Dislaimer: Standard disclaimer applies

Authors Note: Same things as before, Kilaya and Kylosa and whoever else I decide to put in the story are mine. So don't take them. Language and Violence warning. Might become to intense for younger readers.

Chapter 6: Let the Battle Begin

The five days of training seemed to pass faster than the seven chosen warriors wanted it to. Training went as smoothly as it could. But the last three days of training. The seven warriors came up with a plan. They would train inside of the hyperbolic Time Chamber and get a years worth of training in one day. The only question would have to be, who would go in first?

"Damn,we have to come to an agreement." Krillin said, as he sat among six of his fellow warriors, " Who goes first and who stays?"

"Well I think the strongest should go in first, because we can't afford to lose the brute strength. But then the other half of me says the weaker should go in first because they may not be strong but are fighting geniuses and can come up with brilliant strategies." Trunks said as he stood in front of the group glancing at the ground. "and we can't afford to lose the strategies either."

" He knows what he's talking about, that's for sure." Gohan said. "So here's what I think we should do. Send half the stronger and half of the strategists in and then we could sent the others in."

"That's a plan, " Piccolo said, "But who in the hell do we send in first?"

"I have that settled. The strongest are myself, Piccolo, Kakarot, Gohan, Goten and Trunks. So Krillin is alone. There's you're fucking answer." Vegeta said.

"I'll train with Krillin." Piccolo said, " I think that I could give him a few pointers."

"Well then I'll go in with Piccolo and Krillin," Gohan said.

"Okay, well which group goes in first?" Goku asked.

"I think we should" Piccolo said.

So Piccolo, Krillin and Gohan went inside to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to train. Goku , Goten, Vegeta, and Trunks stayed outside to train. Then after 24 hours passed, They traded spots.

Finally on the fifth and final day they wrapped up their training and went home to get some rest for the fight that lies ahead.

In the morning, everyone gathered at Kami's lookout to wish the seven fighters luck. They then headed to the battle field to end Kilaya. Or Kilaya end them.

The fighters who weren't fighting went to Capsule Corp to await the news on their friends victory or defeat.


On the battle field,

"Shit, where is he?" Krillin asked lookin around trying to locate the enemy. 'Maybe this is all a set up. Maybe he's not gonna show."

"He'll show, believe me. He won't run from a fight. Even if he is a coward adn a heartless bastard and an asshole." Vegeta said smirking.

"Vegeta! Be nice, you can be all smug and rude during the battle but not before!" Goku said.

"And who are you to boss around your prince?" Vegeta asked.

"Oh come one not this again!" Goku said as he slapped a hand to his face.

"Enough fighting!"Piccolo said, "We have company"

At that, two of the cliffs surrounding the warriors exploded and caved in.

"So I see you came after all."

"Kilaya" Vegeta said as Kilaya landed in front of the group.

"Now lets get this show on the road, who's first?"


Yeah I know this chapter was short and maybe a little weird but they will definitely get better. And remember, I luv feedback!

Kiore :)

Table of Contents
Chapter 5
Chapter 7