Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or its characters.......

Author's Note: I have a feeling alot of you are going to be needing a box of tissues for a while...


Chapter 7: Krillin's Final Stand


"Must I repeat myself? I said who goes first?" Kilaya asked impatiently, "Or do I have to choose for you?"

The chosen warriors just stood there watching him. Not sure if they were ready to test their strength against him. For they knew just how powerful Kilaya really was.

"So that's the way you want it? Fine. We can play your game." he smirked, "I choose...."

'Please not me, please not me..' Krillin thought to himself, not wanting to be the first to feel Kilaya's wrath.

"You!" he yelled as he fired a blast at Krillin, just barely missing him.

"Shit!" Krillin yelled as the blast missed him only by a few inches.

"You're fast, that'll keep you alive for a few more minutes." Kilaya said, "Yes, faster than I thought"

'Why me?' Krillin asked himself.

"Well, let's see what you've got."Kilaya said as he dropped into fighting stance, nervously, Krillin followed in suit.

"Krillin, just clear your mind, you'll do fine!" Goku yelled to his long time friend.

"Yeah, sure" Krillin said, 'Why couldn't I have picked an easier job that doesn't involve fighting and dying?'

"Now if anyone of you interfere..." Kilaya turned to the rest of the warriors, but was interupted by Vegeta.

"Yeah yeah yeah, if we interfere, you'll kill us on the spot." Vegeta said rolling his eyes, " Now stop stalling and fight, or have you realized that you are too weak and don't stand a chance?"

" Oh I will so enjoy killin you, Prince." Kilaya said, smirking.

*Kakarot, tell you cue ball friend to attack him already!*

*You got it Vegeta*

*What do you want me to do Goku?* Krillin asked him.

* Attack.*

*No problem* Krillin then began to power up his most effective attack, the Destructo Disk.

"Naturally, all of my opponents usually do. But they've never killed me."

"Oh is that a fact? Then how is it that I've heard so many story's about you being killed by Frieza." Kilaya said, trying to get Vegeta riled up.

"Grrr...." Vegeta was beginning to get aggrivated.

Meanwhile, Krillin launched the disk as quietly as possible in Kilaya's direction.

"Hmph, hey Kilaya, You know something?"

"What's that?" he asked

"If you weren;t so busy talking to me, you'd have noticed the fact that there is a big yellow disk heading straight for your ugly head!" Vegeta yelled.

"What?!" Kilaya whirled around just in time to see a large disk make contact to his head.

"Yea!" Goten screamedd, "You won! Alright!"

"Not quite, " Vegeta said as the smoke began to clear.

"So, the little bastard managed to get an energy shield up before the disk hit, " Piccolo said, "He's fast"

"I thought I just said no interfereing!" Kilaya yelled, outraged. He raised a hand to blast Vegeta.

*Tell baldy to do it again!* Vegeta told Goku.

*Yeah, but what about you? You can't get killed yet!* Goku answered.

*Dammit! You're too soft, don't worry about me! Just do it!*

*Fine! Krillin....*

*Yea Goku what?*

*Do it again*

So once again, Krillin began to power up his attack.

"Really Kilaya. You should have payed more attention." Vegeta said. "Oh and one more thing,"

"What now?!" Kilaya asked annoyed.

"Don't ever turn your back on your opponent!"

At that Krillin launched the disk again. "Huh?" Kilaya turned around and saw the disk fast approaching."Oh you think you've got me this time don't you?" He jumped over the disk and it was sent careening towards the Z-Warriors

"Move! Quick!" Piccolo yelled as he pushed Goku and Gohan out of the way while Vegeta grabbed Goten and Trunks.


At Master Roshi's;

Everyone who wasn't called to the battle waited anxiously trying to sense who was winning. "If you guys get hungry, here's some sandwhiches" Bulma said as she placed the platter on the table.

"Yeah, thanks Bulma" Yamcha said, still focusig on their friends energy.

"You're welcome," she said as she wlaked back into the kitchen where ChiChi, 18 and Videl sat. Noting the tears in ChiChi's eyes, she walked over to her and sat down next to her. "Hey, how you holding up?"

"I don't know what I'd do if I lost him again." she said wiping a tear from her face.

"Let's not think about that now, let's deal with that when the time comes, if the time comes. "Bulma said, hugging her friend.



"Really, do you think you can beat me with all of these silly tricks?" Kilaya asked aggrivatedly

"No but we did work out a plan to at least try to stop you." Piccolo said smugly.

"Yeah well, if it includes your little bald friend here, it won't be possible."Kilaya said, smirking


"Oh great, what's he talking about?" Krillin asked.

Smirking, Kilaya raised a hand in Krillin's direction. A greenish glow surrounded it. "Krillin... Run!" Goku yelled.

"Too late!" Kilaya shot the green energy towards Krillin. As the energy left his hand, everyone sucked in a breath of air, frozen by fear.

"Gah!" Krillin screamed as the energy seared his skin. Burning and tearing through the flesh. Smoke filled the air, and the smell of burnt flesh lingered in the air.

"No! Krillin, dammit!" Goku yelled hanging his head in defeat. After the smoke cleared, Krillin's mangled and battered body was all that remained.

"NO!" 18 yelled.

"What? What's wrong?" ChiChi wondered, worried about her friend, noting the tears in her eyes.

"He's gone!" she wailed

"Who's gone?" Videl asked, "Oh, no, god, no.."

"I'm so sorry, 18. I know what he must have meant to you." Bulma said comforting her friend with a hug.

"Now that was fun. Who's next?" Kilaya asked smiling wickedly.


Finally, I managed to get enough time to get to the computer and type this up. So let me know how you like it. And I had to change my email, so you can email me comments at DBZGurl27@aol.com

please email me feedback!


Table of Contents
Chapter 6
Chapter 8