Chapter Three: Fates Cruel Hand


The massive saiyajin guards stacked every box according to their contents in the main hall of the temple. Bulma peeked out from her hiding place, making sure she was still a secret. There were more guards leaving than coming in, so that meant they were almost finished. Whew! She couldn’t wait to get this day over with, and then she could somehow slip out while the ouji made his big exit. Bulma bit her lip nervously. She hoped it would work.

Vegita watched as the last of the guards left the temple. Finally, he got his moment! The prince turned to the crowd and smirked gloriously, the entire crowd erupted in cheer. Yes, this was definitely his moment. Before walking through the temple doors, he sent his father a snide expression accompanied by a silent remark.

"I WILL surpass you, old man." Vegita lipped, knowing that his father understood from the angry glare he received. With that Vegita turned and made his way towards destiny.

Ou Vegita watched his son stride proudly into the Saiya temple, and laughed softy under his breath. He had never gone in the temple and the fools never found out.

"Stupid brat, I hope he fails. Then I will still rule!" He said triumphantly to himself. He smirked maliciously as the temple doors were shut behind his foolish son.

Kakarot wandered through the herd of civilians that were gushing out the exits. Where was that damn woman? He was supposed to get her and take her back to the Science Compound to meet with Bardock. Oh well, he’d look for her later. She had been standing right next to the temple doors, so maybe she had gotten inside. No, she wouldn’t have been that foolish. Surely she wouldn’t live if she were to be caught by the prince. Dismissing the blue haired slave, Kakarot left the premises alone.

After the doors closed behind him, Vegita inspected the temple interior. It wasn’t bad for a temporary home. It wasn’t nearly as lavish as his room in the palace, but it would do for training purposes. In the process of looking around he felt a slight prick of ki to his right.

"Could the bastard really have? No, he knows better than to make a fool of me." Even though Vegita verbally reassured himself, he knew that there was definitely a woman somewhere in the temple with him. How could she have gotten in there? Her ki was fluctuating in an unmistakable pattern; a pattern he knew well. Her thoughts were causing her fear to show obviously in her ki, which was pathetically low. Oh well, he might as well have a little fun. He’d decide later on if he would kill her on the spot, but he’d definitely get a kick out of jumping her. He loved to scare his victims.

"Time to start my training, if only there was something to kill right about now." Leaving it at that, Vegita sank into the shadows, grinning. Bulma eyed the ouji wearily. Something about those last few words made her a bit suspicious. After everything she had heard about the young prince, she knew that he was a cold and cruel spoiled brat. Suddenly her eyes widened in realization. Oh of course. How stupid! He was talking about her! The lithe beauty began to panic. She couldn’t stay in here, she didn’t care if it was only for a day…she wouldn’t survive! The king would have to forgive her...she was their best weaponry and training facility designer after all. Yes, there was always that option. Oh how stupid she was! Slapping her forehead, Bulma mentally cursed herself for even thinking about staying in the temple. After criticizing herself, the small woman poked her head out from behind the huge bed. Bulma crawled on her hands and knees to hide behind the stacks of boxes, hoping that the prince was not anywhere nearby. Holding her breath, the blue haired woman sprinted to the massive doors. She slid her hand down the smooth stone looking for a handle or anything similar. Nothing. Her panic began to set in. She pounded her fists furiously against the cold stone door trying to get it to obey her will to open. She hoped that someone on the outside would here her and open the door somehow. The more than ancient rock was unwilling to agree to her will and stood its ground.

Behind her, a keen eye watched her futile assault on the rock hard door. Allowing a smirk to creep up on his shadowed face. He watched her elfin body strike the unmoving stone with surprising force. She’s got spirit, that’s for sure, maybe just a little longer. It was all to amusing. An exciting sensation ran through the spying ouji’s body as he pictured her face when he revealed himself and how long she would get to stay with him. Maybe now. The shadows deepened his features until he was a blanket of darkness. Then he vanished completely, ready to pounce on his prey.

With tired arms and a pounding heart, Bulma frantically searched her surroundings, mentally pleading that he was nowhere to be found. To her satisfaction, there was no one in sight. Exhausted, her limp form began a slow decent, sliding towards the floor in defeat. Even though she was determined not to cry, her eyes filled to the brim with tears. Before she reached the smooth destination, two gloved hands planted themselves on either side of her. Lazily, yet wide with fear, the blue beauty’s eyes traveled to meet two dark orbs, shrouded with evil.

"N-no…" A hoarse whisper seeped from her parted lips. She was gonna get it now. How could she let this happen? Why was she so stupid? Why did she let herself stay there? Her mind continued to bombard her with questions. What was he going to do? Vegita cocked his head to the side, snatching her petite chin.

"So…my father decided to send me a whore after all." He knew that wasn’t all true, but he wanted to see what she would do. Vegita recalled his thought earlier about this woman having spirit. It seemed to have vanished; could she have really given up that early? Once the prince had finished his insult, calling her a whore. Bulma’s temper had fired up. Vegita watched with interest as her face became fearless and her eyes turned an icier blue than before. Maybe he had spoken too soon. Maybe she was still as fiery as before…that had intrigued him. He looked on, waiting to see what she would do.

"I’m no whore, you dirty bastard!" The enraged beauty screamed in his face. Ouji Vegita chuckled lazily. Bulma shied back, realizing that she went a little to far. Damn it, he was the most powerful of all saiyajin, and there she went just cussing at him as if he was one of her workers.

"You’re right, you are not a whore. " Bulma felt satisfied at his correction. "You’re too god damn ugly." After saying so, the young prince removed his gaze from her in a silent insult. Bulma was raging mad by now and frankly she didn’t care whether or not he was the most powerful saiyajin or not. He had better not talk to her like that!

"You damn son of a bitch! How dare you say that to me! I am the prettiest woman you’ll ever set your pathetic little eyes on, your majesty." She said the last two words with as mush sarcasm as she could muster. After releasing her pent up anger for the saiyajin, Bulma felt great and she didn’t really care what the damn prince did. Vegita, although stunned by her insolence, did not kill her right away. He merely pulled his arms away from the wall and crossed them; he was truly pissed.

"Hold your tongue bitch! You will regret saying that to the Prince of Vegitasei!" He hissed. Bulma let out a haughty laugh.

"I’m more valuable to the Saiyajin Empire than you; I’ve made every damn training facility ever used on this planet, not to mention the weaponry used by the entire army. So really I am the one who makes you so strong. Therefore, you should be thanking me. Really...what nerve!" The ouji was frustrated because the damn woman was right, but he couldn’t back down now. Vegita narrowed his eyes cruelly at her. If she hadn’t been so well known for technology, he probably would have killed her, and that would have made his father a little more than angry. Well at least she was good for something.

"If you value your life, slave, then I suggest you get to work. You will do the cleaning, washing and prepare the food." He was glad that he had spotted her slave ring at the last second. So what if she was a technology slave, she could still do housework, right?

"NANI?" Bulma asked hysterically. Vegita turned on his heel and took his leave, satisfied since he had done such a magnificent job in pissing her off. Still confused, Bulma spoke up.

"Why? Its only for one day!" The prince stopped and turned back to face her.

"Oh, and about that…one day outside the temple is equivalent to one year inside." Immediately after he informed Bulma of the horrifying news, he burst into a fit of laughter. Bulma stood staring at him. Her face paled and her eyes were vacant. There really was someone out to get her. As she came back to reality, Bulma realized that the prince had left her. Great. Now she had to figure this all out. She sighed.

"And I don’t even have any clothes…" As if it wasn’t bad enough.

The ouji walked calmly to start training. He couldn’t believe he had wasted that much of his time over that stupid wench. As he stepped down from the platform of the inner boundary, he could feel the gravity intensify significantly. He smirked. Good, it was just like the gravitrons the woman had made. At the thought of her, he wondered briefly if he should have warned her about the intense gravity in the outer boundaries.

"Ba! Why should I watch out for her? What a waste of time." Waving off the thought, he began his persistent training.

Bulma stood in her tracks after the ouji left. He hadn't killed her. But why? After everything she had heard about him, he seemed like the type to kill anything that he found not useful. What was she useful for then? There had to be some reason she was still alive. Oh well, it was a good thing she wasn't dead. Bulma decided to just be thankful he kept her alive.

"Next time, I won't let my anger out on him. That wasn't very pleasant." She sighed, there was a lot to think about if she was going to be staying here for a year. The blue haired woman turned in a circle looking around.

"Where to begin?" She asked herself aloud. Bulma walked forward, taking in everything she saw. This place was huge! It was as big as the entire palace! Still walking around, she gazed up at the massive chandelier hanging in the main room. There were thousands of tiny glass bulbs that housed the miniscule lights. It seemed to be the only source to light in the whole room, which was absolutely huge. Continuing her search, she saw many doorways that branched off into other rooms. The small woman made sure to take note that there were no doors on any of the doorways. Bulma came to the first doorway she found and walked through. Ahh, this was her previous hiding place. No doubt the royal pain in the ass's bedroom. Gazing over her shoulder she saw that his bedroom was straight across from the entrance. That had been how she had been able to see the guard without him seeing her. She smirked at her genius.

"I wish I had a bedroom like this." Mumbling to herself, the jealous girl left his bedroom and proceeded on to the other doorways in the foyer.

Vegita paused in mid flight to catch his breath. He hadn't eaten anything since that morning and training on an empty stomach didn't work for saiyajins. Maybe he'd go back and get some food. He hoped that slave woman knew how to cook, because that was what she was about to do. A strange feeling stung him when he realized that she would probably argue with him. What a temper! Oh well, all the more fun to have. Smirking, Vegita left to go find the slave and put her in her place.

She looked in the second doorway and saw a bathroom that could rival the prince's bedroom. Shaking her head at the unbelievable size of it, Bulma left to examine the next room. She poked her head in to see a toilet room, separate from the bathroom. The next door was a kitchen that was fairly large and had a connected room with a table and chairs. Bulma walked around the interior over and over until she got the idea of the layout and memorized where everything was. It was exactly like a saiyajin palace, except that it was for one saiyajin. Bulma looked at her wrist watch out of habit and gasped at the time.

"Wow, have I really been looking around for that long? And I'm not even finished yet." Sighing, Bulma thought of another set back. There wasn't a lab in the temple. What was she going to do all year? In thought, Bulma mindlessly walked through the next doorway too see a laundry room. The whole feeling in it was dark and sad. She pitied those lowly slave girls at the palace that had to wash laundry. Even though it was sort of gloomy, it was rather large. A table had been set up so clothes could be folded and atop that table was a set of sheets. Perfect. She needed something to sleep on anyway.

"I haven't even found a room to sleep in. There has to be one; this place is enormous! Besides, there's no way I'm sleeping on a couch, and the floor is out of the question." Thinking aloud, Bulma didn't hear the room's other occupant until he was right behind her.

"I'm glad you found your office. This will be where you work, woman." Bulma jumped at the sound of his deep voice. Turning around angrily, the scowling Bulma looked at him with a higher annoyance.

"Ha! I don't think so!" Folding her arms, she continued. "My brains won't be wasted washing your stinking clothes...baka." Bulma stated. Vegita snapped. How dare she continue to insult him like that! Lunging forward, he pinned her up against the wall by her throat.

"You will do exactly as I tell you, if you do not I will kill you for disrespecting me!" He could feel the bob of her throat against his palm as she tried to swallow. Bulma tried to nod her head but the pain of moving under the pressure was excruciating. She whimpered slightly from the pain. With his sense of authority back on track, Vegita dropped the blue beauty on the floor. Bulma coughed violently and gasped for needed breath, while holding her sore throat.

"Hmph, pathetic." Vegita was about to turn and leave when he remembered something.

"If you step down off the raised inner boundaries of this place, you will be flattened by the higher gravity." He knew she was intelligent, so he didn't go into detail. Bulma made no sign of acknowledgement since she was having a hard enough time dealing with his violent reaction. Vegita rose an arm in the air and took a whiff of his armpit. He tried not to laugh at the disgusted expression on the woman's face. Realizing that he smelled horrible and he was drenched in sweat, Vegita pulled the armor off one piece at a time. Bulma's eyes widened as each piece hit the floor. Surely he wouldn't...her thought was interrupted as Vegita stood clad in his dark blue boxers holding a pile of clothes. Quickly, Vegita threw the wet garments at Bulma, which hit her square in the stomach. She held them warily.

"There's your first job, woman. Get to work. AND I'm hungry, so have some food ready soon!" With that, the ouji left proudly sauntering out in his navy boxers and his head held high. As soon as the prince stepped into the hall, Bulma shook off the pile of wet clothes. How gross! After all that she said, he was still demanding her to do things for him. Her shoulders slumped as she realized that this was exactly how it had been when she had been a tech slave for Bardock the first time. Everyone ordered her around to do things. She hated being treated like a dog; like she had no importance in life. That was why she had been so delighted when Bardock had taken her in as a part of his science team. It gave her higher rank in society and people didn't treat her bad, or they would suffer. She frowned, now it was like being brought back to square one. Starting all over again. No, she wouldn't let the arrogant asshole of a prince steal her pride from her; she had a much higher viewpoint on life. It may not be the best life, being a slave, but she'd be damned if that was going to stop her! With a new sense of motivation, Bulma set to work, trying to get it done as fast as possible. If she got it over with, then she could move on to more constructive things. All she could do was comply, if she wanted to live. As she filled the basin with hot water, she thought of the future. What was going to happen when it was time to leave the temple? What were people going to think about her? When she walked out, all the saiyajins would see and hate her for contaminating their precious prince. She would probably be punished severely or have to endure a horrid torture. The entire kingdom would scorn her for what had happened. It was times like these that Bulma hated her vivid imagination. Where did she come up with this? Shaking her head, Bulma gulped down her thoughts of the future and concentrated on the task at hand; washing his royal bastard's clothes. This was better than death; she guessed.

* * * * *

***Emails will increase writing output by A LOT!!! Just thought I might give a little hint to you people.

Disclaimer: All characters from Dragonball Z belong to their respectable owners and I am in no way staking any claim to them or to the series itself. However, this fanfic also belongs to its respectable owners and I ask that you email one of us before posting it.

Table of Contents
Chapter 2
Chapter 4