Don't own Dragonball Z




Her head, heavy with exhaustion, hit the desk with a hard thump; snapping her awake and back to attention. Dammit, how could she have fallen asleep this way. She rubbed her forehead tiredly, eyes burning, attempting to focus her attention back on the papers that laid across her desk in a haphhazard fashion. She had no time to waste with sleep. Her husband was infected with a deadly virus and her brother was knocking on death's door. She wasn't certain it wasn't too late to help Britton. The blood samples she continued to take came back worse and worse each day. The disease beginning to deteriorate his mind and body, after a long year of infection. What was worse was the awful, shattering discovery she had determined after careful analysis of Vegeta's blood and Britton's and Bardock's test blood. The virus seemed to be destroying the cells and tissues of Vegeta's body at twice the speed of her brother's. She'd tested and retested and tested yet again, hoping against all odds that she had been mistaken and it was some fluke in the test, but she had come up with the same result over and over again. Her best estimates for Vegeta's survival was six months tops, five now since it had been a full month since the initial infection.

Bulma had started taking Britton's and Vegeta's blood every day, monitoring the progress and analyzing it for long hours during the day, finally discovering a small way she could at least keep death at bay for both men. At least for a little while. It had been an accidental discovery, simply watching Kakkarot bloodied--bruised--and beaten from sparring with Vegeta, drag himself in to his wife. Chi-Chi had taken one look at her husband's grinning, beaten face and gotten up, retreaving a bean of some kind. Bulma had sat in wonder as the bean had healed all of Kakkarot's injuries, mending even the internal ones. A senzu. It had been the answer to her prayers. Chi-Chi had taken her to a wide, open field where they grew wild, both women trailed by their husbands since Vegeta refused to let her out of his sight. His paranoia that Parisia would strike out at her, growing each day that went by with no sign of the woman. She had picked and picked, filling at least three bags of the little miracles.

Bulma had found she could hinder the virus by giving the two men the bean. The damaged tissue and cells were regrown and refreshed each night as soon as a senzu had been taken. It was a temporary fix, considering the virus was an evergrowing monster, growing stronger each day. The rapidity of how it grew and devoured cells and tissue was amazing and Britton who was in the advanced stages, had taken to digesting three senzu in one day just to keep up with the virus's progress. Soon she would be giving them both senzu every hour, and that was only if the senzu population held out. It didn't help that Vegeta was pushing his body past any tolerable limits in the damned gravity machine he had bullied her into finishing.

The mental side effects were already becoming prevalant, turning his already terse, moody Saiya-jin temperament into something inherently more violent and wild. She'd already seen him raging at one of the Chikyuu-jin natives. Krillin, she'd thought. Vegeta had been about ready to kill the half-cowering little man; his hand raised to deliver the fatal blast, and there had been no one to help the scared little man. She'd approached Vegeta, latching onto his arm, unmindful that he would not comprehend it was her; seeking only to calm him down and avert an unneccesary killing, but instead of calming him, her touch had seemingly enraged him. He had turned on her with a look of such violent, painful rage; that she had known it was the virus driving him mad. He had snapped her wrist like a twig in his hand as he had grabbed her and shoved her to the ground. He'd been over her, mad and raging, when Kakkarot had come running, mindful of the rapidly growing ki of his Prince; stopping Vegeta from doing her serious harm. An act that probably would have driven Vegeta mad once he regained his cool. He had struggled with Kakkarot only briefly, when the madness had simply fled from him. The look of pain and confused anger replaced by the dawning realization that he had harmed his mate. Vegeta had sunk to his knees in front of her, his eyes filled with shock and regret; uncaring that Kakkarot stood witness to the entire scene, and had gently cradled her injured wrist in his hand. He had looked into her eyes searching for any sign of hurt or anger; his own coal black eyes filled with such pain and anguish that Bulma had reached out her good hand to touch him, to assure him everything was alright, that she knew he hadn't been himself. He had flinched away from her touch and fled into the sky, leaving Kakkarot to pick her up off the ground and gently lead her to the medbay. A senzu had healed her hand, but her heart and mind were another matter. He had not come back by nightfall, scaring the hell out of her. What if he never came back, what if he had left her here and gone to die. She had considered every possible scenario, her worried mind running wild in hopeless thoughts. She had begged and pleaded with Kakkarot to go after him and retrieve him, appealing to him the case of Vegeta's life.

Kakkarot had ever so gently explained to her that Vegeta would come back when he was ready, that he needed some time to gather his wits. The shock of what he had done, the sheer magnitude of the loss of control, had shaken him to the core. He needed space and time to deal with the idea, which was she had argued, the precise thing he did not have...time.

He had returned, however, within a few short hours, to obligingly take his senzu; though Bulma had been furious with him, actually attempting to run from him. How dare he scare her that way, then come back, as if he had done her no apparent wrong. Vegeta had followed her, watching her closely, but making no move to touch her. An act Bulma had found disturbing and enraging all in one rush of thought. How could he withhold himself that way, so easily. Just as if she meant nothing to him. Not even a hug or a simple caress. She'd looked into his eyes, ready to deal him a killing verbal blow. Something scathing and harsh to match her pain, until she had looked into his eyes and seen...he was dying. Not just with the virus or its inevitable consequences, but also of the painful loss of her comfort and touch; dying with the knowledge that he had wounded her..that his woman had been injured by his hand. It was killing him in slow-moving increments, killing him piece by piece and that he could not reach out and simply touch her was perhaps the final defeat in an already crushing battle he was waging against himself and this horrible virus that had been forced inside him.

All the words Bulma had been prepared to spit out at him had frozen, leaving only a dull, aching sorrow in their place. She could only lower her head and sob, quietly falling apart inches away from him, knowing his iron clad control would not allow him the touch. Vegeta had surprised her though, pulling her against him with an exquisite gentleness and a low groan, born of fear and hot unquenchable desire...gently stroking her hair, murmuring against her head as if she was the one who needed the consoling. She had hated herself in that moment for being so damned weak. For falling apart, while he sat there, quietly comforting her. He was the one that was going to die, the one that had to deny himself the simplest of pleasures for fear of hurting what he loved or worse. Bulma had been determined in that one moment to bring him some kind of comfort, and not only that, but to find a cure. She would save him, she would not lose him and she would be damned if she would let Frieza win this war. His sick obsession with Vegeta was going to end if Bulma herself had to deliver the killing blow and Parisia... well she only hoped Parisia did come after her, for she had a small surprise...a surprise that even Vegeta didn't know about.

Deep in the testing of the bloods and the virus she had discovered something. The virus had been an accident. A pure and simple genetic accident. Frieza's doctor had evidently been attempting to isolate and clone a protein...but instead of accomplishing that he had developed something completely different and new. A close relative of the protein, but not quite...a mutation of gigantic proportions. The killer that now raged through her brother's and husband's body's. Bulma had figured the only way she was going to destroy the killer virus was to create something that could devour the mutation or kill it, but not do internal harm to the person where the virus resided. She'd made several attempts failing misearbly each and every time, much to her frustrated dismay. That was when it had happened. Out of the depths of her frustration she had blindly mixed together one of her attempts at a cure and the actual mutated virus itself, just as Frieza's doctor had created it. It had been an angry frustrated action and she had not expected a result but she had been surprised. From the depths of her despair a killer had been born, a killer of such gigantic proportions it made the virus Frieza had developed look like a gentle pet. It was something completely new and Bulma had not breathed a word of it to any living soul. Not even Vegeta knew. The implications if the information of or-- god-forbid--the killer itself leaked out were staggering and the impact on every living being in the universe was far reaching.

Bulma's new concoction would destroy any substance within seconds, devouring organic and inorganic material like acid within moments of contact. It didn't matter what substance she stuck it on, it simply disintergrated it, and that was a result born without the benefit of having tested it by injection. She had only put it on a small blood sample and it had completely dissolved it. She had never in her life seen anything like it. She had quietly bottled what little she had made of it and secreted it away, in a place where no one but she could possibly find it, not bothering to write down what she had developed or even continue to see what it was capable of, for fear of someone getting a hold of it and using it for dark purposes. It had been alone in her lab that evening, the evening of the lethal virus's birth, that Bulma's mind, already half mad from all that had happened to her in such a short space of time, had formed the first seeds of her own evil plan. One that would put an end to Frieza and his legacy of evil and terror for good. She only needed the opportunity to enact it. A simple act of revenge against the evil being responsible not only for the death of her true parents and the endless suffering of her adoptive family , but also the suffering and torment of her mate...and his people.

Yes, paybacks were hell, and Frieza was about to get one doozy of a payment.

So Bulma had laid that night against Vegeta's chest, sobbing uncontrollably, trying to figure out some way to reach him through the thick wall of steel he had managed to erect tightly around himself. Her mouth had sought his through her tears; seeking to taste him, tasting the salt of his own tears, pushing him down and ripping at his clothes. He had not even bothered to fight back. Seeming to know it was useless, allowing her to take him; something Vegeta had only let happen on rare, vulnerable occasions. There was no fear of him infecting her. Bulma had long ago proven to him that the virus was not transmitted through any kind of sexual contact. So for that night they had made love to each other with nothing between them but the very real thought that whatever held them together as one was slowly slipping away. Each desperately trying to assuage the other's need and want. Bulma had stripped him of all his defenses in moments, bringing him to his knees in one pure moment of utter unity and completion. She had heard him cry out desperately, sharing himself with her as much as he possibly could; unable to stop himself. When it had been over and they had lain spent in each others arms, wound together in a shuddering heap of limbs; Vegeta had held her, sobbing softly into her hair in a way he had never done or at least allowed her to see before. Deep, gut wrenching sobs, that had broken her heart even more completely then it had already been. Bulma had known better then to comfort him-- at least not with words-- so she had urged him to make love to her again, to use her as some kind of solace and he had, repeatedly. He had taken her body in a desperate attempt to hold at bay the fear and anger that threatened to overtake him. Vegeta had been like a man possessed and she had answered him in full, and now she was pregnant. Something she had not anticipated, but something that was there all the same.

Vegeta had no idea. Bulma couldn't tell him. He would lose it. He had already been gone in the morning when she had awoken, and she had only seen him on rare occasions since then, only to have his blood taken. He took care of his own senzu, so except for the occasional meeting of eyes across the compound, he had held himself even further away from her. Bulma wasn't sure whether to hate him or not. How could

any man give a woman a night like what they had shared then walk away so easily. God he had shared every part of himself with her and she knew why...because he had been afraid it would be all they ever had. Why had he felt compelled to be gone when she had woken up? Realistically Bulma knew it had not been easy for him...but her heart had hurt from the unneccesary seperation and she had suffered greatly because of it.

The lines of the papers blurred together as she struggled for some comprehension of what she had written in a moment of exhilirating triumph. Some monumental discovery that had needed a marking of some kind, scribbled quickly and without thought to future deciphering. Her fists hit the desk with a dull thud, causing them to ache miserably. She needed a break, some fresh air, anywhere but this stupid desk and these damn papers and this horrible, nightmarish situation.

Bulma pushed back from the desk and walked outside, mindful of the ever constant threat of Parisia. Vegeta was no doubt in his gravity room, and Kakkarot had left on a journey to study with some Chikyuu-jin master of martial arts, much to Vegeta's ire. Toma and Bardock had long since left on their mission, leaving her alone here with Vegeta. Her father crossed her mind for the briefest of moments, as she gazed up into the night sky, observing the stars in all their shining glory. How beautiful they were, so magical and far away. How she wished she could make a wish and have them come true. So many people to wish for, so many people who needed a wish spoken. Please Dad, please be alright. The words were a silent testament to all the unspoken thoughts she had had since he had left. So many words that she had perhaps should have said. I forgive you...She should have said that one. Thank you for saving my life...There were so many...

Bulma started as a steely arm wrapped tightly around her waist. Vegeta...she would know that presence anywhere. It was something very undefinable and strong. Completely his... She held her breath waiting for him to notice the life that was growing within her now. He would not be happy, she already knew that, but to her surprise he seemed oblivious to it or chose not to mention it. Something she could scarcely believe. Truth be told, Bulma was surprised to even see him out here. He usually avoided her like the plague, going out of his way to not even be within eyesight of her. The only contact the brief walk to the house every night from the lab.

"What are you doing out here so late woman?" The smooth voice sent shivers of desire racing up her spine. Bulma shivered against him, illiciting a low chuckle.

"Chilly?" The seductive tone of his voice did not go unnoticed by her as he murmured low and huskily in her ear.

"No, just surprised to see you. What are you doing out here?" She made no move to face him, enjoying the feel of his bare chest against her back.

"I felt your ki leaving the place I had specifically told it to stay...I thought perhaps you were being bad..."

"Depends on your definition of bad." She smirked at the slight catch in his breathing. It thrilled her to know she could affect him that way.

"Bulma," his voice was a raw, heated whisper in the cool air, warming her body. She gasped as his heated mouth kissed its way down the delicate line of her throat, igniting her skin wherever he touched..."I need you..." his hands joined in the ignition of her body, skimming over her belly to caress the very center of her body. Bulma moaned and leaned back against him..."to start doing what I tell you to do..." His mouth was gone and she was abruptly pushed away from his body. She turned to face him, furious that he had used her desire for him to play her that way. "That was a bastard thing to do Vegeta!" Bulma spat out the words in distaste, angry that she still wanted him after that little stunt. She noted with some satisfaction that it had obviously affected him.

The Chikyuu-jin training shorts left little to the imagination. She smiled in triumph as she saw his arousal.

Two could play this game.

Vegeta noticed the predatory look that had leapt into her eyes and smirked. So his little mate wanted to play rough. He could oblige that. He was still furious with her for the scare she had given him. He had specifically told her she was not to leave, unless he was with her...he had made it a habit every night to stop by and get her, then walk over to where Chi-Chi had kept Trunks for them. He would always see her safely deposited before returning to the confines of his gravity room and the long, lonely, near torturous nights of extreme training. All in the attempt to achieve the Super Saiya-jin level. Tonight, in the middle of his training he had noticed her ki moving and had assumed the worst, that Parisia had finally made her move, arriving only in time to see his idiotic woman standing alone and unaccounted for in the dead of night. Vegeta could shake her for being so careless. If he had lost her...

Bulma could still read the anger in Vegeta's black black they were barely discernible in the night sky, yet his blazed out with a light so strong one could never mistake it. She was too angry to heed the warning signs, however, of the raging inferno that was closely held under the surface. She advanced on him, hands on hips, prepared to bring him to his knees before she walked off into the night. He might kill her for it, but by God it would be well worth it to see the look on his face...

Vegeta stood awaiting her move, arms crossed, watching her as she stopped mere inches away. Her eyes were unreadable in the black of the night, the only indication of her being the feelings he could sense through the bond. A potent, heady rush of desire coupled with frustration and anger...arousing him even more and leaving him with near weak knees. He knew rationally he should fight this off, but he had no real will too. The need to touch and be touched was about to overwhelm him and he wanted to touch her with a craving that seemed to have no real end.

"Vegeta...I'm..." Bulma stopped, running fingers through her silky cascade of hair, knowing he loved it. God how he wanted to do the same thing, to feel its silken caress as it brushed against his skin. Vegeta swallowed and looked away, mouth suddenly dry with all the scorching memories he was beginning to invoke in his own mind. "Vegeta I want you..." Her voice was weighty with desire and need, and the simple, earnest words drew him like a fly to the spider's web. He wanted her too, so very badly. Could it really hurt this one night to forget things and just live for each other? Vegeta closed the short distance between them, drawing her in to his warm embrace. Bulma was lost the moment his mouth descended onto hers, heating it with his fiery kisses. Vegeta was beyond the point of no return...and any ideas she had about rousing his passions and walking away were thrown to the wind in mere seconds. He drew her back towards the shelter of the trees, not wanting to take the time to make it into the house...the desire to have her was urgent and he was very needy. He had gone without her for far too long to even be remotely tempted to take his time.

Bulma didn't want him to go slow. She needed to feel him at the most basic level, hard and alive, full of the passionate intense virility that seemed to surround him in everything he did. Vegeta had her clothes off her in record time, tearing his own shorts off his body with one swift swipe of his hand. She shuddered with desire as he lifted her up in his arms, urging her to wrap her long legs around his waist, pushing into her with driving force unlike any she had ever felt from him before. Her head fell back as she struggled to keep herself quiet, biting her lip hard, trying to squelch the overwhelming desire to scream. God what he could do to her body and the closeness, the absolute intimacy that vibrated through them almost drowned her with its sheer depth.

Vegeta thrust into her forcefully gasping silently with each pounding move. Her panting breath in his ear, only urged him on. Oh God...this was incredible, this was what he needed, how could he have let it go this long. His rational mind left him, leaving only the primitive Saiya-jin side that wanted to lay claim to his mate in an unmistakeable fashion; and the way his woman was tearing at him with her nails, biting and nipping and gasping it seemed she wanted to lay claim to him as well. He had no problem with that...her passion exhilirated him. He was hers, there would never be a question of that.

"Oh God Vegeta..." Bulma managed to gasp out... "Oh God!" Her climax was upon her, roaring through her melting body like a tidal wave, nearly drowning her in the never ending sensations that he had managed to pull out of her. Vegeta lowered them to the ground with trembling legs, laying her out and beginning the assault anew. Her hands ran through his spiky hair as his mouth found her and he began a full scale assault of her body. She laughed lightly as his mouth skimmed lightly over her skin, tickling her and illiciting goosebumps. She managed to push him off and over, rolling his unresisting body onto his back; straddling him and letting her mouth roam free. Vegeta gasped her name as she took him in her mouth, sliding her tongue down and around him slowly.

"Bulma...oh God...Bulma..." His hands tangled in her hair as he came, her name a hoarse cry on his lips.

He could do nothing but watch, his body drained and limp, as she straddled him."Woman..." Vegeta was, for the first time in his life, at a complete loss for words. He raised his body up to meet hers, sliding his hands down the smooth silky skin of her back, his touch as soft and light as a feather. His fingertips ran up and down the length of her back, lightly...gently, his eyes never straying from hers, meeting the intensely emotional sapphire gems with his own deep black orbs. Bulma wasn't sure how long they stayed that way, simply staring at each other, each feeling the other for emotions that neither one could say out loud. The simple joy of sharing and feeling in such an intimate way was almost too powerful for him. The beauty of her spirit, in comparison to his own, more tainted was an awe inspiring moment for him. She trusted him, no matter what black stains scarred his soul, and did not turn from him in fear or loathing. Now he knew what the elders had always spoken of in regards to the Saiya-jin bond. The depth and pure devotion of was so much more effective then words. Vegeta had always dismissed the elder's words as trivial and nonsensical. The ramblings of old, decrepid men, long past their prime. There could be no such attachments such as what they talked about between people. His father should have them killed, yet here he sat, straddled by a beauty he had never thought to possess in his lifetime, her soul completely linked to his and their bodies joined as one in the most intimate way two people could possibly be linked. He adjusted himself slightly, he was aroused simply by thinking of her and of them, and entered her gently. Her eyes drifted closed as his mouth gently kissed each one, his touch light as a feather.

"I'm not a good man, Bulma, I'm not a kind man. I've done things I should never have done, out of fear and anger..." his voice trailed off as he moved within her slowly...holding himself back from filling her completely, needing to speak before he lost himself in the pleasure she brought him.

She opened her eyes and stared at the black, piercing eyes that saw straight through to her soul. For once they were unguarded...the blinders he so often wore were down and for that brief moment in time Bulma realized Vegeta was showing her all that remained of himself to give. She smiled and caressed his face with her hand.

"Vegeta, I love you..." The words seemed so inadequate after the actions of this one marvelous night together. She had never imagined she could find anything quite as wonderous as this was. When she thought back to the first time she had ever seen him; the handsome, asshole of a Prince who had bowled her over, quite literally...well she had never imagined she would come this far, emotionally, with him.

He shushed her with his motions, rocking against with a steady, pounding beat; driving all thought from her brain, leaving only him...both lovers so wrapped up in each other, they never noticed the watcher , who stood silently among the trees.



Parisia sat in the ambassador's rich leather chair, awaiting the transmisson from Frieza. She had spent many long days debating what to tell him and how to deal with him, finally coming up with a solution she was sure he would not be able to refuse. It had come to her after she had witnessed their disgusting display of love a few months back. Frieza wanted Vegeta...Vegeta wanted Bulma...bring Bulma to Frieza, Vegeta was sure to follow. It all made perfect sense. Perhaps when Frieza was done with the Prince, she could have what remained. No, she had an even better plan. Frieza would be titalated with it. She could recall the doctor working on some kind of machine that wiped all traces of your memories away clean...Frieza would be sure to use it on Vegeta. If she could only convince Frieza to have Vegeta kill his own bastard son with that stupid whore, then impregnate her, Parisia; all for Bulma to witness. That would be the ultimate revenge against both of them. Vegeta for not wanting her in the first place, and Bulma for keeping him from her where he belonged.

She started as the big screen flashed on, Frieza's hideously white face leering down at her.

"Lord Frieza, it's an honor to..." She started to bow her head, but his taunting voice cut her off.

"Get to the point. I was told you had some information for me." He leaned forward eagerly, awaiting the valuable information that she claimed to have obtained; his ruby lips twisted into a derisive smile. She shuddered at his maniacal appearance. The appearance was made worse because he so resembled a child, a sick twisted child who had lost its most valuable plaything. Could she really bring Vegeta to this. With her knowledge of what he wanted to do to Vegeta and what he would inevitably take from Vegeta...she shook her head. Yes, she was doing the right thing, she was sure of it. Vegeta had been given numerous chances to see the light and come to her. He had chosen this most difficult path, so she would let the chips fall where they may and she would benefit from them.

"Yes, Lord Frieza...I have gained entry into the Saiya-jin camp.I believe it is possible to deliver Vegeta and his mate to you." She kept her eyes downcast, not wanting to overstep her boundaries. One must always be careful when in the presence of or even communicating with Frieza. He had been known on more then one occasion to lose his temper and kill the fool delivering the messages. If she was anything less then deferential to him he might see fit to do no negotiating at all. Parisia took a deep, shaky breath, risking a surreptitious glance at the white skinned bastard. Surprise seemed to be written all over his face, followed by a more dawning realzation of what she was about.

"You wish to gain something from all this." Frieza sneered at her, making her twist uncomfortable in her chair.

"Only my planet and freedom...and perhaps the chance to make Vegeta's mate suffer horribly." She tried to give him her most winsome smile, knowing he had no interest in her. Frieza seemed to be obssessed with Vegeta and Vegeta only.

Frieza sat back on his throne, smiling coldly. "Aah, I see. It has all become clear to me now. Tell me why should I bother forging an alliance with you. You are nothing but a stupid whore. Useless in all regard save for the pleasuring of my men...what possible use could you be to me now?" He sat back and awaited her answer, his cool, mocking smile never wavering.

"I could deliver the person you want the most straight to you. " Did he not believe her or was he just playing difficult. She clenched her be forced to endure such base insults. How she hated this arrogant fucking bastard. She would like nothing more then to see him dead. If only she could get Vegeta to that memory wipe. She could convince him she was his mate and Frieza had harmed her. Then Frieza would be dead. She smiled at the thought. That was a worthy plan of action.

"I am already on my way to Chikyuu to deal with Vegeta and his pesky little group of infidels. I doubt seriously there is anything you can do to lighten that load if you could even reach him or his mate in the first place."

"I had thought to bring you Bulma. If you take Bulma, Vegeta will come. He seems to be..."she paused bitterly..."he seems to love her very much." God how those words had stuck in her throat. It should be her that Vegeta loved, not stupid Bulma.

"Ahh yes, Bulma." He sneered in contempt. "I owe her for taking what was mine...I owe her much."

"Yes, Lord Frieza. I have devised a plan to reach her and incompassitate her. She would be very easy to take and once Vegeta knows, he would fly to her side. The little ambassador that Frieza had left in charge on this god-forsaken planet had been very forthcoming about Frieza's newest technology; going so far as to show her some of the newer lasers and population control devices. It would not be a tremendous stretch to lift one. " She is apparently a very big weakness. One that he seeks to keep hidden. I have witnessed his devotion to her first hand." She looked up again at the leader. Yes he was interested. She could see the speculative gleam in his cold eyes.

"I suppose it would be most beneficial to take the girl first. Is there anything he would not do for her?"

After what Parisia had witnessed that night she had spyed on them, she was fairly certain now that Vegeta was very much in love with his mate. She gritted her teeth again at the thought that Bulma was the one to receive such attention. The way he had looked at her and touched her. Parisia nearly growled in frustration. Why couldn't that have been her?

"My Lord, I do believe he would sacrifice anything for her, though he will of course deny it at first. Let me assure you if you call his bluff, he will fold. Vegeta will allow no harm to come to Bulma.

Frieza leaned forward on his throne, smiling. "Very well, we will give you a chance. If you can deliver what you have promised, you may have all that you asked for. I will be on Chikyuu in two weeks. Bring her to my ambassador's office on the night of the fourteenth day. There will be someone awaiting your arrival..." He leaned back and looked at her speculatively. "There is a personal vendetta against Vegeta in all this I supect."

"More so against his mate, my Lord Frieza. Bulma is the one I wish to see subjagated."

Frieza chuckled in amusement. "Don't worry yourself you will see your wishes long as you

deliver as you have promised. Remember the fourteenth night...I will be awaiting my prize. Don't fail me."

The screen blinked off and he was gone. Parisia swiveled in her chair facing the window, her hands steepled in front of her face. The die had been cast, now all she had to do was come up with a plan of action. She smiled heartlessly, that wouldn't be too hard. Time to die Bulma...time to die. She laughed uproariously, thrilled beyond any sense of the word. Finally vengenance would be hers.




Kakkarot looked down at the ramshackle old home that sat directly on the beach, facing the ocean. This was the home of the Master Roshi? It didn't look big enough to house a damn turtle. He started down the hill that sat above it, wondering if this hadn't been a mistake of monumental proportions. He could have gotten further faster by training with Vegeta. Why in the hell had he left Chi-Chi for this. His heart tightened painfully at the thought of her name. She had wanted to come, but in the end, Kakkarot had believed she would be safer within the confines of the compound. Her pregnancy would not be simple or easy and at least there she would have Bulma. He had been foolish to abandon his beautiful, pregnant mate for the opportunity to train under Chikyuu's finest martial artist. Vegeta was fine could he be if he was a Chikyuu-jin. He stomped the rest of the way to the he amended...shack and looked around; searching for any signs of life. Kakkarot could hear and see nothing so he did the next best thing, he felt out for a ki trace. There was something, but it was How could this world's finest martial arts champion have such a low energy trace. He scowled and moved to the door, rapping on it sharply; angered beyond belief that this was what he had left Chi-Chi for. What in the hell had he been thinking about. Maybe Vegeta was right and he was a fool. Only a fool would have done this.

The door jerked open abruptly, statling him. He took a hasty step back, tripping over the step that was directly behind him; falling onto the beach, landing hard on his back. He lay there fuming, sprawled on his back, and staring at the correct that...old man, who had answered the door. He almost laughed. Good God, the man was positively ancient. If Vegeta had been here, he would have laughed his ass off at the sight of the stooped over, wrinkled old buzzard that had opened the door. Kakkarot growled in fury. Well, it was never too late to go home; he just didn't want Vegeta to stick it to him with an annoying I told you so...

"Who's there?" God even the voice sounded ancient. Kakkarot winced and stood up, reclimbing the three steps that led to the porch and front door.

"I'm Kakkarot. I have come to seek out the legendary Master Roshi." He stood as proudly as he could, hoping against hope that this was not the legendary Roshi he had been told about.

"What do you seek Master Roshi for?"

"I'd like to train. I have heard he is legendary in the training of mind and body. Was I mislead?"

"Roshi no longer go home, boy." The old man started to close the door, but Kakkarot was too fast, sticking his booted foot into the house and blocking the man's action.

"Hey!" The old man threw open the door and flew at Kakkarot, surprising him with his strength and speed. Such agility for an old man. Was this Roshi? Kakkarot managed to block the man's first blow, though he was caught by a sharp kick to his chin. Unprepared, he landed once again on the beach below; glaring up at the old man that stood triumphantly above him. How shamful was this, beaten by a man twice his age.

"Are you Roshi?" He spat out, wiping blood from his chin. "If so, it has taken me nearly two months to find you...don't turn me away now. I need your help."

The old man wiped his hands together, smiling. "I'm not Roshi, boy...Gohan is my name. I was once a pupil of Roshi, now I assist him."

Kakkarot's eyes widened in amazement. "Master Roshi is older then you?" He could scarecly believe it was possible.

"A bit, I would say." He smiled again, offering his hand to Kakkarot as a token of peace, hauling him up with ease.

"I don't understand..." Kakkarot's voice trailed off. He couldn't fathom that this ancient man had managed to knock him flat and that Roshi was even older. "How?"

"Kakkarot, anything is possible when the mind and heart are one. I tell you what...Master Roshi is out on one of his explorations. You can stay until he gets back, see if you can convince him to train you. That is the best I can do for you. "

"When will he be back?" Kakkarot followed the old Gohan...into the house, surprised when the interior proved to be much more hospitable then the outside.

"He'll be along shortly, he never stays out too long. Come why don't you have a bite to eat. A strapping young man such as yourself needs to stay filled up; especially if you want Roshi to train you. You'll need all you strength to convinve him of your worthiness."

"I'm worthy, old man." Kakkarot shot him a glare, blushing when his stomach growled tellingly. "Alright, I suppose I could use something to eat. I am a bit hungry." A bit would actually be an understatement.

"Alright, let me whip you something up Kakkarot, and perhaps by the time you are done, Roshi will have returned." He stood and entered the small kitchen, leaving Kakkarot to stare out the single window in apprehension. What if Roshi refused to train him, or worse what if all of this was just some crack pot idea. How did he really know Roshi was worth all this trouble. He had accepted a Chikyuu-jin word of honor. Krillin's word. He had sworn by Roshi and his talent for melding the mind and body and heart into one...

Well he would have to wait and see what happened. Gohan had said he'd be back shortly. No use borrowing any trouble until one had to. He would just have to make sure he could convince Roshi he was worth the trouble.



Why didn't you tell me?" Vegeta's harsh tones rang through the lab, setting her on edge. Bulma had not seen him this mad in a long time and she had never seen him this irate with her before. She took a deep breath and laid down the small dropper she had been working with, turning to face him.

"What exactly are you talking about Vegeta?" Bulma attempted to stay calm. He wouldn't hurt her, or at least he wouldn't if he was in control of all his faculties. He looked in complete control, save for the black rage that shone in his eyes. Another deep, shuddering breath. It had to be the baby. He had finally noticed the ki of the baby. It really surprised her that it had taken him this long to figure it out, but then again, he was distracted. She was almost three months gone, though no one could tell that. She was still as slim as a reed.

"Dammit woman!" His fist descended on the table before her, rattling the glass and wood as it made contact. She jumped up in alarm. "Don't play games with me Bulma." His voice was quiet and full of warning. "You know exactly what I am talking're pregnant. How long have you known?"

"N...Not long." She managed to stutter out, backing away from him as he approached her.

"You're lying." The words were stated flatly, as if he knew for a fact that she had been privy to this for far longer then she was letting on. Bulma lowered her head, and nodded, unable to continue the lie. " I've known for a few months, I just didn't know how to tell you. I knew you weren't going to be happy."

He snorted. "That's an understatement. Bulma, do you know how close I came to losing you the last time this happened?" He took another step towards her, troubled by the fact that she had thought to retreat from him. Didn't she know he would never hurt her. No that 's not did hurt her...didn't you? He stopped his approach, shattered anew by the memory of breaking her wrist with his bare hands. Perhaps she did have something to fear from him. His fists clenched at his sides.

"Vegeta, I know you don't want this, but there's not a lot I can do...I can't get rid of it." Her wide blue eyes pleaded with him to understand, to be alright with this horrible situation. Hell it was his own fault. He had been too weak to control himself, falling apart regularly every night they came together, like a weak boy. How could he have let this happen. It would more then likely kill her this time. He growled in frustration.

"Why not? Why can't you end it now, before it's too late?" Her blue eyes shone back at him with unshed tears as they beseeched him to accept her pregnancy.

"I couldn't do that to our child. Besides, I am here and not on Hell now; things would be different." Her blue eyes glowered at him. How could he even suggest such a thing.

"Woman..." He growled in frustration, and turned away. Why could she not just do what he wanted one time. "My concern is not for the baby, it is for you and your health."

Bulma took a hesitant step towards him, wanting to reach out and touch him, but she knew by the rigid set of his shoulders that it would be a mistake. He wouldn't welcome any touches right now. So she turned her own back and spoke quietly, so low he could barely make out the words.

"Vegeta, I just can' have to trust that I will be fine and that this pregnancy will be different. I survived Trunks didn't I?" She tried to make light of it, but he would have no part of it. Vegeta turned and scowled at her, this time not stopping himself from gripping her shoulders tightly. His black eyes drilling into hers as he spoke.

"Fine woman. If you want to be stupid and do this, I won't stop you, but I won't bear witness to your stupidity either. You can do it alone. " He whirled and stalked out of the room, leaving her standing alone and shocked. Alone? She sat down heavily in her chair, looking down at the small dropper she had been holding when he had first came in. Her first real successful creation of something that might just be able to cure him. She only needed to test it to know for sure...God why did the bastard have to be so damn difficult. Fine, Vegeta wanted alone, she would give him alone. She wouldn't seek him out for a damn thing. Two could play that game. Bulma would be more then happy to call his bluff and see how long he could stay away.

"Bulma!" Chi-Chi's voice rang through the lab, interupting her thoughts. Bulma half-turned at the alarm and concern she could hear in it; standing quickly, taking in the other woman's undone appearance.

"My God! Chi-Chi what is it? Is it Trunks? Is he alright?" Her own voice was heavy with fear.

"No! It's Britton. He's collapsed. I think you need to come!" Chi-Chi whirled back around and ran out the door, Bulma close behind. She followed Chi-Chi to the house where Britton lay unconcious in the main living area. A quick glance showed Trunks sound asleep in his cradle. Nap time. Thank God. She had no desire for him to witness any of this. She bent down to check her brother's pulse, scared to death at what she would feel.

"Oh God Britton! Don't you be have to give me more time..." She half sobbed the words, feeling frantically for any sign of life. She breathed a small sigh of relief as she caught the faint beat of his pulse against her fingers; extremely faint, but at least she had something to work with. "Thank You! Thank You!" It was weak, but he wasn't dead yet. She turned towards Chi-Chi. "What happened?"

"We were sitting in here, watching some television. He had never really watched it before, so I was explaining the concept..." She smiled faintly..."He just...his eyes...I don't know he just passed out. Nothing I did could rouse him, so I ran for you." She sat back and rubbed her rounding belly gently. Bulma hugged her.

"Thank You Chi-Chi! I need a senzu. Are you up to getting one for me? They are in my room, in the desk drawer." She watched as Chi-Chi nodded and leapt up, running for the stairs, surpringly agile for a pregnant woman. She turned back towards her brother and shook him gently, attempting to awaken him. His eyes fluttered slightly before opening. Britton regarded her for a moment sadly, before smiling.

"This is it isn't it Bulma?" He reached up a shaky finger to trace a tear from her face, smiling as she shook her head no profusely. "Don't lie to me sister, I can tell." He tapped his chest with his hand.

"No, no!" She shook her head violently. "You are not going to die! You are going to live a long full life. You just have to give me a little more time. Please...Chi-Chi just went to get you a senzu. That will help you!" She hiccuped slightly as her words came out in a rush, her voice caught between a sobbing plea and a demand.

"No,'s too late for me to survive this. It's alright though. I'm alright. I'm going to go be with mom now. I'll be alright." His eyes fluttered again. "You have to let me go..." A cough shook through him, rattling loosely in his chest. I don't want to live like this anymore." His finger traced another tear that slipped downwards, brushing her cheek gently. "I love you, and tell dad I love him too. Take care of dad

please. "He implored her, needing the assurance she would look out for their father. "He will be all alone if you desert him, don't be mad at him for what happened. He meant well..."

Bulma's hand sought out his, holding it tightly as he smiled at her with one last heartbreakingingly beautiful smile. "Save Vegeta, don't let Frieza win this battle..." His head fell limp as the last breath he drew left his body. Bulma sat there for a moment looking at the serene expression on his handsome face. "At peace..." she whispered..."please be at peace." She reached down and closed his eyes, kissing his forehead gently, smoothing the soft blond hair back. She felt a hand on her shoulder and instinctively reached up for it...Chi-Chi.

"I'm sorry." She spoke the words so simply, so easily...and they were so heartfelt, Bulma found the sob back in her throat, threatening to break free. She nodded wordlessly and stood, inhaling deeply to garner some small semblance of control.

"Could you tell Vegeta for me? I need to be alone for awhile." She managed to stumble out of the room and into the blazingly hot sunlit day. Her brother, her brother was dead and gone. He had been healthy and strong and perfect before any of this, a young man in his prime; his whole future ahead of because of Frieza he was dead. "I will see you pay for this Frieza and God help you if Vegeta falls too." The single thought that Frieza would be able to take the lives of two such young, healthy men. It absolutely infuriated her. She walked silently back to her lab, falling into her chair, sobbing quietly. Sobbing for her brother and all he would never be, sobbing for her mate who was suffering with the same life-ending illness. His senzu intake already doubled and she knew he suffered; staying away from her for days when his mind was not his own. Bulma wasn't certain how long she sat there, sobbing, she had long since given up on trying to stop, allowing the sobs to simply flow from her in an endless torrent. She felt his presence long before he spoke, felt him lifting her into his arms. His safe, strong secure arms. She buried her face in his chest, inhaling the musky scent of him, letting the sensation embed itself in her memory.

"Vegeta...he's dead. Britton is dead."

"I know woman, Kakkarot's mate informed. I moved him to his room until you decided what to do." His voice was a low, comforting rumble in his chest. Bulma choked back another sob, struggling to speak. Vegeta stopped and hushed her. "No more...not now. You need to rest. Kakkarot's mate has agreed to keep the brat for the night, I am going to put you to bed."

"I thought I was going to be alone." Another unwanted sob escaped; dammit why did she have to be so weak willed.

"Be quiet Bulma...we'll talk about it tomorrow." He clutched her tightly to him and strode across the compound to the house, kicking the door open to their room and laying her down on the bed. He undressed her slowly and carefully, peeling back the clothes as if she were a small child who needed the care. She slipped obediently under the covers that he held for her, frowning as he turned to go.

"You're really going to leave me..." She sat up and stared at him, her eyes filled with pain and unshed tears. "Vegeta, I can't be alone...not now...please." Her tone was filled with desperate need, stopping him as he opened the door. Vegeta sighed in defeat and closed the door. He should have known he would not get out of this unscathed. He stripped off his clothes, and slid into the bed with her, wrapping his arms around her as she snuggled up to him, praying that the senzu held and he did not lose what small grip on his control that he still held. It was happening on a much more regular basis now, small subtle breakdowns; in thought and temper. He wanted her no where near him to witness them, half-filled with shame and fear. Shame that she would witness his incapacity and fear that she would suffer by his hand in an act of violent rage.

She was asleep within minutes, her head resting on the broad plain of his chest. He stroked the silky strands of blue hair that fell across him in a disorderly fashion... so beautiful. She was so very beautiful. He wondered for the briefest of moments if this child that was growing inside her was another boy. One that would look completely like him, or perhaps a girl, with the pristine beauty of her mother. He grimaced at that thought. That was the last thing he needed. A girl who liked her mother. He'd be killing men on a regular basis, that was if he survived to see it. The thought that he could be leaving her alone to raise to brats filled him with renewed dread as he remembered his first sight of Bulma's brother dead on the floor. They had been the same age, and he could remember the healthy, vibrant man Britton had been. How fast it had happened. Was that what he had to look forward to? One moment he was alive the next gone completely, nothing but a fading memory? He shook the thought away and returned to his original thought, another brat. Not that the thought of any more brats really brought him any joy, but it was beginning to look like he had few options. Bulma was pregnant and she would not be terminating the pregnancy. He would make sure that she had the best medical care available. Perhaps they could een have the baby removed before she went into labor. It would be too hard on Bulma to bring another Saiya-jin baby into the world naturally, like she had on the ship home from hell. She needed to understand that. He would not see her die, most especially by his own hand; and that would be what it was. For he had been the one too weak to hold back, too weak to keep himself from impregnating her; instead thinking of only the pleasure her body brought him. God, even now with her pressed up against him he was loathe to stop himself from responding to her nearness. Vegeta growled and shifted slightly, trying to break as much bodily contact as possible. She had lost her brother today, she needed rest, not him. He shut his eyes and tried to sleep, but it alluded him and he lay awake well into the night, lost in his own dark thoughts of death and despair.



Toma looked at the motley assembly of Chikyuu-jin and Saiya-jin alike that sat ready to disembark and take flight again. They sat on the main landing pad of Marstal. Their carefully cultivated guise as merchants with raw materials to sell had afforded them the landing pad they now sat on. Toma took out his newly encapsulated ship and held it up.

"Everyone have one of these?" He held up the capsule for the group to see. When they had all nodded their affirmation he continued on. "We are going to go out onto this landing pad and fire these ships up. Bardock will then take this ship and fly to Hufstata, where he will await our return at an already designated rendouvouz point. Do we all understand? Our first goal is to lay waste to this city. It is controlled by Frieza's bastard father, King Cold. His planet and more specifically this city is the center of Frieza's military supply operation. We could do serious damage here if we put our minds to it. If we can take out his supplies and we are talking the mother lode here. Everything Frieza uses in battle...we could strike a seious blow to him. Now remember we all have the energy absorbers, Bulma put on our ships. That will cut down on harm to the ships considerably and quite possibly save your lives. She has also given us a personalized unit for our bodies should we become seperated from our ships. Bulma has given us thew tool sto destroy Frieza with, we need only take them and use them.

"What are we waiting for?" Yamcha's voice rang through the air. Let's get out there and take this bastard down. He was greeted by cheers from his comrades, but they were all silenced by stern look from Toma.

"That's the idea, but we are going to have to achieve this together; which means we are going to have to trust each other. That means, Saiya-jin and Chikyuu-jin working together. Can this be accomplished?" He stared hard at Yamcha, waiting for his decisive answer. It was really up to him, he was the one who seemed to have the problem with the Saiya-jin and he was also the leader of this ragtag Chikyuu-jin group. A slow, grudging nod was all the answer Toma got, but it was an answer all the same and the only one he needed. He smirked and nodded...'Good, then lets go and destroy!" He nodded towrds Bardock once and exited the ship. The first man out in the battle about to begin, and as far as he was concerned...the turning point in this seemingly endless crusade.



Kakkarot stared at the old, bald headed man that sat across from him, observing him casually. This was the Master Roshi? He had shown up an hour back stinking of beer and, Kakkarot thought, cheap women. What woman in her right mind would bed this old lecher? He found it hard to believe this old man was the same one that Gohan had told tales about as they waited together for Roshi's return.. Could it be possible?

"I just don't know Gohan? I gave up training years ago to a lead of life of quiet and peace. This young fellow here doesn't look like he will be bringing along much peace."

"He's a good boy, and claims to need your help desperately in defeating Frieza. We are not so old that we cannot remember a time that Chikyuu was free of Frieza's tyranny and things were prosperous. I say if it ends Frieza's miserable existence we throw our lots back in and give this young man a go."

"Yes, well I suppose you're right. Tell me Kakkarot, are you prepared for the strain of your training? Using the mind and heart as one with your body is much more difficult then just using y our body alone. It is one thing to beat your opponents, quite another to defeat them using more then brawn; that is what will be needed to bring Frieza to his knees. It will take more then raw, brute strength." He peered closely at Kakkarot. "Are you prepared for that and more importantly are you ready to follow my orders and call me master? " He waved his hand as Kakkarot began to speak. " I don't mean as a title, but as your better, as your teacher? Are you willing to let go of your pride for that?"

Kakkarot looked bat him for a moment, considering, then nodded slowly.

"Yes, I will respect you as my elder and as my teacher...master." He bowed his head in deference to the title.

"Alright, boy, we'll get started. First we need to get you the appropriate clothing. Gohan go and fetch teh gi that bears my insignia. He will need to be identified with whose house he trains under...I will train him no other way."

Gohan stood and left to retrieve the gi, leaving Roshi and Kakkarot to assess each other slowly.

"I will not leave until I have learned."

"You can start now. As soon as Gohan gets back with your new gi, I want you to strap on these weights." He motioned to a pile of weights that lay abandoned in the corner. "You swim five miles with them on and we'll see how you do. You look like your strong, you should be able to handle that. There will be no sleep for you tonight..."

Kakkarot snorted. "That won't be a problem, I can assure you, I am used to hard living. I am a Saiya-jin warrior."

Roshi simply smiled and stroked his beard thoughtfully, his careful scrutiny left Kakkarot feeling uneasy. What had he gotten himself into? "We'll see, Kakkarot, we'll see."



Yamcha sat behind the controls of his ship, studying each and every detail carefully. This was it, the very first real test of his piloting abilities and of this ship's capabilities. He hoped to God they passed with flying colors. He had to hand it to Vegeta's mate...Bulma...he thought. She sure designed some wonderous stuff. The technology she seemed able to come up with in no time at all, was simply asounding. How could a man reconcile a technological genius such as she must be to the vindicative bitch that Parisia had made her out to be. He supposed it was the influence of a Saiya-jin. They seemed to bring out the worst in everyone and as far as he was concerned, she had gotten the worst Saiya-jin of the bunch. He keyed in his ignition sequence and made sure that his absorbtion unit was on and running. He could hear Toma through his headset, barking orders like a general. He supposed for this Toma was and proceeded to take the bird off as he had been told to do. He would follow Toma's orders for this campaign. Oddly enough he had some small modicum of trust for Toma and he knew that Toma would do his best ensure they all stayed alive and that was really what Yamcha stay alive.

His sleek, silver bird rocketed into the heavens like a bullet, banking sharply to come back around and begin the assault on the fast rising ground. He fired his ships guns, joining Krillin and Evetta as they each made a parrallel run, firing rapidly and detroying target after target. The surface of Marstal looked like a madhouse. Fire, smoke, civilians running wildly through the streets. He could see their terror-filled visages as he swept low across the city. They had been poorly prepared for the event of an attack. Apparently King Cold had been so arrogant in his belief that his son held the universe in such a tight grip of terror, that he had given little thought to the liklihood that somone might actually attack him; the weak link. Yamcha tried to block out the thought that innocents were being killed in this little skirmish. It was an unfortunate truth of war that the innocent and the weak suffered the most. Unfortunately for the people of Marstal, they would pay the heaviest price for Frieza and Cold's tyranny.

Toma made a smooth, fast run towards the gleaming ivory spirals of the imperial palace that served as Cold's residence. "This is for Vegitasei, you bastard..." The rough, angry words slipped from his mouth as he began to fire. God there was absolutely no resistance and this was exactly what he had anticipated. Cold was vulnerable because of his own stupid lack of vision. It had never even dawned on Cold that someone would have the audacity to attack him; he had believed the notoriety of having spawned Frieza would be enough to inspire fear among the masses. Toma watched in triumph as the spirals blew apart, debri and chunks of marble falling to the ground below; disintergrating upon impact into thousands of tiny pieces. He doubled back, marveling at the speed and maneuverbility of this ship. He had yet to use the absorbition unit once, mostly because of the disarray that was going on below in the city streets. His eyes widened as he saw the tall, hulking figure of Cold, scurrying down the steps of the palace. He was running away, to his transport. Yes! This was his chance to kill the bastard. Toma set up on his attack run, setting the target on Cold's huge horned body. Cold saw him coming, panicing and attempting to run back towards the palace entry. Toma could have laughed at the look of sheer fright on his face. What a coward; all talk and no substance. He pressed his missile button and smirked, waiting as the weapon chased the scurrying bastard back towards the palace. He watched in triumph as the palace blew skyward, chunks of debri littering the sky as it fell back towards the planet.

Yamcha could see the city was ablaze in every which direction. He had watched the palace blow up just seconds before and now he could hear Toma's voice calling for the withdrawal to Hufstata. He smiled to himself. Phase one had been a complete success.




Bulma wasn't sure what had awoken her, but she could not go back to sleep no matter how hard she tried. She had thought about awakening Vegeta. He had several very desirable ways to exhaust her, but he had looked so exhausted, and was sleeping so soundly she had decided not to. She wondered if she should tell him about the virus she had created? Someone besides her should know in case the unthinkable happened and she was not able to use it. will suffer for what you have done to me and my family. She would make sure of it one way or another. She slipped out of the bed, gently unwrapping herself from Vegeta's warm embrace and slipped on her clothes. She would walk out to the lab and get it and she would tell Vegeta about it first thing in the morning. He would never miss her. Parisia had been gone far too long for her to be any threat to her now.

She slipped out the door and into the cool, night air, walking quickly towards the lab. It was absolutely eerie out here at night. She reached the lab and tried the door. Dammit, Vegeta had left the lab doors unlocked. She opened them and flipped on the light switch, entering silently, closing the door behind her. She went straight to the far end of the building, lifting up a secret cut out she had made in the floor when she had first discovered the magnitude of what she had created; wanting to take no chances in anyone finding it. There it was...she carefully lifted the small bottle, cradling it gently in her hand. Standing she turned and began her exit out of the room, stopping as the door began to swing open. Damn, Vegeta had missed her and now she was going to catch hell from him. She could disarm him with the knowledge of this virus. Her smug grin turned into a look of dismay as she saw Parisia standing in the door, some kind of gun in hand. Parisia seemed to notice what had caught her attention and spoke confidently, knowing that she had her prey exactly where she wanted her.

"This is one of Frieza's newest toys. A laser gun that will cut a hole straight through you, so I'd behave if I were you. " She smiled. "I wasn't sure if I would get a chance to get to you. Vegeta keeps you well protected. I did hear the interesting conversation of earlier though. I was in the corner, waiting for a chance to grab you. So it appears congratualtions are in order. It is ashame the father- to- be didn't sound so thrilled with the idea of being a daddy again. I could hardly blame him. What Prince in their right mind would want another bastard?" She smiled coldly at Bulma as the insult slid home, waiting for her reaction. Bulma merely sneered at her, carefully slipping the small vial into her backpocket, attempting to do so as inconspicuously as possible.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to eavesdrop on private conversations?"

Parisia chortled. "I had thought about helping Vegeta out and ridding you of the little bastrd spawn myself, now I am almost positive I will, though I think Frieza h as some very sure fire ways of dealing with the unwanted. A whore has to be prepared for the inevitability of spawning a bastard or two. There was no way I was going to reproduce with Nappa and I do believe that no man should be forced to be shackled to you for all eternity. Vegeta would probably thank me later."

Bulma placed a protective hand over her belly. "One could say the same of you..." She backed up slightly as Parisia edged forward, trying to find the room to run and scream. There had to be something she could do to alert Vegeta. Why had she been so foolish? Parisia only smiled at her coldly.

"I guarantee Vegeta would have been much happier with me, though he was too foolish to realize that. Aah well, he will soon realize his mistake. " She fired the laser gun once, before Bulma could even react, piercing her left shoulder. Bulma cried out and clutched the injured limb, continuing to back away from the crazed woman. "Don't worry Bulma, I'm not going to kill you. You and I have an appointment to keep with Frieza...he is so looking forward to seeing you again. Parisia sidled up to her, grabbing a handful of blue hair. "Ooh, this is nice. I can see why Vegeta likes it so much..." her fist slammed into Bulma's stomach, doubling her over. Bulma sank to the floor in stunned shock and not the baby.

"No...the baby. Damn can't hurt the baby! "

"Like I said, I'm just doing Vegeta a favor. He didn't want the brat anyway. " She yanked up on Bulma's hair. Come on. We have someone we have to go and meet and we need to do it before our Saiya-jin Prince wakes up and figures out what's happened. " Parisia drug her along, pulling at her hair viciously.

"I will kill you for this you, Parisia. I promise, I will see you dead!"

"Those are awfully big threats from a girl in your position." A sharp kick to her side, knocked Bulma to her knees. Parisia was right there alongside, dragging her along, by the hair, bringing tears to Bulma's side. Her belly ached. The baby...the baby had to be alright...




Lord Frieza, we have made contact with Parisia. She has obtained the girl and awaits your disposal right now. "

Frieza chuckled maniacally. "Good, send Guido down to pick them up. Bring them to the ship. My this is going to be so much fun. Finally I have the key to bringing the arrogant little Prince to his knees." He laughed again.

"Lord Frieza!" Zarbon rushed to his master urgently. "My Lord, we have news from Marstal and it is not good."

Frieza jerked his attention to the man, in irritation. "What has my father managed to do now, Zarbon?" He sighed in irritation. His father was such an incompetent being. One of these days he was just simply going to blast him straight to Hell. There would be no other alternative.

My Lord Frieza, King Cold has been killed and Marstal is in ruin." Zarbon flinched at the look of rage that encompassed the whole of Frieza's face. He stood, stomping off the dais and hauled Zarbon up by his throat.

"What?" He bellowed. "What did you say?"

"Their was an attack of some kind on Marstal, King Cold was killed while in the palace, and the factories and city are in ruin." Zarbon shook with terror at the frenzied gleam shining in Frieza's eyes. He was going to kill him.

"Who is responsible for such a violation? Who would dare touch what is mine?" His voice was an angry bellow, frightening everyone around him. An angry Frieza meant a ruthless Frieza, even more so then usual. One that would just as soon kill you as look at you and he was in a killing rage now. Zarbon swallowed convulsively, attempting to take the attention off of himself.

"I believe it is the Saiya-jin. They seem to be working in tangent with a group of rebel Chikyuu-jin, at least that is what my Namekian spy tells me." He relaxed only slightly as Frieza lowered him to the ground.

"Zarbon, would you be so kind as to take a group of people and find their hiding place on Chikyuu. Kill all that are there, except Vegeta. Vegeta will be coming to me very soon. I want him unharmed. Jeiyce, take a team to Marstal; see what can be salvaged." He turned his back and stalked back up to his throne. "Bring the girl to me upon arrival. I want to prepare her myself for Vegeta."

* * * * *

Table of Contents
Chapter 10
Chapter 12