Disclaimer: Ditto to all the other ones out there… Anyway, I’m SO sorry that this took so long to get out!!! I’ve been really REALLY busy lately, and I’ve barely had time to do ANYTHING… *sigh * But thank you all for your helpful comments!!! It really helped me!!! I do so hope you like this chapter… It isn’t nearly as long as the last one… but I hope it’s good enough!!! Well, continue on and don’t forget to r/r!!! Thanks!!! ^_^


Chapter 7


Bulma shivered, stirring from her deep sleep. She blinked slowly, getting used to the brightness of the room around her. But she soon was jolted from her drowsiness as she realized she was wrapped up in warm, powerful arms and pressed against a hard body. Bulma gulped, remembering everything.

Slowly, Bulma turned her head to look at the Saiyan next to her. To her shock, Vegeta was staring at her, dark eyes brooding and face emotionless. She froze, not knowing how he was going to react. But he didn’t do a thing, just kept staring with those endless dark eyes. Bulma began to feel nervous and jittery, not knowing how to take this strange behavior.

Bulma pulled away from him, surprised when he actually let her go from his powerful grip. She rose to her feet, walking to the desk across the room but not shifting her eyes from Vegeta’s. He didn’t move and Bulma found that even she couldn’t decipher what he was thinking at this time. That made her even more nervous than before. Finally she had to break the silence.

"Uh… Hi…" Bulma stuttered, then closed her eyes, slapping herself on the forehead. That sounded brilliant. Geesh! What an intelligent start to a conversation! Bulma frowned, the sarcastic remarks in her mind making her a bit testy. She removed her hand from over her eyes to glare at the Saiyan. Vegeta just smirked.

"Woman! When do we eat?" He snapped. Bulma internally sighed. She’d thought that maybe he would have changed from their shared experience, but then again, maybe not.

"Get up if you want something, you jerk! I’m not your slave!" Bulma snapped back. He raised a heavy eyebrow at her, looking amused. Then he rose gracefully from the bed, padding catlike to the door. He paused before leaving the room, looking around to meet her eyes once again with his fathomless gaze. Bulma’s frown deepened. Something was bothering her about him… but she ignored it.

"Are you coming, woman? Or do I have to drag you." Vegeta growled. Bulma was shocked before smiling evilly.

"Vegeta…" She purred, walking towards him. Vegeta’s dark eyes became immediately wary and dangerous. Bulma just kept on going towards him. "Oh Prince, is that your way of asking me out?" Bulma finished off by leaning on his shoulder. Vegeta glowered at her angrily, but surprised her again when he just spun around and stalked from the room, not bothering to reply at all. Bulma grinned. Then it was his way of asking her out! If it hadn’t been, he would have made some jerkish comment on how he’d ‘never go out with a woman as ugly as her.’

The duo made their way down the halls, walking towards what the mutants called the ‘cafeteria.’ But before they reached their destination, a familiar figure waved them aside. Bulma stopped, walking over to the Professor. Vegeta stopped also, but made no move to follow Bulma. The Professor pulled Bulma into an office.

"Did he tell you anything?" The Professor asked. Bulma blinked before realizing what the old mutant was asking. Then she nodded. He smiled at her and then placed his hands beside her head before concentrating. Bulma saw a flash of light before coming back to reality. She stared at the Professor. He answered her unasked question.

"I just went into your mind and took the information I needed. I will get back to you as soon as I find something out."

Bulma nodded again before leaving the room and walking into the halls. To her shock, Vegeta was still waiting for her, his arms crossed and his face set in a scowl.

"What did baldy want?" Vegeta growled. Bulma just smiled at him, placing a hand on his tense forearm.

"Don’t worry about it, Vegeta. He just told me he’s going to discover why we’re here soon." Bulma’s words seemed to give him a minimal amount of comfort as he relaxed a bit. They walked side by side in silence for the rest of the way, both deep in thought.

Bulma wasn’t quite sure how to take the slight change in Vegeta’s personality. He wasn’t that different now, except that he seemed to… respect her more. Was that the word she should use? He just accepted her presence more, unlike others. Instead of lashing out at her verbally like he did before, he almost seemed to enjoy her presence.

Maybe it’s because he feels he has to. Does he feel threatened because I know about him? As if sensing her thoughts, Vegeta glanced at her sharply from the corner of his eyes. Bulma blinked at him as he frowned thoughtfully and turned his head forwards again. Did he hear me? When he shot another look at her, Bulma started in shock.

He can hear my thoughts! Dear Kami! How did this happen?!? Bulma’s mind started babbling incoherently until she realized Vegeta was yanking her to the side of the hall, away from all the other people. Finally they were alone in a darkened office. Bulma turned to him almost fearfully. Vegeta’s grip on her arm became almost painful.

"Woman, block your thoughts!" Vegeta hissed at her. "I can’t focus when all I can hear is your petty complaints! I never asked for this!" Bulma jerked away, getting angry herself.

"What are you talking about, Vegeta? What’s going on?" Bulma yelled in aggravation. Vegeta glared at her ferociously before spinning away from her and crossing his arms, body tense. His tail lashed in an unconscious display of his agitation. Bulma frowned, waiting impatiently for his reply. Vegeta finally spoke in a low voice, laced with barely controlled rage.

"You invaded my mind…" He paused before going on. "When you… when we shared thoughts, our minds became linked. The only time a Saiyan links minds with anyone is if that person is their mate…" Again he stopped, as if unsure of her reaction. Bulma’s mind was numb to thought as she began to realize what he was saying.

"Vegeta…" Bulma whispered softly, "Are… are you saying that we’re… me and you… are like a… couple?" Vegeta grimaced at that. He turned to face her again.

"No… we aren’t just a couple. It’s like you humans do… what is it? That whole ceremony where the man and woman are joined, what is it called?" Vegeta looked at her sharply, expecting her answer.

"Marriage," Bulma murmured, not liking where this conversation was going. Vegeta nodded.

"Yes, marriage. This is the Saiyan equivalent of marriage. But unlike the human method, we are… bonded for life…" Vegeta went on brutally, seeming to squash his own hope with his next words, "There is no way to break this bond. If we are apart, we will die. If one of us dies, the other will try to follow. Even after death we will be stuck together. Our souls are united." Vegeta shook his head before snarling at her. "There is no way to get rid of it! Don’t you understand? I’m stuck with you as my mate and I can’t get rid of you because that would be killing myself too!" Vegeta finished off with a wail of frustration, spinning away again to begin to pace. Bulma just watched in numb shock.

They were… married?!? But… it didn’t count! Neither of them wanted this! Bulma was trying to think of a way out of it when Vegeta interrupted her. He stopped pacing, shaking his head.

"There isn’t a way to break this bond. If we had a physical bond, then we could break it… Even a bond of friendship can be terminated, but when you made me show you… things. And then you forced my memories out…" Vegeta’s eyes were beginning to burn with indignant rage again. But he went on. "You somehow melded our minds together. Now I’m forced to listen to your thoughts constantly! There is no way to get rid of it!" Bulma heard the desperation in his voice. He obviously hated this… He saw it as an invasion of his privacy. Bulma gulped.

"But… then how come I can’t hear your mind?" She asked hesitantly. Vegeta gave an exhausted sigh.

"Because, you baka, you aren’t listening!" He didn’t bother to explain what he meant as the Prince ran a hand through his hair. He took a deep breath, but didn’t seem any calmer. Bulma bit her lip. What he was saying was finally registering. She and Vegeta were stuck together… as a couple… for all eternity. The thought made her feel faint.

"Well… um… We don’t have to do anything about it… couldn’t we just ignore it? Couldn’t we just get another mate?" Bulma asked hopefully. Vegeta gave her an aggravated look, but Bulma could detect the pain he felt.

"I do not think that is an option. Physical contact might be one of the many things needed to make this bond bearable. I would not think that it would allow us to hurt one another intentionally." Vegeta muttered, almost bitterly. Bulma stared at him before exploding.

"What do you mean might?!? Do you mean to say you don’t even know what’s going on!? Are you saying that you don’t know anything about this bond?!? Is that what you’re saying?!?" Bulma screamed at him. She abruptly found herself pressed against the wall with a furious Vegeta glaring at her.

"That’s exactly what I’m saying, woman." He hissed. "When could I have learned about this? I’ve never experienced bonds before. Who did I have to bond with?" Vegeta finished of with a yell, dropping her to the floor. She stared at his rigid back. Finally he spoke again. "Never mind, woman. Just forget I said anything. Go ahead without me. I’m not hungry any more." He said coldly before stalking away.

"No… wait! Vegeta wait! I’m sorry! Just stop!" Bulma screamed after his disappearing form. But he didn’t listen. She felt tears coming to her eyes as Vegeta left her. She was so confused. What was happening? Why her? Bulma sighed heavily before doing as Vegeta said and going to the cafeteria without him. But she couldn’t help but wonder where he was. It was then that she tried to focus on his mind. It was then when she discovered what he’d meant by ‘listening…’ Bulma immediately set out to find the Prince as she heard his thoughts, determined to make things right between them again…



Vegeta snarled, tail lashing behind him as he paced outside of the building. He had promised not to leave, but that didn’t mean he had to constantly follow her around. Just thinking of Bulma made him hurt. An unbearable tension and rage coursed through him. What was he going to do? It had occurred to him that maybe this bond was one sided. She seemed so oblivious to it. But he found the bond painfully obvious. The closer he had been to her, the louder her thoughts had been in his mind.

And now he could sense her confusion and aversion towards him. She didn’t want to be with him. Why would she? What had he ever done to make her actually like him?

Vegeta stopped pacing and sat down on a bench with a sigh. His life had been screwed up before this woman, and now that she was in his life, he didn’t know what to do. Confusion wasn’t a feeling that Vegeta was used to. Rage he was used to. Pain, humiliation, sorrow… all those were familiar, but he’d never really been confused before. At least not about another being.

She was just so… different. Vegeta had to admit to himself that he was just as guilty as she was when it came to the bond. He found her so… intriguing, and had wanted to have her before this whole dimension mess-up happened. But Vegeta had just ignored his wants, focusing on training. He didn’t know what to do when it came to courting a woman or getting someone to like him. Then came the confusion again. The woman seemed to bring out a lot of that.

Vegeta frowned, going deeper into thought. What was it about this woman that made her so different from others? True, she was very pretty, and she had a lot of spunk. She was the only one in the universe that had stood up to him and yelled back at him without fear. That had been the first thing that had attracted Vegeta to her. And then when he’d discovered her intelligence. So she wasn’t just another idiot who stood up to him because she was too stupid to do otherwise like that baka, Kakarot. She actually was quite brilliant, though Vegeta would never tell her that.

But the last thing that had sealed his attraction to her was she had seen what he was… and she still liked him. Even after seeing all the terrible things he had done in his life, Bulma hadn’t pushed him away or looked at him with the disgust others had. That had strangely touched Vegeta.

But then he had done the unforgivable. Vegeta had opened his mind to her again when they were asleep, and she had actually accepted his unconscious offer. They had bonded while sleeping, causing Vegeta to have a very real shock when he had woken up.

Vegeta didn’t know much about bonding at all, only the little tidbits that his father had told him. But the royal line was supposed to have been purged of that trait. Somehow that wasn’t true. Vegeta growled. It was just his luck to be the only person of the royal line to bond with an alien. And not just any alien, an alien that had been one of the weakest he had ever seen.

Vegeta gave up, letting out another sigh, but this time of defeat. He knew for a fact that there was no way to break a mental bond. And this just wasn’t any mental bond, somehow they had gotten into one another’s souls… they had a soul bond. The unbreakable.

A soul bond had been practically a legend on Vegetisai. Only the very few couples that actually loved each other bonded… and then even fewer of those made it to a soul bond. But somehow him and the woman had created a soul bond without even trying. That scared Vegeta. Did it mean he was destined for her? Vegeta knew that he’d never let anything happen to her and he’d protect her with his life, but did she appreciate it?

That brought him back to the thoughts of if the bond was one sided. Vegeta had heard about Saiyan’s who had had one-sided bonds. It was said that they died a most gruesome death, just plain giving up when the one they loved didn’t return it. Vegeta shook his head, clearing it of thoughts.

"May I sit next to you?" Her voice came to him. Vegeta almost jumped in surprise. He was shocked that he hadn’t sensed the woman. How had she found him? Vegeta stared at her, warily nodding his head. Bulma plopped down next to him, handing him the plate she was holding. Vegeta looked down at the meager servings… well, meager for a Saiyan at least. He gave a small half smile at her efforts to apologize.

And he knew she was sorry because he could feel it. He turned to her, staring into her sky blue eyes. Vegeta knew that he could just focus on her thoughts and understand what she was here for, but he felt so strange invading on another’s mind. He didn’t like to so he waited.

"Vegeta… I’m sorry… I… I never thought that things would turn out like this…" Bulma lowered her head, looking sorrowfully at him. "I didn’t mean that I didn’t like you, Vegeta. I know you were thinking about that… I could feel it. And it isn’t a one-sided bond, okay? I just don’t know… what we’re going to do now…" She trailed off, not sure of how he’d react now that he knew she’d been listening to his thoughts.

Vegeta stared at her blankly for a few moments. So she had the bond too. That was a relief, but it brought up so many other confusions in his mind. Bulma had asked what was going to happen now… Vegeta honestly didn’t know.



Bulma watched nervously as different emotions flickered in Vegeta’s eyes. His face was as blank and emotionless as ever, but she could feel his turmoil through their new bond. But she knew that nothing she said right now would help much. Vegeta was fighting his own internal battles that only he could win on his own. Bulma gave a sigh and tentatively inched closer to Vegeta, leaning her head cautiously on his shoulder.

He stiffened at first, but slowly relaxed, watching her with his dark eyes. Bulma was relieved. Vegeta wasn’t exactly hugging her back, but he wasn’t pulling away either. Maybe… just maybe they could work things out.

Someone else’s thoughts cut into her mind.

::Bulma! Vegeta! I’ve discovered who brought you here! Come at once!:: Their was such an urgency in the Professor’s psychic call that both Vegeta and Bulma found themselves answering it quickly, arriving at the same time to see the Professor with a very worried look on his face.

"Well, I’m glad to say that my attempts at discovering your abductor was successful. Unfortunately, the situation is more serious than I first thought." Bulma and Vegeta just stared at the Professor with blank looks on their faces. The Professor gave a sigh before gesturing for them to follow him.

"Let me explain. There is another group of mutants out there that are against humans. You know about the one who controls metal. He’s called Magneto," Vegeta gave a grunt at that, but the Professor ignored him and continued on. "Well, he’s the leader of this group. Their entire purpose is to get revenge on the human race for mocking them and ruining their lives. So this group has made it a goal to destroy the human race and let mutants rise to rule the earth."

The Professor looked over at Bulma to see if she was getting this. She had a slightly shocked look on her face, but nodded for him to go on.

"Well, one of Magneto’s underlings in a very powerful mutant. And it turns out that lately she has been dabbling in the black magic for a spell that would help her master. The spell that she used was to summon the most powerful evil creature from a different dimension, which just happened to be yours. It seems as though she was trying to summon this creature so he would have to do her bidding, but it didn’t work out the way she planned. There was a mistake and another was also brought to this land by accident. So when the creature arrived, she found it impossible to get to him because the other one that had been accidentally summoned was with him. Therefore it made us possible to get them."

The Professor stopped, giving a pointed look in Vegeta’s direction. The Saiyan just coolly gazed back, nothing showing in his midnight stare. But Bulma, on the other hand, was going into hysterics.

"You mean that someone brought us here by accident?!? What do you mean? And I don’t see…." The Professor held up a hand and Bulma surprisingly shut up. The bald mutant finally opened the door they had just arrived at and led them out into the courtyard. He turned to Vegeta and asked if he could speak to Bulma alone. Vegeta just gave a small snort, watching them leave with a suspicious gleam in his eye. After walking out of Vegeta’s hearing, the Professor went on to explain.

"You see, Bulma, the mutant who summoned you two is called Mystic. She used a spell that summoned evil, but somehow it misfired and hit you and the Saiyan. She didn’t want you… only Vegeta. You said yourself that he’s had a dark life and is considered evil by most of his acquaintances. And he is very powerful, making him a perfect candidate for her spell. But she never suspected that you would be with him when the gates opened between dimensions. She has been waiting for an opportunity to strike, somehow she’s got a spell that can contain even your Saiyan. But she can’t get it to operate unless Vegeta’s thoughts are completely dark and evil." Bulma cut him off then, a quizzical expression on her face.

"So how come she just hasn’t got Vegeta? I mean, he’s been really hurt and so it wouldn’t be nearly as hard to sneak up on him. But now that he’s better, she won’t get to him." Bulma finished off confidently before realizing something else. "You said that his thoughts have to be dark. How come she didn’t act before now?"

The Professor smiled at her gently, pausing in their walking to look her straight in the eyes.

"Because, Bulma, when Vegeta is with you not all of his thoughts are dark." And then the Professor left, leaving her to contemplate what he meant.

Did Vegeta like her? Bulma knew that they had bonded, but Vegeta had seemed so upset over the fact that she didn’t know if the Prince actually had feelings for her. He had been so vulnerable the night before, so maybe the slight falter in his mental shields made a mistake and fused with her mind.

But then the Professor said that Vegeta’s thoughts weren’t all dark when she was with him… So that must mean that Vegeta liked her! Bulma grinned, feeling very light and happy. A hand on her shoulder surprised her from her thoughts. She spun around to come face to face with Jean Grey. Bulma blinked for a moment, shocked that the woman had decided to speak to her. Jean Grey just gestured for her to follow.

Bulma felt a foreboding rising in her, but she always had been a curious person. She cautiously followed the silent Jean Grey to the outside gates, stopping as the mutant moved outside of the Professor’s property. Bulma frowned. Something wasn’t right about this…

And her thoughts were proved correct as the ‘Jean Grey’s eyes flashed yellow, the skin melting into blue. Bulma gaped at the blue woman that stood before her. She felt a surge of panic and tried to run, but the woman grabbed her arm in a vise-like grip.

"You will be the perfect bait!" Was all the shapeshifter murmured before Bulma found herself reeling into unconsciousness…



Vegeta was sitting under a tree in brooding silence when the woman’s terror ripped through his mind. He gasped under the onslaught, completely unprepared as a sharp pain sliced through his skull before his mind went back to normal.

Vegeta leapt to his feat, a rare emotion of deep concern and fear striking him hard. He frowned, stalking off with focused intent, following the woman’s ki reading. But to his utter shock, her ki was getting farther and farther away from him.

Vegeta wondered for a moment if she had left him. Pain lanced through his heart at the thought, but he steeled himself. Bulma wasn’t one to run away from a problem. And she had been terrified before his head had hurt. Did that mean she had been kidnapped? But by whom and why?

A low growl escaped from his throat as the Prince narrowed his eyes, blasting off the ground in a flare of ki to follow his bonded mate. But a voice made him pause.

::You can’t go by yourself, Vegeta. You don’t know whom you’re up against. Let some of my fellow mutants come with you.::

Vegeta snarled in annoyance as the Professor calmly awaited his answer. Finally Vegeta gave in. The mutant was right. It was best to know your enemy, because even weak humans could have deadly surprises. Vegeta had found that out the hard way.

The Prince impatiently paced, scowling fiercely. He was angry with himself. He shouldn’t be so worried about her. She was just a weak human…

Who he was bonded to… He gave a sigh of defeat. The woman unknowingly held his life in her hands. Vegeta would do anything she asked of him, but he wasn’t going to tell her that. And right now wasn’t the time to worry about what she might do to him. Vegeta focused on the matter at hand.

A deep rumbling came from the earth as the asphalt split open. Vegeta watched in slight interest as a jet plane roared to life, gliding into the air. Vegeta snorted. It was about time! Then the Prince flew in front of the plane, gesturing for the mutants to follow him. The mutants looked a bit shocked, but obeyed. Vegeta smirked grimly. He would get the woman back, even if it cost him his own life…

The X-men watched in fascination as the strange alien man glowed blue, shooting into the sky ahead of them with apparent ease. Wolverine snorted.

"I told you he isn’t natural! I still say we can’t trust him!"

Storm gave him a sharp look. But it was Cyclops who spoke.

"Calm down, Wolverine. The Professor says we’re supposed to follow him… So… We’re going to follow him." Cyclops snapped. "Besides, we’ve got our own secret weapon if the Saiyan turns on us." The others looked at him strangely, but Cyclops didn’t flinch. He just continued to fly the plane, keeping a close eye on the blue figure in front of them.

Jean Grey prodded him on.

"What do you mean ‘secret weapon?’" Cyclops glanced at the group grimly before pointedly staring at Rogue. Rogue paled.

"You can’t mean… you don’t mean… I can’t… I mean… You think I’m the secret weapon?!?" The young girl looked terrified at the prospect, but Cyclops nodded.

"The Saiyan doesn’t know your power and if you touch him, he’ll become weak, maybe even faint when you take his energy." He shrugged. "I know that it sounds horrible, but there is no other way to subdue him. He’s too powerful."

Finally the others reluctantly agreed. Rogue agreed also after a long moment’s thought. She just hoped that she wouldn’t have to actually do anything. She didn’t want to hurt anybody.

The plane veered downwards abruptly, surprising the passengers a bit. They landed a moment later.

Storm was the first one off of the plane. She stared curiously at the Saiyan, who was looking intently at something in the foliage, his tail idly twitching behind him.

Wolverine frowned impatiently.

"Why are we just standing here? This doesn’t help at all…" He was cut off by a sharp glare from Vegeta. The silence that followed was… unnatural.

A loud crash behind them sent all of the X-men spinning around in wary anticipation, only to find Bulma stumbling through the bushes and landing at their feet. Jean Grey came up to her first.

"Bulma! Are you okay? What happened? How’d you get away?" She helped Bulma to her feet, supporting the blue haired woman as she gasped. Finally Bulma responded.

"I… they grabbed me at the gate… and then knocked me out… But then I woke up in a strange truck. I guess they didn’t think I’d wake up so soon because I just jumped from the truck when it slowed down and ran for my life. They chased me for awhile, but I got away. And now I’m here."

Storm came up and place a hand on her shoulder.

"We’re just glad you’re okay. Come… Let us go back." But Bulma pulled away from Storm, moving towards the figure that stood away from the group. She approached cautiously.

"Vegeta? Aren’t you happy to see me at all? I’m okay!" Bulma continued to prattle on, but stopped as Vegeta’s eyes darkened, glittering with a savage menacing anger. He grabbed her roughly, yanking her close to him so that they were nose to nose. His face darkened further, his grip becoming painful.

"Ow! Vegeta! You’re hurting me! Let go!" Bulma screeched. But Vegeta snarled in her face, baring his sharp canines.

"You," He hissed, "are not the woman!" Vegeta threw her away from him in disgust, sending Bulma slamming into a tree. The X-men were shocked, which quickly turned into anger.

"What did you do that for?" Cyclops demanded. Vegeta’s black glare never wavered from Bulma’s form as he stalked towards the woman with deadly purpose, tail lashing. He answered roughly, not looking at them.

"This isn’t the woman." Vegeta snapped harshly, his hand began to glow. Wolverine leapt forward, trying to tackle him, but Vegeta lashed out, blasting the mutant away with a small ki blast. That was the last straw.

The X-men began to attack Vegeta, disbelief on all of their faces. All of them had thought the Saiyan had cared for the blue haired woman. But obviously not. Maybe Vegeta truly was evil.

It was obvious that the battle was an uneven one. Vegeta growled in fury as he batted off the attacks thrown at him. Bulma cowered by the tree, not knowing what to do. Finally Cyclops yelled to Rogue, who stood silently by the plane.

"Do it, Rogue! You’re our only chance!"

The young woman was pale and shaking. She really didn’t want to hurt the Saiyan. She liked him for no apparent reason. Somehow Rogue felt she could trust him.

But she couldn’t stand around watching her friends get hurt, either. So Rogue slowly pulled off a glove, walking forward as a sick feeling welled up in her chest.

Vegeta was too distracted to take note of her. As far as he was concerned Rogue was no threat. She had no fighting power and she couldn’t hurt him… or so he thought. But when he felt a cool hand on his forearm, spinning around to come face to face with the young mutant, his world had suddenly begun to spin.

Vegeta struggled, snarling as he felt his energy leaving him against his will. Rogue’s eyes were full of regret, but she didn’t move away, keeping in contact with the Saiyan. Vegeta glared up at her as he fell to his knees, unable to keep standing. He gritted his teeth, growling in anger and frustration.

"That isn’t the woman! That isn’t Bulma!" He whispered with a fierce intensity that surprised the X-men. Vegeta struggled to power up more… to keep himself from falling into darkness, but even the Saiyan Prince wasn’t a match for Rogue’s strange powers as the great warrior fell into unconsciousness.

Rogue felt the power coursing through her. It was unbelievable. She felt her companions come up and congratulate her for her victory, but she felt hollow… empty… As if she had done a great sin when she had taken Vegeta’s energy.

The X-men celebrated, Wolverine gloating that he’d known all along that Vegeta was a creep. None of them paid attention to Bulma as she crept to Vegeta’s still body.

He was fine… just extremely drained. Bulma smirked down at him, tenderly running her fingers along his high cheekbone.

"You will be perfect." She whispered, her eyes flashing yellow. Her skin shifted into blue once again, grinning sadistically at the incredulous looks the X-men gave her. They had finally noticed her presence. She slung Vegeta’s body over her shoulder before giving them a mock salute.

"I thank you for your help. He would have been a pain to catch on my own…" Mystic turned away, making sure to move Vegeta’s body so that he shielded her from attacks. The X-men were helpless unless they wanted to hurt the weakened Saiyan. Right before Mystic disappeared, she turned around and said one last thing.

"Maybe you should give up. Don’t want you to be hurt now that he’s mine…" Then the shapeshifter left, leaving a group of flustered and guilty mutants staring after her form.

* * * * *

Well… There you have it!!! The reason Bulma and Vegeta are there!!! And it’s starting to get into the action!!! Soon there will be violence and romance and sweet moments!!! But enough of this… REVIEW for me!!! I do so appreciate reviews!!! BYE!!! ^_^

Table of Contents
Chapter 6
Chapter 8