Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or the characters attributed to the show

WARNING: This story is not meant for anyone under the age of 18. DO NOT READ IT IF YOU ARE! VIOLENCE AND LANGUAGE AHEAD!




Trunks laid the Journal carefully aside; mind reeling from the latest horrors he had just read. Encapsulating it, he slipped the book into his pocket, and went to find his mother. The need, albeit foolish, to see her healthy and safe, overwhelmed him. He had never dreamed that his own mother, the mother he had left behind had been forced to endure the things she had. Koola had actually put an implant inside her body to control her? Had she lived with it all her life? Had it been inside her even when he had gotten into his time capsule to come forward? How could she have possibly healed from such traumas? How could she have possibly ever been all right again? Confused, heart pounding, he found her where he had left her earlier, curled up in a medical bay chair, sound asleep.

Sighing deeply, he sank into the chair next to her, and took her hand in his. "I swear, Mom, that I will never let Koola take you. You will never know that kind of horror in this life." Laying his lavender head back against the chair, he closed his eyes, trying to picture his father as his mother had described him in her Journal. He would have something to say to Koola taking his mother, as well. He was positive about that. Yet how much was he going to actually tell the man? She had always told him that his father was proud and brave—the bravest man she had ever met, actually to the point of being rash. The man had actually willingly walked into the Dragon’s lair, so to speak, to save the life of his mate. He hadn’t gotten far enough into the Journal to know how it all played out yet, though he wanted to. He wanted to bury himself in it and know everything that occurred, but he was afraid that it might be more than he could bear.

Still, it was obvious that Vegeta must have held a great love for Bulma to chase after her straight to Koola’s planet. If that wasn’t love, Trunks wasn’t sure what was, though his own experience with the emotion was seriously lacking. It had certainly taken a tremendous amount of courage to do that, though, and one could not deny that. Based on what his mother had already told him about the man, Vegeta had probably not even considered that he could lose.

He needed to get back to it and read some more. He had to know what had happened to her. When had his father made it there? Had they escaped? What about Bardock?

The small intercom beside him buzzed loudly, and he jerked sharply at the noise, startled out of his reverie. Stifling a curse at his lack of alertness, he reached over and hit the red button. "Gohan?" He queried softly, not wanting to disturb his mother.

"We’re about an hour away from the ship, Trunks." Gohan’s somber voice was soft, and the sound of it filled Trunks with a burning shame. Gohan had been dealt a serious shock earlier, and his mother was very ill, as was his Grandfather. He should have gone to his best friend and spoken to him, seen if he was all right.

"Gohan," he began, and something in his voice must have given him away for Gohan interrupted him.

"Not now Trunks…later. I can’t talk about all of this now." Trunks thought he heard a soft sigh. "I never expected…" he broke off suddenly and again a sigh, heavier this time, filled the air. "Later!" he whispered firmly, seeming to wrestle with his emotions.

"Alright, Gohan, but when you’re ready…"

"I know, Trunks." he thought he could hear the faint whisp of a smile fill Gohan’s voice. "Thanks…you look after your mother. We’ll talk later, after I’ve managed to make some sense of all of this." He buzzed off, and Trunks leaned back in his chair again, turning to take in the floating figure of Bardock in the regeneration tank.

At least Chi-Chi had not lost her baby in this timeline. Trunks prayed that she didn’t. How anyone could have ever treated an innocent woman the way that Hachuu had boggled his mind, and enraged his sense of honor. Thank the gods that Bardock had finished him, once and for all. That type of madness should never be allowed to strengthen. Granted this Hachuu, technically, wasn’t the same Hachuu that had put his mother and the others through such hell, but in the end wouldn’t he have? Wouldn’t he have done the very same thing his counterpart had? Mouth twisting into a sneer, he twisted in his chair, trying to put the feelings behind him.

It was over. For these women, the hell was over, and it was over with precious little damage when he thought about the things he was now reading in the Journal. He had to keep that in mind. What was the point in being enraged over things that had not happened, or a past he could not change? His own mother’s suffering was over, and this one…this one, with any luck would know a better life than her future counterpart.

Mind reeling once again, Trunks stood, feeling the need to stretch his legs and burn off pent up energy. He would wake his mother in a moment, and help her begin preparing for the docking with the ship. Was his father already here? He didn’t think so. Based on the small bits he had read in the Journal, and knowing the few things that he did about his parents and their relationship, he seriously doubted Vegeta would have ever let her languish on Kannassa, especially if their bond had been cut off from him.

So where was he? What had happened to him all the time that Bulma had been trapped on Kannassa? Where had he been? She had been on Kannassa for at least two weeks before Koola had shown up, and then another week or so while his mother had been a prisoner on Koola’s ship. Where had the man been? Feeling a sense of dread awaken in the pit of his belly, Trunks tried to block the thoughts. His father was just fine. He had shown up eventually to help Bulma, so whatever had happened to him couldn’t have been too serious. There had to be a logical explanation. There just had to be.

Trunks went back towards his mother. He had to stop thinking about this. He would try to reason it all out later, when he had more time to concentrate. Right now, he needed to wake her up and see to the others before the docking. His father was all right, he knew it.




"Damn you, Kakkarot." Vegeta heaved, breath coming in sharp, painful bursts. "I will see you dead before we leave this planet." The ribs that the third-class had broken were piercing into his lungs, making breathing an excruciating task, and his heart burned in his chest. Yet the feel of his own pain did little to vanquish or distract him from the blazing fury that was driving through his brain like a red-hot poker, and running like molten lava through his blood. He would break the bastard once and for all. It had gone far beyond getting off this planet. He had to kill him; it was a matter of honor and pride now.

"You can give it your best shot, Vegeta," Kakkarot sneered mockingly. "But we already know that I am stronger than you now. You saw it coming and it scared you didn’t it? Imagine a third-class stronger than the Prince of the race?" Tipping his head back, Kakkarot laughed deeply.

Something red and flaming flashed in Vegeta’s eyes and he felt every word that Kakkarot uttered slice into him like the jagged end of a knife. Fury pumping through him, he hissed through clenched teeth: "Shut up, you miserable excuse for a Saiya-jin. You are hardly stronger than I am, and we are going to prove that now." Ignoring the burning in his chest, Vegeta launched himself at Kakkarot, engaging the third-class in a furious burst of kicks and punches.

Kakkarot would die for his words! He would break every bone in his body, slowly, agonizingly. He would live in pain until he finally comprehended the truth. It was he, Vegeta, that was the strongest Saiya-jin alive. No one mocked him, no one toyed with him, and for daring to do so, Kakkarot would face his death.

Ignoring the niggling voice deep in the recesses of his brain screaming at him that this wasn’t the Kakkarot that he knew, that the witches had done something to him, Vegeta pressed on, spinning into a roundhouse kick that sent Kakkarot flying back. It mattered little if it was the work of the witches. He had seen this day coming, and somewhere, deep in Kakkarot’s idiotic mind, so had he. This was what they had been destined for; two Super-Saiya-jin in a final battle to see which of them was truly the best. In his mind, there could be only one outcome—his own superiority would be proven and then there would be no doubts in anyone’s mind just who was the strongest Saiya-jin in the universe.

"That was a nice move, Vegeta," Kakkarot extricated himself from the rubble of the hut he had flown into. "You truly are a superior fighter." Bowing his head, Kakkarot seemed to lose himself in his thoughts. "Yet I’ve trained, and even though you might be good, it is obvious that you are no longer my equal." His lips curved upwards, twisting into a slight smile. "It is time I put this to an end."

Giving a bellowing roar of fury, Vegeta launched himself forward, ignoring the pain that radiated throughout his body. Nothing mattered to him now save this battle. Nothing mattered to him now except breaking Kakkarot’s body into small pieces with his bare hands. The ground around him blurred into nothingness as he collided with Kakkarot in midair and latched onto him, punching and hitting—meeting him blow for blow. All that mattered was his strength and showing this third-class and all around him that there would never be anyone as strong as the Saiya-jin Prince. "It is time for you to die, Kakkarot!" he raged. "And when I am done with you, I will go and finish your pathetic excuse of a family. That loud-mouthed bitch and her weakling brat…they will all die by my hand!"

Smirking, Kakkarot blocked a brutal blow to his gut. "That goes both ways, Vegeta. Except I don ‘t think I really want to kill Bulma. She can earn her life beneath me…in my bed. Your brat, though…I have little use for your brat. He can die!" Laughing at the thunderous look settling on Vegeta’s face, and the low, primal growl that escaped his lips, Kakkarot blurred away from him, disappearing in the blink of an eye and reappearing behind him.

Grasping Vegeta in a strong chokehold, Kakkarot chuckled low in his throat before rasping words into the Prince’s ears. "What…you can dish it out… You can threaten the life of my woman and my child, but I am not allowed to do the same to you? Does it pain you to think of Bulma in my bed? Does it truly pain you to picture her screaming my name out? Or perhaps it is the whole idea of her body swollen with my child, while yours lies dead… If I defeat you, I will have the best of both worlds, Prince. I will have my own woman and son, and I will have yours. She is a beautiful thing…intelligent…ripe for the taking."

"You are dead, Kakkarot!" Vegeta screamed, rearing his head back against the third class. The words hit hard as the vision the damned witches had sent him before the battle, of his woman entwined with Bardock, flashed before his eyes. Nearly doubling over in pain, he fought against the rush of shocked rage that threatened to swell over him. It wasn’t true, it was nothing but their sick, twisted mind games and it was time to end it all now.

Despite the brutal head butt, Kakkarot held fast, using every ounce of his strength to hold the Saiya-jin Prince in place. Reaching down with his free hand, he latched onto Vegeta’s tail, twisting viciously. "There are a million ways to beat you. I learned that from Frieza…" he chuckled again. "Did you really think that no one paid attention to those lessons? I always knew it would come to this some day, Vegeta. Somewhere, deep in myself, I knew…"

Gritting his teeth in pain, Vegeta fought back. Flaring to life, he felt Kakkarot’s grip on his tail lessen and then he was free, shooting up into the sky. Stopping finally, hovering above them, he looked down at the ground, panting and sweating, lost in a haze of pain and fury. Cupping his hands together, summoning all of his remaining energy, he prepared his blast. It was time for him to end the battle once and for all.

Below him he could see Kakkarot ascending, flying towards him like a bullet. The fool had no idea what awaited him. His mouth lifted in a smirk as he gathered more energy. Kakkarot was a dead man.

"Final Flash!" he bellowed, energy crackling around him as he released the blast. Watching, chest heaving from the amount of energy he had expended, he watched as the blazing blue ball of energy streaked down towards Kakkarot.

Kakkarot’s eyes widened in shock as they observed the massive blast streaking towards him, hurtling at him like a ship crashing into the ground. "Dammit, Vegeta!" he yelled into the sky, hurriedly cupping his hands together. "What are you trying to do, destroy the entire planet?" A ball of energy formed in his hands, an act of pure reflex, and with no time to spare, he released it to counter act the Vegeta’s beam.

"Kamehamehaaaaa!" he screamed as he released it from the palm of his hand. Muscles straining, he fought to maintain control of the beam, fought to deflect Vegeta’s deadly beam.

"Give it up, Kakkarot," Vegeta sneered. "You can’t beat this one."



"Lord Koola, we have set down on Kannassa," Sauzza stood tall before his master, though every inch of his body trembled. His relationship with his boss had changed dramatically. He was no longer certain of his place in Koola’s ship. At this point, his life was as forfeit as the rest of the lesser crew.

"Good, Koola stepped from his hover chair. "Prepare to take prisoners. I want a native…one that can probe the minds of these pathetic Nameks and get me some answers. And find where the woman is being held. I want her brought before me."

He spoke with deathly calm, but Sauzza could hear the rage that lurked in the depths. Nothing he had done had been able to break the Nameks. They were protecting the secrets of their Dragonballs to the death apparently, and the knowledge that he was seemingly incapable of breaking them was eating at Koola like a disease. Four crewmembers had suffered for his wrath. Sauzza hoped to God that he was able to obtain what he was looking for on this rock before another of them died, most especially him.

Obtaining the Princess of Correnia should go a long way to helping. Koola would have her to focus his rage on. That might spare some of them a painful death. "We are ready, Lord Koola," Sauzza turned to his underling, snapping an order. "Tell Jeiyce and his crew we are ready to go."

Moving catlike over the bridge, Koola swept past Sauzza and the crew, exiting the cabin and making his way towards the ramp. "Come Sauzza, let us go and have some fun."


"Mom…" Gently, Trunks shook her shoulder, shaking his head at himself. Technically this was his mother, yet it wasn’t. What in the hell was he supposed to call her? He couldn’t fathom calling her Bulma, yet calling her mother felt strange, too. Again, he shook her, rewarded as she slowly came awake, blinking the last remnants of sleep from her eyes.

"Oh," she said, looking up into his blue eyes…eyes the same shade as her own. "Oh!" She exclaimed again as memory flooded through her, sitting up fast this time. "Trunks…"

"Are you alright?" he asked her gently, searching her blue eyes. "You fainted awhile ago, but I let you sleep. You’ve been through a lot and I know…"

"Yeah, you unloaded quite a bit of information on me," Bulma interrupted and I have a terrible feeling that you aren’t done."

"I’m sorry," Trunks sat back, face tightening. "I know it’s overwhelming, I shouldn’t have rushed you."

Bulma sat up, laying a hand along side his cheek. "Hey, it isn’t your fault. I have to hear this, Trunks. It’s just…" shaking her head, she let her hand drop to her lap, clenching it into a tight fist. "There is just so much horror in everything that you told me." Looking up, she regarded him intensely, her eyes piercing into his with her sharp gaze. "You are going to have to finish everything. I have to know the whole story."

"I will, later." Trunks met her gaze, heartened that despite the time differential it was still his mother. The gaze was the same, the look, the way she could hold you in place with just a single glance. "I promise, mom. You sent me back to change things and I will, I swear."

Bulma laid her hand on his cheek, rubbing the tanned skin gently. "God, Trunks, you are just so much like him. Every time I see you it takes my breath away." Shaking her head, she searched the blue gaze that was a mirror of her own. "You can see it in your Chibi self, but as a man…well it is amazing."

"I never really got to know him as a man. I mean, in my time, he’s gone by the time I’m five. I have a few images of him, a few memories of his voice and his presence, but…" Swallowing a hard lump, he leaned back against the wall. "All I really have is what you told me, or I mean what your future self told me."

Bulma opened her mouth, would have said more, but the intercom buzzed beside them, startling her. Gohan’s voice came over the air, soft and deep, and vaguely reminiscent of his father’s.

"We are getting ready to join with the ship. Is Bulma awake yet?"

"Yeah, I’m up. I’ll be right there, Gohan." Standing, she moved to the regeneration tank that Bardock floated peacefully in. "We’ll talk some more, later, Trunks. I want to know everything." Laying a hand on the glass, she stared intently at Bardock, forcing herself to change the subject. "While I’m taking care of the docking, I need you and Gohan to prepare Chi-Chi and Bardock for landing. I’m going to call ahead to the medical bay. I’ll have them get another tank ready and a fetal specialist who can see what needs to be done for Chi-Chi. I’m not even sure that any of the med bay technicians handle this kind of thing."

"Alright." Nodding, Trunks stood. "I need to go and get a few things from the cabin I was in earlier. I’ll get to it."

Bulma turned and smiled at him, a look of fascination crossing her face. "I’m looking forward to hearing all about your life, young man. Most especially, how I was as a mother."

Trunks felt his mouth curve upwards. "Well," he teased, face flushing red as he did so. "I do have a few issues I could take up with you…" he trailed off at the look of surprise that crossed her face. "I’m sorry," he said hastily. "I should haven’t…"

"Very funny, young man, but somehow I bet I was the perfect mom!" Bulma quipped back, smiling as his face flushed scarlet.

Relieved that he hadn’t upset her, Trunks smiled back, moving towards the cabin. "You were the best that there was."


"Lord Koola, it appears as if a battle took place here," Jeiyce stood beside his new Lord, watching his face closely. The M that was scrawled across his skin, stood out against the pale white of his forehead, and a palpable rage seemed to emanate from him in thick black waves. What in the hell had that little shriveled creature done to him? What did it mean?

"Thank you for stating the obvious, Jeiyce. You must have served my brother very well," Koola sneered, eyes sweeping over the ruin of buildings that surrounded them. Around him, the silence was deafening.

Jeiyce gritted his teeth, anger flaring to life within him at the taunt. If only he were stronger than the pompous changeling. He would enjoy squeezing the life out of the bastard. Frieza had at least held a modicum of respect for him, however small it might have been. Koola…Koola was openly contemptuous, especially of anything or anyone that had been associated with his brother. Swallowing the angry words that had come rushing to the tip of his tongue, Jeiyce stood silent, forcing the tension from his shoulders.

Beside him, he heard Koola give a low chuckle. "You despise me, don’t you Jeiyce. I can feel your rage and hatred. It flows from you like heat through the air. Yet you swallow your pride simply because you know I could squash you like the bug you are." Another throaty chuckle and then he snapped an order. "Get your crew into that debris and search for some survivors. I plan on sending Sauzza on a search of the land to locate anyone that might have escaped. I want some answers—now!"

"Yes, Lord," eager to escape, Jeiyce whirled from Koola, motioning to Recoome and Burter. "Get over here. We have a job!" Turning back towards Koola, he watched through slitted eyes as the changeling conversed with Sauzza. Clenching his fist, he brought his anger back into control. Unfortunately, he was not strong enough to defeat, Koola…not in an open battle. Yet there had to be some way to show the bastard exactly who was truly superior. He had only to search his brain and answer would come. He was sure of it.

"Enjoy it," he muttered under his breath. "You may have the upper hand now, but I’ll find a way, just you wait."

"What is it?" Burter’s raspy voice filled his ear, and Jeiyce turned to stare into the reptilian soldiers eyes. Behind him, Recoome came to a stop, arms crossed against his massive chest. They had been his mates in the Ginyu force and now they all struggled under the contemptuous command of Koola. Perhaps he could persuade them to aid him.

"Lord Koola," Jeiyce spoke past the bitter taste that filled his mouth. "Wishes for us to conduct a search of the ruins and see if we can come up with any survivors. "Get to it!" Whirling away from them, he stomped towards the first apparent compound, mind sifting through all the horrific ends he could dish out to Koola. "Just you wait, bastard changeling. I’ll show you yet."



"That damn boy is going to kill us all," Toma snapped, turning his black gaze to Radditz. "We need to get this ended, and get the hell out of here." He watched as Kakkarot held the blast away from the ground with his own Kamehameha. "Don’t distract Kakkarot. If he fails to hold back Vegeta’s blast, we are all dead. I don’t know what that idiot hothead is thinking…" trailing off angrily, he reached into his armor, yanking out a capsule.

Turning towards Brennon, he handed him the capsule of their ship. I am going to try to distract these bitches," he rasped. "While I am doing that, get someplace and get this ship ready to go. "Radditz and I are going to find a way to end this fast. God knows we can’t rely on these two fools to get it done." Rolling his eyes, he turned back to survey the battle.

Brennon grasped the ship. "You’ll be able to find us…once its done?" he asked again.

"Yes," Toma muttered distractedly, running a hand through his short hair. "Just give me a second to come up with a plan. Be quick and be ready. Try not to go off too far if you can avoid it. Just try to find a patch of land that this ship can sit on. I have a bad feeling about this."

Motioning to Radditz, he pointed to the group of guards that stood around the Queen. "Move around a bit to the side and send a blast through that group, Radditz. I’ll go this way and distract this guard. If Kakkarot can’t hold that blast back we are all through, thought at least I got the brats away from here…" Toma cast a glance over his shoulder, making sure his orders had been followed. "If Kakkarot can get rid of the blast, however," he continued on. "We shoot him in the back with a blast and bring him down…combined if necessary...if we can. He’s a blur up there right now. We might have to go and get them. I have never seen the boy this way."

Nodding towards the women that stood around them, engrossed in the battle, Toma edged to the left, reaching out a hand towards the woman. "I have had it with this fucking planet!" he grated out loudly, shoving at a guard. "I am going to you kill you all!"

Growling in frustration, Radditz followed Toma’s lead, rolling to the left and firing a blast into the group of women that stood engrossed by the battle. He would only have a few seconds before they would be able to focus their minds on his. He had to make it count. Another blast flew from his palm and he watched as it rocketed towards them, exploding against two of the guards. They fell dead instantly, and again he fired, giving them no chance to regroup and gain control of him.

Long hair swinging, he pivoted as three of them leapt at him, grazing his tanned skin with their knife-like nails. He felt the subtle brush of one of their minds as they attempted to link with him, and he fought it, gritting his teeth in agony as he held a firm mental block against them. He had to last…at least for a few more moments. Another blast, another…they flew from his palm and he watched in joy as they struck true.

Gasping for air, he slid to his knees, unable to hold the steel of his mental wall in place anymore. Brutal hands slid into his hair, yanking it back. Slitted, yellow eyes stared down into his black gaze and he shuddered as the woman smiled ferally at him, revealing her row of sharpened teeth.

"You will regret your actions, Saiya-jin," she rasped in fury, baring her teeth. "For all of my kind whose life you took, I will see you die…"



"Here you are, Bulma." Gohan moved aside, shifting his body from captain to co-pilot’s chair. "They want your security code…otherwise I’d take care of all of this for you."

"Yeah," Bulma smiled. "They have security codes voice activated. So even if I had given you the code, it still wouldn’t have let you in. It recognizes voices that have been given clearance…and yours hasn’t." Turning her blue gaze towards him, she shot him a mischievous grin. "They probably would have shot us out of the sky…"

"Well that’s a comforting thought," Gohan grimaced and laughed nervously. "Sounds like something you would have come up with."

"I did, actually." Bulma shifted in the seat, flipping on the communicator. "Vegeta wanted something foolproof for this ship, something he could readily control. Short of eye scan, this seemed the most logical choice. If the voice scans don’t match those on record, then they are denied clearance."

Gohan watched as she communicated the code through the airwaves, his mind clouding with visions of her death, the memory of her slack body filling his arms…her blood on his hands…" gritting his teeth, he averted his gaze, shutting his eyes and willing the too vivid images away. It would not happen in this time. He would not allow it, and neither would Trunks. He would ensure that they all lived: Bulma, his father, his mother…Vegeta…they would all survive.

"Gohan" her soft voice cut through his frenzied thoughts and he peered at her, through half-closed eyes. She was so much like a mother to him…had been after the death of his own. Seeing her die had ripped his heart out, and yet here she sat, young and beautiful, full of life. Had Trunks told her anything yet? Did she know her own fate? Clenching his fist, he struggled with the sudden onslaught of his powerful emotions.

"I’m sorry, Bulma," he choked. "I guess I’m just worn out."

"Of course you are," Bulma soothed, laying a hand over his clenched fist. "I’m sure time travel is exhausting and I know you’re upset about your mother."

"How is she?" Gohan managed to grate out through his clenched teeth. "I didn’t expect that she might be pregnant. I didn’t—" giving a violent shake of his head, he compressed his lips, staring into Bulma’s grave blue eyes. "I—"

"Gohan, as soon as we dock with this ship, I will make sure that she gets the best care possible. She is going to be alright, I swear it."

"I’ll go with her…to the med bay, alright? Will you make sure that I get to go with her? I don’t want her to be alone."

"Of course. I assumed you and Trunks would both come with me. I have to get your grandfather some care as well." Sighing heavily, Bulma turned back to the controls. "Chi-Chi will be easy enough to deal with. We already know what is wrong…but Bardock…" shaking her head, she pressed her lips tightly together. There was absolutely no cause for Bardock’s obvious coma. Other than the wounds he had received on Kannassa, there seemed to be no other evidence of serious injury, at least according to the readouts. Yet, he had yet to stir from his unconsciousness, and the nerve and brain scans that were coming from the tank’s central computer showed heightened activity and some kind of neural change that she couldn’t begin to fathom.

"I’m sure he’ll be alright. Dad always told me that his father was the strongest man he knew." Gohan offered a shy smile, and Bulma forced one in return.

"He’s right…not much stops Bardock." Sighing again, her hands flew over the console, keying in the landing codes. With some luck that would be the case here. As long as she had known Bardock, he had always managed to accomplish the impossible. He had to beat this, too. His life meant too much for it to be lost now.

As if Bardock was the only thing she had to be worried about. She had not sensed Vegeta since that first, terrifying wave of blackness that had brushed against her earlier. Was he all right? Was her young son all right? Did she dare attempt to find him through their link?

She had to. It was the only possible option. She couldn’t continue to wonder if he was alive and whole. No matter that it might be a distraction to him, she had to feel him. If that pissed him off, tough. Reaching out, she felt him simmering far away from her…to far for her to gauge his emotions and health. Reaching further, she sought the contact, needing it, suddenly, in the deepest part of herself. She was empty without his presence and she hated that feeling. He had been bonded to her for far too long for her to get along without it for long periods of time.

It was almost as if he was holding himself from her reach. The closer she got, the harder she reached, the more elusive he seemed. Vegeta she growled in her mind. Don’t shut me out this way.

There was no response. Irritated, she pressed forward, seeking him, and battering at the wall that seemed to separate them. Something red and hot seared against the soft tissue of her brain and she recoiled from the feeling, shocked. Was that Vegeta? What was wrong with him? Gathering her courage, she moved closer to the burning, roiling sensation, tentatively reaching out to it. Did he need her? She brushed against the feeling, fighting the urge to run from it, instead forcing her way into it, connecting herself with the red-hot fury that seemed to encompass all of Vegeta’s mind.

Get away from me now, woman! He hissed in a cold, deadly voice she had never heard from him before. I don’t want you here!

Through the pain of his rage and the fear that seemed to be battering at her own mind, Bulma forced herself to stay right where she was. Tough, Vegeta. She replied in the iciest tones she could muster. I’m not going anywhere. Someone needed to cool him off. An image of a brooding, angry Kakkarot flashed before her eyes and they narrowed. Are you fighting with Kakkarot? She hissed in pain as the heat of his anger scorched her, and again she felt the urge to run and block him completely. But she stood fast, knowing instinctively, that he was in trouble.

He is about to die. Vegeta sneered murderously. And unless you wish to see it with your own eyes, I would suggest that you get the hell out of my brain. I don’t want you here now.

I don’t care what you want, Vegeta. She cried angrily. The most important thing to me at this particular moment is our son. Have you forgotten about him? Where is he?

Your concern for me is overwhelming, woman. He rasped, voice freezing. I will retrieve your precious brat…now GET OUT OF MY MIND!

Vegeta! She cried once before he abruptly disconnected them, leaving her nearly bereft from the suddenness of the lost connection. Dammit Vegeta!

Gasping for air, she was barely aware of Gohan’s concerned face as he leaned over her, shaking her shoulder lightly. "Bulma!" he called fearfully. "Bulma are you alright?"

Shuddering from the intensity of the contact, inhaling great droughts of air into her lungs, she managed to nod. "Yes, I…Vegeta—"

Shutting her mouth, she leaned back in the chair, covering her eyes with her trembling hands. Dimly, she heard Gohan take over the controls. What had happened to him? What had sent him into such a murderous rage? Why had he treated her so horribly? She had felt something in him that she had never sensed before and the touch of it left her cold. Vegeta, she whispered into the confines of her mind, longing to hear the deep, passionate tones that she was so used to hearing. Not that cold, hissing, rage-filled tone he had treated her to. The walls of the cabin seemed to close in on her, surrounding her...she couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t swallow…Vegeta…Feeling a rising ball of bile, she swallowed hard, nauseous. She needed to get away from here; she needed to clear her mind…

Staggering to her feet, she lurched out of the cabin. "Dock us, Gohan…I have to get out of here."

"Bulma!" he called after her, voice strained with worry. "Are you—" The door snapped open and she ran out, paying him no heed. Whatever it was, it must have been fairly serious to send her fleeing out of the cabin. She had spoken Vegeta’s name. Did that mean she had been able to connect with him? She had always spoken of the bond, as had his father…he knew that it had existed, though he had never met the person that he could share his mind with…still…she had and obviously, Vegeta had been the cause of her upset. He hoped to God that it was nothing overly serious, but deep down in his gut something rolled and twisted. Something was not right. Somewhere in the deepest part of his brain, he knew that, could feel it, it hung so palpably in the air. Something was not right, and Bulma’s reaction was proof positive of that. Gohan felt the muscles in his body tightening even more, and tensely, he reached over to handle the docking. God, why couldn’t anything ever be simple?



Freeing himself from the soft touch of his woman’s mind, Vegeta shook the cloying presence from himself. She would turn him from his course of action, if he allowed her too. She would soften him and attempt to stop him from killing Kakkarot. He would not allow it. Ignoring a twinge of hot shame and guilt for his dismissal of her, he grasped hold of his anger, needing it, wanting it. It was the only thing that would see him through the hell of this planet. Bulma would simply have to learn her place. For too long he had been soft and pliable. Look at what that behavior had reaped for him? He could barely fight off a third-class warrior. Before her, before his life on Chikyuu, Kakkarot would have been no problem…but now…anger surged through him like a burning flame, and he roared his fury, adding to the fuel of his Final Flash. It would end now!

Kakkarot felt his body begin a slow slide backwards as Vegeta’s Final Flash strengthened and pushed forward, threatening to envelope his Kamehameha. Gritting his teeth, he delved inside himself, searching for whatever power hid within him, dormant and waiting to be awoken. He would not die this way. He would be the one that proved himself this day. He had taken years of abuse from Vegeta, years of belittlement and he would tolerate it no longer.

A low scream erupted from him as he pushed forward, putting every ounce of energy he had into the Kamehameha. Muscles straining, he held firm and watched as his extra boost was all it took to push the Final Flash away and back towards Vegeta.

Grinning, heaving from exertion, he rocketed upwards, following the beam as it traveled upwards, threatening to envelope Vegeta. He watched as Vegeta rolled to the side, barely avoiding the blazing ball of burning energy that rushed by him and out into the heights of the atmosphere.

"Have you had enough, Vegeta?" Kakkarot roared, flashing behind Vegeta who hung limply in the sky, energy spent. Wrapping an arm around the Prince’s neck, he held firm, tightening with each struggling motion that Vegeta made. "Fool," he hissed in Vegeta’s ear. "You stupid, arrogant fool…you used all your energy in that blast. You are done…"



Radditz felt her claw-like daggers sink into his skin, and though he tried to break her contact with him, he failed. She was in his mind and apparently not going any well. He was as good as dead.

"Now you will feel my wrath, Saiya-jin," she rasped into his ear, nipping at it.

Radditz fought to keep the bile from rising into his throat at her sickening touch.

Resigning himself to his death, he shut his eyes. A sudden warmth rushed by him, and he was free. His mind was his. Opening his eyes, he became aware of chaos around him. Leaping to his feet, he glaced around. The witch that had held him lie dead, her head sliced cleanly from her body.

Turning, Radditz found himself staring into Toma’s glittering black eyes.

"Do I have to do everything by myself?"

Sheepishly, Radditz shrugged. "She snuck—"

Toma raised a hand. "I don’t want to hear. We need to get up there…and end this thing now. "

Like a rocket, he shot up into the air, Radditz close behind.




Somewhere in the depths of his being, Vegeta found some small area of untapped power. Bringing back his elbow, he connected hard with Kakkarot’s groin, smirking as the grip around his neck abruptly disappeared. Flying forward, Vegeta hovered, watching in amusement as Kakkarot doubled over. "Whose the fool now, Kakkarot?" he chuckled, readying another blast in the palm of his hand. "I’m going to destroy you." He hissed again, smile falling from his lips, eyes going dead. A sudden burst of pain lanced through his head, and he frowned, vision dimming for a moment.

Preparing to throw the blast, his name reached him through the haze of pain and rage that shrouded him…and he narrowed his eyes, shaking off the sudden dimness that had swept over his eyes. Who would be calling him at a time like this? Half turning, he glanced down, suddenly, keenly aware of chaos on the ground below him. Had they done that?

Glancing around, he saw trails of smoke rising from several heaps of rubble on the ground and his piercing eyes picking out sight after sight of the destruction that they had wrought. Snarling, he began to swing back around, irate at letting himself be distracted by something trivial. He had let a golden opportunity fall from his hands.

A searing pain burned through him, and he gasped, unable to breathe. His lower back blazed as if a thousand red-hot pokers were being driven into him. Whirling around, chest heaving as he tried to suck in air, he saw Kakkarot grin at him.

"What were you saying, Vegeta?" Kakkarot sneered. "Which one of us is the fool?" Smirking, Kakkarot nodded towards his back. "Missing something?"

Body shaking, Vegeta reached behind him, gasping in shock as he felt his lower back. "My tail…" he managed to rumble out through thick, nauseating waves of pain. "Damn you, Kakkarot!" he roared suddenly in fury. "Damn you!" He had to fight the pain and put the son of a bitch down now! He had committed his final act of treachery against him. He had dared to take his tail!

Kakkarot smirked again. "Fool!" he chortled. "Maybe you should have been paying attention!" Drawing his hands back, he began the familiar cadence of his finishing move.

"Kakkarot!" his name was bellowed and he frowned as he felt the presence of Toma hovering behind him.

"Stop this foolishness now, you idiot!" Toma snapped. "You are not yourself. Stop this before you seriously injure him." Toma watched as Radditz rose up behind Vegeta. Radditz had almost been lost, a victim of the Sorceress, but he had been able to blow her head off before she could deliver on any of the threats she had been idly spilling from her ugly mouth. He had caused enough chaos on the ground to buy them a few precious moments. The Queen had scattered with the rest of them, yet he had every belief that she was alive and well. Once she regained her bearings, she would be on them all with a vengeance. They had to escape.

"Stay out of this battle, Toma," Kakkarot hissed angrily. "I will see Vegeta dead."

"He is your Prince, little brother!" Radditz hissed back, black eyes blazing. "You are going to be lucky to escape this alive." Radditz surveyed the bloody stump of Vegeta’s tail and shook his head. Vegeta would kill him.

"Kakkarot is right," Vegeta snapped, eyes blazing, shining half-madly in the waning light. "Move yourself away from this battle or I will lay you all in your graves."

Fool boy!" Toma hissed. "You are playing right into the hands of the Queen. "She wants you to battle each other. She set it up so you would. She has poisoned you," he jerked his head towards Kakkarot, and you…" nodding towards Vegeta. "She has poisoned your mind. You came here for a purpose. Have you forgotten it in your madness?"

Kakkarot lifted his hand, palm out, and Toma watched him as he swung his eyes round to meet his. "I have no issue with you, Toma," he spoke evenly, voice low and deadly. "Leave now."

"Try it, you stupid brat." Toma raised his hand in reply. "I’m not so weak that I can’t take you out." Mouth curling upwards, Toma waited. Kakkarot could easily blast him into a million pieces. Strong as he was, strong as he had been, he had no hopes of coming close to either Vegeta or Kakkarot. Still…it would be a cold day in hell before he took verbal abuse from a brat half his age.

"Kakkarot," Radditz hissed. "Toma is a brother to our father…if not in blood than in spirit and loyalty. "You would dare lift a hand to your elder?" Radditz crossed his thick arms over his chest. "Would you answer to him? Would you give an accounting as to how you destroyed his brother?"

"Leave him out of this!" Kakkarot snapped, raising a hand to his eyebrow. "He is not here, he has nothing to do with this."

"Vegeta, you are half-dead. You need medical attention, and your tail is lost to you. Would you see yourself beaten this day, or will you both set this stupid battle aside and leave with some shred of honor intact?" Radditz tensed, preparing himself for Vegeta’s full wrath. "One did not speak idly about their Prince in front of him, but times were desperate.

"How dare you?" Vegeta rasped, body heaving from pain and exhaustion. "I am your Prince…not some sniveling brat to be spoken down to!"

"Then act like it!" Toma roared, moving forward in a blur of motion. He had only one hope of taking either of them out, and that was through surprise. Lashing out, he landed a blow on Kakkarot’s neck, striking the exact nerve that he had known would lay the fool boy low. Kakkarot crumpled before him, falling from the sky like a rocket. Swooping down, he caught him.

"Vegeta turn your rage on Kakkarot another time. We have to get off of this planet," Radditz hissed. "Turn your ire on this planet and its treacherous inhabitants, but for gods sake, let this go for now. You need medical attention and we have to get the brats off of this planet before there is no return for any of us!"

Vegeta felt his head swim, and his vision blurred for a moment before he shook it off. "I will not forget the debt that I owe Kakkarot. He will die at my hands!" Whirling he cupped his hands together, using all his remaining strength to form another Final Flash.

"What are you doing?" Radditz screamed, watching in amazement as the heavens themselves opened up for Vegeta’s blast. Electricity crackled around him and the air was charged and heavy.

Smirking, Vegeta released the blast.

Radditz watched as the blast burned past Toma and headed towards the planet below. Realization dawned within him as he understood that Vegeta was sending a killer blast into the depths of the planet. Toma’s voice caught his attention and suddenly he realized that the blast had spent whatever life that Vegeta had had left.

Rocketing down, Toma on his heels, he caught the Prince as he tumbled from the sky like a leaf falling from a tree in Winter. Speeding forward, he searched for any extra power that might get him to the ship faster, praying that Brennon had gotten the ship ready to go. They had but a few seconds to blast out of the atmosphere before the planet breathed its last breath.




"Lord Koola, we found this Kannassan lying just inside the door." The soldier snapped upwards as Koola came towards him, heart pounding with fear. He did not want to die and to displease Koola, especially these days, meant sudden death. Backing away, he allowed plenty of room between them as Koola swept by.

Koola stared down at the Kannassan that lay, bleeding, amongst the rubble. "Is it alive?" he asked disdainfully, pressing his clawed foot against it.

"Barely," the soldier replied. "He will not last long, though. His wounds are mortal." Trembling, the soldier took another step back. One never knew what might set the changeling off.

Koola poked again at the Kannassan, nudging it hard with his foot. They were disgusting creatures to him, smelly and ugly…that he was forced to look upon them sent a wave of anger spiraling through him.

He watched, mouth curled in disdain, as an eyeball rolled open. "What has happened here?" he rasped imperiously.

"Sa—" A wracking cough burst from his lips, and Koola watched as more blood oozed from the reptilian creature’s mouth. "Bardock," he rasped out in a weak whisper. "Saiya-jin…" Another deep cough moved through him.

A menacing frown filled Koola’s face, and he reached down, grasping the dying Kannassan around the throat. "Did you say Saiya-jin?" Staring into the dull eyes of the Kannassan, Koola was keenly aware of the shallow, labored breathing. It was on death’s door. He must have his answer before it expired completely. "Tell me…" he hissed.

"Saiya-jin…Bardock of Vegiitasei." It was so low that Koola barely heard it, yet he did, and something hot and fiery rushed through him, settling like burning ball in the pit of his belly. The creature had spoken Bardock’s name. He was acutely aware of Bardock and the credit given him in ending Frieza’s reign. Bardock had been present at the death of his father.

Eyes burning, Koola lifted the Kannassan closer. "Where are they? What has happened to them?"

"Gone…" a shuddering breath escaped him, and Koola felt a spasm work its way through the Kannassan’s body. Another deep, gasping breath rolled through him, cold eyes flared wide, before they rolled upwards, and the body went limp.

"Gone?" Koola said in a deathly low voice. Shaking the limp body, the hot ball exploded within him and he roared: "Gone?" Tossing the body aside, he whirled towards the trembling soldier. "You will find Sauzza now!"

"Y-Yes, Lord!" The soldier scrambled away from the seething, livid changeling and clicked on his scouter.

Stalking out of the rubble and away from the soldier, Koola strode towards his ship, anger burning hotter with each passing second. They had been here, he had finally had them in sights…he had been this close to Bardock…Bardock who had contributed to the death of his father.

Blood churning in his veins, Koola paid little heed to the soldiers and mercenaries that scattered out of his path. If the Saiya-jin had been here, that could only mean that they had come to take back the woman whose feet he could lay the destruction of his family. Clenching a fist, he gritted his teeth to keep himself from roaring in fury. He had been so close to having her, and with that capture, Vegeta would have been his as well. Koola had come so close to achieving his vengeance that he could still taste it. It lingered like the bittersweet taste of the Pachuba Plant that was a delicacy on his own planet.

"Koola, why are we wasting our time on this forsaken planet, when we could be out taking over the universe?" The high-pitched, whiny voice cut through his thoughts, jerking his attention back to the path before him. To his dismay and ire he saw the wizened creature Babidi standing before him, his weakling lackey behind him. Babidi’s frail arms were in the air, his whiskered mouth drawn back in a scowl as he prepared to berate him some more.

"Be gone from my sight," he grated out frostily, irritation flooding through him. "I haven’t the time for your foolishness now."

"How dare you speak to me that way?" Babidi’s voice rose higher still, and Koola forcibly refrained from blasting his head from his shoulders. The creature, however small and annoying it might be, had gifted him with a reserve of power he had not known he had. While he hardly had any use for the thing, he was loath to end its life yet. There were many ways the wizard might yet be of use to him. Still, the voice was enough to make even the most disciplined of warriors lose their resolve.

"I will speak to you any way I choose. I will part your body from your head, wizard, if you do not shut up and let me pass." Koola glowered at them, and he watched in satisfaction as the brown wizard seemed to pale.

Behind him, the pink creature rose to his full height. What had the demon’s name been? Dabur…Daba? He couldn’t quite recall. Koola watched with interest as it drew its sword and pointed it towards him. "One does not show such disrespect to Master Babidi. You will bow before him."

Ahh, Dabura…that had been the name. He had some guts…one had to say that about him. Koola watched him for a moment, before swinging his gaze to Babidi who stood like a frightened rat before him. Koola felt something in his blood surge and the sudden sweet desire to so something bodily harm swelled through him in a heady rush. He had lost the woman responsible for his family’s destruction, he had lost his straight path towards finishing off the Saiya-jin…and this stupid, weak demon had the nerve to stand before him and speak to him this way.

Koola’s lips curled upwards, and Dabura took a step back, taken aback by the menacing smile that graced the changeling’s purple lips. "Ma-Master…" he uttered just as a purple beam pierced through his chest and heart. Staggering back, Dabura sank to his knees, mouth opening and closing as shock registered.

"What have you done?" Babidi screeched in horror, skittering away from Koola. "How could you kill Dabura?" Truth be told, he could care less about Dabura. Better Dabura than his own precious life. Still, he had to maintain some small shred of power over this frightening being.

"Would you care to be next?" Koola asked, demeanor calm and detached. "Or do you let me pass in peace? I allow you to live on a whim, yet you try my patience on a daily basis…" his lips curled into a sneer.

Babidi’s eyes were drawn from Koola, shooting to Dabura who slumped to the ground in a heap. His great body heaved one final, heaving breath before a last violent shudder rippled through him. He had been one of the strongest warriors in the universe, the Demon Lord, or so he had said, and he had died that quickly and easily. Babidi felt a tremor race through him, and he turned slowly back to Koola. He had known that releasing the latent power dwelling within Koola would be a risk, but he had done it regardless, confident in his own abilities to control and wield power over even the strongest of warriors. How could this have happened? How could Koola’s will be so great? There was nothing that could withstand his powers of persuasion and mind-control, yet somehow this one had. He had attempted everything to bring the tyrant under his control, even the hot, searing pain that he could drive through his underlings brains like hot pokers, yet even that Koola had laid aside.

"I thought you’d see it my way. You will not disturb me again, Babidi, or I will end your life as easily as I ended his. Bear that in mind the next time you come to me uninvited." With a derisive chuckle, Koola stepped over the prone body that lay slumped on the ground and continued on his way to the ship.

He had been detained for far too long. He would consult with Sauzza and than gather the soldiers that were out scouting. His fists clenched again as he stalked up the ramp of his ship, and his purple lips drew back, revealing glistening white, dagger teeth. He would not wait for the Saiya-jin to fall into his clutches. He would not idly sit back and let the universe slip through his fingers. He was Koola, heir to his father’s legacy. Frieza had been but a mistake of nature…he was the true warrior…the one whom was destined to rule the universe. Now it was time to take it.



"She has returned father," Aria entered her father’s quarters, Bestrom hot on her heels. She has returned alone…without Prince Vegeta."

"She is alone and unprotected, Vergerom," Bestrom smiled. "We have an opportunity to deal with her. I do not know where the Prince is, but he did not return with her, nor is her child with her."

Vergerom turned to face his offspring and friend as they settled into the plush cushions of his sofa. Aria wore an open smile, black eyes gleaming with devious thought. He smiled. She was a daughter to be proud of. He had been wise in calling her to him. Beside her, Bestrom sat, eyes empty and devoid of all emotion, the barest hint of a smile playing at his lips. Crossing his hands behind his back, he walked towards them, pursing his lips. "And what of Vegeta when he returns to find his woman dead? Will he not put two and two together and kill us all?"

"Not if it were an accident…" Aria’s husky voice trailed off. "There are a hundred ways that her end could be achieved. No one ever need know we were involved in it."

"What about slave trading. I know of several groups that would love to get their hands on a woman of her beauty. She would garner much wealth for anyone. Vegeta need never know anything else but that she left…" Bestrom voice held the barest hint of amusement. "I am sure there are many ways we could make that believable."

Vergerom smiled. "Either way we risk his wrath…yet I cannot deny the opportunity." Rubbing a hand over his chin, Vergerom continued on. "I feel that outright murder would hold far too much risk for us." His black gaze met Bestrom’s. "Perhaps your way is the best. "Investigate…pay whomever you need. See it done…soon. We have no idea when Vegeta will return."

Bestrom stood, nodding deeply. "Of course, Vergerom. I will go now. I have a man in mind that I can call upon. One that will be thrilled with the opportunity."

Vergerom sank into the cushions beside his daughter. Yes she was a daughter to be proud of…strong and beautiful…a fine warrior…patting her hand, he smiled at her. She would make a fine Queen, a fine Queen indeed.

"Let it be done."



Bulma stood beside the ramp of the ship, exhausted and still shocked form her brief connection to Vegeta. Beside her, she watched as the medical technicians wheeled Chi-Chi from the ship on a stretcher, Gohan close behind. She had already seen Bardock bore to the medical bay and would go there shortly, the need to check on his progress herself overwhelming.

Gohan stopped beside her, pausing for a moment to peer into her eyes. His black eyes probed hers, and she cocked her head questioningly for a moment. "What is it, Gohan?"

"I don’t know?" he shrugged. "I was a little worried about you after you bolted from the cabin. You seemed," he paused for a moment, searching for the right words. "Out of sorts." He finished finally.

Bulma smiled at him, patting his shoulder gently. "I’m alright, Gohan. I guess I am just tired…"

"Which is why you need to get some rest," Trunks smiled as he came down the ramp, sliding his sword into the scabbard that he had slung across his back. "You’ve been through a lot."

"True, but it can’t compare to time travel, Trunks, and you still have a lot to tell me," Bulma leaned forward, staring at him intently.

Trunks held up his hands in mock defense. "I will," he said somberly, "I promise, but I think it would be better if I waited until Kakkarot and Father get here. I don’t want to have to repeat myself. Too much is at stake and we have to act fast. Chikyuu is counting on us." Hell, his mother…this woman’s older counterpart, was counting on him and he couldn’t let her down. She had died for this venture and he would make sure that her sacrifice wasn’t in vain.

"That’s fair," Bulma nodded. "I need to see if there is some way I can find Vegeta’s location. I don’t know if I should travel to where he is supposed to be or not." Sighing heavily, Bulma’s shoulders sagged. "And then there is Bardock…I still don’t know what is wrong with him."

"Let the medical techs do their job, Mom," Trunks said shyly, laying a hand on her shoulder. "You go and get some rest. Tomorrow, if we haven’t heard anything from Dad, then I will go after him myself."

"And I will go with you,’ Gohan nodded. "I want to make sure my mother is going to be all right…" he paused and both Bulma and Trunks saw his mouth work for a moment, before he finally swallowed hard. "And apparently, my sibling as well."

Trunks nodded. "Of course, Gohan. Let me see my Mom to her quarters and I’ll come sit with you for awhile." Trunks smiled at his best friend—brother really, if he thought deeply about it.

"You boys can sleep in my quarters," Bulma smiled, moving away from the ramp, and starting towards the corridors of the ship. "I have plenty of room." Trunks and Gohan fell into place behind her. "I’ll show you two so you can clean up. While you are doing that, I’ll head to the medical bay and do some checking. I won’t be able to rest until I know those two are going to be alright."

"Alright," Gohan smiled. "I suppose I could stand a change of clothes." He looked down at his technician coveralls.

"All I can get you for the night is some Saiya-jin armor. We can hunt down some regular clothes for you tomorrow, though I suppose," she sighed and broke off. "I suppose the armor is the best thing for you if we are going to war with Koola."

"The armor is fine, Mom." Trunks ran his hand through his lilac hair. "I’ll be training, and preparing for whatever I have to. The armor is the most practical thing for me."

"Yeah," Gohan nodded. "That is more than fine, Bulma."

Nodding, Bulma led them through the corridors, wondering for a moment where Vergerom was lurking. Snake…she thought venomously. It was because of his machinations that they were all in this mess. She only hoped that when Vegeta got back, he’d make the bastard pay.

Vegeta…his name rattled through her mind and she felt a sudden rush of sick fear flow through her. God, where was he? What had happened? He had been so cold…so different…

Shaking the thoughts off, she turned and led them to her lab. Keying in the code, they entered, and she found fresh supplies for them. Once she was satisfied that they had everything they would need, she led them on to her and Vegeta’s own quarters on the ship, giving them both the code and showing them around.

"That should take care of everything. I am going to head down to the med bay, boys. I’ll be there when you are done."

"All right, mom," Trunks nodded. "We won’t be long."

Bulma smiled at him, marveling again at how much he resembled his father, yet she was there too, in the eyes and the hair. Trunks was the perfect blend of them both. God, Vegeta had to be all right. He had to return to her, and he had to see this young man standing before her. Pressing a hand against her aching heart, she turned and fled the room, refusing to break down in front of her future son. Vegeta would be all right. He was Vegeta—the Prince of all Saiya-jin. She had to believe in that. Right now, it was all she had.


She had stopped by her lab again to retrieve fresh clothes. The whole idea of remaining in the prison garb that Hachuu had dressed her in left her feeling sick. It had been heaven to slide into a pair of trousers and tee shirt. There was no need for elegance or fashion. She was going to the med bay to check on her friends.

Entering the med bay, Bulma’s eyes were immediately drawn to the far corner where a row of regeneration tanks sat bubbling and vibrating. He was there, floating peacefully, his wounds from Kannassa healed completely.

Moving towards them, she stopped before them, eyes sweeping over his nude figure. What was wrong with him? Why was he not waking up? What had happened? Growling, she whirled, seeking one of the attendant or Doctors that was attending. The questions were going to drive her crazy. She had to know if he was going to be all right. He was too dear to her to lose.

Her eyes caught sight of a Saiya-jin that served on the ship. Motioning to him, she waited as he approached her. His face wore a slight look of contempt, but she knew he would not refuse her. They were too fearful of Vegeta to dare doing that. Still, the tension and resentment that hung in the air of the ship was thick and heavy. Something was coming and she had the feeling that it was more than war with Koola. Vergerom was out for her blood and his opinion seemed to be that of the majority of the other Saiya-jin that had traveled for this summit. Vegeta would have a hard time selling her to his race.

"Yes?" The Saiya-jin rasped in a low voice, coming to a stop beside her. "What can I do for you?"

"I was concerned for my friend," she whispered in a tight voice. "I don’t understand why he won’t wake up. Have you got any idea what is wrong with him?"

The Saiya-jin shrugged. "Not really. Externally and internally, as near as we can tell, there are no serious problems. Everything seems to have healed as it should have…" his voice trailed off and Bulma watched as his eyebrows narrowed. "There has been extensive activity in his brain, but I have no idea what it is. "It’s like he’s…"

"Trapped in a dream." Bulma finished heavily, turning back towards the glass. Bardock what is wrong with you?

"Is that all?" The Saiya-jin asked impatiently. "I have others to tend to."

"The woman that was brought in…she was pregnant. How is she?" Her heart clenched as she waited for his answer. For Gohan’s sake, for Kakkarot’s, Chi-Chi had to be all right and so did that little baby inside her. Bulma couldn’t bear to see that look of heartbreak on the Future Gohan’s face again.

The Saiya-jin shrugged. "Well, she is weak…and a being pregnant with a Saiya-jin brat is hard, but we are feeding her intravenously and so far, she is responding. Time will tell," he trailed off, and she nodded, dismissing him.

Turning back towards Bardock, she stared into the face that looked so young. God, it was hard to believe that he was old enough to be her father. He really didn’t look a day over thirty. His scarred face was handsome and strong…and she would give anything to see those piercingly intense black eyes flare open and meet her gaze.

Laying a hand on the glass, she sighed. "Bardock, you have to get better. We have too much to accomplish in the lab together for me to lose you now." When had he come to mean so much to her? Granted he had always been close to her, bonded to her through their mutual passion for science and technology. Then there was their time on Hell together. That had sealed the friendship completely…perhaps far deeper than it should have. She had yet to fully fathom or admit just how much he might mean to her.

The door sliding open caught her attention and she dropped her hand from the glass, turning to see who had entered. Trunks and Gohan, looking refreshed and handsome, dressed head to toe in the Saiya-jin armor of their ancestors.

Bulma smiled and moved towards them, eyes again drawn to the handsome face of her son. She couldn’t help herself. He was amazing in every way and he had grown up so beautifully…eve without a father. The thought dismayed her, and her breath hitched.

Vegeta had died in the future. He had died and left her alone to raise this boy. The smile fell from her lips as she remembered all of the news he had dealt her. That there was more left her cold and shaking. What other horrors could he possibly have left to tell? The look of desolation on his face as he told her first about her husband and then about her parents—and her planet—haunted her, and she felt her heart shatter for the miserable life he had known. This boy, this young man, her son deserved better than a bleak future. There had to be a way to help him. There had to be a way to keep her planet from dying.

"You both look better," she remarked, seeking to turn her mind from all thoughts of terror and horror in the future. There would be time to assimilate that later. For now, she had other things to worry about.

"I feel one hundred percent better," Trunks smiled his appreciation to her, and she felt her own lips curl upwards in response. He was so handsome and earnest. She had managed to do a hell of a job raising him without Vegeta, though she wondered what his father would have been able to provide for him had he lived. The idea that he had been unable to benefit from Vegeta in any way, shape or form saddened her and she bit her lip to keep tight rein on her emotions.

"Yeah," Gohan echoed Trunks. "I’d seen my father wear this, but I’ve never tried it myself." He shrugged. "It fits well."

"You look so much like your father, Gohan," Bulma trailed off. Chi-Chi was there too, staring out at her from solemn black eyes. He was another perfect mix of his parents.

Gohan’s mouth lifted in a smile and then just as quickly it was gone, replaced with a look that scorched her with its intensity. "How are my mother and Grandfather?"

"There is no change with Bardock," she spoke sadly, though I was told that all of his injuries have healed well. They don’t know why he won’t wake up." Bulma turned for a moment, staring at the lone figure that was floating peacefully in the healing waters of the regen tank. "Your mother is holding her own, and accepting nourishment intravenously. I think we’ll know more tomorrow."

"I thought I might sit with her for awhile," Gohan said softly. "Maybe if she feels me there, senses me…" he trailed off and for a moment, Bulma was reminded of the small boy that ran and played so hard with Trunks. "Here was another boy, no young man, who had been forced to live a life of misery.

"I think that is a fine idea, Gohan," she smiled soothingly at him. "I think you are right."

"I thought I’d sit with him for awhile," Trunks stared at her, studying her closely. "You need to go and get some rest. Will you be alright for a little while?"

Bulma couldn’t keep the smile from her face at the courteous way he addressed her and the obvious respect and love that shone from his eyes. Granted she might be his mother…in a roundabout way, but he barely knew who she was. He was familiar with a far older, far more mature version of her. That he showed her such obvious affection and concern was yet another testament to his upbringing. How had she managed? "I’ll be fine, Trunks. You come back when you feel like it."

"I’ll head on out." Bulma turned another lingering glance at Bardock, a glance not lost on Trunks. "You call me if there is any change with either of them."

Trunks inclined his head. "I will."

Bulma heaved a deep breath, and nodded, before turning to leave. She was exhausted, though she doubted she would be able to sleep. Right now it seemed the weight of the world seemed to be leaning upon her. How could she even think of sleeping with Vegeta and her own small Trunks out there somewhere? A sliver of ice rippled up her spine as a lingering feeling of Vegeta’s rage touched her mind.

No, there would be no sleep for her tonight. Instead she would lay alone upon the bed that she shared with a man that was beloved to her, and she would feel the emptiness as keenly as if someone had ripped out her very soul.


"Is he alive?" Toma approached Radditz from the cabin of the ship. Brennon was piloting the ship, and his wife had contained all the brats in a small room. For now there was a bit of peace. Toma heaved a great sigh. It had been a close thing, their survival, but somehow they had made it. How he would never fully know. Something had pushed them; perhaps it had been the desire or will to live. He would never know, but something had brought out speed and power in both he and Radditz that he would never have thought possible.

Brennon had done what he needed to do. The ship had been fired up and ready. Their escape from a planet that Vegeta had delivered death too had been nothing short of a miracle. It had shocked him a bit that none of the witches had been there to hinder them, but then again, they had flown like rockets, going well past the remnants of the village, and into the twisted jungle. Brennon had managed to find a patch of ground that was large enough for them to get the ship out.

"Barely," Radditz grated out. "Those two fools nearly killed each other, though I’d say Vegeta came out far worse than Kakkarot. His head wound is fairly serious and he’s lost far more blood than I think even he knew. His tail is gone…I’m not sure he’ll make it back to the fucking ship. This ship has no regeneration tank and I have nothing I can give him that will heal him. The best I could do was bandage him up and staunch the bleeding for now. Fool."

"His rage kept him fired. He probably never even knew he was injured. We’ll get him into a regen tank the moment we get back. " He threw a glance towards Kakkarot. "I suppose this fool needs a regen tank, too."

"I’d say. He’s had the shit beaten out of him. I don’t know what type of potion they gave him, but whatever it was…" Radditz shook his head. "What if he wakes up and the poison they gave him is still inside of him?"

"A better question is how we are going to keep Vegeta from killing him when he wakes up." Toma stared down at the blood caked warrior. "He will be out for blood and what’s worse is that Kakkarot will feel guilty enough to let him kill him." Toma shook his head. "What a mess."

"Maybe father will know what to do," Radditz stared into Toma’s eyes, his own black orbs grave.

"We still don’t know what happened to your father. For all you or I know, we might have to go and retrieve him off of Kannassa," Toma glanced away, concern settling over him, and an unwanted thought crept into his head. If he had not been killed. The Kannassans had reasons for wanting him dead…if there were any who still remembered the purge of their planet, and Toma was fairly certain there would be.

"Can we afford to leave these two alone?" Radditz studied Toma’s face carefully, searching for any sign of the thoughts that were swirling around in his head. Something was bothering him, some passing thought had distracted him…

"I just don’t know, Radditz," Toma shook his head, turning his black eyes to meet Radditz. "I don’t know anything anymore. Let’s get to the ship first and then I guess we will see what we see."



Bulma wasn’t certain what awoke her. It might have been some lingering remnant of the menacing dreams that had haunted what small amount of sleep she had been able to get, or it might have been the incessant buzzing on her transmitter. Reaching over, she clicked it, taking in the time. Mid-morning…how in the world had she managed to sleep that long? And why had Trunks let her? She could recall laying awake for what had seemed like hours, and she had heard him slip in at some point in the wee hours of the morning, but then…

Shaking her head, she rubbed her eyes. She must have drifted off…somehow.

"What is it?" her voice was raspy and thick with sleep. Releasing the button, she cleared it, swinging her legs off the bed and pushing herself into a sitting position.

"Mom, it’s Trunks, I need you down at the docking bay, now!"

"What’s wrong?" his voice was urgent and Bulma felt her heart begin to thud like a drum in her chest.

"Dad’s ship is about to dock, Mom, and the transmission that they got said that he was injured…badly."

Bulma leapt from the bed, heart pounding so hard she thought it might burst from her chest. Not Vegeta, please not Vegeta…she whispered in an endless litany as she bolted from her quarters and raced down the hall. At least she had slept in her clothes. She had been so afraid that something would happen during the night that she had thought it prudent to keep them on.

Blood roaring in her ears, she ran past people in the quarters, knocking them out of her way, paying no heed to their startled curses and cries. The only thing that mattered now was Vegeta. She had to get to him; she had to see him…he had to be all right. If she were there he wouldn’t dare die on her! She wouldn’t allow it! They were connected at the soul…why hadn’t she felt his distress?

After what seemed like an eternity, she burst into the docking bay, only vaguely aware that Vergerom had emerged with his cronies, unmindful of the beautiful woman that stood with them. She saw Trunks through a hazy blur of unspent tears in her eyes and he reached for her, taking her hands in his. The ship was docked. She recognized it immediately. Swallowing past something hard, the feel of butterflies thick in her stomach, she clung to him, staring as the ramp lowered.

She nearly collapsed with relief as she saw her father and mother emerge, and Trunks was there, safe and sound in her father’s arms, his little body limp with sleep. God, her baby was safe…Vegeta had gotten him. The boy beside her startled, and she turned towards him, watching the look of sheer and utter awe and shock that settled onto his face as he took in the sight of himself as a small child.

They stopped beside her and she caressed his lilac head, taking heart in the feel of his silky locks. "Take him?" she asked tearfully, voice small, mindful that a stray tear had slid past her eyelids and onto her cheek. "I guess I have to take care of Vegeta." She tried not to choke on the words, but failed miserably. Her mother’s hand caressed her cheek.

"He’ll be alright, Bulma. Have faith. He has too much to lose." With another squeeze, she moved past, and her father merely smiled sadly at her, though for a moment his eyes bored into hers and she saw all the strength and love she needed. She had to absorb it. She had to let it fill her if she was going to survive this hell that her life had descended into.

Beside her the medical techs moved up the ramp, and she followed, Trunks close on her heels. She had to see him; she had to know for herself how bad his injuries really were.

She burst into the cabin, looking wildly about, but Toma’s hands on her arms stopped her. Struggling, she found herself held in a bear hug, Toma’s head hard against her, his voice whispering in her ear. "Be still…let them do their work. He needs a regen tank and fast."

Slumping against Toma, she watched as they placed Vegeta on a hover cot. Something wasn’t right…something was missing…

"His tail!" she gasped in horror. "Oh my God, he lost his tail!"

"I assure you that is the most trivial of his injuries, though he will surely be out for blood when he is healed. We have much we need to talk about." Toma rasped in her ear. "You may be the only one who can help us."

"What’s happened?" Bulma half turned in his arms, but he shook his head.

"Not now…we will talk later. Just answer me a question…does Bardock live?"

Bulma stared into his black eyes for a moment, and he must have read something in her eyes, for he leaned in closer. "What’s happened?"

"Later," she mimicked his words back to him. "He is alive…but we will need to talk." Bulma turned her attention back to her mate. "Please let me go to him. He needs me," she beseeched.

Hesitantly Toma released her, his eyes grave and full of worry. "We’ll accompany him to med bay," he rasped to the officer as they brought Vegeta out. "Radditz will accompany Kakkarot."

Bulma paid Toma little heed. Gently, she laid a hand on Vegeta’s chest, which labored with each breath he took. How could this have happened? Her eyes swept over his hard, handsome face, lined with dirt and blood. She struggled to get a sense of him through their bond, but came up empty.

A groan tore through him, and his head turned towards her, as if he sensed her presence. For one brief, heart-stopping moment, Bulma thought she saw the familiar glint of endless black eyes. Heart leaping into her throat, she leaned down, whispering his name, caressing a hand through the blood caked hair.

"Kakkarot—" he rasped, and she felt the muscles beneath her hand tighten and clench. A shudder rippled through him, and he took a sudden, sharp intake of breath.

For a moment she felt as if the world had slowed down as she watched his body convulse. Strong hands grabbed at her, pulling her away, and through the dull roar of blood that rushed into her ears, she heard the techs calling out, saw them rush to give aid.

"Vegeta?" she whispered breathily, blackness creeping up to into her vision. Fighting it, fighting whoever held her, she struggled, desperate to reach him. He was dying. He was dying and he needed her. "Vegeta!" she cried, the sound of her grief, the sound of her own keening wail foreign to her ears.

Something hard fell against the side of her neck, and she collapsed into merciful blackness.

* * * * *

Table of Contents
Bulma's Journal Part 3
Chapter 6