Disclaimer: Standard disclaimer applies.

Author's Notes: As I said, don't take Kilaya or Kylosa (you won't hear any more of him unless I change my mind ) they are my creations. :) Also, from this point on along with violence, there will also be some strong language. So young readers might be offended.


Chapter 4: The Most Powerful Fusion

"Vegeta, why'd you have to call us all out here in the middle of the night? " Krillin asked as he rubbed his eyes sleepily.'Damn, I really shouldn't be here, I should be home with 18, but if I leave they'll track me down. Shit.'

"Kilaya" was all Vegeta said. It was all he had to say.

"Kilaya! Are you sure?" Gohan asked, " Shit, he really didn't give us a lot of time to train. Why is that?" he woundered out loud.

" Well I know one reason." Vegeta said, as he stared at the dusty ground below him," He's scared of the Saiyans." Everyone became interested at this statement.

" Why is that?" Piccolo asked.

" He knows that the Saiyans get stronger after every fight. Whether it be sparring or an actual battle. He also knows that a mixture between human and Saiyan blood can create a powerful hybrid. A hybrid that is stronger than any full blooded Saiyan." he glanced up to make sure everyone was still following what he was saying," and we know the fusion technique, that creates a more powerful warrior than even a hybrid. So just think about it. Think about what would happen if Goten and Trunks learned the fusion technique. They would become an unstoppable force. And I hate to say it but they are probably the last chance we have to save Earth." " So are you telling me we are going to teach Goten and Trunks the fusion dance?" Piccolo asked.

"Of course, why else would I bring it up? Baka..." Vegeta mumbled under his breath.

" I heard that Vegeta." Piccolo said, aggrivated.

" Okay! No fighting! We have enough troube on our hands as it is!" Gohan said as he stepped in between the two warriors.

" Do we go to the lookout now or wait until later." Piccolo asked, expecting another snide remark from Vegeta.

" Now, because we don't know how much longer we have." Vegeta said calmly.

So they all flew to the lookout, except for Goku and Vegeta, they went to get their sons.


"Begin the landing process?" a nervous commander asked who was hired in the place of Kylosa.

" Yes. But really, why are you trembling, are you scared of me?" Kilaya asked smiling.

" No, sire.. I mean.." the commander stuttered.

" Never mind just get on with your job" Kilaya said rubbing his temple.

" Yes, sire"


"Psst! Goten! Wake up!" Goku said quietly as he lightly shook Goten out of sleep.

"Huh? Dad what is it? Is Kilaya back?" Goten asked sleepily.

" No, we just need to go to the lookout so get dressed okay?" Goku said.

" Okay."

5 minutes later, they were on their way to the lookout.


" Trunks, wake up!" Vegeta whispered.

" huh?" Trunks opened one eye, "DAD YOU'RE BACK!" he shrieked.

"Shh! Dont wake your mother." Vegeta said glancing over his shoulder, " Get dressed, we have to go somewhere."

" Okay." Trunks said climbing out of bed and pulling on his clothes. " Ready"

" Okay, wait here, I have to go do something okay?" Vegeta said as he turned to go out of the room.

" Yeah okay, dad." Trunks said as he sat on his bed to wait for his father.

Vegeta walked into his and Bulma's bedroom where she was asleep in a chair by the balcony door. Vegeta walked over and picked her up, he walked back over to the bed and placed her down. He pulled the blankets over her body.

He then whispered something in her ear, " I love you." He then turned and walked out of the room closing the door behind him. When he reached Trunks' room he noticed that Trunks had fallen back asleep. He concidered waking him again, but decided against it. He gathered Trunks in his arms and headed toward the lookout.


At that moment, Kilaya's ship was touching down in the desert where the Z-warriors last were. After debarking the ship they set up their camp.


Meanwhile at the Lookout.....

" Okay so now all we have to do is wait for Vegeta." Piccolo said. Almost as if on cue, Vegeta landed on the lookout, with the sleeping Trunks in his arms.

Everyone just stared as he woke Trunks up ad set him on his two feet." "Okay, lets get started." Vegeta said.

" Okay, " Piccolo said , "first thing you have to learn is the proper technique or moves."

Goten and Trunks just stared at him blankly.....

An hour and a half later....

" Okay, now you try it." Piccolo said after showing them for the tenth time.

" Okay." Goten and Trunks said as they moved into the stance. They performed the dance and then , "Fusion-Ha!" There was a flash of light and smoke flying everywhere.

'They did it' Vegeta thought proudly.

When the smoke cleared, there stood a figure with black air with purple streaks. " What the heck?!?!?!" They screamed not believing what had happened.

"What's your name?" Piccolo asked.

" Gotenks, why?" they answered.," Oh my gosh we did it! Yeah!"

This caused everyone to laugh. After the fusion wore off, everyone went home to cathc up on the sleep they missed last night.


How'd you like it? I really wanna know what you think of it. If you don't like it, I won't write anymore. So if you could send me feed back I'd be happy, then I will write more and get the chapters done faster.

Kiore :)

Table of Contents
Chapter 3
Chapter 5