Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z or the characters attributed to the series

Author's Note: I had meant this to be a much bigger chapter, but I realized that some set-up was needed. So if this chapter drags a bit, or seems to be shorter than usual, bear with me. It is preparing you for things to come, and be assured that Bulma and Vegeta will be returning full force. There is one hell of a chapter upcoming...




"Lord Koola..." The voice came loudly through the transmitter, causing Sauzza to wince. "Lord Koola, are you there?"

"This is Sauzza, Lord Koola is occupied. What do you need?" Sauzza crossed to the middle of the cockpit, motioning for the view screen to come on. Before him, one of Koola's many new cronies-rejects from Frieza's army, flashed on the screen.

"Lord Sauzza, we have shot down a ship over Kannassan airspace.

"So?" Sauzza snarled impatiently. "Why should I care about that?"

"Sir, we were able to tap into several Kannassan transmissions after the wreck of the ship. The people on board were Saiya-jin. The Kannassans have taken them hostage."

"Saiya-jin?" Sauzza rubbed his blue chin speculatively. "That is interesting." Smiling, he nodded at the screen. "Good job. We are enroute to Kannassa now, coming from Namek." Namek was located on the outskirts of the galaxy. They still had several more days to go before they reached Kannassa. Scowling, he continued on, giving the soldier his orders. "We should arrive within the week. Make no move on the Kannassans. We don't want to tip them off. Lord Koola has a very important reason for seeking them out. Continue to orbit the planet, and monitor the situation. If the Kannassans should let the Saiya-jin go, you may take them hostage. Otherwise, let them sit on Kannassa until we get there. Lord Koola will deal with them."

"Yes, Lord Sauzza. It will be as you say." With a curt bow, the soldier blinked off the screen.

Smirking, Sauzza turned, moving to the door. Koola would be very pleased with this news. The amount of Saiya-jin traversing through the universe had dwindled significantly since Frieza had taken to obliterating their planet. There was a very good chance that the Saiya-jin trapped on Kannassa were the very ones responsible for Frieza's death. Or at the least, they might be able to lead Koola to the Saiya-jin that he sought. Yes, this news would be very interesting to Koola, and he could hardly wait to tell him.


Trunks shut the small book with a thud and laid it down gently on his bunk, heart pounding painfully in his chest. Had he really just read what he thought he had? Too shocked to move, he lay silently in the dimly lit room, arms crossed beneath his head, staring unblinkingly at the cold metal ceiling of his cabin.

Had his mother really slept with Bardock? Continuing to stare at the ceiling, Trunks attempted desperately to still his beating heart, and assimilate everything that he had read. The first few pages had simply been her own writing, explaining the Journal and what was contained inside it. Seeing her handwriting, so neat and precise, had brought the pain of her loss back to him in a rush of heated tears. Finally when his emotions had been spent, and the last sob had wracked through his body, he had begun to read. The first entry immediately following her small intro had been printed pages from her recorder, fastened loosely into the book. He wasn't certain what he had been expecting, but it hadn't been what he'd read.

His mother and Bardock had been lovers. The thought of it left him shaken and confused, struggling to comprehend something he wasn't sure he could. No, he amended to himself firmly...no; he had not read that-not exactly, anyway. It had been a one time fling brought on by desperation and the machinations of the Kannassans. They had apparently held a serious grudge against Bardock for actions in his youth, and they had been willing to use all and any means, no matter how despicable, to attain their vengeance. His mother had been half mad at the time...alone, and scared. He had to believe that it had been nothing more than two people looking for something stable in a very volatile situation.

Shaking his head, he swung his long legs off the bunk and stood. Moving across the cabin, he stretched his body, loosening up muscles that had tightened and grown stiff from doing nothing more than reading. Once he had started reading, he had been unable to stop, horrified at what she, and the others had been forced to endure. It was only after he head read the section that described her time with Bardock, and the fall out from it, that he had felt the need to shut the book and hide from any more truths that might be exposed. Perhaps he was being naive, but he was not ready to hear anything else that might shake the foundations of his beliefs. This was his mother, for Gods sake. He had always thought her madly in love with his dead father...he had never imagined that she might have strayed.

And he couldn't deny the shock of what he had read about his father. Had the man he had idolized since before he could remember really have given her that drug? She had certainly seemed to think so, and Trunks was positive that had been a huge part of her giving into Bardock. His mother had always been rash, most especially when she was hurt and angry. Had she slept with Bardock to cause his father pain? He could understand her fury over that, and knowing his mother the way he did, he was positive that her fury would have known no bounds. To actually manipulate someone else's body the way his father

had-running a hand through his lavender hair, he exhaled deeply.

Wasn't that what Gero had done to people? Hadn't he drugged them, and altered their minds? Hadn't he even killed Kakkarot with a drug designed to kill his Saiya-jin heart? How could his father have done something so horrendously vile to her? Rubbing a hand over his eyes, Trunks sighed. What in the hell was he getting into here? His mother had never told him any of this, had never once mentioned any trouble between her and Vegeta. Granted, she had always remained close-mouthed about this particular time, but-shaking his head, he crossed again to the bunk, and stared down at the Journal. He had never imagined anything like this.

He might not have been able to fathom it, but it had apparently happened, hell, it was happening right now. By his own calculations, she had been hostage on Kannassa for two days. Wasn't that when she had started writing the Journal...or speaking into her recorder at least? Did she have it with her right now?

So, if his calculations were right, today would be the day that she would begin the Journal. But things were going to be far different now. They were due to arrive in a matter of hours. That would change everything that had happened to them, wouldn't it? With a groan, he rubbed his hand across his forehead. Trying to figure out the complexities of the two timelines was making his head ache unbearably. What in the hell had he gotten himself into?

If she was hiding this part of her life from him, why send him to the wrong time? She had wanted him to warn his father and Kakkarot of the impending events on Chikyuu. She had wanted to see if she could change things. His mother had programmed the time into the computer herself, after they had discussed it. Why had she messed up? Or had she deliberately entered this time? Putting in a time that she and his father had been off planet...well she had to have known that he would have to track her down. She would have also known that in doing so, he might very well find out at least some of this, or change it irrevocably.

What of the Journal? His mother had to have sent that with Gohan for a reason. She had spent her dying breath ensuring that Gohan brought it to him. Did she want him to change things? Did she want him to stop her from this course of action? Perhaps he should force himself to read more now, and figure out what had happened after all of this. How had his father reacted? What had the repercussions been on their marriage? What about Bardock? He had been dead for a long while. His mother had rarely spoken of him, though when she had, it had always been fondly.

Had his mother been in love with Bardock? Perhaps, if he were to go by what he had read. They had apparently shared something special, though he knew with absolute certainty that to the day he had left her behind in the future, his mother had held a deep and abiding love for the man that was his father. He was positive that Vegeta had been her world, and his death had left an indelible mark on her. She had never remarried, nor had she sought the company of any other man. At least not that he knew of. The only man that had ever come around to care for them had been Kakkarot...until the virus had taken him.

Thinking back, Trunks could well remember that his mother and Kakkarot had shared a common grief. Their relationship that had started so many years before, had weathered many storms, and they had been bonded in the shared loss of not only their life partners, but so many family and friends whom they had loved. They had not been lovers, he was positive of that, but they had been friends. They had cared for each other in the best way the other knew how. It was because of Kakkarot that he had been able to reach the power levels he had attained.

And he had loved Kakkarot as if he had been his own father, but it didn't replace Vegeta. His memories of Vegeta were few, hidden mostly in shadows. All he could really recall was a deep voice, intense and smooth, speaking to him. There were a few memories of time spent together-training. But it had ended before he could really learn anything from his father, leaving him haunted with all that might have been, and keenly reminding him of all that wasn't. He had often sat and wondered what he might have been able to achieve had his father been in charge of him. The thought that he was finally going to see the man again

after so many years made his heart leap. Finally, he had a chance to learn from the man, and know him. He had been barely five years old when the artificial humans had killed his father. His memories, already vague, grew more blurred as time marched on. It would be like meeting him for the first time, except now, he was no longer a child. Now, he was a man.

Looking back to the Journal, he shook his head. He had to stop this from occurring. That had to be what his mother wanted from him, why she had sent him to the wrong time. Not only could he warn them of the things to come, but he could stop her from making a mistake of monumental proportions. And she would not learn of his father's action until later on in the week. Perhaps there was something he could do there as well. He couldn't allow it to go on, couldn't abide his father's betrayal of his mother, but maybe he could urge the man to stop his actions, or come clean himself. He was positive that if his mother had found it in

herself to forgive him in his timeline, than she would surely do so here as well. It would be far better if she learned the truth from his father.

He couldn't allow himself to believe what he had read in the Journal. His father had to have loved his mother. Chi-Chi had not been truthful with his mother. Even Kakkarot had told him that his mother and the Prince had shared an extraordinary love. His father had to have a reason for doing what he was to her. It had nothing to do with him not wanting another child with his mother. The Kannassans had wanted her to feel pain and misery. They had wanted to harm herrelationship with his father, and they had used Chi-Chi to do it. Clenching his fist, Trunks stalked to the door. He wouldn't allow them to do this to his mother. He would get them all off that miserable planet before any of the things he had read took place. He was his mother's son, but he was also his father's. He didn't need to have known the man to know instinctually what he would have done.

Punching the door code, he left the cabin, going in search of Gohan. It was time they began to formulate a plan of action. They would be at Kannassa within the hour.


"Who's the loser now, Vegeta?" With a snarl, Kakkarot slammed his fist into the Prince's face, sending him reeling backward.

As if he were standing in a thick bank of fog, Bardock watched his son attack the Prince. "Kakkarot!" He screamed, shocked by the look of murderous rage that had settled itself across the boy's face. "Kakkarot, what are you doing?" It didn't make sense. His son was not like this. He would never lift a hand to Vegeta. What was going on?

Unable to move, he watched as Vegeta stood, swiping a hand across his bloodied mouth. "You third class bastard." He snarled ferally, black eyes glinting madly. "I will kill you for that."

"How do you figure you can kill me, Vegeta?" Kakkarot laughed viciously. "When this is done, it will be you that dies, and then all that is yours will be mine." He leered suggestively, laughing as Vegeta bellowed in rage, and charged him like a half mad bull.

"Kakkarot, no!" Bardock screamed again, confused, and horrified at what he saw. What was this? What was happening to him? What had happened to his son? "Kakkarot!" He screamed again.

With a jerk Bardock's eyes snapped open, breath coming hard and fast as he struggled to orient himself. Unmoving, he lay silently attempting to gather his emotions, and calm his sense. What was happening to him? What was he seeing?

"What troubles you, Bardock of Vegitasei?" The voice came from the far corner, and it dripped with scorn and amusement. With a groan, Bardock turned his head, not surprised to see Hachuu standing placidly in the corner, watching him.

"What have you done to me?" He spat out through parched lips. When was the last time he had drank water? God, he couldn't recall. With supreme effort, he rose up off the mat he laid on. He would not lie like some dog at Hachuu's feet. He was a Saiya-jin, and he would act accordingly.

"What could I have possibly done to you, Saiya-jin?" Hachuu snorted derisively. "You are the mighty warrior, not I." With a chuckle, he pushed away from the corner wall, standing straight and tall. "What fate is it that has reunited us after all this time? You owe me much, Bardock, just as you owe this civilization."

Bardock grunted, not bothering to deny the truth of the Kannassan's words.

"So where should I begin? Do I kill you? Does that atone for all that you made my people suffer? For all that you forced me to suffer? I have lived years without my family, dreaming of the day that I could strike you, their murderer, dead. Now that you are here before me, I find the idea of simply killing you anticlimactic." Hachuu's breath came hard, and his eyes gleamed with madness.

"I'm sorry for what I cost you, Hachuu." Bardock rasped. "I was young, and indentured to Frieza. I-" shaking his head, Bardock shut his mouth, gritting his teeth tightly together. There was nothing he could ever say to Hachuu to make what he had done all right. There was no justification for the mindless slaughter of innocent beings. What had he been then? He wasn't sure. He had killed with ease, could still kill with ease should the need arise. His sons, Kakkarot more specifically, had tempered that side of him a bit. That and age...years spent serving Frieza, knowing there had to be a better way to live. Bulma perhaps had

helped mellow him as well. His gut twisted painfully at the thought of her name. Oh god! In all the upheaval that had overtaken his mind, he had all but forgotten Bulma...and Chi-Chi. They were both here, trapped on this miserable planet. Yet he couldn't show them any concern. If he did, Hachuu would use them against him. If only he could get outside. Kannassa moons burned brightly at night. He could lose himself in that light, and finish what he had started all those years ago. He could get the women out of this place, and to safety.

"How pathetic are you that you believe an apology will rectify what you have cost me? It is not accepted Bardock. Nor does it replace all of the innocent people that you and your men wiped from existence." Hachuu snapped angrily, spittle flying from his mouth. Crossing to stand before Bardock, he stared down at him in cold amusement, shooting a quick glance to the tail that lashed behind Bardock in agitation. "And don't think that I don't remember well what you and your insufferable race is capable of. I will be sure to remedy that as soon as possible." With a snicker, Hachuu crossed to the door. "As a matter of fact, I believe we will start now. It will give me some time to decide what I should do with this unexpected stroke of good fortune that the Gods have thrown my way." Calling for his guards he stood and watched as they hauled Bardock to his feet, eyes cold and dead. "Your atonement starts today, Bardock," Hachuu said ominously, after a moment of silence. "And I can assure you that it will come at the price of your blood."


Bulma paced the length of her small, black cell in agitation, desperate to be out. It had been at least two days since they had been brought here. She was certain of that. Her watch had not been taken from her, and she was able to keep the time. It passed with agonizing slowness, since she was separated from the others, left alone with nothing but her own mind to keep herself company with. She had tormented herself with thought after thought of what might happen, what was happening...it had been endless, and there was no one, absolutely no one to share her worries with, or comfort her and tell her that all would be alright.

They had taken her clothes this morning, replacing the torn and tattered blue dress with something obviously relegated for prisoners. It was simple black pants, boots, and shirt, and though it fit her tightly, she had to admit that it was a far cry more useful than the dinner dress. The color matched the cell, she thought. Everything that she had been exposed to so far was in some depressing shade of black. The cell was black, her clothes were black...the only exception was the horrifying, grey gruel that they had fed her earlier. It was barely enough to keep a bird alive, and it tasted like shit, but she had eaten it dutifully in an attempt to keep up her strength. She didn't have the luxury of being choosy right now. If they were going to get off the planet, they had to be strong. Her mealtime had been the only time the cell was opened up for her since she had been put into, and it had been her only contact with another living being since she and Chi-Chi had been separated that morning. They had been forced to leave Bardock behind, suffering with whatever it was that Hachuu had inflicted upon him.

She and Chi-Chi had been witness to whatever it was that they had done. With a mere flick of his hand, Hachuu had brought Bardock, a formidable Saiya-jin by any scope of the imagination, to his knees. She could still hear his agonized scream, could still see his falling body as it hit the ground. He had thrashed around for what had seemed an eternity, while she and Chi-Chi had struggled to hang on, and calm him. Perhaps it had been some kind of seizure, she wasn't certain. All she knew was that after mumbling incoherently for several minutes, he had collapsed into a coma-like state. They had been allowed to stay with him throughout the first night, and though they had both tried to rouse him, it had been an unsuccessful attempt.

He had awoken once, she thought in remembrance. He had woken up once in a panic, and his black eyes, usually brimming with emotion, had been shocked and dull. He had stared right through her, as if he was seeing something beyond her. She had spoken his name, reached out to touch him, and he had grabbed at her hand as if she were a life preserver for him, clutching at it desperately, and drawing her against him before sliding back into unconsciousness. She had lain next to him, not bothering to fight his embrace. He obviously needed someone to hang onto, and she needed...well she had needed to be warm. His big body, though wracked with nightmares, had offered a comfort she had needed, and had helped to ease some of the longing she had for Vegeta.

How many times she had tried to get through to him, she couldn't tell, but each time she had come up empty. It was as if he were ignoring her. She had been able to feel him, very much alive and well, hovering in the recesses of her brain, but he had not responded to her, and in the morning, it was as if the bond had completely disappeared. Even the place in her heart that he always seemed to be was devoid of his presence. It had scared her terribly, and she had spent the afternoon wracked with fears that he and her son had been harmed.

So what was she supposed to do now? She had to find a way off of this planet. Hachuu had spoken to them briefly this morning, clarifying in no uncertain terms on what he thought of the Saiya-jin race. It had been impossible to hide their relationship to Bardock. Their concern for him and his welfare had been too great, and neither she nor Chi-Chi had been able to hide it. Bulma had seen his eyes light up when he saw the two of them wrapped tightly around Bardock, as if they could save him from whatever it was trying to devour him. She had seen the calculating look he had swept over them, and she had known then and there that he would use them against Bardock some way, some how. God, if he found out that Chi-Chi carried Bardock's grandson...God!

Pressing her hand to her mouth, Bulma sunk down onto the hard, black mat that she guessed was her bed. What were they going to do? Hachuu had yet to speak to her. He hadn't bothered to let them know what their position was, or what he planned on doing to them. If his silence was a tactic that he was using to scare them, she could say that it was certainly working.

There had to be something she could do to keep her mind off of him, and his plans...something that she could use to take her mind off of not being able to contact her husband. She didn't even know if Trunks was all right. "Vegeta." She sighed shakily, wishing that he were there to hold her, and protect her. "Where are you?" She breathed into the heavy silence again.

How would he even know what happened to her? He knew she was prisoner, he had told her to sit tight while he retrieved Trunks. He would come for her, Bulma knew that. But what if he got here, and she was already dead? How would they know what had happened to her?

Bolting upwards, it hit her. She had her voice recorder with her. She had been working on it before dinner the previous night. She had been planning to show it to Bardock, knowing he would appreciate it, and the effort she had put into it. It recorded everything you said, storing it as text into a small chip, and when hooked up to a computer it would display the text of what you had said for review or production should notes need to be passed around. It had been an invention she had come with to aid in her work with shipbuilding. It had been hard to write or take notes when one was elbow deep in engine grease, and so she

had designed it hoping it would help keep things running efficiently. Surprisingly, the Kannassans had not bothered to take it from her when she had been issued her prison garb.

Perhaps she could use it to record what was happening to her, that way there would be some record for Vegeta. It would give her something to do anyway to pass time in this hellish room they had stuck her in. And maybe it would help her if she put voice to some of her fears. God, if only she could reach Vegeta. The need to hear his voice, to feel him within her was nearly overwhelming, and Bulma found herself trying yet again to reach his mind.

Vegeta, she said quietly in her mind, shutting her eyes and concentrating all her thoughts, all her feelings into reaching him. Vegeta, please...

There was no reply, and Bulma felt her heart tighten at what that might mean. You had better be all right, Vegeta, or I swear to God that I will hunt you down and kill you myself. The thought that he was on Calonia, fighting for the sorceresses for their son left her cold. Why didn't you take me with you, Vegeta? We would have been all right fighting together. She couldn't lose him, she just couldn't.

Sighing deeply, Bulma rubbed a shaking hand over her eyes. God, she was tired...but there was no way she could sleep. Her heart was thudding too painfully,and she knew without a doubt that without Vegeta's solid warmth beside her, the dreams that had been haunting her for months would return. She couldn't bear that, not now...not here.

Looking over at the small device she had sat on the edge of the sink in what passed for her small refresher, Bulma stood, walking to it. Grabbing hold, she crossed back to the bunk and sat, flipping the small device on. Well, she figured this was as good a time as any to start recording what was happening to them. Clearing her throat, she began speaking, softly, clearly...

My name is Bulma Briefs, of both Correnia and Chikyuu. In case anyone should find this, I am a prisoner on this hellhole of a planet-Kannassa. I thought maybe I should keep a record for my son, and for my husband should I not get out of this place alive. This is all I have to tell them, to let them know what I went through, and what happened to me. The Kannassans mean to kill us all, I know it.


"How long do they plan on keeping us in here?" Vegeta snarled, ramming a fist into the solid rock room that they had been stuck in. "I have yet to see my son, and for all I know, my woman is dead." Cursing, he turned his furious, black gaze on Toma. "I should have killed them when I had the chance." The words were low, and intense. Where was his woman? Why couldn't he reach her?

"Calm down." Toma soothed, though he shared the other man's worry. They needed to get this done and get to Kannassa, or they might very well find the others dead. He had been with Bardock in the initial purge of the planet. There would be no love lost, and while not a bloodthirsty race by nature, in vengeance, the Kannassans were as fierce as any warrior he had ever come across. The only hope that Bardock might have was going Oozaru. "The woman said that the Queen would come at nightfall."

"We've been in here since last night. I am growing tired of waiting," Vegeta snarled, pacing like a caged wildcat. "I do not have time to await their Queen."

"I agree with Vegeta..." Kakkarot said fiercely. "My wife is trapped on a planet...and I-I can't feel her anymore. It's as if she..." Shaking his head, Kakkarot turned his black gaze to Toma. "I'm worried, Toma. I should be able to feel her, and I can't."

It was the single fear that Vegeta had refused to put thought to. He had tried for hours to contact Bulma, to seek her out either through their bond, and he felt absolutely nothing. It was as if the bond had been severed, or worse...as if she were dead." Clenching his fist, he forced the thought away. "They are fine, Kakkarot. It has to be this fucking planet, and the witch's mind control that has shut our bonds down."

"That is a very real possibility." Standing, Toma moved to the door, staring through the hazy blue of the electrical field that held them in the room. "You know, for a primitive race, they certainly have some interesting technology."

"I could give a shit about their technology," Vegeta ground out through clenched teeth. "I want out of this place now." Flaring his ki, he roared in fury, watching as rock crumbled around him, but remained tightly sealed. If anything happened to her, he would never forgive himself.

"I don't want to know what kind of rock they are using that could withstand that." Running a hand through his cropped hair, Toma peered again through the crackling door. They had tried blasting their way out, but had watched in mute horror as each blast was absorbed by the electrical field that held them prisoner, in a crackling, sizzling burst of light. He wondered where the witches of the planet had come across that. He had never seen the like before, and they didn't seem technologically minded. Hell the planet was like something out of a bad dream, reeking of rotting plant and animal life, and teeming with wild jungles.

"I just wish that I could find my son, and get the hell out of here," Kakkarot said, running hand through his spiky black hair. Rolling his shoulders in an attempt to relax his taut muscles he came to stand beside Toma. "We have to get out of here. We can't afford any more time locked in here."

"Looks like your wish is going to be granted" Toma grunted, nodding his head to the hazy sight of three women approaching the cell.

"It's about fucking time," Vegeta growled, straightening himself to his full height. Crossing his arms over his chest, he stood, feet apart, ready to do battle.

Toma stepped back, watching as the shield disappeared from over the door. There were three of them, tall, lithe, and absolutely hideous. Suppressing a shudder, Toma forced himself to stand tall. He would be damned if he would cower to them. He was a Saiya-jin warrior, and they would soon know that.

"Where in the hell is your Queen?" Vegeta rasped harshly, moving to stand imposingly before them. "I grow tired of being kept waiting."

The first woman, a red haired witch, smiled wickedly, razor sharp teeth pressing like sharp pins against her bottom lip. Vegeta shook off his disgust, wondering if they were born that way.

"I am called Anika." Motioning to the other two women, she gave their names. "This is Entra, and Tabat." We are the royal guardians of our Queen. We have come to take you to her highness now," She nodded imperiously. "The time has come for her to choose her mate. You will all have the honor of fighting for that right."

"I would not lower myself to mate with the likes of you," Vegeta spat, disgust rolling through him. The idea of it was enough to make him ill.

"I think you will come to see reason, Saiya-jin." Smiling coldly, she caressed a hand over his tail. Jerking away, Vegeta's hand rose to strike at her. Seeming to anticipate his move, she stepped back, watching as he flinched and doubled over.

"Get out of my mind," He growled harshly, fisting his hands against his head, fighting her as she linked their minds.

"I'm afraid I can't," she said icily, lifting her head. "You refuse to behave, and I will not allow you to insult my Queen. You will fight for her...or I will see to it that you suffer-Prince Vegeta."

"Bitch..." he rasped, unable to resist as they pushed him out of the cell. "I will see you dead for this."

"We shall see..." she smiled lightly. "We shall see."


"You have a very formidable force, Lord Koola," Babidi cackled, searching the Reiketsu-jin's heart. It was filled with evil...more than he had ever sensed before. Not even Dabura was as cold-hearted as the arrogant creature that sat before him, and that was saying a lot. "Together, we can take the universe in hand."

"You have assured me that your powers are worth using...that you could increase my own power tenfold," Koola frowned in irritation, eyes cold and hard. "But I have yet to see any changes."

"Patience, Lord Koola," Babidi smiled frostily, probing the Reiketsu-jin's mind gently. The stupid fool didn't even see it coming. The idea had come to him as he had sat awaiting Koola's arrival, and after giving it some serious thought, he had made up his mind that it was the only way to handle the moron. With the promise of more power, he would have the tyrant enslaved and at his beck and call. Not even Dabura suspected his new plan. It had occurred to him, that Koola would make a fine servant, should he enslave him, far more useful than Dabura could ever hope to be. And he had the Dragonballs. All they needed was the password, and there was nothing he couldn't achieve. He would have Buu, the universe, and he would finally have his revenge on the little rat that had killed his father.

"Perhaps with your powers, you could inspire the Namekkians to share their password with me. I find that no amount of abuse...on any of them, will persuade them to speak." Clutching the edge of his hover chair tightly, he scowled furiously. "They seem to take their responsibilities as guardians of the Dragonballs seriously."

"I could try, Lord Koola," Babidi smiled benignly. "I might be able to ferret the information from them. " Yes, Koola's heart was pure evil. He was perfect. "I can still give you all the power in the universe, should you want it."

Smiling, Koola leaned forward, staring at Babidi through slitted eyes. "I would never turn down power. I seek to be the greatest in all the universe."

Babidi refrained from clapping his hands together in glee. Oh, the things he could do to the universe while he waited for Buu to be found. The terror he could wreak! "Then welcome what I offer you, willingly, and it shall all be yours."


"There's Kannassa, Trunks..." Gohan pointed to the dull brown rock that sat in the sky. "And there is a large contingent of ships. Maybe that's what shot our parents down."

"Get ready to take evasive action, Gohan," Trunks strapped himself into the pilot's seat. "We aren't flying a ship that has guns on nit. We're going to have to have to out fly them."

"Shouldn't be too hard for you," Gohan shot Trunks a grin. "Do you think they'll follow us to the surface?"

"Probably, which just means that we'll have to be fast. I can bet that we are going to get resistance from the Kannassans." Trunks hadn't spoken to Gohan of what he had read. It had been too personal...and Bardock was Gohan's grandfather after all. He was relatively sure that he knew what he could expect from Hachuu, and the rest of the Kannassans, since reading the Journal. He had tried to subtly prepare Gohan for their capabilities, pretending that he had read somewhere about the Kannassan race. They would have to be fast, and not just because of the ships that were closing fast. If given half a chance, the Kannassans

would manipulate their minds, and he could not allow that. He had to be strong, not just for himself, but for his mother. He had to get her out there.

"Here they come," Gohan warned, watching the radar. "We have three approaching from the rear, and two dead ahead."

Jerking the ship sharply to the right, Trunks executed a sharp, rolling dive, thanking his mother profusely as he did so, for her love of speed and maneuverability. She had told him often that the love of speed was the Correnian in her. She had grown up on a planet with born pilots, learning the art of flying and racing by the time she was ten. She had often told him stories of her youth, sneaking off to race her father's fastest ships with her foster brother, Britton.

"Wow!" Gohan yelled, sounding like a small child. "That was incredible. You learned from her well, Trunks."

"I had to," Trunks shot back, pushing away the sharp swell of pain that flooded his heart. "It was the only way I could keep up with her."

Biting back a grin, Gohan turned back to the radar, excitement rolling through him. He couldn't deny the seriousness of what they had to do, couldn't pretend that they had much to accomplish...but flying through the air this way...speeding and twisting through space, it left him feeling free, even if it was merely an illusion. For so long, his life had been nothing but despair and pain, and it would be again, he knew. But for these few minutes, he could be the teenager he was...and thrill to what he was experiencing. "Keep the moves coming, they're hot on our tail!"

"Watch this!" Trunks grinned, rolling the ship to the left, and pulling back hard on the throttle. "Let's lose these bastards, Gohan!" Blue eyes glittering, Trunks increased the throttle, knowing he had one chance to flee, and drop out of sight. "Get ready to shut the engines down. We'll glide in once I punch into the atmosphere."

Pressing his lips together tightly, Gohan nodded. "Ready..."

"Alright, here goes nothing." Opening up the engine, Trunks felt himself pushed back into his seat as they rocketed through space. Dropping into the thick atmosphere, he yelled at Gohan, and watched as he flipped off the engines. Fighting the ship, he muscled it down, keeping it under control as they fell from the sky. "Turn them back on now..." He said through clenched teeth, sweat beading on his head from his exertions. "Let's get this thing sat down, and shut down."

Restarting the engine, Gohan sat back, shooting his friend a grin. "Not too bad, Trunks. I think you're getting better with age."

"Oh yeah?" Trunks grinned, setting the ship gently down on the rocky terrain. "Next time, it's your turn." Standing, Trunks felt his mouth draw downwards. Rubbing his shaking arms, he moved towards the door. "Let's go. We need to encapsulate the ship, and find them."

"I'm ready." Shutting down the ship, Gohan followed Trunks out the ship, encapsulating it as soon as he was out." Stepping out, onto the planet, he was taken aback at the desolate face of the planet. "God, it's awful here...like a wasteland." Shaking off the sharp chill that snaked down his spine, he pocketed the ship.

"There over there," Trunks pointed in a westerly direction, nodding at the horizon. "I can feel my mother's energy."

"Yeah, my mom is there too. I can feel her." Running a hand through his short, black hair, Gohan exhaled sharply, fighting back the butterflies that had invaded his stomach in a mad rush. "I-I can't believe I am going to get to see her again...after all this time."

Trunks smiled gently, remembering in horror his mother's Journal, and what she had written about Chi-Chi and the Kannassans. "We need to get them out of here, Gohan. The Kannassans are not a kind race."

"How would you know that?" Gohan threw Trunks a sharp glance. "Have you encountered them before?"

Trunks shook his head. "No...it was a book..." Taking a shallow breath, he continued on, wishing desperately that he could tell Gohan everything he knew, share all of the horrors that he had read about, but knowing that he couldn't. "It was a book that described a prisoner's time with the Kannassans."

"Then let's get a move on. " Gohan nodded firmly, black eyes going hard. "Let's go save our mothers."


Bardock groaned as he felt the sharp, burning sting of the electro-whip lash across his back. Even in his semi-conscious state he was cognizant of one thing-they had taken his tail. They had taken his tail, had sliced it from him in one excruciating moment, and in doing so had stolen his power.

They had prodded and yanked it, burned it, done as many horrendous things as they could think of...they had actually made him scream in anguish, a feat that still amazed him...but nothing had prepared him for the heated knife that had sliced it off his body. The pain had been more than he could bear, searing through his body like a thousand stabbing knives, and he had fallen to his knees, paralyzed in agony. They had jerked him up again, dangling the limp, brown appendage infront of him, laughing and jeering, grinding the butts of their whips into the raw spot on his back where his tail had once been. He had wanted to kill them all, had wanted to blast them all to Hell, but had been able to summon the energy. Snarling like a caged animal, he had curled into himself, sickened by what he had been brought to. They had laughed harder, before dragging him to a post, and chaining him to it.

Bardock wasn't sure how long they had been whipping him...the pain of the burning lash was nothing compared to the loss of his tail. He could feel his blood draining from him as the furious onslaught continued. Coughing harshly, he felt his mouth fill with blood, and he opened his mouth, letting it run from his mouth anddown his chin. He didn't even have the energy to spit it out. God, what was he going to do without his tail? How would he ever get Bulma and Chi-Chi out of here without his tail? How could he protect his unborn grandson?

"Bulma..." He moaned softly under his breath, consciousness slipping from him. The sound of the door crashing against the wall startled him, jerking him back, albeit momentarily, into consciousness. Jerking his head up, his eyes met the piercing blue gaze of a man...no, not quite a man...but not a child either. Gasping in shock and memory, he ignored the fire that blazed through his body with the action. It was the boy from his nightmare...or his vision. He wasn't certain what it had been. The purple hair...the blue eyes...God, he had his mother's coloring, and his father's sharp features. Why hadn't he seen it before? "Trunks..." he rasped hoarsely. How had this happened? Trunks was a small child...not a teenage boy. What was happening?

He watched, dumfounded, as the guards were incinerated with a single blast of light from the boy's hand. Outside he heard the scuffle of more guards, and the familiar cadence of his own son's blast.






Bardock blinked at the blinding flash of light that filled the air around him. The explosion rocked the building, and he winced as chunks of metal fell around him. "Kakkarot?" He whispered, fighting to maintain consciousness. He felt his eyes drift shut, the sounds around him grew distant. It was only a cool hand laid on his bare shoulder that reached through his delirium. Forcing his eyes open, he stared in awe, into black eyes that nearly mirrored his own.

"Grandfather?" Gohan began hesitantly, shocked at the sight of the man that hung limply before him. "Trunks, let's see if we can get him down."

"Sure," Trunks hurried to him. "We have to hurry though. There are more coming, and we still have to find our mothers."

"Gohan? H-how?" Bardock stuttered out, blinking his eyes. "I-"

"I'll explain everything, Grandfather." Gohan eased the man's wrists from their shackles. "We have to get the women, and then we'll get the hell off this planet. I'll explain everything then." Moving to brace the man's shoulders, Gohan was shocked to be shoved away.

"Go-go Oozaru," Bardock moaned, refusing their aid. Biting his tongue against the scalding heat of his lash marks, he forced himself to stand. He'd be damned if he would stand by and let these two pups protect him. He was a Saiya-jin warrior, with or without his tail. "I-I may be roughed up, but I can still stand, boy."

Exchanging a quick glance with Trunks, Gohan felt his mouth draw upwards. "Good, then you can help us save our mothers."

"One f you can go Oozaru, and distract them..." Bardock grated out through clenched teeth. Turning a sharp gaze at towards Trunks, he studied the boy's features again. He was a perfect blend of his parents. It was absolutely amazing. "Can you control your Oozaru state?"

"I learned how to from your son." Trunks replied coolly, shocked at how identical Bardock was to Kakkarot. He had never known how much the two men resembled each other. How had his mother dealt with seeing Kakkarot every day?

Night is almost upon them here." Bardock said gruffly. "Get out there, and let the moon take you. Gohan and I will get the women."

"You can barely stand." Trunks protested.

"Do it!" Bardock snapped. "It's the only way to keep them off balance, I know. I've been doing this shit since long before you were born, brat. I know how to handle myself." With a groan, he turned, walking stiffly to the door.

"Go..." Gohan said. "I promise, I'll make sure your mother is safe."

Trunks hesitated, before nodding. "Go!" He shouted, watching as Gohan raced after his grandfather. Clearing his mind, Trunks heard the shouts of more Kannassan guards as they approached. Smirking coldly, he blasted a whole into ceiling, smiling exultantly as pure white moonlight streamed in.


Vegeta stood proudly in the throne room of the Queen of Calonia, mouth set in a derisive scowl. His son sat not more than three feet away from him in the protective embrace of his grandmother. Brennon stood directly behind the two of them, holding Gohan. Beside him, facing the throne, Toma, Radditz, and Kakkarot stood, awaiting his move. They were surrounded by a bevy of Sorceress guards, and much to his disgust, his mind was still firmly invaded by the bitch that had brought him here.

"Brolli and his father were on the ship's manifest," He spoke to Radditz. "Where are they?"

Shrugging, Radditz replied. "Something happened to Brolli. Paragus excused himself, and said that he had to tend his son."

"Do you think that they were the ones that sabotaged the ship?" Kakkarot whispered.

"More than likely," Vegeta replied. "They are loyal to Vergerom." Growling, Vegeta turned his head, angered that he had been stupid enough to put any trust into Paragus. "I had thought him a warrior of honor..." he bit out. "I was wrong." Clenching his fist, Vegeta swore harshly. After this nightmare was over, and his woman and son were out of harm's way, he would kill them all. They had gone to far.

"We-" Toma began, breaking off as one the guards poked him in the back.

"Quiet," She growled angrily. "The Queen is approaching, you will show her respect."

"Like hell..." Vegeta began, only to wince in pain as the witch that held his mind tightened her claws. Silently, he watched through cold black eyes as a woman, no bigger than Bulma, strode imperiously into the room, and sat on the plain wooden throne.

Smiling coolly, she sat silently, sweeping her eyes over the three men that stood arrogantly before her. "I am Queen Areca," she said boldly. "You have been honored with the chance of mating with me. It is a right that you must earn." Shutting her eyes, she sat for a moment.

Vegeta felt the cool touch of her mind against his, and he grimaced, trying to withdraw into himself. The less they knew, the better.

"You are a Prince?" Opening her eyes, she stood, coming to stand before him. "You are a strong one..." Walking around him, she trailed a sharpened nail over his back, smiling cruelly as he jerked away. "I would see you fight first..." she whispered into his ear, hand caressing the tail that he had wrapped tightly around his waist.

"Get off me, bitch..." Shoving her away, he flared his ki, fighting the invasion of several witches as they leapt in defense of their Queen.

"You will come to enjoy me," Areca said mockingly, running her tongue over the sharp edges of her teeth. " I promise you that, strong Prince." Turning to her guards, she nodded. "See that the Prince regrets his outburst."

Groaning, Vegeta sank to his knees as he felt his strength drained from him. Their minds probed his, all of them, searching for something, unrelenting, going deeper and deeper until he could do no more than gasp at the onslaught. God, not this...not now. He couldn't take this again. It was too much. Vegeta tried to hang on, tried to keep them from getting hold of his thoughts. He had to be strong, had to fight them off.

Images of Bulma, dead by the council's hand, filled his mind. They were torturing her, torturing Trunks...and he stood silently by, watching them, not lifting a finger to help. No!

"No..." he moaned in horror, fighting them off. He had to get them out of his brain. "It's not true...it's only-"

"Vegeta!" Kakkarot cried, moving to aid his Prince. Areca's strong hand stopped him.

"This is another fine specimen, but too loyal to the Prince. We will have to rectify that, if we want a good battle." Turning to a guard, she motioned to her. "Go and get the elixir. Perhaps turning them against each other would provide us with all the sport we need."

"What do you mean, elixir?" Kakkarot asked in concern. "You will never be able to turn me against my Prince."

"The elixir is a substance that drives the brain mad. It brings out all of your latent hostility." Smiling seductively, she continued on. " It is incredible to mate with a man that is under its control. You will be unable to fight it, I assure you. After you drink it, it will only take a few well-placed images for you to lose all reason. Let's see how long your loyalty to your Prince lasts then." Smiling, she rubbed a hand down Kakkarot's chest.

Kakkarot felt the blood drain from his face. "No," he shook his head. "I can fight this, I'm too strong to be controlled by a drug.

"Are you so sure, Kakkarot?" Stressing his name, she smiled at the look of worry that crossed his hard features. "It will be the perfect test of your strength.

"I will fight it." Kakkarot said fiercely, watching the guard that approached them with a leather cask. "And I will fight you."

Taking the cask from the guard, she turned to face him, casting a furtive smile at the guard that stood over Vegeta. "You will fight, Kakkarot...that I know."


"Father..." The black-haired woman stepped down off the ramp, bowing before the Saiya-jin that stood before her.

"Aria," Vergerom bowed his head. "You have finally arrived."

"I came as soon as you called me, father." Aria fell into step beside her father, tail swinging behind her. "What is so urgent that you called me to you?"

Vergerom smiled, laying a hand against her back. His daughter was a fine Saiya-jin specimen. With some careful maneuvering, it would take little work at all to distract the Prince. He was certain of it. "We have much to discuss, daughter." He smiled. "Much to discuss."

* * * * *

Coming soon-chapter four: The escape from Kannassa, the battle on Calonia, and the reunion of Vegeta and Bulma...not to mention, Babidi makes his move.

Table of Contents
Bulma's Journal
Chapter 4