Hello. Has it been a long enough wait? I can see you all are just peeing yourselves to see what happens next, right? Hey, who reads these things anyway?? Well, I’m glad you do!! I don’t know how this chapter will turn out, until I get to the bottom of the page. But hopefully it’ll pick up pace. * Sigh* I am utterly lost at how to bring those two together…

Oh yeah! Disclaimer: I don’t own DBZ, I never will own DBZ, and if I did Vegeta would be the star of the show and there’d be at least 8 children named after underwear running around. Isn’t it just a horrendous thought! But I do own Rae, Emi, and anyone else I decide to drop in the story. Also, if anyone’s thinking of using my plot or characters, you know, like almost the exact same thing I’m writing, Princess P. will get mad!! But no one’s stupid enough to do that, right? *Oh yeah and the name Panchii does NOT come from the name PAN. No offense, but I’m more of a Briefs person then a Son one. * Princess P-chan.




Monday at school.

"Nani yo? Why’s he crying for? I thought he’d be happy I broke up wit him!" Bulma said shocked. "So, you finally broke up with him?" Vegeta said trying to confirm what Bulma had said. "Yeah, I did, but now… He’s crying??" Bulma asked as she looked at Goku. "Yup. How’d you break up with him, though? I’ve got 1st period gym wit him. And he had it then. He told me Chichi gave him a note. I was pretty confused. I was like, ‘Why’s my girlfriend sending Yamucha notes.’ But it kind of makes sense now. The note was from you, right Bulma?" Goku asked. "Well, sort of." She answered as she glared at Chichi. Her friend just shrugged her shoulders. "But it was great. He just sat there and started whimpering like a little girl!" Vegeta laughed. Bulma glared at him, "Could you not be a jerk for once, Vegeta?" He was kind of sad that she was starting to be same old bitchy Bulma towards him, but then he smirked, "I’m good at it. Why should I change just for your approval?" he asked her defiantly. Goku and Chichi both sweat dropped as they saw Bulma’s eyes narrow as if she were ready to fight.

"Go to hell, Vegeta." She answered in a low voice. He smirked at her. " You’re always following after that piece of shit you call a boyfriend like a little dog. No wonder you can’t find another man!" Vegeta laughed at her. "I could find another man if I wanted to. And of course it’s not going to be you! You’re an inconsiderate, selfish, jerk. And I don’t know what was in my mind when I thought I liked you!" Bulma yelled in his face, then turned on her heel and stalked away. Vegeta blinked, he hadn’t expected her to say that.

Chichi gave a ‘you just blew it’ look to Vegeta and hurried after Bulma. Goku sighed in disappointment. "You know what, Vegeta? Sometimes you should just keep your big mouth shut." Goku said angrily. Vegeta turned around quickly and slammed Goku against a locker, holding him there by his shirt collar. Goku blinked in shock, it didn’t hurt, but he was still surprised that Vegeta had done that. "Just shut the fuck up, Kakarot!" Vegeta yelled, then dropped Goku and stalked out of the building. The secretary of the main office called out to Vegeta who walked past her. "Hey! You can’t leave the school building!" she yelled after him. "Shove it." He replied simply back to the secretary as he went through the doors. The lady’s face went red with anger. "Two weeks detention, for that one!" she yelled to no one in particular. Goku gulped as he straightened his shirt. He didn’t know what Vegeta would do. He wouldn’t come back for the rest of the day, well not since Bulma had told him off like that. Goku shook his head in exasperation. Chichi’s mission to get Bulma and Vegeta together wasn’t working as planned.

"Come on, Bulma! Just give it one more try. You don’t want to screw up in this relationship." Chichi said as she tried to coax Bulma out of the bathroom stall. "No way in hell am I going to ever leave this bathroom!" Bulma yelled back to Chichi. "Bulma…" Chichi started, but Bulma cut her off. "You were totally right. What did I see in him? Well except for the fact that I just love the way his nose is so cute and pointy like that. And I love the way his lips curve when he smirks at me. And I love his eyes. They’re so deep and penetrating. Oooh, and he’s the only boy other than Krillen and Goku that could really make me laugh… Waah! Now he must hate me! Why did I say those things to him?" Bulma wailed. Chichi winced at the high-pitched noise. Before Bulma was just sniffling, and Chichi didn’t think she’d start crying! This scene made Chichi remember when she used to be just like Bulma. Actually, Chichi used to just cry because she had nothing better to do. Well that is, until she met Goku, well started to date him that is. He was so adorable as a 7th grader…

The girls’ bathroom door slowly creaked open and Chichi’s head popped up out of her daydreams. She could tell that Bulma had heard it too, because she had stifled her sobs, momentarily. Tentatively, Juuhachi-gou slipped into the bathroom. "Hey, Juu-chan." Chichi greeted the blonde. Bulma sniffled, so 18 would know she was there, too. "Hey, B-chan. Goku told me that you were probably in here. But he wouldn’t tell me what happened. Are you okay?" 18 asked. Chichi smiled, the only people 18 ever showed real compassion to were her, Bulma and Krillen. "I don’t wanna talk about it!" Bulma yelled as she started crying again. 18 glanced at her wristwatch, "Well, we’ve officially cut class now. It started 8 minutes ago. So, since we have to stake out in here for another 37, why don’t one of you tell me what happened?" 18 asked.

"Bulma had a bad run in with Vegeta." Chichi said. 18’s eyebrows narrowed, "What’d he do to her?" she asked. "Oh, nothing, it’s more like what she said to him. You know, Bulma’s got a major crush on Vegeta." Chichi said with a grin on her face. Chichi heard Bulma stomp her foot in the stall. "You weren’t supposed to tell anyone that, Chichi!" Bulma said. "Heh, I guess I should have figured that one out for myself. I mean you did kiss him at the club last Saturday." 18 admitted. "Oooh, and he’s a good kisser to boot! I only kissed him once but already I know he’s better than Yamucha!" Bulma squealed. 18 and Chichi sweat dropped. "Well…that’s nice to know." 18 said as she looked at Chichi and mouthed ‘she’s lost it’. Bulma chose this time to emerge from her bathroom hideout. "Humph," she said as she looked over her tear stained face in the mirror, " I look horrible. Vegeta wouldn’t want me even if I apologized." "What’re you talking about? You’re the prettiest out of me and Chichi put together." 18 said. "Well, I beg to differ…" Chichi muttered angrily. Bulma smiled at 18, then turned back to the mirror. She pulled a comb and hair spray out of her purse and started to attend to her long lavender locks.

"Hey, what do you mean if you apologize to him?" Chichi said since the thought struck her. Bulma turned to Chichi with a nonchalant expression on her face. "Hey, what I said was true, ne? Yeah, he’s adorably cute, hot, sexy, and the guy of my dreams all at the same time, but I noticed something while I was in that stupid stall. How do I know that Vegeta isn’t exactly like Yamucha? We know for a fact that whenever he has a girl he just uses her and is done with her in a week. Two at the most. So, bein’ with him is no biggie." Bulma said as she turned back to the mirror. Chichi and 18 just stood behind her with dumb looks on their faces. "Uh… yeah. We’ll be outside. I mean in the hall way." Chichi said as she grabbed 18’s arm and dragged her out too. "Yeah, okay, whatever." Bulma said as she applied mascara to her long eyelashes.

Chichi leaned against the wall with her eyes close and her eyebrows furrowed. "I don’t know why some of her brains couldn’t go into relationship smarts. Sometimes she has these really drastic mood changes! I mean 10 minuets ago she was bawling about Vegeta not wanting her and about how she was sorry for what she said. Then she comes out and says, ‘Oh let’s just forget about Vegeta! No biggie.’ No biggie, my ass. When she heard that Vegeta was going to come with us to the club last Saturday she was totally excited and nearly freaked out. But then got all-nonchalant again as soon as she saw that I had noticed her reaction. Bulma’s good at frontin’ about something. She’s probably lying and is probably not ever going to get over this." Chichi concluded.

18 took a moment to absorb this, "Chichi, have you ever thought that maybe it’s good that she’s gonna get over Vegeta? I mean what she said, that he hasn’t gone steady with anyone ever since he started going out." "No! Bulma likes Vegeta, and Vegeta likes her! That’s all that matters." Chichi argued. "Humph, and why do you want Bulma and Vegeta to hook up, hmm? Is this another one of your missions for the year; to screw up more people’s lives?" 18 asked seriously. Chichi’s face went red either from anger or embarrassment, who could tell? "Juuhachi-gou! That’s not true! I hooked you and Krillen up and you two couldn’t be happier!" Chichi yelled. "Yeah, but you also hooked Bulma and Yamucha up, even though you knew he was a player. Even back in the 8th grade!" 18 laughed. ‘Why does everyone have to bring that up?’ Chichi asked herself. "This is different. Yamucha was just interested in Bulma because he liked her body and thought she’d be easy. But Vegeta, have you ever heard him say a single thing concerning Bulma’s looks? Well, in a perverse high school boy way?" Chichi questioned. "Well, he said a lot of stuff about you and me. And I don’t think he messed with Bulma because she was more a friend to him then you or me…" 18 said and Chichi happily cut her off, "And that’s how this secret crush formed! Vegeta’s probably been sweatin’ Bulma since they first became…uh…friends?" Chichi said, her argument slightly slowing down as she realized that Bulma and Vegeta weren’t exactly ‘friends’. "Like, duh, Chichi. You know they have a big blow out argument like once a month. And it’s like timed: Always on a Friday, always right outside our 8th period class. Isn’t that cute?" 18 asked Chichi. "Arrgh! 18 I need your help on this one." Chichi said as a sly smile formed on her small lips. "I’m gonna make this work, and I don’t care how many people I have to involve."

Vegeta was just walking around. This was one of the reasons he didn’t cut class. There was never anything to do in the meanwhile. He plopped down on a bench that was outside of the West Capital Park. He just let out a sigh. ‘Does this mean she doesn’t like me anymore?’ he asked himself miserably. ‘If she doesn’t I don’t know what I’ll do. I was lying to Kakarot. I’ve liked that baka onna ever since I met her in 8th grade’ Suddenly, he felt someone sitting next to him. He looked up and his eyes almost bugged out. Sitting next to him was his Brown haired green-eyed cousin, Emi.

"Funny finding you out here. It’s only 9:45." She said as she glanced at her watch, "Shouldn’t you be in school now?" "Shouldn’t you be in school now?" he asked her back. She raised her eyebrows slightly. "You know that I’m 23 and in college, little guy. Plus, I’m on my summer break already. You knew that also." She answered him with a warm smile on her face. "Don’t call me that." He growled at her. "Don’t call you what?" she asked innocently. "Don’t call me ‘little guy’. I’m not a kid." He said to her. "Ha ha!" she laughed, "Veggie-chan, you’re six years younger than me. You’ll always be a little guy in my eyes. And your current height doesn’t help the situation much!" "Go to hell." He replied. She frowned at him. "I’ve been gone for three years and look at how you turned out! I told obasan that you needed to spend some time in a boot camp or somethin’!" she laughed. He couldn’t help but chuckle, but then his face turned into a frown again.

"So what’s up little—uh I mean, Vegeta?" she asked. "Nuthin’" he responded. "Heh, yeah right. You look like you just broke up with your girlfriend. Or your cat just got run over by a car. You don’t have a cat right? Well, you didn’t have one last time I checked." She told him. "It’s sort of the first one…" he mumbled. "Oooh! Veggie-chan has a girlfriend! Is she pretty?" Emi asked excitedly. "She’s not my girlfriend! She’s a girl, that’s a friend." He replied. "Ohhhh, one of those situations." She said as she nodded her head. "One of those what situations?" he asked her confusedly. "The kinds where you fall head over heels for your best friend and you don’t know if she likes you back." Emi answered plainly. "She’s not my best friend." Vegeta said. "Who is your best friend, then?" she asked. "Kakarot." Vegeta replied. "Um… The tall one with the weird hair that sticks out in five different places?" she asked him. "Yeah." "Oh, well is this girl friends with Kakarot, too?" "Uh huh." Vegeta replied. "See! That’s like a more stretched out best friendship thingy! If she’s friends with him, and you’re friends with him then that sort of makes the two of you best friends since you have the same choice in people." Emi said quickly. "Huh? You’re losing me. Slow down." Vegeta said.

"Okay. How did she become friends with Kakarot? Wait! Hold up! What’s this chick’s name anyhow?" she asked him. "Bulma." Vegeta replied. "Bulma, the pretty one with the purple hair that was always hanging out with that black haired girl? What was that girl’s name again? Kiki?" Emi asked. "Her name’s Chichi and your description of Bulma was pretty much correct. But how do you know about Bulma and Chichi anyway. I know for a fact that I never brought those two over." Vegeta asked his cousin. "Oh, well I remember a picture that you had in your room. You told me that Bulma’s mom had taken the picture and had given copies of it to your whole little group. The funniest thing about that picture that I remember was that the guy in the middle, he was standing next to Bulma, had devil’s ears and red marker all over his face! Kakarot had a leash drawn on him and the little bald one was colored green, like a frog. Vegeta you are such a destructive kid!" Emi laughed.

"The guy with the devil’s ears is her boyfriend. Well he was." " Oh, Really? Well, back to this Bulma business. Did you like her while she was dating her boyfriend?" she asked him. "Well, sort of. But it was all her fault! She kissed me first!" Vegeta protested. "Nani?! Kissed?? I thought you said you two were just friends!" Emi asked, surprised. "Well, it’s like this, Kakarot and his bitch were trying to hook up me and Bulma. We were at a dance club and started dancing. But then her boyfriend popped up," he said as he smirked. "Heh, and was he ever pissed. I had to get the baka onna a drink, and her retard of a boyfriend started messing with me. I swear, I would of kicked his ass if Kakarot didn’t hold me back…" he said as he trailed off. "Oh, so you’re a regular bad boy, eh?" Emi asked as she laughed. "Shut up and stop mocking me." Vegeta said as he glared at her, and she stopped laughing. "You know, you’re no help at all. Why don’t you go back to campus or something." He told her. Emi pouted, "Gosh, you’ve gotten mean, Veggie-chan." She commented. "And you need to grow up." He responded.

They sat in uncomfortable silence for few moments when Emi finally spoke up. "I have an idea!" she said happily. Vegeta raised an eyebrow, "Wut?" he asked her. "I can solve your little "crush" problem. In a simple, revolutionary way." She announced. "And what is that?" Vegeta asked her. "Here it goes. Why don’t you just tell her…" she trailed off. "Tell her what?" he asked. "Tell her that you like her! No, tell her that you’re madly in love with her! And that you think about her all of the time. Isn’t that a good idea, cousin?" she asked. Vegeta sweat dropped, "Woman, I don’t know how you’re related to me. That’s the stupidest idea I ever heard." Vegeta laughed. "Humph. Well, that girl won’t like you if you use ‘woman’ as a pronoun. What ever happened to calling me oneechan?" she asked, sounding slightly offended. "Humph." Vegeta responded. "So… What are we going to do about you and Bulma?" she asked as she smirked at him. "We aren’t going to be doing anything about this. I’ll handle it myself. And I hope you’re going home." Vegeta said. "Nah. My dad and me had a fight and your mom said it was okay if I stayed at your house. For the entire summer. So I guess, I will take part in this Bulma situation." She said as she smirked at him. "Aw, Fuck." He said angrily. "It’s not that bad, is it, Veggie-chan? Come on and I’ll go get you an ice cream." She said. He growled but followed her to her car anyway.

* * * * *

Hi ya’ll. Here’s the problem. I’m sooooooooo sorry that it took so long to get this chapter out, but there seems to always be a prob wit my computer. Remember I said that my 3 ½ floppy drive didn’t work. Well I come home on Thursday of last week and find that my computer is gone. Shipped back to Texas! So we didn’t get it back until this week Friday. And the entire chapter 8 was deleted. So I’m sorry, and I know it’s short, but it’s 11:22 p.m. and I haven’t slept in awhile. So, I want feedback. Thanks, Princess Panchii-chan.

Table of Contents
Chapter 7
Chapter 9