Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ. Haven’t you ever seen the words Akira Toriyama during the credit roll… That dude owns it, not me. So… why should you sue?? u.u *sigh* It’s not that hard to understand, is it?? Ok, go read!

Ok, this installment will be relatively a quickie (if I can ever do anything ‘quickly’ you’d be lucky…) this is just basically a continuation of where I left off in the first part of this chapter. And really, maybe it was dumb of me to split a part into two but I was basically just doing it so you guys would not become an angry mob!! >.< It’s scary just to think about. All right, please read, and remember: Any comments or questions just send to me at my new e-mail address {cinnabunny@msn.com } thanks lots!!!



When hunger hits…

Chichi panted as she climbed yet another hill with Bulma and 18.

"Ok. One hill’s child’s play, two is okay, three even four I could handle but finding eight hills is just idiotic!" Chichi lamented.

Bulma sighed. "Yeah, this is kind of strange. It feels like we’ve been walking around for hours…" She commented as she looked around at the dense forest on one side of them and the barren landscape on the other. They would pass a cabin every now and then and that was all that told them they were still on the campgrounds.

"Maybe we’re lost…" 18 suggested.

"No," Bulma stated as she stopped and scanned the area again.

"It didn’t seem so long when we were coming here, but I remember walking by here on our way to our cabin. And I know we’ve passed all the visitor cabins so the counselor’s cabins and the recreation hall must be somewhere close." Bulma said.

"Great. When did you become a compass? See? I knew we should have just stayed at the cabin and ordered in or at least waited for other people to go wandering around outside." Chichi grumbled.

"You know what? There may be some weird mass murderer out here! Like some strange cannibal that only likes to skin and eat pretty girls like us!!" Chichi said breathlessly as her eyes widened in fear.

Bulma rolled her eyes then glanced at 18.

"What do you call her form of delirium??" Bulma asked.

18 smiled slightly.

"All right. Let’s just keep following this path and hopefully we’ll end up at the mess hall because now I’m famished." 18 said irritably.

"I agree. And we’ll leave Chichi in the forest with the cannibals!" Bulma laughed as she raced ahead with 18 in close pursuit.

"No!!! Don’t leave me here!! Waaah!" Chichi cried out as she raced after her friends.

Rae looked around the tree she had been hiding behind and watched the three girls dash away.

"Ok, let’s see how they get out of this mess. What a ditzy bunch, they can’t even navigate around the place." Rae grumbled angrily to herself as she started to pursue them.

‘It’s too hot out here… and my hair’s going limp. By the time I get back to civilization I’ll look hideous.’ Rae commented to herself.

"This is all Bulma’s fault!"


Vegeta, Goku, and Krillin walked into the mess hall with big grins on their faces. It was empty except for one counselor and two students.

"The less people the more food!" Vegeta rejoiced.

"Heh heh! I do agree." Goku said as he ran over to the serving line.

Krillin sighed. "Their appetites are so odd." Krillin commented as he watched them observe the buffet with pleasure.

"Wow, for a place with no electricity and T.V. they sure do make up for it in food!" Goku said loudly.

The serving woman regarded him warily.

"Well, it’s open for you to take anything you want." She said and immediately regretted it when she saw both Goku and Vegeta’s faces brighten.

Goku and Vegeta piled three plates, each, high with food and had trouble bringing it to the table. Krillin was laughing his ass off the whole time. When Goku finally got his plates on the table he didn’t even stop to sit down.

"Come on Vegeta." Goku said when Vegeta was about to sit down.

"What Kakarot?" Vegeta asked.

"We need dessert don’t we?" Goku asked.

"After we eat, Kakarot." Vegeta sighed.

Goku pouted. "Well, what about drinks?" he asked.

Vegeta rolled his eyes. "Sure, I guess." He stated as he got up and followed Goku to the soda machine.

Krillin, seeing how it was safe now, got up to go to the food line while Goku and Vegeta were distracted.

"Vegeta what are you drinking?" Goku asked as he scanned the numerous selections of juices and soft drinks.

"What does it matter?" Vegeta asked as he did the same.

"I dunno. It’s so hard to choose." Goku whined.

"Well, drink your first drink real fast, and then keep coming back for different types." Vegeta suggested.

"Good idea. Well then I guess I’ll have a Sprite." Goku said as he retrieved a large 20oz cup from the cup holder.

"Dr. Pepper for me." Vegeta said. (^-^ *giggles* My favorite soda!!!!)

"Hmm…" Krillin said as he walked up behind them.

"I think I’d rather have orange soda." Krillin said as he shrugged.

Goku and Vegeta looked down at Krillin’s single plate.

"That’s all you’re eating, Krillin??" Goku asked.

"Unlike you two I don’t need to consume pounds of food to keep me going." Krillin sighed as he got himself an orange soda.

Goku and Vegeta laughed as they went back to their table.

The three boys were happily stuffing their faces when they heard the mess hall doors open.

Vegeta glanced up nonchalantly because he really didn’t care who came in. His eyebrow rose, though, when he figured out who it was.

He swallowed then nudged Goku.

"Huh, what, Vegeta?" Goku asked around the food in his stuffed mouth.

Vegeta looked at Goku in disgust, and then shook his head.

"Look who just walked in." Vegeta stated then took a swig of his soda.

"Hey, it’s Yamucha." Krillin pointed out as he watched Yamucha make a beeline for the serving line.

"Exactly. So, I guess we didn’t lose him in the wilderness after all. It’s too bad." Vegeta said.

Goku snickered.

"But, why don’t you like Yamucha anyway… I mean besides the fact that you were crushing on Bulma while Yamucha was with her." Goku stated.

Vegeta smacked him in the back of his head.

He did not want the whole world to know that he had had feelings for Bulma even before he had asked her out.

Krillin gave the two a skeptical look.

Goku was rubbing his head and Vegeta was staring daggers at him.

"What’d you do that for?!" Goku asked.

Vegeta gave him a look and it was obvious that a light bulb had flickered on in Goku’s head.

"Ohhhhhhhhh!" Goku said in realization.

"Gomen ne!" Goku apologized as he put his hand behind his head and laughed stupidly.

Vegeta’s frown deepened.

"Look Krillin, you can’t go around telling people about this. It’ll make Vegeta look bad." Goku said to Krillin.

Krillin laughed and shrugged.

"Sure, Goku, whatever you say." Krillin replied.

"Anyway… What was I asking you?" Goku asked Vegeta.

"You were asking him why he didn’t like Yamucha." Krillin said as he took a bite out of his pepperoni pizza.

"Um… well, there’s just something that makes him unlikable." Vegeta stated as he watched Yamucha go through the line.

"Like what?" Goku asked.

"I don’t think he’s so bad. A little bit on the dumb side and he can be insensitive and a jerk at times but he’s okay." Goku said.

"To hear you call someone dumb is irony, Kakarot." Vegeta stated.

"Is what? What does that mean??" Goku asked.

Krillin snickered.

"Oh come on! Stop making fun of me!" Goku said.

Vegeta laughed. "Ok sure, Kakarot."

The next thing they new they saw someone sit at their table.

Yamucha slapped a hand on Goku’s back.

"Hey Goku, Krillin… um… Vegeta." He said as he finally took notice of him.

Vegeta grumbled something obscene yet indiscernible under his breath as he got up to go throw away his food. His appetite was gone.

"Sheesh. I didn’t know Vegeta was here." Yamucha grumbled.

"It is NOT a good idea for you to just waltz up to us like that, Yamucha. You know how it is now," Krillin said as he pulled the mini ‘rule book’ from his pocket.

"It is a stated fact that after the allotted time period given to you for your chance at re-entry into the association was up that you could not really associate with us because in the terms of ‘the people’ you are a traitor." Krillin read.

(Of course Bulma wrote that lengthy definition. ~.~)

"This statement was agreed on by all members. It even has your name." Krillin stated.

Yamucha grumbled.

"Well, does that mean I can’t even talk to you guys?" Yamucha asked.

"The thing is that we know you are conspiring against Bulma. And that is a absolutely relevant cause to accuse you of treachery, therefore association with you, in Bulma, 18 and Chichi’s terms, would be treachery toward them. So, you see, it’s a choice we’re making. Either lose all our other friends or keep you. And you haven’t been real good to the clique, ya know." Krillin sighed.

Yamucha sighed also.

Goku looked at the two sadly.

"I’m sorry Yamucha… even though I really don’t have any sort of thing where I’d wish death upon you, you really aren’t making it good on yourself. There was the Rae thing and now you’re hanging out with Shelly. What’s going on?" Goku asked.

Yamucha narrowed his eyes as he stood up.

"Nothing’s ‘going on’." Yamucha growled.

Suddenly Yamucha lurched forward. His head was being pinned to the table by Vegeta.

"Why don’t you sit down?" Vegeta asked.

"I think… we need to have a ‘talk’." Vegeta growled.


"Ooh! Yeah! There’s the mess hall! Oh, I knew I could count on you B-chan!" Chichi squealed as she ran down the hill towards the mess hall.

Bulma and 18 laughed.

"Come on, let’s follow her, before she gets all the food." 18 said as she raced after Chichi.

Bulma was about to follow when she heard a twig snap.

Bulma whipped her head around and caught site of something streak through the trees.

‘What?’ she asked herself.

She saw it again yet it was clearer.

‘Black hair, pink tank, and white shorts. Rae.’ Bulma concluded.

"What are you sneaking around here for??" Bulma asked with an irritated sigh.

She heard Rae curse.


Rae said as she stepped out from behind a bush.

"You finally got a clue?"

Bulma put on a mocking smirk.

"Very funny. Still, you haven’t answered my question! What the hell are you doing following us??" Bulma said angrily.

"I want to be informed as to what is going on. Since I know everything flies right over you three’s heads I thought that if I kept An extra eye out, I could gather some info." Rae said as she kicked at the dirt.

"Hey! Bulma where are you??" Bulma heard Chichi call from the bottom of the hill.

"Hey, you two, come up here. We’ve got company!" Bulma informed.

Rae frowned.

"Yeah, just tell the whole world, why don’t you." Rae said.

Bulma turned towards the girl.

"Please explain to me your passion. I mean, what drives you to want to screw with my life?" Bulma asked her.

"Hey, you’re life isn’t important. I just want to get my Yamucha back." Rae snarled.

Chichi and 18, by this time, had made their way back up the hill.

"Whoa." Chichi said, surprised.

"Yeah, I agree. What are you doing here, Rae?" 18 asked.

Rae chose to ignore the two new comers.

"So, now that you know I‘m here. Can we go to the mess hall?? I am absolutely starving!" Rae protested. Bulma sneered at her.

"I should have just let you sneak around in the forest. You can come with. Just… make sure you stay very far away." Bulma told her as she turned around and started walking.

Rae mocked Bulma by mouthing what she had just said silently.

"And do you think we didn’t see that? Oh grow up, Rae!" Chichi sighed.

Rae frowned as she stuffed her hands in her pockets and followed the three girls.


"Shit! What is your problem???" Yamucha yelled.

Vegeta had his hand holding down Yamucha’s head with a painful amount of pressure and was increasing it as time went by.

Goku and Krillin had stood up when Yamucha had hit the table. They watched as Yamucha waved his arms in an attempt to break free of Vegeta’s hold. Even the arm with the broken hand tried its best to flap.

"Vegeta what are you doing?? Let him go!" Goku said.

"No, if he doesn’t talk I’ll kill him!" Vegeta threatened.

"Y-you’re freaking crazy, you know that!?" Yamucha said in anger.

"No I’m not. I just hate you. Hate means you have a murderous intent towards someone and I have that towards you." Vegeta said calmly.

Yamucha swallowed nervously.

"W-what do you w-want?" he asked.

"How the hell do you know Shelly?" Vegeta asked.

"How do you know Shelly?" Yamucha asked back.

Vegeta increased the pressure on his head.

Yamucha screamed in pain.

"God, you asshole! Get off of me!" Yamucha said as he kicked outwards catching Vegeta off guard and throwing him back.

Vegeta laughed as he got up off the floor.

Yamucha and Vegeta sized each other up. They got into their fighting stances.

"Heh, it’s like déjà vu. Except this time there’s no Bulma around to stop me from kicking your ass." Vegeta laughed.

"Oh, and I suppose the reason she isn’t here is because you kissed another girl right in front of her!" Yamucha laughed back.

Vegeta narrowed his eyebrows.

"Ooooooh! Yamucha shouldn’t have brought that up!" Goku said as he smacked his own forehead.

"So, do you think something will intervene between this fight??" Krillin asked Goku as the two of them watched Yamucha and Vegeta square off impassively.

"Nah… but the girls usually have a way of always showing up at the best times." Goku said.

"Yeah, they’re great like that." Krillin sighed.

Goku laughed.

"What?" Krillin asked.

"You know Yamucha can barely fight, right? I mean, sure, if someone attacked him he can fend for himself but Vegeta knows karate and street fighting and he trains every day!" Goku pointed out.

Krillin giggled.

"I’d like to see how long Yamucha can hold up, then!" Krillin stated.

"Yeah, but I wonder why Vegeta is so mad?" Goku asked.

"I don’t know. Why’d he choose to start with Yamucha like this? If Yamucha gets seriously beat up on and Mr. P. notices, Vegeta will get demerits for sure!" Krillin said.

Goku sighed. "Yeah I know."

"You dumb bastard." Vegeta growled.

Yamucha smirked as he rolled his head from side to side, trying to remove the kinks from his neck.

"I’ve been waiting so long to do this." He laughed.

"Oh, really?" Vegeta asked with his eyebrow raised and a smirk. (<--sexy!! ^-^)

"And how much can you do with one hand? You weren’t good to begin with. Now you’ll just plain out suck."

Yamucha clenched his teeth and charged at Vegeta. Vegeta tripped him and then picked him up by his collar. He smirked again and then threw Yamucha onto the lunch table. Krillin and Goku winced at the loud sound Yamucha’s body hitting the wood made.

"Aww man, with Vegeta making all this noise it won’t be a private fight for long." Krillin stated.

"Yeah, really." Goku agreed.

Vegeta started to punch Yamucha in the face and stomach while laughing the whole time.

Yamucha kicked out catching Vegeta off guard and hitting him in the knees. Vegeta stumbled back in surprise and Yamucha took advantage of the situation as he shot up off the table and started swinging his fists at Vegeta.

Vegeta managed to dodge most of them but one solid punch connected with his cheek. But, it not only hurt him. Yamucha had used his still recovering hand and had had to bite down on his cheek to stop himself from screaming out in pain.

Vegeta laughed as he realized Yamucha’s mistake.

Then he frowned as he rubbed at his sore cheek.

"You little bitch." He said to Yamucha.

"That was a lucky shot, and it won’t happen again."

Vegeta rammed his knee into Yamucha’s stomach and then as Yamucha was falling to the floor Vegeta clasped his hands together and knocked him in the back of his head.

Krillin and Goku winced as Yamucha hit the ground hard.

"Whoa." Krillin said.

"Is he really trying to kill him??"

Yamucha got up quickly, which surprised the three boys.

Yamucha shook his head to clear it then charged Vegeta again, this time opting to use a different strategy. As he punched Vegeta he then switched to ramming his knee into Vegeta’s face. Vegeta fell.

"How did you like the favor returned?" Yamucha asked as he looked down at Vegeta mockingly.

"No, big mistake." Goku stated as he watched the fight. "DO NOT mock Vegeta. That’s a big No no, if ya ever fight him Krillin." Goku informed.

"Oh, I won’t, I promise." Krillin gulped out.

Vegeta angrily kicked his feet out tripping Yamucha. Vegeta was on his feet before Yamucha touched the ground. He caught Yamucha by the collar and it looked like his purpose was to choke him.

Vegeta did an evil smirk as Yamucha focused on him.

"Did you enjoy your ‘trip’?" Vegeta asked.

Yamucha sneered at him.

Vegeta then slammed Yamucha’s head into the table.

Krillin and Goku winced again.

"That had to hurt." Goku stated.

"Ya think?" Krillin asked sarcastically.

They watched as Yamucha slid off the table leading a bloody trail.

"Uh, maybe you should stop now Vegeta. He can’t win." Goku informed.

"Yeah, whatever, Kakarot." Vegeta growled as he kicked Yamucha hard.

"I’m not through yet."

Vegeta picked Yamucha back up again, by the hair this time, and commenced to continue slamming Yamucha’s head against the table.

Chichi, 18, Bulma and Rae came in at this moment. They hadn’t made a sound when they had entered so the fight was uninterrupted. Bulma took one look at the scene and was hit with shock. She screamed.

All four boys looked at the four girls standing near the doors.

"Oh my god! Vegeta! Yamucha! What the hell are you doing??? Goku, Krillin, how could you just stand there and let them do this!" Bulma angrily said as she stomped over to the boys.

The other three girls approached more slowly.

"Shit… He fucked him up… Look at his face…" 18 commented as she looked at Yamucha.

Rae let out a pained squeal as she ran to Yamucha’s side.

"Why are you so immature??" Bulma yelled at Vegeta.

Vegeta frowned yet said nothing.

18, Chichi, Goku, and Krillin noticed that Bulma had over looked the fact that she and Vegeta weren’t speaking at the moment.

"Ugh." Yamucha groaned as he stood up. Rae rushed to help him stand up.

"And this time I didn’t do anything to him!" he complained.

Bulma narrowed her eyes at the beat up Yamucha and turned to look at Vegeta.

"Arrgh! Why do I even put up with you! You’re just like a little kid!" Bulma said as she turned on her heel and stalked towards the lunch line.

She then stopped and turned around.

"Well? Chichi, 18? Are you coming?? And, Vegeta, I’ll deal with you later." Bulma said as she continued walking.

18 and Chichi exchanged a glance and then followed Bulma.

"Well… it seems Bulma has forgotten about the incident on the bus…" Goku pointed out.

"Yeah, but now she’s mad at him for fighting… again." Krillin stated.

Goku laughed but stopped when he got an angry look from Vegeta.

"Damn, Rae, you’re the only one I can really count on." Yamucha said as he leaned on her shoulder.

Rae beamed.

"Well, Yamucha, I do as much as I can." She replied.

"Ooh, look at your nose. It’s bleeding pretty bad." Rae pointed out.

"Oh, really. I wouldn’t know because I can’t feel my face!" Yamucha said angrily as he and Rae started to leave.

"Oh, do you think it could be broken?" Rae asked.

"It had better not be! Cuz if it is Vegeta’s dead!" Yamucha swore.

"Yeah… ok sure!" Vegeta said as they watched Yamucha leave.

On the lunch line…

"I cannot believe him! He insists on showcasing his strength and ego to anyone else with a testosterone level that might just rival his!" Bulma angrily growled.

Chichi and 18 laughed.

"Well, at least it seems that you forgot about the whole ‘Shelly kissing Vegeta on the bus thing’." Chichi said before she had a time to stop herself.

Bulma whipped around with wide eyes and 18 smacked herself on the forehead.

Bulma turned her back to her two friends and bit down on her lip to stop herself from spouting tears.

"Oh, gosh Bulma, I am so sorry for bringing that up…" Chichi said as she placed her hand on Bulma’s shoulder.

Bulma shrugged it off.

"Why should it not be brought up?? The little dork wad didn’t even apologize to me yet. It’s not like he cares, right?" Bulma said as she raised her voice so that a certain person could hear her.

"It’s not like he cares if he hurt my feelings terribly and if I burst into tears right now!!" Bulma yelled.

Vegeta turned from his conversation with Goku and Krillin and raised an eyebrow at Bulma.

She turned around and he did the same, too.

"You have to apologize to her now! She looks real angry, not like sad anymore, just majorly pissed at you." Goku told Vegeta.

"Yeah, you do not want an angry woman. Bulma’s worse than Juuhachi is when she’s angry." Krillin said.

Vegeta just let out an indifferent ‘humph’.

Goku rolled his eyes.

"You are so stubborn." Goku said angrily.

"I’m going to do it." Vegeta sighed.

"When?" Goku asked, obviously not believing him.

"Now… soon, after she’s alone. When I can get her alone. I’ll ask her to come outside with me and then I’ll apologize." Vegeta said.

Krillin smirked.

"Whatever. I’d be surprised if you even talk to her. You’re obviously still mad about that thing you two were fighting about on the bus." Krillin said.

"Yeah, what was that about?" Goku asked.

"It was stupid." Vegeta said as he rolled his eyes.

"Well, look, Bulma’s out of the line now. What are you going to do?" Goku asked as he pointed to the three girls.

"When she’s done…" Vegeta said.

"Whoa, Bulma, Vegeta’s looking at you funny. I wonder what he’s thinking?" Chichi said as she ate some of her salad.

"Well, he had better be compiling some madd long apology in his head." 18 said.

Bulma didn’t say anything as she continued to eat.

18 and Chichi exchanged a look.

"Bulma?" 18 asked.

"Where did Rae and Yamucha go? If Rae was just starving why did she immediately run to Yamucha’s aid instead of attacking the food? She’s such a traitor." Bulma grumbled as she balled her hands into fists.

"And Vegeta’s a prick, Goku’s an idiot, Krillin’s a dork, Shelly’s a whore and Yamucha’s an ass!" Bulma continued.

"Hey!" Chichi and 18 protested, referring to what Bulma had said about their boyfriends.

Bulma looked up as if she had just realized what she said.

"Oh… I’m so sorry… I’m just so angry right now! I can’t believe that dumbass didn’t apologize to me yet!" Bulma whined.

She sipped her soda and stared at Vegeta.

"Are you trying to burn holes into his back?" Chichi whispered after Bulma had been staring for a while.

"I’m trying to will him into submission so he’ll come over here and confess his undying love to me." Bulma said as she forked her eyebrows in concentration.

18 and Chichi laughed.

"You can’t do that!" Chichi exclaimed.

"Yeah, even if you did have some weird psychic powers Vegeta would die before being ruled by a woman." 18 said as she bit into a breadstick.

Bulma laughed.

"Well whatever…" she sighed as she looked down.

She was finishing her salad when she was slapped on the back by Chichi.

"Oi! Are you trying to make me choke!?" Bulma asked.

"Shh shh." Chichi said as she tried to shut Bulma up.

"Whoa… It looks like your freaky psychic stuff is actually working! Vegeta’s coming over here Right Now!!" 18 squealed.

Bulma looked up and sure enough Vegeta was walking over to the table she was sitting at.

She felt the familiar increase in heart rate whenever he was around return full blast.

She sucked in a deep breath of air.

"Oooh! He’s coming to confess his undying love, Bulma! Ooh!" 18 teased.

"Yes, he’s going to drop to your feet and do whatever you want because he loves to please you Bulma!" Chichi said as she fluttered her eyelashes.

Bulma frowned as 18 and Chichi burst out in laughter.

Vegeta had reached their table and 18 and Chichi weren’t even aware of it. He sneered at the two girls. He sat down next to Bulma and just stared at her. Bulma stared back at him.

"Ha ha! Yeah, I can just see Vegeta kissing Bulma’s feet!" 18 laughed with her eyes squeezed tightly shut.

"Yeah! Hee hee and he’ll be like Romeo and read her poetry and crap!" Chichi giggled.

Chichi was still laughing when she wiped the tears from her eyes and focused on the scene before her.

She blinked to clear her vision and almost passed out when she saw Vegeta glaring at her and Bulma giving her a smug look.

"Hee hee! It’d be madd funny to see the vegetable head in tights with a harp and stuff!" 18 said as she continued.

Chichi nudged her to keep her quiet.

18 blinked and turned her slanted blue eyes to the couple that sat before her.

"Oh! Shit…" she mumbled.

Vegeta growled but then turned to Bulma who looked very much amused.

He tapped her on the shoulder and whispered something in her ear.

Chichi and 18 tried to slide closer to hear him but Bulma kicked them under the table. They sighed unhappily as they waited for Vegeta to finish.

Bulma looked impassive as Vegeta talked to her but then she asked him a question about something he had said to her.

"So is that more important than me?" she asked.

Chichi and 18 exchanged a glance.

‘What does that mean?’ Chichi whispered.

He seemed to get upset at Bulma’s question than told her something else.

Chichi and 18 were at the edges of their seats. Wanting to decipher as much of the conversation as possible.

Bulma stuck her nose in the air angrily.

She had said, "Why would I want to know that?"

Than Vegeta looked kind of angry as he explained something to her.

18 and Chichi were very upset that they were missing out on the private conversation but they watched in humor as Bulma let a flattered little smile and a blush pass over her features.

She gave Vegeta a look.

"Is that ok?" Vegeta asked as he stopped whispering and smirked at her.

Bulma was grinning like a girl in love when she finally remembered herself. She narrowed her eyes at him and looked away.

"I’m still mad at you." She stated simply.

His smirk didn’t leave his face.

"Whatever. Will you come though, so that I can make it up to you?" Vegeta asked.

Bulma sighed as she blushed again.

"Maybe." She replied.

"Whatever." Vegeta said as he pecked her lightly on the cheek.

Bulma could feel the blood rush to her face as he got up and left.

Chichi and 18 whistled as Vegeta walked by.

"What did he say?? What did he say?? Tell us! Tell us!" Chichi and 18 chanted.

Vegeta smirked and shook his head as he walked back to Goku and Krillin.

Bulma watched him dreamily.

"Aww… she’s all in love with him all over again…" 18 cooed.

"Yeah… that’s so sweet. Now tell what he said, please, please, please??" Chichi asked in a whiny voice.

"No…" Bulma said as she placed her head in her hands.

Chichi and 18 could see she was blushing again.

"Gosh, having all that blood rush to your head can’t be good for you." 18 said as she sipped at her Sprite.

Bulma gave 18 a ‘look’.

"Well… maybe I could tell a little." Bulma said as she remembered what Vegeta had said to her.

~Convo.~ (I bet you guys were thinking I wouldn’t tell you!! ^-^ I’m not that evil!)

‘I apologize. Sort of, for what I did to you.’ Vegeta had whispered to her.

Bulma’s mind was screaming ‘Sort of?? What the hell does he mean by that??’

‘I don’t know what made me act like that, but you know that I just can’t let anything happen to my pride. It’s the strongest thing I have and when you had done all that stuff when we were fighting I just didn’t feel like having anything else chopping away at my pride.’

"So is that more important than me?" she had asked aloud.

Vegeta had growled angrily.

‘Don’t be stupid of course it’s not. I just wanted to tell you that that’s why I acted like a jerk… and about Shelly. She was my old girlfriend and we were like that with each other. But she didn’t have any right to do that because we were over for a long time. I’ll tell you about it later, not with your two henchwomen around.’ Vegeta said.

"Why would I want to know that?" she had asked impatiently.

She was pretty sure Vegeta could feel her anger.

‘Don’t get so jealous Onna. Like she’s anything compared to you? See, I am sure I told her that I had a girlfriend and I broke up with her after my feelings for you got too strong for me to be with another woman. You’re much prettier and smarter so there wasn’t much of a choice to make right?’ He asked her as he brushed back a stray strand of lavender hair from her face.

That statement made Bulma smile.

She knew that Vegeta really hated admitting feelings to anyone and that he would tell her that he liked her before then flattered her. (Of course she knew this from Tama-gi but Vegeta had never said so himself.)

‘I don’t want to tell my whole life story to you now. Those wenches are practically drooling to get their fangs on juicy gossip. Can you meet me some time around nine? You know for the campfire so I can really apologize? I mean, it’s not like we’ll have anything to do there.’ He said.

Bulma gave him a skeptical yet curious look.

"Is that ok?" he asked as he smirked at her.

~End convo.~

"Well… are you going to stay in La-la land??" Chichi asked angrily. Bulma was about to respond when she saw the cafeteria doors swing open.

An angry Mr. Piccalurius stormed in, followed by Rae and Shelly.

Bulma did a double take.

‘What a weird assortment…’ she thought.

Chichi and 18 couldn’t believe it either.

"Vegeta!!" Mr. Piccalurius yelled.

All the girls whipped their heads over to where Vegeta was standing.

He looked curious yet unfazed at his teacher’s outburst.

"What the hell is wrong with you brat??" Mr. P. screeched as he clomped over to Vegeta.

"What’s your complaint?" Vegeta asked.

"Were you fighting again with Yamucha???" Mr. Piccalurius asked accusingly.

Shelly looked nervous and Rae looked smug.

"It wasn’t exactly fighting if he didn’t fight back, right?" Vegeta asked.

Mr. P. angrily slammed his hand on the table.

"You’re coming with me right now! AND you get ten demerits!" Mr. Piccalurius yelled.

Vegeta frowned but followed Mr. Piccalurius out of the mess hall.

Krillin and Goku made their way over to the girls’ table while Shelly and Rae went to the lunch line.

"Why are you so clingy and friendly all of a sudden?" Shelly asked the curly haired girl.

Rae smirked.

"Well, we are both interested in Yamucha and I thought why can’t we just be friends??" Rae asked.

Shelly raised an eyebrow at Rae.

"What? You think I have a thing for that spiteful dork Yamucha?? Really? I have a better male in mind." Shelly sighed as she tossed her lush green hair over her shoulder.

Rae frowned.

"So… you aren’t interested in Yamucha?" Rae asked as she picked up an apple.

Shelly frowned.

"Didn’t I just say that? Really, you little kids can be so annoying sometimes!" Shelly said as she tried to shoo Rae away.

Rae’s frown deepened.

"Well if us ‘kids’ are so annoying why are you so interested in Vegeta, huh? Are you some kind of pedophile?" Rae asked.

Shelly sneered.

"Whatever. Shoo shoo, go away now." She said.

"I just wanted to know. If you don’t like Yamucha why are you two suddenly friends?" Rae asked.

Shelly smirked.

"Why, there’s something in it for the both of us." Shelly informed.

"Like what?" Rae asked curiously. She hoped her detective skills would make this an easy thing to decipher. Then she could sit back and watch Yamucha’s devilish plan unfold. She knew it had to be something to affect Bulma and Vegeta and she would love to see them miserable.

Shelly was too busy reading the menu to listen to Rae’s question.

"What about chicken salad? Does that sound good?" Shelly asked herself.

"Uh… did you hear me? I asked what kind of things are you and Yamucha going to gain from this." Rae said.

Shelly looked at Rae oddly then laughed.

"Now why would I tell you that??" she asked in genuine amusement.

"Fine. Whatever, bitch." Rae muttered as she balled her hands up into fists and stomped out of the cafeteria.

"I wonder what got Rae so mad?" Krillin asked as he watched her leave.

"It doesn’t matter. She’s a back stabber. She had told me, Chichi, and Juuhachi that she was going to try and help us figure out what Shelly and Yamucha are planning, as strange as it sounds, and next thing you know she’s acting all buddy-buddy with the evil ‘ex’." Bulma grumbled as she ground her teeth together.

Chichi rolled her eyes.

"Anger management, Bulma dear." She informed.

Bulma sighed. She took a long sip from her soda and everyone was quiet for a while.

18 and Chichi seemed to be indecisive about something and Krillin and Goku just seemed to be bored.

"Are you ever going to tell us what Vegeta said??" Chichi said finally not being able to hold in what both her and 18 had been thinking.

"Yeah," Goku said.

"What did Vegeta say??"

~Shelly listened carefully to the conversation.

‘What? Vegeta is talking to her again?? They’re together again?? I can’t believe this! Now how will my plan work??’ she asked herself.

"No fair. I have to tell Yamucha about this." She grumbled as she picked up a chicken sandwich and walked out.~

Bulma laughed nervously.

"Really… I shouldn’t tell you… especially not you two." Bulma said as she looked at Goku and Krillin.

"But I suppose I could tell you guys about it later after the campfire." Bulma said, this time referring to 18 and Chichi.

"Yeah! We get to know! We get to know!" Chichi and 18 sang.

"No fair." Goku said as he pouted.

"Don’t fuss. Why don’t you just ask Vegeta yourselves? I mean, you are sharing a cabin with him." Bulma suggested.

"Nah, Vegeta would never tell us anything." Krillin told her.

Bulma giggled.

"I wouldn’t disagree. But if you can somehow trick him into bragging about it I bet he would." Bulma hinted.

Krillin and Goku shrugged at this.

"I suppose it couldn’t hurt…" Goku said.

Bulma smiled.

"Ok, so what do we do? It’s only about quarter to six. We still have time to kill before the campfire." Chichi said as she looked at her watch.

"Um… We can try a workshop." Bulma suggested.

"Or go swimming in the lake." Krillin said.

"Or suntan." Bulma said.

"Or swimming in the lake." Krillin repeated but now with Goku joining in.

"We could hike." She said.

"Or go swim." Chichi, Krillin and Goku chorused.

"We can try volleyball." Bulma said, now getting frustrated at them for not liking her ideas.

"Swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming!" Chichi, 18, Krillin and Goku chanted.

"Why the hell do you want to do something that you could do in the pool in my backyard??" Bulma asked bewildered.

"Heehee." Goku laughed.

"That’s easy Bulma. A lake has squishy mud at the bottom of it."

"Eeew, yuck!" Chichi, 18, and Bulma said.

"Well, let’s go anyway…" Chichi said.

"Well, we better not stay in too long, because then my fair skin will sunburn and my hair will get limp and then I won’t have enough time to dry it and pick out an outfit and be ready in time to go and look good!!" 18 said.

They all blinked at her.

"Let’s just go." Goku concluded as he got up.

"Fine." 18 sighed.

"Yeah, and if Vegeta can escape from Mr. P. he’ll meet us at the lake because he had said that he wanted to go there." Goku informed.

Bulma smiled and 18 and Chichi grinned.

They had a chance to dig deeper into the B+V mystery.

"Well, what are you still waiting here, for??" Chichi asked as she shooed Goku and Krillin away.

"We’re the ones who have the long walk back and need to rest up." Chichi said.

"walk??" Goku asked.

"Didn’t you know there was a tramcar thing? The cabins are way too far away for people to walk. It’s like a mile from the first girls cabin to here… Whoa, and you guys walked??" Goku said astonished.

18 and Chichi had their mouths hanging wide open.

"Oh… heh heh, I guess I didn’t know about that! But at least it’s exercise right??" Bulma said nervously.

"Oh yeah! Exercise." Chichi grumbled sarcastically.

"Like, we so need that, tour guide Barbie! You should have looked for something like that!" 18 said in the same tone.

Bulma shrugged.

"Well, the tram is right next to the main lodge." Goku said.

‘Yeah, let’s ride together." Krillin suggested.

"Oh! So it was right there when we came in, eh?? You two should have seen it, you know that I was all crying and stuff and wouldn’t have!" Bulma accused.

"Oh… yeah… that thing. I though it was just a display." Chichi said sheepishly.

Goku and Krillin grabbed the three girls and dragged them out of the mess hall before they could start a fight.


"Hello." Shelly sighed as she stood behind Yamucha who was tanning on the lakeshore.

She watched as his eyebrows furrowed angrily.

"You’re blocking my sun you know." He said.

She huffed angrily and kicked at the back of his chair sending him flying into the sand.

"Hey, be gentle with me! I was just in a fight!" he said as he dusted his swim trunks off.

"Oh, really? And where are all the broke bones, except for your hand, of course?" Shelly asked as she picked the chair up and situated herself in it.

Yamucha frowned.

"What do you want?? You had better leave before Rae comes back. I had asked her to get ice for my nose." He said.

"We have a problem." She said as she unwrapped her chicken sandwich.

"Like what?" Yamucha asked feeling thoroughly annoyed.

"Well, It seems that Vegeta and his ‘friend’ aren’t fighting anymore. They’re all touchy-feely and that baka girl wouldn’t stop giggling and blushing. It’s so annoying! I can’t believe it! After all I did to get her to hate him she still is just swooned from a little sweet talk. But anyway, like I said before, you should have seen Vegeta when I showed up! It’s like somebody smacked him in the face. Am I that beautiful??" she asked as she giggled.

Yamucha rolled his eyes at the conceited girl.

"Well, I don’t understand. You said you kissed him, you said you totally ignore Bulma and brought up your past history with Vegeta yet she’s still in love with him? I thought you said she was bawling and heart-broken!" Yamucha asked with anger.

"Hey, hey. Don’t blow a fuse. What I said was all true." Shelly replied.

"Well then why are Bulma and Vegeta still a thing! AND, the reason he beat me up is because he wanted to know what we were up to! The whole group is suspicious. I was talking to Krillin and Goku and they brought it up and Rae told me that she was talking to the three girls, amazing as it may sound, and found out that they suspected something too." Yamucha said nervously.

"I guess maybe we are a tad bit too obvious?" Shelly asked.

She had lost her appetite and had abandoned the sandwich on her lap.

"Duh." Yamucha said as he started pacing.

"So… what do we do??" Shelly asked.

"Well, I suppose we go for plan B." Yamucha decided.

"Yay! I’ll really enjoy doing that one!" Shelly conceded.

Rae was standing behind a tree watching and listening carefully to the conversation.

So, she had told Yamucha about the three girls’ suspicion, so she had lied and been friendly to Shelly, so what if she had even tricked the three dumb brats into trusting her. The whole world revolved around Yamucha and if she could help him ruin the ‘happy couple’ she would. But she couldn’t go ask him to let her help. He’d be mad that she even knew. But, if she gathered info and did stuff on her own then he’d have to take her back.

‘So what’s this plan B thing? I already figured out that Shelly did the kissing thing on the bus on purpose and Yamucha and her are definitely up to something together. Yet, what could they gain??" Rae asked herself.

She curled a strand of her hair around her finger thoughtfully.

‘If I were super smart like that bitch Bulma I would be able to figure this out easily… What could Yamucha and Shelly both gain out of screwing with Bulma and Vegeta’s relationship?’ she asked herself futilely.

She hadn’t been paying attention so it was a surprise to her when Shelly got up abruptly.

"I’d better go. It’d be just my luck if Vegeta’s friends showed up here. I’ll try to go check on Veggie-chan and see if he’ll talk to me, ya know. Of course Mr. Piccalurius would let me in the office to give Vegeta a ‘scolding’." Shelly giggled.

Yamucha gave her a disgusted face.

"No details!" he protested.

"Besides, Rae’s been gone for a while now. Something’s probably wrong, ya know. I had better go check on her." Yamucha sighed.

Rae felt her heart flutter at the fact that he was actually worried about her.

She smoothed down her hair and tried to calm herself. She tried to look casual as she walked from behind the tree while whistling.

That caught their attention.

Shelly coughed.

"I’d better go." She said as she maneuvered herself out of Yamucha and Rae’s paths.

"Oh, hi Shelly." Rae said good-naturedly but her eyes were burning into Shelly’s green ones trying to read her.

Shelly smirked and raised an eyebrow as she turned around.

Rae would get nothing out of her.

"Hey, babe. What’s up? Why’s the ice melted? Huh? And your hand is like blue. It’s not that far of a walk from here to the nurse’s office is it?" he asked her.

"Um… no." Rae mumbled nervously.


Bulma, Chichi, and 18 hopped off the tramcar.

"Oh, shoot, the tracks run right here, too!" 18 said.

"How’d we not notice this?" Chichi asked.

"We just got to start paying more attention." Bulma said as she ran up the short flight of stairs to the cabin.

Chichi and 18 followed.

Bulma pulled open the door and glanced in.

"Whew, no Rae." She said.

"Yeah!" 18 said as she ran in and flopped down on her bed.

Bulma grinned but walked straight to her bag even though she wanted to lie down too. Chichi danced around the room.

"Ha ha! I finally get to sport my new bathing suit!" Chichi said as she twirled around.

Bulma shook her head.

"What kind of suit do you have, 18?" Bulma asked.

"You know the bikinis that are shorts? Well, I got one of those; it’s a cute Hawaiian tropical print. Yellow and Red." 18 said as she leaned back onto the pillow.

Bulma grinned.

"I have two yet I’m indecisive. Should I wear the black Speedo one piece or this blue and purple disco print tankini?" Bulma asked.

"I dunno." Chichi concluded as she finally stopped dancing.

"The black one seems like your hinting at something, and would be better left for swims at night."

"Yeah, and the blue one seems better for a sunny day… if it were cloudy the black one would look nice. I mean, it’s look nice anyway, but I’d rather see the blue one, it sounds cute enough." 18 said as she reluctantly sat up.

If they were going to have a discussion on fashion she had to be in on it.

Bulma smiled.

"Than the tankini it is." Bulma decided.

"Yay, yay." 18 said as she got up.

"So what does your suit look like, Chichi?" 18 asked the black haired girl.

"Well, it’s bright yellow and white. I dunno why I chose those colors. Maybe cuz I’m pale and my hair’s dark. I think I needed a little something to brighten me up." Chichi giggled.

Bulma and 18 gave her a skeptical look.

"B-bright yellow?" 18 asked. She seemed shocked.

Bulma let out a heavy sigh.

"I hope it’s at least tastefully put together."

"Oh, come on! It’s madd cute." Chichi argued.

"I’ll believe that when I see it." 18 said as she pulled her bag out from under the bed.

Chichi grumbled as she went to find her bag.

Bulma laughed.

"Juuhachi, don’t be mean. I’m sure Chichi picked a good suit." Bulma said as she winked at 18.

Chichi frowned.

"We’re sorry! Really!" 18 said as she held up her hands in defense.

Chichi ignored her as she dug through her bag angrily.

"Gosh, no need for you to act so… violent." Bulma said as she watched Chichi.

Chichi squealed as she pulled out her suit. It actually was nice.

It was a one piece with a triangle in white outline going across her mid section. It had one of those zipper fronts, which would do good at making the suit look less plain.

"I still say wear that bright red string bikini." 18 said as she grinned.

Chichi blushed.

"I am NEVER wearing that monstrosity again!" Chichi said in embarrassment.

They all thought back to the pool party, which just happened to be the one hosted at Vegeta’s house, when Chichi had gone in the evil string bikini. She had been jumping around on the pool deck when her top just snapped and flashed all the guys for a good ten seconds before she could get it under control.

"Ugh…" Chichi said as she held her red face in her hands.

"Why’d you have to bring that up? I still remember how embarrassing that was!" Chichi groaned.

Bulma and 18 laughed.

"But you have to say it was funny." Bulma said.

"Whatever. It wouldn’t be funny if it happened to you!" Chichi said.

Bulma laughed.

"All right, go put that fashion atrocity on…" 18 sighed.

"Aww… you know you like it. It looks like your hair color, 18." Chichi said as she held the suit up to 18’s head.

"Go away!" 18 yelled as she batted at Chichi.

Chichi laughed as she skipped to the bathroom.

"Just wait until you see how it looks on me!" she giggled.

18 gave Bulma a look.

"Oh, 18, let her be happy." Bulma said as she finally found her suit.

"That’s nice." 18 said.

"But of course mine’s better."

Bulma rolled her eyes.

"Nan demo." She sighed.

"Come on go put it on. There are two bathrooms, I’ll just use the first one that’s free." 18 told her.

"Ok, sure." Bulma said as she went to the other bathroom.


"Knock, knock." Shelly said as she pushed open the door.

Vegeta sneered at his ex.

"When you ‘knock’ you’re supposed to wait for the person to let you in, but I guess in your case you’d be waiting out there forever, ne?" he asked her.

"Oh, what are you trying to imply by that?" Shelly asked.

Mr. Piccalurius watched the two.

‘There’s definitely a connection between them… but what?’ Mr. P. said to himself.

"What do you want, Ms. Ramsey. As you can see I am busy reprimanding a student here." He said as he motioned to Vegeta.

"Oh, I can see that. But… I came here to tell you that I think a fight is going on over near the rec. hall. I thought you’d want to know…" Shelly said.

"What?? Another fight?" Mr. Piccalurius asked as he shot up from his seat.

"Shit." He grumbled as he looked at Vegeta.

"Well, I can’t just go, because he’ll run off somewhere and I won’t find him until later." Mr. P. said to Shelly.

"You’ll have to get one of the counselors to handle it." He sighed as he sat down.

"No! Only you can, Mr. P." she said to him.

"Look, you go and I’ll baby-sit Vegeta here until you get back." She offered to him.

 Mr. Piccalurius regarded her warily.

He could tell she was up to something.

"All right sure." He said.

Vegeta gave him a wide-eyed look.

‘So he doesn’t want to be left alone with her?’ Mr. P. asked himself as he walked out of the room.

Shelly sat hopped up on the desk; she had purposefully changed into a skirt for the occasion.

Vegeta averted his eyes to her face instead.

Shelly grinned.

"So… now we are alone to talk." She said as she looked at him.

"Why can’t you leave me alone? I don’t understand it, we haven’t talked in like a year." He said to her.

Shelly frowned.

"I’m upset at you." She told him.

"What did I do to you??" he asked her.

"That’s not the point. The point is how you’ll make it up to me." She said as she jumped off the desk.

Vegeta was beyond pissed off.

‘That idiot left me here with this psycho bitch.’ He thought angrily.

Vegeta shot up from his seat but was pushed back down by Shelly. She sat down on him and straddled his waist.

She placed her hands on his chest and looked into his eyes.

"How are you going to make it up to me?" she asked him.

"In no way. What is wrong with you??? I have a girlfriend!" he said angrily as he got up again toppling her to the ground.

She frowned. "And so?" she asked as she kneeled on the floor.

"And so I’m not going to sleep with you, I’m not going to let you trick me into ever getting involved with you again, I’m not going to acknowledge you and I am not going to deceive Bulma. I’m not stupid. I know a jealous woman when I see one." He said to her.

She stood up.

"Jealous? Ha, I’m doing you the favor!" she said as she glared down at him.

"How so? Like I’d want you?" Vegeta asked with amusement.

"W-why did you want her?" she asked.

"That’s only for me and the Onna to know. You wouldn’t understand any way, would you?" he asked as he turned towards the door.

"Wait, where are you going??" she asked.

"I think I’ve gotten enough grief from Mr. P., I don’t need it form you. I’m out of here." Vegeta said.

Shelly blinked twice and then he was gone.

"Oooh, I’m gonna get in trouble." She whispered to herself as she started biting her nails.


Bulma, 18 and Chichi were all in the tramcar. They had big towels wrapped around them and they each had big beach bags.

"Well… I wonder what are Bfs are doing?" Chichi asked as she tugged at one of her side bangs.

"I don’t know, does it really matter?" 18 asked.

"Your suit is cute though. It’s a real attention getter." 18 said.

"What do you mean?" Chichi asked.

"Well, the way it’s made make your stomach look short and your boobs look really big. A bunch of guys will be gawking at you." 18 said.

Chichi laughed.

"That’ll make Goku jealous." Chichi said.

"Why would you want to make Goku jealous?" Bulma asked.

"Well, he’s never jealous about anything! I just want him to like fight over me, like Vegeta does for you." Chichi said.

"I don’t want Vegeta to fight over me!" Bulma said, shocked.

"Besides… You’d have to have someone else that wants you, for Goku to be jealous." 18 informed.

"Hmm…" Chichi said.

"Don’t consider it! You have the picture perfect relationship!" 18 said in surprise.

"What’s wrong with you??" Bulma asked.

"Nothing, that’s why it’s weird. Nothing, everything’s boring." Chichi groaned.

"I want Goku to be all like; Chichi’s mine! And no one can have her." Chichi said as she giggled.

"Why?" 18 and Bulma asked at the same time.

"Because it seems fun." Chichi said.

"It’s not. I have a problem like that with Juunana and Krillin. Juunana doesn’t want me dating and Krillin wants to date me so they always fight. My situation is different form B-chan’s though, because they don’t really fight like with fists and it’s not a possession issue. It’s funny though. Yamucha and Vegeta are so weird. They go head to head whenever they can." 18 said.

"Yeah, they fight so much and it must hurt. I mean, Yamucha’s hand got broken last time." Chichi said.

"Yeah, boys fight so much and they think it’s fun yet us girls care about our hair and nails not because we are insecure but because they are good reasons for us not to fight." Bulma said.

"Oh…" Chichi and 18 said.

"I just think broken nails are painful." Chichi said.

Bulma sweat dropped.

"Ok, lookie, we’re at the lake already." Bulma said.

Then she ducked down and gulped.

"What??" 18 and Chichi asked as they ducked down too, just in case.

"Yamucha's here." Bulma groaned.

"Ohh…" 18 and Chichi said.

"Well, I’ll just ignore him." Bulma said as the tramcar stopped.

"No way. I think you should really try to deck him like your boyfriend did." 18 said as she giggled.

"What!" Bulma said as she jumped down off the tramcar.

Chichi laughed as she followed Bulma off.

"Yeah, 18’s right. You should because Yamucha will be pretty weak right about now and maybe he’ll even get the clue and leave you alone." Chichi laughed.

18 hopped off.

"Well, he hasn’t tried anything since Vegeta broke his hand." Bulma said.

"And that was like a week ago. But now he’s acting weird. And it must be important because you saw what Vegeta did to him!!" 18 said seriously.

"Yeah… He really has to know when to think with his head and not with his fists." Bulma said as she frowned.

Chichi laughed again.

"Yeah, that’s like Goku! If anybody makes him mad he’ll beat the shit outta them without even thinking about it. That’s why Goku’s usually all happy and carefree because if he let people get to him he’d be like a total bully in the school." Chichi said.

"Oh…" 18 said as she scratched her head in confusion.

"I thought he was just too dumb to care."

Bulma burst out in laughter.

Chichi frowned.

"Well, I’m not saying he’s a total genius but he can be smart when he wants to." Chichi said as she glared at 18.

"Well I’m sorry it’s just what you’d assume." 18 said as she rolled her eyes.

Chichi looked like she was ready to retort again.

"No no no." Bulma said as she wagged her finger at Chichi.

"No need for us to get all riled up, I suppose." Chichi said then let out a restrained sigh.

"Yeah," Bulma said as she pushed her sunglasses.

"Let’s just try to find the boys and not be noticed by Yamucha."

"Whoa… there he is!" Chichi shrieked as she pointed at Yamucha sitting in a beach chair and getting a tan.

"Quick duck behind that tree!" Bulma said as she pulled Chichi and 18 along with her.

"Wowie," Chichi said as she pressed her back to the pine tree.

"Well, there’s Yamucha but Goku and Krillin aren’t here yet! What do we do?"

18 ground her teeth together in agitation.

"I cannot believe we took so long to dress ad they’re not here yet." 18 sighed.

The three girls were peering conspicuously around the tree trying to see everywhere at once. They could see everywhere… except behind them.

A larger hand fell on Chichi’s shoulder and she shrieked as she spun around.

"Uh…uh…" she said as she stared up at her boyfriend. Goku was standing there with his hand behind his head and in a pair of bright orange Hawaiian print trunks. <-- hee hee!

"Chichi! What are you girls doing over here, hiding?" Goku asked with a dumbfounded statement.

Krillin and Vegeta who were standing behind Goku gave the girls a weird look.

"If you’re trying to hide you’d be better off picking a more unobvious spot." Vegeta said smugly.

18 and Bulma exchanged a look when they noticed that the position they picked gave a clear view of them from the back.

They blushed at their stupidity.

"Fine, whatever. But we were looking for you dorks." 18 said as she fixed her gaze on Goku and Krillin.

"Hey!" Chichi exclaimed.

"Vegeta’s here! What happened? How’d you get out of the penitentiary?" Chichi joked.

Bulma looked at her boyfriend and raised her eyebrow in question.

Goku and Krillin, who had both been informed of Vegeta’s escape looked at him hoping he wouldn’t give them the wrong idea.

"Well… Mr. P. got called away and I just bounced." He told them, purposefully avoiding the Shelly part.

Bulma eyed him.

He knew she didn’t buy that story.

"All right. Whatever." She said after awhile.

Chichi grinned.

"Let’s go swimming then, Goku-chan." Chichi laughed as she swung her arms around her boyfriend’s neck.

Goku grinned as he wrapped his arms around her waist. The other four people walked by the couple with impassive stares.

Then Bulma smirked.

"Oh, Son-kun, I love those shorts!" she complimented.

Goku blushed as he looked at his slightly tacky shorts.

"Yeah, aren’t they great? My mom picked them out for me." Goku said proudly.

Vegeta, Krillin, Bulma and 18 sweat dropped at Goku. Chichi laughed in embarrassment.

"You’re kidding, right?" she asked through clenched teeth.

"Huh? Whaddya mean?" Goku asked.

"Why couldn’t you get cute fashionable un-embarrassing trunks like Vegeta and Krillin?" Chichi asked.

Vegeta was wearing black trunks with a blue flame going across it diagonally. Krillin was wearing red trunks with black raindrops. (<-- I’m not good w/ guys clothing… ^-^’)

Goku frowned.

"I think they’re cute and fashionable." He argued.

Chichi sighed.

If Goku was planning to argue, he’d argue until he won.

"Let’s go." Bulma directed.

"I’m so glad you guys got here." She continued as she looped her arm through Vegeta’s and leaned on his shoulder.

"Yeah, we were all worried cuz you-know-who decided to be here at the same time.

Bulma felt the muscles in Vegeta’s arm contract as he clenched his hand into a fist.

"Jeez, he didn’t try anything." Bulma said as she rolled her eyes.

"He’s just chillin’ there tanning. And I don’t want you to start anything again! No more fighting is that understood?" Bulma asked as her blue eyes narrowed at him.

He frowned and looked at his feet.

"Hey, I asked you a question. You are getting yourself into so much trouble, lately. At this rate you won’t be allowed to go to the prom and you promised you’d take me, remember? Or is that the plan?" Bulma asked with a playful glint in her eyes.

He sighed.

‘She’s cute like that. When she’s not yelling and bitchin’ about everything.’ Vegeta thought to himself.

"All right, I won’t start with that prick but if he comes after me, I’ll have to put him back in his place." Vegeta said to her.

Bulma grinned.

"I don’t think he’s that dumb." Bulma giggled as she kissed Vegeta on the cheek. She laughed at his shocked statement then ran down the hill to the pond. Chichi and 18 followed after her.

He stood there with his hand to his cheek as he stared after her.

Goku slapped him on his back, bringing him back to his senses.

"Heh heh, you’ve guys have been doing a lot of those little cheek kiss things. Is there ever going to be any tongue?" Goku asked with a smirk.

"Who’s to say there hasn’t already been any?" Vegeta said smugly as he walked away from Krillin and Goku.

"Aww, whatever." Krillin said to Goku.

"I think he’s lying."

"I don’t think I even wanna know!" Goku exclaimed.


Shelly nervously paced back and forth in Mr. Piccalurius’s office.

She had heard him come back yet he was in the front room taking to a counselor.

‘Ooh, what do I say? Do I say Vegeta just left? But then Vegeta might tell that stupid teacher that I hit on him.’ She thought as she bit her nails.

"I am too beautiful and gracious to sit here like a wreck biting my nails." She told herself angrily.

Mr. Piccalurius walked in then and took one look around. He frowned.

"Ms. Ramsey, where’s Vegeta? And there was no fight. What’s going on!" he said angrily.

"Oh… well, I swear I thought there was going to be some bloodshed. And about Vegeta…well, I thought he was punished enough. Really, Mr. P., that Yamucha guy really did deserve it!" she said as she tried a fake smile.

Mr. Piccalurius looked at her warily.

He really didn’t like the green-haired flirt. He could tell that she wanted something from Vegeta and was still in the dark as to what it was.

"Do you mind leaving for the rest of the afternoon? I’m pretty busy, ok? I’ll see you at the campfire, at 9 or so, I think." He told her.

Shelly felt appalled.

Was he trying to get rid of her?

"Uh… yeah, that’d be fine Mr. Piccalurius…" she said while she frowned at his back.

"Yes, good. Good bye, Shelly." Mr. Piccalurius said distractedly.

Shelly whirled around and stomped out of the room.

‘I’m going to that jerk, Yamucha. I don’t like this at all! Nothing is going my way!’ she protested in her head.


Rae stood above Yamucha, holding the icepack to his tender nose.

"Ya think it’s broken?" he asked desolately.

"Nah, it’s not swelling enough and it’d hurt like hell when I do this." Rae said as she wiggled his nose to test the bone.

She laughed and Yamucha smiled at her.

"See Ya-chan" Rae sighed.

"We are so perfect for each other." She said.

She looked down and noticed that his attention was not on her.

Bulma and the group had arrived.

Rae snarled and clenched her fist.

"Bulma’s here." Yamucha said.

"I know." Rae said as she got up and brushed off her shorts.

"That suit looks great on her." Yamucha sighed.

Rae bit her lip to keep from breaking out in a string of unladylike curses.

"Well, I guess you’re going to dismiss the way I helped you and gawk at Bulma, ne?" she asked, trying to get his attention on her.

Yamucha smirked.

"I guess I will." He said.

Rae threw the icepack at him and it hit him on the stomach. It was real cold against his warm stomach and he shouted out in surprise.

"Hey!" he said in anger.

Rae fell to the ground and started sobbing.

"Shit." He cursed as he kneeled next to her and started asking what was wrong and comforting her.

Rae smirked as she watched the group of six walk by uneventfully.

She had Yamucha in her arms and she was very much satisfied.


18 had sat down near the dock while Bulma and Chichi bought drinks.

18 glanced up at the darkening sky.

"Wut up, 18?" Krillin asked as he watched his blonde girlfriend stare up at the sky.

"I think it’s going to rain." 18 said.

"Oh, not again." Goku said as he and Vegeta approached.

"You guys remember before we came here? How it just started raining? That was so fucked up." Goku said.

"Yeah, that was." Vegeta sighed as he sat down.

"No, really." 18 said as her brow furrowed.

"I think it’s going to pour." She said.

"What?" Chichi asked as she and Bulma came back with six drinks.

"18 thinks it’s going to rain. That would suck." Goku said as he frowned.

"Juuhachi!" Chichi exclaimed.

"Don’t make it rain again!"

18 laughed.

"I don’t make it rain, Chichi." She said.

Bulma smirked.

"We should swim and enjoy ourselves as long as the ground is dry." Bulma said as she shrugged.

"All right! Who got the Pepsi?" Chichi asked as she held the cup up.

There was a rumbling sound.

Chichi put the cup on the ground and glared at 18 as a fat raindrop fell.

18 broke out in a fit of giggles.

"At least we’ll get wet!" 18 laughed.

Krillin tugged her to her feet.

"Come on, 18." He said as they started running.

Bulma and Chichi sprinted together as Goku and Vegeta ran up ahead.

"We’re getting soaked!" Chichi laughed.

"Yeah!" Bulma said as she ran through a puddle.

18 giggled as she watched the two.

The group made it to the rec. hall quickly and was at a loss at what to do.

"The girls could go back to their cabin." Goku suggested.

"Yeah, but it’s coming down hard and by the time they get there they’ll all have pneumonia." Krillin said as hr watched the three girls shivering in a corner.

"That’s what you get for wearing skimpy bathing suits." Vegeta said as he laughed.

Bulma glared at him.

"Oh? And what kind of swim suit isn’t revealing, eh??" she asked mockingly.

Vegeta sneered at her.

"Well, then let them stay here. They can go back to their room when the rain stops. I don’t think there’ll even be a campfire since it rained." He said as he glanced at Bulma.

She remembered that she was supposed to meet with him at the campfire to ‘talk’.

Bulma frowned.

"Oh, how unfortunate." She said.

"Why??" Chichi and 18 asked as they popped up in Bulma’s face.

Bulma backed up and blushed. She started stuttering as she glanced at Vegeta.

"Ooh! So it has something to do with Vegeta??" 18 asked as she stalked over to the smirking Vegeta.

Chichi followed in pursuit.’

Goku and Krillin laughed as they watched Bulma follow to try to make Vegeta not say anything.

"Jeez, I guess we will have fun just chillin’ here. That storm won’t let up for a while…" Krillin stated.

He watched 18 and Chichi try to strangle the truth out of Vegeta while Bulma tried to pry them off.

Goku and Krillin laughed.

"It’s great to have friends like these." Krillin chuckled.


The three girls got back to their cabin at minutes to ten. The campfire had been cancelled and games and activities were held in the rec. hall.

"Hmm…" Bulma said as she turned the light on.

"Rae isn’t here." She pointed out.

"Oh? Well, like it matters." Chichi said as she got a towel for her hair.

"Yeah, she’s probably in Yamucha’s cabin right now ‘doing him a favor’, if you know what I mean." 18 said.

The three girls laughed as they sat on the floor.

"Who has the blow dryer?" Bulma asked as she ran a hand through her slightly damp hair.

"I brought one. Battery operated, too!" 18 said as she reached into her bag.

"Yeah, Bulma. You do need heat treatment. Your hair looks absolutely atrocious." Chichi said.

"So does yours." Bulma said as she held up a mirror for Chichi.

18 checked herself out also.

"Ugh, water is not our friend." She said.

Bulma laughed as she started to comb her hair.

"Well…" Chichi sighed as she leaned towards Bulma.

"Yeah, well…" 18 said as she copied Chichi’s actions.

"Well what?" Bulma asked as she looked at her two friends, strangely.

"Gosh! Are you ever going to tell us what your dumb vegetable headed boyfriend said to you???" Chichi yelled.

Bulma giggled.

"Ok… well. It’s nothing important. Just… well, he explained why he didn’t do anything about Shelly. And told me how I’m so much better than her and everything like that. He had said he would really make it up to me at the campfire, but as you guys can see, there’s no campfire." Bulma said.

She clicked on 18’s mini portable blow dryer.

"Well. We saw you two talking at the rec. hall. You were sitting on the stairs, thinking no body could see the two of you but we did. There was some lip locking going on, wasn’t there?" 18 asked slyly.

Bulma coughed nervously as she remembered Vegeta’s warm lips on hers.

She shook her head to clear her thoughts.

"Whoa! You’re off subject. And you guys are little spies!" Bulma accused.

18 and Chichi laughed.

"Sure we are." Chichi said.

"Tell us the other stuff he said." 18 prompted her.

Bulma giggled.

"It really isn’t important…" Bulma said as she ran the blow dryer through her hair.

"Whatever! So that giggling we heard up there was just regular boring conversation material??" 18 asked.

Bulma frowned.

"All right. I’ll tell you. But don’t go around talking about it. And make sure Vegeta doesn’t find out about this!" Bulma warned them.

18 and Chichi nodded vehemently as they settled down to listen.


Bulma and Vegeta snuck away up to the second floor when they thought no one was watching. They sat on the top step and were quiet for a while.

"You okay?" Vegeta asked her.

She turned to him with a confused look on her face.

"Huh, what do you mean? Why wouldn’t I be okay?" Bulma asked.

He shrugged.

"I dunno. It’s just that by this time you’d be screeching, or bawling or doing something else that involved a lot of noise. It’s just… well, it’s weird to have you quiet for once." Vegeta told her.

Bulma smiled.

"I’m not always like that Vegeta. Just around you. I like to drive you insane. You know that don’t you?" she asked with a grin as she leaned on his shoulder.

He put his arm around her, welcoming their close company.

"Yeah… I know. You were put on this world to be my downfall." He told her.

She frowned as she looked up at him.

"Do you like being with me?" she asked him.

"Do you like asking me stupid questions that you already know the answers to?" he asked her back.

She smiled softly.

"No. I’m serious." She said.

"So am I." He told her.

She let out a disgruntled sigh.

"Vegeta! Stop fooling around." She berated him.

He smirked.

"Baka onna. Yes, I like being with you." He told her.

"Why?" she asked as she closed her eyes.

She could hear his heartbeat as he sat silently.

He wasn’t answering.

"Vegeta?" she asked quietly.

"What?" he asked her back.

"Are you going to answer me??" she asked with a hint of irritation in her voice.

"Oh? Have I got you fired up already?" he taunted her.

Bulma shrugged as she again became silent.

"I like to be with you because your fun, smart and you don’t take shit form people. I think maybe it’s because you’re not like all the other girls I’ve known. You’re special." He told her as he then pulled her onto his lap.

Bulma smiled as he wrapped both his arms around her and laid his head in the crook of her neck. She still had her eyes closed and liked the feeling of feeling instead of seeing everything.

"Vegeta that’s so sweet." Bulma cooed as she linked her fingers between his.

"Oh? Then I take it back. I’m not trying to be ‘sweet’, Bulma. It’ll mess up my rep." He told her.

"Oh is that so? You lost your ‘bad-boy’ reputation when you started to date one of the most goody-goody girls in the school." She told him.

"That doesn’t matter. What they don’t know is that you’re not really as good as you say you are." He told her with that taunting hint back to his voice.

She smirked.

"Oh really? How am I not good?" she asked.

"Well, for one you ride through the town at one in the morning on your Harley Davidson reeking terror through the town and you rob banks." He told her.

She giggled.

"What? I don’t even have a Harley Davidson and what do I need to rob banks for?" she asked him as she opened her eyes and smirked at him.

"Well, duh. That’s how you got so rich." He informed her.

She laughed again but soon turned solemn.

She turned around in his hold until she was sitting on his lap sideways with her arms wrapped around his neck.

"But really… you don’t mind how I am?" she asked him.

"Exactly how are you?" he asked her, not understanding her question.

"You know… brainy, rude, loud, obnoxious…" she started but was cut off as he continued her list for her.

"-funny, cute, pretty, honest? Things like that?" he asked her with a smirk.

She looked at him indecisively.

"This is unbelievable." She said as she averted her eyes.

"You’re not like… I expected. You’re everything I wanted just never expected to find in you. Talk about irony, ne?" she asked him.

"And?" he asked her.

"Well, you’re different, like me. But in a way that you make me feel different." She told him.

"How so?" he asked.

"I don’t know. Like I want to be with you forever." She told him.

She heard nothing from him expect for his soft breathing.

She turned to him with confusion in her bright blue eyes.

"Bulma…" he said as he stared at her.

"What?" she asked him.

"Y-you don’t want that." He told her.

Bulma laughed.

"I know I shouldn’t. But I can’t help it!" she said as she leaned into him.

Their noses touched.

"You’re just too cute for words. It’s like you’ve got some sort of magnet that’s attracting me to you. All the arrows are telling me to turn back yet my heart is being pulled to you by this magnet." She said.

He sighed heavily.

"Baka, onna." He told her.

Bulma giggled taking this term now as affectionate.

"You’re silly. Don’t tell me what to do, baka." She told him.

He was going to respond when she leaned down and pressed his lips to hers.

He blinked, yet soon responded to it, taking over and intensifying the kiss.

Bulma pulled back form him slowly.

"That’s a good way to get you to shut up, ne?" she asked him.

Vegeta frowned at her.

"It works better on you. The only you kissing me does is leaving me wanting more." He told her as he pulled her down for another kiss.

Bulma was surprised at him for doing that.

She placed her hands on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Bulma! You and Vegeta done up there?" Chichi called from her place at the bottom of the stair.

"Yeah, we hear ya up there! Let’s keep this PG-13!" 18 yelled.

Bulma blushed as she pulled back form Vegeta.

He grabbed her and pulled her close.

"The next people on my hit-list are those two wenches." He said as he smirked.

Bulma laughed.

They helped each other get up and by that time Chichi and 18 had made it upstairs.

Chichi threw a towel at Bulma.

"Let’s go. The counselor’s are herding everybody out. It’s already 9:50 and curfew’s at 10:30." Chichi said.

Goku and Krillin came up stairs.

"Hey this is where you guys ran off to. Hey, you missed a great game of Twister." Goku said.

"Look at their faces." Krillin pointed out.

Bulma and Vegeta’s flustered faces.

"They were playing something up here." 18 confirmed.

Bulma blushed and a light rose color tinted Vegeta’s dark cheeks.

"Let’s go." Chichi said as she smirked.

"Yeah, we’ll see you boys tomorrow morning." 18 said as she ushered Chichi and Bulma down the stairs.

~End Flashback~

Bulma was finished drying her soft lavender hair by the time she had concluded the recap.

18 and Chichi exchanged a look.

"There is NO WAY in hell Vegeta said all that cute Romantic stuff to you!" 18 said in disbelief.

"Well he did." Bulma said as she giggled.

"Whoa… I wish Goku was like that." Chichi said as she pouted.

"Yeah, I wish Krillin was too." 18 agreed.

Bulma laughed.

"well, no guy can ever be as good as my man!" Bulma rejoiced.

18 and Chichi gasped.

"Oh no she just didn’t." Chichi said to 18.

"She had better not have." 18 replied.

Bulma laughed as she shot to her feet and grabbed the first pillow she saw.

"You guys wanna make something of it?" Bulma mocked as she wagged the pillow at them.

"Oh you had better believe it!" 18 and Chichi said in unison as they grabbed pillows and rushed at Bulma.

* * * * *

That’s that. Did you like? It was basically 30 pages on my comp… Hard stuff… But I’m getting better with update dates, ne? Ok. I hope that this chap. answers your questions that you all asked me.

Lots of luv 2 ya’ll.

P.S. I will make the next chapter chap.14, because no one seemed to have understood the whole chapter 13 in parts thing so… Next chap will be chapter 14, yet it will still be at the camping trip. This, however really screws w/ my whole 15-chapter story plan. By the time I’m done it’ll be like 17 chaps so maybe I’ll go to 20?? If I have enough imagination for like… six more chapters… whoa! Wish me luck!

Table of Contents
Chapter 13A
Chapter 14