chit chat time in Vegeta’s head, GET THE


‘Sorry Veggie man.’


‘Yeah whatever.’

It was quite a show for the others. Goku was grinning at Vegeta, who was glaring daggers at the taller human. They were both stuffing their faces full, but Vegeta seemed to stop eating and looked murderous.

"They’re having a verbal sparring match," said Koran as the cat floated into the room. All the occupants except Vegeta and Goku (who were still glaring at each other) looked up.

"Verbal sparring match? Well then wouldn’t we be able to hear it?" asked Krillin.

"Yes but they’re verbal sparring in Vegeta’s head if I’m not mistaken?" replied the slanted eyed cat.

"Yeah," came Goku’s voice, "Vegeta was pretty pissed. He didn’t like me and King Kai talking in his head!"

"Well, Kakarot, I’m sure you wouldn’t appreciate it. Or are you too dumb to care?" Vegeta’s voice was angry and he continued glaring at Goku.

"Now, now you two, settle. I came here to give you some Senzu beans. Don’t take any until you’re finished training! There is enough for one each during training and one each for during the fight. I’m going away so I thought I should give them to you now."

"Dad, what’s a zanzoo bean?" Gohan asked, speaking up for the first time since they had started eating.

"It’s a little bean and when you eat it, it heals or your wounds and makes you all healthy again!" Goku explained.

Vegeta rolled his eyes. That kid of Kakarot’s was as dumb as his father.

"Well, cat. It seems you have out stayed your welcome so buggar off and leave us to spar in peace. Or in Kakarot’s case FINSIH EATING!" Vegeta yelled.

"You are so rude, Vegeta. But I guess I will be going."

"Good riddance," mumbled Vegeta. He stood and went and leaned against the wall behind where Yamcha and Tien were sitting. Yamcha appeared to be telling the three-eyed man something and Vegeta folded his arms and listened.

"Yamcha, you’ve got a girlfriend," Tien said disapprovingly.

"Yeah well she’s no good for a lay. This chick’s a goddess!"

"Yamcha, I’ll never understand you. You’ve got a perfectly good girl and you’re always cheating on her!"

"Yeah but I don’t love this girl, like I do Lisa. She’s only for you know," Yamcha winked at Tien.

"Oh come off it, Tien! Lisa’s my girl. You know that!"

"Oh, so that’s why you can’t be patient and wait till she’s ready?"

"Hey come on. I just need to be constantly busy you know," Yamcha winked again.

"I don’t get you man. You’re hurting her like this. Why don’t you just dump her?"

"Nah, I love her too much to dump her."

"BUT IT’S OK TO CHEAT ON HER, ISN’T IT ASSHOLE?" Vegeta yelled. He couldn’t take it any more. If there was one thing he couldn’t stand (aside from Goku), it was a guy who was unfaithful.

Yamcha paled as he looked over his shoulder to see an enraged Vegeta behind him.

"Mmmm you know don’t you. I swear I’m gunna knock your bloody head in!" Vegeta said quietly, lifting Yamcha up with his right hand and slamming him into the wall. Everyone looked over at Vegeta and Yamcha.

"Vegeta, man. Settle. Just leave him be."

"Do you want to join him,chrome-dome?"

Krillin gulped and sat back down. Kami was staring at Vegeta and Goku was striding over to him.

"Here we go," mumbled Vegeta.

"I heard that, Vegeta. Now put Yamcha down," said Goku. All the before present

looks of goofiness and naiveté gone from his face. It was replaced by a look of confidence and determination.

"Did you know this dog is cheating on Lisa," Vegeta asked Goku. Goku’s eyes widened. He walked over to Vegeta and pushed him off Yamcha. Vegeta stepped back, growling.

"Why, Yamcha?" Goku said simply. Yamcha grinned. Now that Vegeta was out of the way, he was safe. Goku would never hurt him.

"She’s just no good for a fuck," said Yamcha, still grinning.

Goku glared at him.

"What you said before, about me not hurting you, well you were wrong," Goku said coolly. Yamcha had just enough time to wonder how Goku knew he said that, before he was launched outside by Goku, unconscious.

"Well, Kakarot. It seems you have had your warm up, now if you don’t mind I’d like to spar?" Said Vegeta grinning from ear to ear. He loved seeing that weakling get his ass kicked.

"Yeah, I guess I do owe you a fight, Vegeta. Come on then. We’ll spar up at King Kai’s."

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that old coot."

Goku walked over to Vegeta and placed his hand on his back.

"We’ll be back soon, guys," Goku called to the others, who nodded.

"Where are you going, Dad?" asked Gohan.

"I’m gunna go fight with Vegeta, get some practice. You should get sparring as well, Gohan."

The little kid ran up to his Dad and hugged him.

‘This is sick,’ thought Vegeta as the little kid embraced his father.

"OK, Gohan. We’ll be back later." The little kid nodded in reply then ran back inside to where the others were still finishing eating.

"Kakarot, hurry up and get us out of here. Your hand on my back is starting to make me feel extremely sick!"

"Sorry, Vegeta," Goku replied, grinning. He put his left index and middle fingers to his head and they blurred out of sight.

Yamcha woke up just in time to see the two warriors blur out of sight.

"Asshole," he mumbled before again becoming unconscious.


Next Chapter: Who is this forgotten Saiyan that Princess Buruma speaks of? What will become of Yamcha? What sort of training will the other Z Fighters get up to and what does King Kai have in stall for our favourite flame-haired guy and his somewhat dim-witted friend?

Table of Contents
Chapter 2
Chapter 4