Disclaimer: I LIVE!!! I didn’t die over vacation from cleaning my room!!! It’s a MIRACAL!!! *ahem * But besides that… I don’t own DBZ.. cause if I did, I would change a few things… and you all know the rest!!!! Oi!!! This chapter took FOREVER to write!! You better appreciate it!!! It has ALL of Vegeta’s past in it. It could almost be a separate story… but just read on!! I’ll give you one more spoiler…. V/B cuddling… NO LEMONS….. at least not yet…. You gotta tell me if you want a lemon… So that means you got to R/R for me!!! Please!! I NEED REVIEWS!!! I really want to know how well I did on this chapter… I’ve never attempted to write about chibi-Vegeta… But enough of my babbling!!! READ ON!!! (and don’t forget to review….)

Chapter 6


Bulma stirred in her light slumber. Something was bothering her… something wasn’t right. She slowly opened her eyes, slightly surprised that the hall lights were off. Must be nighttime. Bulma yawned before pondering on the reason she had awakened.

True, she hadn’t been in the most comfortable position. No matter how she shifted, a door just wasn’t a comfortable surface to sleep on. But she had been so exhausted that it hadn’t mattered. Bulma licked her dry lips, finally coming to her senses and remembering the past events.

Vegeta… Just thinking of the Saiyan made her realize what had awoken her. Noises coming from his room. It should have been our room… but I was stupid. She thought bitterly before pressing her ear against the door. There! She heard it again! It was just a slight sound, one she would have never noticed if it hadn’t been so silent all around her. It sounded like a… whimper? But that didn’t make any sense!

Bulma quietly pulled herself to her feet, surprised when she found that the door was unlocked. She was about to open the door, but paused. What if he was awake? How would he react to seeing her after that last meeting? She really didn’t want to hurt him any more than she had.

But just as she had decided to leave him alone, a pained cry came from within the room. It hadn’t really been very loud, but to Bulma it thundered in her ears. What was happening to him? Bulma’s curiosity overcame her caution and reason as she opened the door just a smidgen so she could peer in.

The room was pitch black except for the tiny ray of silver moonlight that pierced through it. Bulma could make out the shape of Vegeta’s form on the bottom bunk. Bulma cringed slightly as an audible moan came from his form, but he didn’t respond as she opened the door enough so that she could slip in.

Bulma gulped lightly. Maybe his hurt had turned to anger. What if he kills me? What if he… he’s just baiting me? But Bulma squashed her qualms and continued to inch towards the Saiyan. As she got closer, it was obvious that he was asleep. Bulma stood next to his side, too afraid to touch him, but too moved with emotion to leave.

There Vegeta lay, his face twisted in an anguished expression. Sweat was pooling on his body, causing his clothing to plaster to his well-formed muscles. Every few seconds, Vegeta would jerk and whimper from some unknown terror.

He’s dreaming. Bulma realized with silent astonishment. But what about? Whatever was bothering him, was obviously serious enough to cause him visible discomfort in his slumber. Bulma reached a hand forward, desperately wanting to sooth the pain off of the Saiyan’s face, but fear of his reaction if he awoke kept her frozen.

Instead of touching him, Bulma moved a bit closer to lightly sit at the edge of his bed next to his waist. She was very careful not to touch him, but she couldn’t leave. No matter how hard she tried, Bulma just couldn’t stand to see Vegeta in pain like this.

She started as the whimpering gave way to a cry of terror. Bulma’s heart clenched in sorrow and she ignored her mind’s warnings as she reached out to gently brush her hand across his forehead. Bulma immediately jerked back as Vegeta flinched from her touch. She thought for a moment that he had woke up, but instead he began to speak.

Bulma blinked in confusion as Vegeta began to speak in a tongue she had never heard before. It must have been his native language. Bulma was surprised she had never realized that before. Vegeta lived on a completely different planet, of course they’d have a different language! But though she couldn’t understand his words, she recognized the pleading, pain-filled tone in his voice. A sob threatened to tear from Bulma’s throat as she watched emotions flicker over Vegeta’s face.

She started as he gave another cry and something constricted around her wrist. She gasped, trying to pull back, thinking that he’d finally roused from his sleep, but she found herself secured tightly by… his tail?!? Bulma calmed slowly, taking a deep breath as she realized Vegeta hadn’t woke up. He seemed to quiet down and curl up in a fetal position on the bed. Then something disturbingly close to a sob came from the sleeping Prince.

Bulma felt her tears start down her face as the Saiyan she had always seen and thought of as an arrogant jerk seemed to cower before his silent demons of the mind. She didn’t know what to do, so she acted on instinct. Bulma raised her free hand and gently began to try and remove his tail. But instead of releasing her, it tightened its grip into an almost painful pressure. Bulma bit her lip to keep from gasping.

She tried a different approach. Slowly she began to stroke the fur on the tail wrapped around her wrist, and to her amazement, she heard a purring noise coming from the sleeping Saiyan. She glanced over and was again surprised to find the harsh lines of pain that had been on his face smoothing over into an almost peaceful look. Bulma smiled, increasing her stroking of the soft fur.

Soon Bulma became fascinated with the Saiyan Prince’s tail. The fur was thick and rich, but extremely soft like the fur on a kitten. It looked deceptively weak, as she had found out when it had gripped her, but was also extremely sensitive. Bulma paused at that. Hadn’t Goku said something about Vegeta’s tail being desensitized? She’d have to ask Vegeta. If he ever talked to her again… Bulma trailed off, focusing on the tail again. It was a rich brown color, almost black…

Bulma jerked back to reality, startled, as Vegeta unconsciously moved closer to her, almost cuddling against her lap. She grinned at this. Who knew that Vegeta could actually be cute? Bulma tried to get up and leave, but yet again the tail tightened around her wrist and a small whimper came from the Saiyan’s form.

With a sigh of defeat, Bulma sat back down, taking Vegeta’s head into her lap and idly stroking his rich black hair. She was amazed that he hadn’t awakened through all this. He must have been exhausted even more than she had been. Bulma knew that one of the side effects of the regeneration tank was extreme fatigue, but she hadn’t thought it would affect a Saiyan so severely.

But then again, Vegeta’s injuries had been no little matter. So it would only be natural for his body to demand this much-needed sleep. Bulma looked down tenderly at the man curled up next to her. She wouldn’t be able to imagine from just looking at him now what a walking terror he was when he was awake.

She almost laughed at this, but caught herself just in time. If she did manage to wake Vegeta, she had no idea how he would react. It was just better if he never found out about this.

But again she found she couldn’t get up. This time as she tried, Bulma found that Vegeta’s arms had draped themselves lazily around her waist, pulling her gently to his body. Bulma knew that Vegeta would just die of embarrassment if he ever found out about this. But since there was nothing Bulma could do against his obviously superior strength, she had to let him hold her.

Bulma peered through the darkness, making out Vegeta’s features. She almost started in surprise. His face had smoothed over, causing his ever-apparent scowl to be almost nonexistent. She had to stop her gasp of shock as she realized how truly young he was. Bulma had never really thought about how old the Saiyan Prince was. She’d just figured he was older than her, but now that his eyebrows weren’t furrowed and his mouth had lightened, Bulma saw that Vegeta was quite possibly just as young or younger than herself.

He must be so alone. Bulma thought to herself. Now, without his usual masks in place, he looked… vulnerable.

Bulma had seen him look almost vulnerable when they had both said they were friends in the Professor’s office, but now…. Bulma’s heart constricted in compassion as she lightly raised her hand to trace his eyebrows. She sighed, pulling back slightly to bring her legs onto the bed. Bulma curled her own limbs around the sleeping Prince and again was shocked at how small he was. His compact muscles and flair of wild hair made him seem much larger than he actually was.

Wow… I guess you just can’t trust first impressions… Bulma found herself unwittingly beginning to really like and care for the Saiyan Prince. When she had first invited him to live with her it had been because she was so happy he’d thought of the idea to wish her friends to the earth check-in station so they could be wished back. Bulma had just wanted to repay him, but hadn’t realized the size of the task she was taking on. And Vegeta certainly was a challenge to get along with. Bulma smiled lightly as she remembered the frustration and anger that Vegeta seemed to be able to extract from her with ease. His cold, calculating attitude and sharp, often cruel wit caused her to… to hate him. But she hadn’t really hated him… maybe she had been extremely frustrated and pissed off at him, but she had to admit he was better company than some people were.

Bulma frowned, remembering all the nights she had come home crying because of some thoughtless act Yamcha had done to accidentally hurt her. She knew she loved Yamcha, but he just wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box when it came to feelings. Bulma would always stumble into Vegeta at those times, and he would make some cutting remark that really hurt…. Mostly because he was right … but Bulma had to admit that when he flared her anger up, she forgot about her pain as she proceeded to try and rip him into shreds…

Bulma slipped back to the present time, feeling her own eyelids droop in drowsiness as she felt the comfortable warmth of the Saiyan Prince’s body and feeling his powerful heartbeat in her ears. His now steady breathing comforted her as she curled around his form tighter, trying to squeeze the pain out of his life. Her last coherent thought was… How’s he going to react when he finds me here?

Then she slipped away from reality into the world of dreams, leaving the two most unlikely people curled around one another in comfortable slumber.

Vegeta remembered falling asleep with the pain of Bulma’s words echoing in his mind, but he soon began to dream. Usually Vegeta’s dreams consisted of Kakarot turning Super Saiyan and mocking him for his weakness, but this time it was different…. Way different.

It had been so long since these nightmares had come to him. He remembered having them when he was a young child, but Vegeta had gained limited control over his dreams when he had managed to construct his mental barriers. As it was, the dream came and nothing Vegeta did would stop it…

It just started with Vegeta appearing in a gentle grove, everything around him peaceful and calm. He walked along, knowing in his heart what was going to happen, but unable to prevent it. He came upon a field of tall grass, watching as a group of children ran laughing and playing together. Vegeta felt himself lift into the air, glowing as his power began to pulse around his frame.

No!!! Vegeta mentally cried. He wouldn’t do it! He tried desperately to power down, to do anything to prevent the unavoidable, but helplessly watched in horror as the children looked up at him, complete trust and love in their eyes. But instead of leaving them alone like Vegeta so desperately wanted, he felt the power gather in his palm and then shoot from him in a steady blue beam. Vegeta mentally screamed in pain and shame. He hadn’t wanted to hurt the children! But he just couldn’t stop…

The beam hit as Vegeta laughed cruelly, though not by choice, and the last thing the children did was to look up at him accusingly and mouth that word… monster.

The scene abruptly changed as the peaceful scene looked like it was torn asunder by a terrible force. Vegeta felt the fear start to well up in his being as fire leapt from the ground, burning away the beauty of the place and turning it into an ugly blackened wasteland that began to heat up into an almost unbearable level, fire and lava spewing from the charred earth.

Vegeta suddenly felt his limbs become his own again, and found that he now could control his movements. But he fell from the sky as his energy was drained from him, causing him to slam into the earth. Amazing as it seemed, Vegeta thought he could almost feel the pain as the fire licked at his skin.

Vegeta knew what was going to happen next, and attempted to run away, but the looming chasm that brought such fear to his soul was surrounding him. Vegeta had no way to escape as the figures began to immerge. First came his father, eyes burning into Vegeta’s with a frightening intensity. Vegeta just watched his father approach until the King was peering down at his son.

‘You are a disgrace to the royal bloodline! You should have been killed as an infant to save us this shame. You’ve failed. Everything you’ve done, you’ve failed at. You couldn’t even beat a third-class baka…’

Vegeta felt the words strike home. His voice came out in a pleading sob, begging his father almost incoherently to forgive him… to give him a chance to redeem himself. But the King just stared contemptuously at Vegeta.

Vegeta then felt a powerful hand force him to turn around. He cringed in stark terror as he came face to face with his childhood tormenter. Freeza smirked cruelly at him.

‘So the little monkey prince failed to even get revenge for his own shame! How funny! You were a good little slave, boy. I enjoyed hearing your screams! But you failed yourself at the end! You couldn’t even get close to my power and I killed you!’

Vegeta swallowed harshly, holding back his frustration and horror as what Freeza said also hit its mark. They were both right. Vegeta was a failure.

As he thought that both the King and Freeza laughed at him, their mocking gibes echoing in the Prince’s ears. The earth beneath his feet began to crack open. Vegeta desperately scrambled to run and climb his way out of danger, but Freeza and his father grabbed him roughly.

‘No no, little Princeling. You get to join us where you belong!’ Freeza taunted him, yanking Vegeta to his knees as Vegeta felt like his arms were being pulled off. His father laughed at him.

‘Look at you! Bowing down to the whims of another creature?!? Where is your pride? You’re pathetic!’

Vegeta came dangerously close to letting out a sob then. They’re right. Why did he tolerate living? The answer came with a deafening blow.

He was afraid to die. Afraid that if he did die, that these nightmares would come true. Vegeta really was terrified of finding himself scorned and mocked by the two people who had been the cruelest forces in his life. They had forced him to become what he was now.

Suddenly hands began to sprout out of the chasm. Mangled bodies of thousands of creatures began to drag themselves towards him, chanting in one voice.

‘You killed us… Now feel our pain… Die like you should have long ago.’

Vegeta jerked to his feet, thrashing in a futile attempt to escape the beings he had killed. Horror flooded through him almost as strongly as the despair had. Vegeta had never been proud of destroying lives. He lived for challenge, not to go around and kill helpless people. But he’d been forced to. What choice had he had? Freeza made him and now Freeza was holding him down so that the dead could drag him into the dreaded chasm.

Vegeta screamed in pain as the hands of the dead began to tear at his flesh, dragging his unwilling form down into the pits of despair. Freeza and his father continued to watch, mocking him and laughing at his pitiful attempts to escape.

This time the sobs came out of Vegeta. He moaned in agony as flashes of his past deeds came to him. He’d killed so many… most had been innocent and peaceful beings. He’d destroyed millions of lives, hundreds of planets, and he’d slowly destroyed his own hope.

The creatures all around him gripped him, forcing him brutally to sink into the earth along with them. Cruel faces full of contempt, hatred, and anger for him filled his vision.

NO!!! But it hadn’t been his fault!!! He screamed internally. A voice came from the darkness of the chasm, filled with sadistic glee at seeing Vegeta in this state.

‘But you corrupted your own soul. Isn’t it better for you to die then to let all those innocent beings die? Face it, Saiyan. You brought your own doom… blackened your own soul with pain, anger, and hatred.’ The voice seemed to deepen into something almost like lust, ‘you’ve got the darkest mind I’ve seen in a long time! I will enjoy it when you join me and my demons!’ The voice laughed, ringing through the pain that the dead creatures tearing hands brought.

Vegeta howled his pain and frustration as Freeza, his father, and that voice laughed. The laughter rolled around him, tearing into his soul as he began to believe what they said. Vegeta sobbed harshly, pain wracking his form from not only his torn flesh, but also from the feeling of his soul dying. Maybe it’s better this way… Vegeta thought in despairing sorrow. Maybe they’re right. Maybe I do deserve this!

But a sudden beam of pure light pierce through the bodies of the dead that were tearing into him. The dead screamed in anguish, shrinking back from the light. Vegeta curled up on the ground, wanting to disappear. He shivered uncontrollably as the waves of agony swept over him. Then a soothing power seemed to flow into his being. He opened his heavy eyes and looked up to behold… her. His mind was almost unable to take the radiating purity that surrounded her. He vaguely saw Freeza and his father screaming in fury as Vegeta felt frail yet warm arms encircle him, pulling him to the woman’s body.

‘You’re safe now, my Prince. Do not listen to them… Rest now…’ Her soft lilting voice brought a feeling of peace and security such as he’d never felt before. Vegeta curved his arms around her, clinging onto her frame for all he was worth. Gentle wings made of blue feathers wrapped around him in a caressing heat. Vegeta felt a surge of relief and… caring for this guardian angel who had saved him from the nightmare. He almost felt it hard to believe it had been a dream. Before, it had never been so vivid.

Vegeta felt his eyes closing in a finally peaceful slumber. Before he slipped off, he peered at her again, seeing her radiant beauty sooth his injured soul. He sighed in contentment.

‘Thank you… Bulma… I forgive you…’ He whispered before the dream halted, leaving him to a for once restful dreamless sleep.

Bulma blinked, waking up to the sound of twittering birds. She yawned, trying to stretch, but finding something holding her down. Bulma almost screamed in shock as she realized she was hugging a certain Saiyan Prince and he was hugging her back! She remembered the night before, a warm feeling of happiness filling her as she remembered how she’d calmed him down.

But there was still the problem of how Vegeta would react when he became coherent. Bulma was amazed that she’d actually gotten up before him. Usually when she had woken up at home, he’d already been training in the Gravity Room for hours. He must have really been exhausted! Bulma didn’t know what had happened, but even the regeneration tank shouldn’t have caused him to sleep for this long!

Bulma once again tried to extract herself from Vegeta’s gentle yet vice-like hold. She sighed in exasperation. She was never going to get free! She was going to be stuck like this forever! Bulma ignored the sudden warm feeling of pleasure that that thought gave her. Bulma shook her head. She was not going to even consider him like that!

Bulma peered down at her wrist, finding it free of his tail. She shifted on top of him, hearing him make a little murmuring sound in his sleep. His tail, Bulma found, had moved from her wrist to her waist. Now not only were his arms wrapped around her waist, his tail was too!

She gave up. There was no way she’d get free before he awoke. Bulma groaned. This is it. I’m a dead girl! He was going to so kill her for this! But it wasn’t all her fault!

But Vegeta wouldn’t see that. He’d just see me as invading his personal space, and after the whole incident yesterday, he’s probably already mad at me. Bulma silently began to pray to Kami for help. She didn’t know what else to do.

A light sigh came from the Saiyan Prince and Bulma’s eyes jerked open to stare fearfully into the face of what she assumed would be her death. She saw Vegeta groggily shift and blink slowly before his ebony eyes focused on her. Bulma gave a sheepish grin as his eyes widened into a look of pure shock.

Vegeta suddenly gave a yelp and Bulma found herself thrown unceremoniously to the floor next to the bed, landing roughly on her rear. Bulma blinked at that. That definitely wasn’t the reaction she had expected from him.

She saw the confusion and absolute shock on his face, his breathing heavy from the surprise. He slowly swallowed and ran a hand through his thick mane of black hair slowly before seeming to collect his thoughts. Bulma noticed the shock fading into his usual stoic mask and knew her end was coming. He seemed to struggle for words for a moment before speaking to her. Bulma cringed expectantly, waiting to hear her death sentence.

"What…. What are you doing in here?" Vegeta snarled hoarsely. Bulma blinked, again surprised by the Saiyan’s question. She gulped, looking him in the eyes.

"Uh… well… you were having a bad dream and I came to check on you…." She trailed off, pausing to see if he was accepting her answer or not. Instead of looking angry, Bulma was a bit shocked to see Vegeta look away from her, his dark eyes troubled. Sympathy and caring for the Prince came over Bulma again. She seemed to be becoming a lot more impulsive ever since she had been around Vegeta. Maybe his Saiyan attitude has rubbed off a bit on her. Bulma shuddered at the thought.

She looked quizzically at Vegeta, wondering why he was just sitting there, not speaking at all. Maybe that dream was a lot worse than I thought. I bet it’s really bugging him… Bulma pushed down her fears and got up off the floor, rubbing her sore behind in the process. She approached the bed, gulping nervously as Vegeta’s eyes suddenly snapped up to glare at her. But to her amazement, he said nothing.

"Vegeta…" Bulma tried. He just growled at her, jerking away from her approaching form.

"Just leave me alone, woman! Why do you insist on being such a pest?"

Bulma stifled the pain that his insult brought, reminding herself that he was pushing her away because of her own stupidity. She tried again, sitting at the edge of the bed next to him. Vegeta watched her warily, trying to edge away from her. He licked his lips before talking again.

"What do you want from me?" He snapped harshly. Bulma blinked. Huh? What did he mean by that? She sighed softly, raising a hand and resting it on Vegeta’s thigh before he could protest.

"Vegeta… what was your dream about?" Bulma inquired. Vegeta visibly winced, causing Bulma to worry about him more. She scooted closer to him, feeling how his warm body stiffened at her nearness. She looked into his face, trying to convince Vegeta to trust her again.

He grimaced a bit, brushing her hand off his leg and jerking away from her to begin pacing next to the bedside. Bulma watched his violent movements sadly.

"Please, Vegeta… I’m so sorry about yesterday… I didn’t mean to hurt you…" Bulma broke off as she felt a sob threatening to pour out of her. Vegeta paused, confused and skeptical of her apology.

"Who said you hurt me? Why would I care about a loud mouthed baka like you?" He snarled angrily, turning away. Bulma once again tried to ignore the pain his insult brought, reminding herself of the way he had been before, not the way he was acting now. The more she thought about it, the more she got frustrated at the Saiyan Prince.

"Dang it, Vegeta! Why can’t you just talk to me! Just get all this over with so we can leave!" Bulma yelled at him. Vegeta peered at her, dark eyes showing turmoiled thoughts. Finally he sighed heavily before sitting himself down on the cold floor.

"What do you want?" He asked in a bit calmer tone. Bulma smiled internally, sensing her near victory. She moved off the bed to sit in front of him.

"Well, you promised to show me your past…" Bulma said, trying to ignore the brief flash of bitter terror in Vegeta’s eyes. She continued hastily. "I think that maybe you should just get it over with and show me now so that you can be free of this… this fear you seem to have…" She stopped, waiting for his answer. He scowled heavily at her.

"Fear? You think I’m afraid of my past?" He snapped crossly. Bulma just nodded her head as the answer. Vegeta seemed to let out a sigh of defeat. Bulma smiled at him warmly, trying to make the atmosphere less tense.

"Vegeta… surely it couldn’t be as bad as your making it seem. Maybe you’re just overreacting to past events…" Vegeta cut her off harshly, his dark eyes snapping in anger and something akin to fear.

"Overreacting?!?! Is that what you earthlings call it? How would you know anything about overreacting? You don’t know what your talking about, woman!" Vegeta’s voice was getting a hysterical edge to it. Bulma suddenly realized that these past few days were wearing much harder on the Saiyan Prince than herself. He’s about to snap. She thought. And part of it was her fault. Bulma straitened, a new determination to help him filling her being.

"Vegeta," Bulma said in a low soothing voice, "Calm down…" He growled at that, looking as if he was about to blow something up.

"Calm?!? I am calm! You’re the one overreacting to this… this whole thing!" Vegeta began to gesture violently at her, looking as if he was going to tear her head off her shoulders. Bulma gulped. What now? He certainly wasn’t thinking rationally at the moment… That dream must have been pretty bad. Bulma had never seen Vegeta so… so distraught and afraid.

And that was what he was… afraid. The discovery hit Bulma in the face and she gave a slight cry at its intensity. He was terrified… more so than anything Bulma had ever felt. He was trying so hard to scare her off… to keep her from him, but it wasn’t working. Bulma reached a hand out gently to the angry Saiyan. He glared daggers at her, murder in his eyes as she tried to talk to him. He just wouldn’t listen to her.

"Vegeta, just tell me everything so that you can get rid of me!" Bulma finally yelled in frustration. Vegeta’s head snapped up to look at her. "I know you have to keep your promise, so just do it!" He snarled something in the same guttural language she had identified as Saiyago, anger evident on his sharp features.

"NO!!!" He snapped harshly, " I refuse to do this! I never asked for any of this, so I don’t see why I should help!" Bulma’s gentle hand finally made its way to his shoulder, forcing him to look her in the eyes. Behind all the anger and rage, Bulma saw the humiliation and shame of what he had done. Her eyes widened slightly. She’d never thought that Vegeta might actually be sorry for all the lives he had killed.

"Vegeta… did you ever ask for anything else that has happened in your life?" Her calm reasoning seemed to slice through his sudden rage. He just seemed to deflate, slumping to the floor. Bulma watched him, worried at this abrupt change in his demeanor. She placed a hand under his chin, forcing him to look at her once again.

And she almost fell over. She would have fallen over if she hadn’t been sitting down already. Vegeta, the mighty Prince of the Saiyans, was close to tears. He was trying desperately to blink back the dampness in his eyes, but Bulma had made him look at her too soon for him to hide the wetness.

"Please, Vegeta…" Bulma begged. "Please tell me…" She watched him sigh, gulping heavily before nodding ever so slightly at her.

"Fine, woman…" He muttered, voice rough with unspoken emotions. He took her hands hesitantly, holding her hands awkwardly in his own. He peered into her face, expression solemn and very sad. She felt the same electric tingles she had felt when the Professor had shown her Vegeta’s thoughts come up her arms, but with much more power. Before the dizziness overtook her, she saw the bitterness and defeat in Vegeta’s eyes as he whispered something to her.

"I’m keeping my promise, woman…. But you’ll hate me for it…"

Bulma tried to ponder what he meant, but was unable to as the world around her shifted and her mind went dark.

Bulma woke up to find herself in the sharp severity of Vegeta’s mind once again, but this time, Vegeta was allowing her. Bulma shifted, discovering that she just had to think of the direction she wanted to go, and her astral form would obey. She was slightly surprised as another misty figure formed in front of her. Vegeta appeared, looking the same as he did in real life. He frowned heavily at her before gesturing for her to follow him.

This is weird. Bulma thought as she slowly proceeded to move after Vegeta’s form. Abruptly he turned around as they both came to the edge of his emotionless wasteland that was his unguarded thoughts. She stared in amazement at the towering wall of smooth ice that blocked every attempt anyone made to find what Vegeta was truly feeling. She looked from the wall back to Vegeta’s spiritual form. He just smirked mockingly before touching the wall, causing a ripple to run through it. A crack appeared in the inky depths, shifting with a groan to make a passage small enough for her entry into the unknown depths of Vegeta’s mind. Then Vegeta’s image spoke to her for the first and last time.

:: Only look through the thoughts I give to you. Do not try to wander… understand?:: Bulma nodded emphatically before starting forward through the opening. It immediately closed behind her, leaving her in a place that had never been viewed by anyone before her. A place of hidden beauty, but frighteningly savage in it’s appearance. Bulma realized this was Vegeta’s true mind… the one he had hidden for all those years.

It was so beautiful. Bulma peered around, watching the swirling colors of emotion sweep through the landscape, causing the surroundings to sway in the invisible waves of memories. It seemed almost as if his mind was a whole different world with all the shimmering crystals and dark brooding terrors that filled her vision. But Bulma was unable to study his mind for long as one of the many swirling memories approached her, coming up to her and offering itself. Bulma paused before moving forward to merge with the memory.

A flash was felt and Bulma found herself watching Vegeta’s life through the eyes of a spectator. She saw quick scans of Vegeta’s past, the scenes passing by so quickly that she couldn’t understand them. Bulma became angry. Vegeta was keeping his promise, but also attempting to make it so she wouldn’t see it completely. She felt the anger well up in her until she suddenly tore away from the memory, causing a visible shudder to run through Vegeta’s mind. He obviously wasn’t expecting that.

Bulma ignored the warning that Vegeta’s spirit form had given her as she took off into the forbidden depths of Vegeta’s thoughts and memories. She found what she was looking for. His darkest fears and all of his past raging in a hidden darkness almost as if Vegeta was trying to destroy them… hide them so deeply that he didn’t have to remember any of it. Bulma started forward, ignoring the sudden feeling of panic from Vegeta that threatened to overwhelm her senses. She could almost hear him begging her to leave… to not go any closer… But she ignored him, forcing the memories that Vegeta had tried to hide from her to open up. She knew Vegeta was helpless to stop her at the time and felt that he knew it too. But this didn’t stop her as she merged with the swirling black demon that represented Vegeta’s childhood, feeling the familiar flash that always happened before memories were shown. What Bulma saw next horrified her beyond belief as she helplessly was swept through Vegeta’s past, only able to watch what happened with no way to stop it… it started in a strange palace that Bulma could only assume was Vegetisai.


Prince Vegeta was about ten standard years of age when his father started to act strangely. He had always had a pretty good relationship with his father, especially considering the usual Saiyan traditions. His father had raised him, trained him, and taught him everything he needed to know, never allowing anyone but himself to teach the young Prince. Vegeta was proud of his father, looking up to him strongly. Prince Vegeta had always seen his father as a proud King that never bowed to anyone, but also ruled his people fairly, causing the atmosphere of the violent planet of Vegetisai to become almost content.

The Prince knew that when he grew up, he wanted to be exactly like his father. He wanted to be a good King and lead his people into power. The Prince smiled slightly at the thought, shifting on the uncomfortable chair he was sitting on. His father demanded that young Vegeta be present in mostly all political meetings, but the Prince found them very boring. He’d much rather be tormenting Nappa or training with the King than be stuck doing this… political junk. That was the only downfall Vegeta could see in becoming the King… He hated politics, and would much rather not worry about it. But it was necessary to trade with other species since the problem was with the actual planet itself. Vegetisai was a desert planet, beautiful in its own rights, but unable to sustain a large group of people because of its very limited resources. And the Saiyans weren’t just any group of people… all Saiyans had horrendous appetites, and there was no way that they could grow enough food to feed everyone.

The Prince sighed, causing his father to glance at him sharply. Young Vegeta just ignored the look, slumping deeper into his chair as his tail twitched idly. The King rolled his eyes at his son before turning his attentions back to the overweight alien ambassador that sat across from the two of them. The King almost grinned as he heard another sigh come from his small brat. Though powerful, Prince Vegeta had never been gifted with much patience for things that didn’t hold his interest. The King decided to make the Prince involved, hoping that including him would prick his interest for politics.

"So, brat, what do you think the Zel Garon should do about their economical problem?"

Prince Vegeta snorted in contempt.

"Isn’t it obvious?" When both the King and the Zel Garon ambassador just stared at him, the Prince sighed. He was only ten and he was already surrounded by idiots! "Look, all they have to do is hire out some of their people. You say that they are short on goods to trade, well why not make their own goods up. I have heard that most Zel Garon’s are excellent chefs, making their cooking extremely valuable. Also, many of them have great musical talents, so why don’t they make up a way to sell their abilities to other species, therefore trading their talents for the necessary resources." The Prince finished off smugly as both the King and ambassador stared at him with open mouths. The ambassador was the first to recover.

"Uh... Well, King Vegeta. It seems you have raised your son well. He seems like a very intelligent lad. That is a very good idea! I thank you for your great service to our people. I will be sure to send over some of our finest musicians and chefs to thank you for your help." The ambassador rose up, bowing to the both of them before turning to leave.

As soon as the King and Prince were alone in the Great Hall of the palace, the King turned to his son.

"Brat, I told you not to show off like that! I am the King and you’re making me look foolish!" Prince Vegeta smirked at that.

"Well, it’s not that hard, father." Prince Vegeta laughed as the King made a half hearted attempt to cuff his ears.

"Show your respect, brat! I am your King!" But King Vegeta was unable to keep out the amusement that laced his tones. The Prince smirked, knowing that he wouldn’t get punished. The King then turned to the Prince seriously. "Brat, I have an important meeting that you cannot attend to tonight. I’m sure that you won’t mind." The Prince rolled his eyes.

"No, father, I’m heartbroken," He snapped sarcastically, causing the King to smirk at him fondly.

"Well then, out! Go beat up Nappa or something. Just make sure to stay out of my way!" The Prince got up and bowed formally to his father before turning to leave.

"As you wish," He stated as he left the throne room. As soon as he got out of his father’s sight, the Prince let out a sigh of relief before he grinned. FREE!!! Finally he could do something he wanted to do! He really hated that stuffy throne room. When he became King, Vegeta promised himself that he’d change a few things…

The young Prince was so deep in his own thoughts that he didn’t notice the fat pink alien until it grabbed him. Vegeta let loose a yelp of surprise and anger, blinking to face the ugly being that had him. He snarled, thrashing in the creature’s grip.

"Unhand me, you insignificant being! I’ll have you killed for this! How dare you touch me!" But the pink creature just laughed, turning to his companion.

"Hey Zarbon! Look what I just caught! A lost little monkey!" The alien then burst out laughing as he mocked Vegeta. Vegeta growled angrily, the fur on his tail bristling in rage. The pink alien’s companion came into sight just then. He was a tall blue-skinned being, with long green hair pulled back into a braid. Vegeta paused in his angry tirade for a moment, thinking that the blue alien was a bit too pretty to be a male. But he was a male. Vegeta could smell the heavy scent that came with most male species on both of his unexpected captors.

"Come on, Dodoria, let the kid go! We came here by Master Freeza’s orders to be ‘guards.’" The one called Zarbon chuckled lightly before turning to look at Vegeta. His eyes widened for a moment before he grinned at the squirming, helpless Prince that was being held above the floor.

"Well, well! Looks like you did catch us something, Dodoria! I didn’t think it was the Princeling!" Zarbon spoke to Vegeta next in a tone that said that Zarbon obviously thought Vegeta was stupid. "Okay, little Prince. Which way do we go to get to the throne room?" Vegeta’s lip curled in disgust at the aliens condemning tone.

"Why should I tell you, you piece of alien space trash! Let me GO!" With that, the Prince let loose a powerful ki blast that knocked Dodoria away from him. Vegeta landed on his feet, glaring with hatred at the pink blob. Zarbon found this amusing to no end.

"Ha ha ha! Oh that was a classic! You should have seen your face, Dodoria! You were beaten by a ten-year-old brat! Just wait till Master Freeza hears about this!"

Dodoria stood up again, face twisting in anger.

"You little brat! I’ll make you regret that!" Dodoria ran forward, trying to slam a fist into the young Prince, but Dodoria’s rage caused him to be careless, though his power was obviously more than Vegeta’s. Vegeta dodged the attack, slamming Dodoria once again to the floor and then backing off to power up another blast. A sharp blow to the head from Zarbon sent him slamming into the wall. Vegeta painfully extracted his small body from the dent he’d made.

"Dodoria, we’re here to be with Master Freeza, not to fight monkeys! You should know that! Now come on! We’re supposed to get to the throne room before Freeza so we can announce him properly!" Zarbon grabbed the downed Dodoria and began to drag him down the halls. But Dodoria held grudges. He wasn’t about to let Vegeta get away with humiliating him like that. He jerked away from Zarbon, moving surprisingly fast for one as fat as himself. He grabbed the Prince by his throat, cutting off Vegeta’s air.

Vegeta tried to gasp as the sudden pain flared through his skull from Dodoria’s hand. He couldn’t breath. Vegeta began to struggle violently, trying to get air into his starving lungs. A sharp pain shot through his body, but he couldn’t cry out since he had no breath to do so. Vegeta was about to give up as the darkness began to overtake his mind. But suddenly he was release, slamming onto the cold floor in a dizzy, painful heap. Vegeta slowly dragged himself to his feet, ignoring the shooting agony that it caused. He glared at the new comer who had just saved him.

It was a strange, pasty looking creature, colored in pale white, pink, and black. Vegeta blinked, never really having seen anything like it before. Finally it spook in a deceptively gentle tone.

"Zarbon, Dodoria, leave me and go find the throne room. I will be along in just a moment."

Both of the aliens that had been tormenting Vegeta bowed to the strange pasty creature before talking.

"Yes, Master Freeza." And both of them bolted down the hall, leaving Vegeta alone with this ‘Master Freeza.’ He turned and saw Freeza studying him intently. Vegeta raised an eyebrow, his tail twitching impatiently. Finally Freeza’s mouth quirked in amusement at the apparent lack of patience in the Prince.

"My, my, little Prince. I’ve heard quite a bit about you. In fact, I just spoke with an ambassador that said you had solved the problem to his planet. Impressive… very impressive."

Vegeta began to feel extremely uncomfortable as Freeza began to eye him like he was something to be bought. It annoyed him to no end.

"Baka! Quit looking at me and go torment my father! I have nothing to do with you or your politics! Just go!" Vegeta snarled but was surprised when Freeza laughed.

"Ah! Quite an impatient little monkey! You show promise, little Vegeta," Freeza moved forward, laying a hand on Vegeta’s head and ruffling his hair before Vegeta could react. Vegeta jerked out of reach, growling his threat at Freeza through clenched teeth. Freeza once again smiled at the spunky little Prince’s response.

"Such spirit, little one! I like you, Vegeta! Too bad you aren’t in my armies! I could make you more powerful than you could imagine."

Vegeta backed away, more afraid of this slight, weak-looking being then he had been of Zarbon and Dodoria. He bared his teeth, tail lashing behind him as Freeza turned away to continue down the halls. Vegeta heard Freeza speak to him again before disappearing around the corner.

"We shall meet again, little Princeling. And be certain that the circumstances will be different."

A few days later, Vegeta woke up to light streaming through his window. He’d been in a sound sleep, but had also been plagued with nightmares of the creature who called himself Freeza. The Prince was worried. His father hadn’t come out of his chambers for the past three days, refusing to even see or speak to the Prince. Vegeta had seen him after his meeting with Freeza, but since then, the King had closed himself off from all Saiyan contact.

The Prince could sense something bothering his father. It was eating at him from the inside, obviously causing the King great worries. The young Prince sighed, stretching out with his senses to touch the minds of all the Saiyans on the planet. His father had taught him how to control his mental intake, since all of the royal bloodline was attached mentally to their people. This gave the King power to give directions silently and more efficiently, while also making it possible to tell what the person was feeling. Vegeta had been astonished at first when he discovered how to reach into people’s minds, almost overwhelmed by all the feelings and thoughts that spilled over him. But little by little, the King had been able to teach the Prince to control where and when he would listen to the minds of other Saiyans. The only downfall to this amazing ability, was not only did he feel their feelings, he felt their pain, emotional and physical. He felt their love, their loyalty, everything that they were and ever would be flooded over him.

The Prince allowed a smile to grace his lips as he listened to some of his favorite Saiyan minds. He was now able to identify each individual mind, but only a few actually kept his interest. Vegeta had little patience for dimwits, which made up most of the Saiyan race. He’d tried to spy on Nappa’s mind, but had found him very dull, stupid in fact, but very loyal. Vegeta sighed. There was one mind that really intrigued him. He’d never been able to meet the owner of the mind in person, but it was the only other Saiyan that actually had the ability to think besides him and sometimes his father.

Vegeta sank into a trance, allowing his own worries to leave as he began to see and feel and become one with his chosen Saiyan mind. Bardock… The Saiyan that he so loved to intrude upon was one of the very few Saiyan scientists that had actually invented something worth keeping. This Bardock’s mind was full of complex thoughts and emotions that pricked Vegeta’s interest. Vegeta desperately wanted to actually meet this Saiyan man that thought so much like himself, but he wasn’t allowed to mingle with the commoners. And though this Bardock was brilliant, he was only a third-class-warrior in terms of power.

Vegeta abruptly pulled out of the Saiyan’s mind as a sharp knock sounded on his door. He muttered grumpily, getting to his feet and opening the large door. Vegeta blinked, surprised to see his father standing there, scowling heavily at the Prince.

This disturbed the young Prince. His father never really showed affection publicly to the Prince, but Vegeta had always been able to sense his father’s caring for him. But now… his father looked at him with pure hatred and rage in his eyes.

"Come on, brat. Time to train." The King grabbed Vegeta roughly by the arm and began to drag him down the hall. The Prince looked over at his father in shock. His father had never acted like this. What was wrong with him? But the Prince didn’t want to upset his father more than he already was, and so allowed himself to be led violently into the training room.

"Now fight me, brat!" The King snarled, throwing his greater mass at the small Prince. Vegeta was shocked again. What was going on? His father was actually attacking him first! Every other time before, the King had allowed the Prince to attack, just blocking the young Saiyan’s strikes and giving him advice on how to make them better.

Young Vegeta barely had enough time to raise his arms in a defensive position when his father slammed into him, sending the Prince a sharp blow that caused Vegeta to crash painfully to the floor. What the…? Never before had his father struck him without reason. There was something very wrong here, but the Prince had no time to think about it as the King rushed at him again.

Vegeta felt his father’s physical blows vaguely, but the real pain came from his heart. His father, the one he had looked up to all this time, was hurting him! The Prince felt sorrow like none he’d ever felt before overtake him. But as the blows battered his small body, the young Prince’s sorrow slowly transformed into anger…

The King backhanded the Prince’s already bloody face viciously. Vegeta snapped his head back to look at his father, rage and hurt beginning to overtake his young face. He suddenly struck back, knocking his father away. Vegeta painfully dragged himself up, noticing his broken arm and ribs as he shifted.

"What are you doing?!?" The Prince shouted in pain and anger at his father. The King only snarled in response, before stalking forward. Young Vegeta held his ground, watching his father approach with mixed feelings. The King abruptly snagged the front of the Princes clothing, yanking him up to come face to face with one another. Vegeta gave a cry of pain as he felt his broken bones grind together. He peered at his father through pain blurred eyes.

"You want to know why I’m doing this?" The King yelled in rage. "I’m doing this because you are the downfall of the whole Saiyan race!" The King shook the Prince to emphasize his words. Young Vegeta felt the confusion and shock enter his pain-numbed mind. Downfall of their race? What was his father talking about! The Prince never thought he’d done anything that bad. His father answered his unvoiced question.

"Do you know what, brat?" The King hissed harshly at the bloody form of the Prince, "If you hadn’t showed off that one time, Freeza would have left us alone. But now he demands you to join him or he will destroy this planet completely."

Prince Vegeta felt numb with shock. How was he supposed to know that such a small thing could be so important and dangerous? Guilt hit the little Saiyan’s body hard. Vegeta felt the tears he’d never shed coming to his eyes. His father spat on him in contempt.

"You weakling! I used to believe that you were going to be a powerful leader, but now I see I was wrong choosing you out of the many brats for becoming my heir. You disgrace this race." The King then flung the Prince across the room, leaving him lying there in his own blood.

I didn’t know! Father… I’m so sorry… I didn’t know… Vegeta felt the warm tears begin to trickle down his battered face, mingling with his blood. He cursed himself. His father had told him many times not to show off in front of the alien people who came to their planet. The King had been afraid that something might happen to him. And now Vegeta discovered that his father had been right to be afraid. But what was so horrible was that not only he was getting punished, but the whole planet. Vegeta realized with sick fascination that he might have just caused the downfall of his people.

His sobs began to wrack his body. No… it wasn’t supposed to happen this way! He’d been so proud of himself after that last meeting where he had solved an important problem. Vegeta hadn’t known that some bloodthirsty cruel being might be collecting the strongest children to raise as their own. How could he have known? Even though he was much smarter than any other Saiyan on the planet, he was only ten. Still a child that hadn’t learned… but now his stupid pride had caused his father to hate him…

Vegeta let out a cry of pain… not just physical, but the overwhelming guilt and self-hatred that overtook his body. Yet, as he continued to berate himself savagely, blaming himself for all that had happened and beginning to curse his own existence, a sharp pain in his neck caused him to black out before he noticed the sad face of the Saiyan he had so wanted to meet. Without a word, Bardock picked up the small body of the terribly injured Prince and took him away from the training grounds.

Vegeta slowly roused himself from his troubled sleep. He’d been having nightmares. His father and Freeza kept mocking him… telling him what a pathetic being he was and how he was worthless. And the poor little Prince was beginning to believe them. He extracted himself from the covers of a strange bed, peering around in confusion to figure out his whereabouts. His eyes fell on another Saiyan watching him intently from across the room.

Vegeta’s eyes widened as he recognized whom it was. It was the Saiyan that he so loved to fuse minds with in his spare time. Vegeta gulped slightly, now that he was face to face with the man, he had no clue what to say. What did one say to a third-class warrior? Vegeta had honestly never talked to one before.

Bardock rose from his chair, approaching Vegeta slowly. He seemed to watch the young Prince quizzically, features betraying no emotion, but Vegeta could feel it.

"What happened?" Bardock asked gruffly. Vegeta sighed as his guilt flooded back to him. He muttered something under his breath until Bardock forced him to look up.

"Listen, my Prince. There is no way I can help you unless you tell me." Bardock stated firmly. Vegeta bowed his head in shame.

"There is nothing you can do to help me." Vegeta mumbled. Bardock raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really? Well, tell me and I’ll decide what I can and cannot do." He settled down next to Vegeta, doing an awkward attempt at comforting him. Vegeta sighed, telling the low-class Saiyan everything, trying desperately to hold in his tears again. At the end, Bardock looked at him thoughtfully.

"Well, I still say it wasn’t your fault, but since no one else will accept that, I think you should just go back to the palace. I don’t think there’s much else you can do." Bardock moved back over to the other side of the room, taking up Vegeta’s torn clothing and giving it back to him. Vegeta grimaced, realizing for the first time his nakedness underneath the warm covers. He quickly accepted Bardock’s offer, and changed back into his clothes. They were still torn and bloodstained from the training session, but Bardock had somehow taken out the smell of blood and sweat from the material.

Vegeta stood stiffly, muscles cramping from lack of use. He looked to Bardock, hoping that the Saiyan could see his deep gratitude for what he had done. Amazingly, Bardock seemed to understand and smiled down at the young Prince as he took him to the door. The older warrior seemed to pause for a moment, as if contemplating whether to tell Vegeta something. Finally, he did.

"My Prince, I just want you to know that I promise to do everything within my power to prevent Freeza’s treachery. I will try to stop him from doing anything to you or our people. I vow it on my life that I will do this for you." Bardock made a movement, bringing his closed fists up to his heart. Vegeta just watched as Bardock went through with the motions of sealing his oath. He was greatly touched at the low-class warrior’s vow to him.

"Why… why are you doing so much for me?" Vegeta asked softly. Bardock smiled at him.

"Well, my Prince. I have two sons, one which has grown up as a normal Saiyan warrior. But my other son has been lost. He was sent on a purging mission as a baby, sent to a planet on the outskirts of our realm. He never returned." Bardock’s face held a deep regret as he continued. "Many say that he failed and died on his mission, but I don’t believe it. He’s alive out there! Somewhere my son lives on." He looked Vegeta in the eyes. "You are about his age, my Prince. And I beg you that if you survive these times, please find my son, Kakarot, and tell him that I loved him."

Vegeta watched the older Saiyan in shock. No one had ever told him that they cared, so how could he say those words to a complete stranger, even if they weren’t from him? But Vegeta sighed internally, nodding his head at the old warrior. Bardock looked relieved.

"I vow that I will find your son and tell him this." Vegeta went through the same motions that Bardock had earlier, sealing his own vow.

"Thank you, my Prince," Bardock murmured as he bowed to Vegeta. Then he proceeded to take Vegeta back to his palace and his awaiting destiny.

As they walked in companionable silence, Vegeta brooded over his father’s words. What were things going to be like now that his father hated him? Not pleasant. He could guess at least that much. But he had to keep his promise to Bardock before he could die. He’d made an oath, and on his honor as a Saiyan warrior, he would uphold that oath. Then another question caused him to turn to the older warrior at his side.

"How come you were in the palace? How did you get me?" Vegeta inquired. Bardock glanced down at him before answering.

"I just made up a way to manipulate ki so that you can make a ki ball that imitates the same light as the moon. When your father found out I knew this, he sent for me and is now having me teach this ability to other high-class Saiyans." Bardock grimaced. "I hadn’t meant for your father to find out just yet. But I couldn’t hide it for very long." Vegeta agreed with him, intrigued about this ‘ki moon’ thing.

"Do you think you could teach me?" Vegeta asked softly. Bardock once again smiled at him as they approached the palace gates.

"Of course, my Prince." With that, Bardock veered off from Vegeta’s side, leaving him to face his father… alone.

The next few months were a living terror for the Prince. His father seemed to loath him more and more after every meeting he had with Freeza. Young Vegeta didn’t know what to do about the whole situation, so he tried to do his best to cope with it. His father forced him to train every day, taking out all his frustration and rage on the poor little Prince.

Vegeta had to admit that the beatings were making him much stronger, but he would give anything to go back into what he had had with his father before.

The days faded in and out as the Prince was alternated between a regeneration tank and the training room. His only reprieve was the times when his father had more political meetings. Now days, his father never allowed him close to the meetings and Vegeta didn’t mind that part too much. But though the times began to sink into routine and Vegeta began to get used to the beatings and scorns from his father, it still hurt.

Nothing could stop the guilt and pain in the young Prince. Even though he masked it well when others were around, that didn’t mean it wasn’t an ever-present agony for Vegeta. He tried so hard to ignore it, but his father’s sudden mood change left him confused and alone. The Prince had never been allowed to make other friends, only being able to speak to anyone, besides the King, when he was giving commands and orders. The young Prince sighed in defeat as he stepped out of the regeneration tank once again. His small body was recovered and he could feel the new power coursing through him. Vegeta itched to try out the power, but the only one who could challenge him was his own father, and, though the Prince was now more powerful than the King, Vegeta couldn’t bring himself to harm his father.

He knew that his father’s rage was justified. The King had worked so hard to build up the Saiyan kingdom and raise Vegeta to uphold his honor. And then the Prince had accidentally caused this threatening force to focus on their world. Vegeta hadn’t meant to… the last thing he’d wanted to do was hurt his father. He sighed again, dragging himself over to the clothing folded next to the tank, waiting for him. The Prince didn’t bother to look around, already knowing that the room would be empty. Everyone in the palace gates and even beyond them had heard about the Prince’s ‘treachery’ as the King put it. Now, as the Prince attempted to keep his pride, walking down the hallways stiffly by himself, he couldn’t ignore the glances of scorn and hatred from the other Saiyan Elite.

They believed the King. They thought that the Prince had betrayed their planet, wanting the downfall of their race. Somehow, their anger and mistrust of him hurt Vegeta almost as much as his father’s hatred. The small Saiyan walked to his room, once again trying to look cold and uncaring as he received the scornful glances from all that he walked by.

But as soon as he got to his room, Vegeta curled up on his bed, trying to push away his sorrow and pain-filled emotions. His whole world had turned upside-down after the fateful day that Freeza had come. The poor Prince didn’t know what to do. He was lost and afraid, but had no one to turn to, so instead he curled up on his bed and held back the tears that had threatened his eyes almost every night.

Vegeta was woken up roughly as hands gripped him from every side. His eyes snapped open to discover his father glaring at him from across the room and a group of six Elite soldiers trying to bind his wrists. The Prince snarled at them, batting their attempts away. No matter how much they disliked him, he was the most powerful Saiyan on the planet. Only his respect and caring for his father kept him from destroying things.

Vegeta looked over to where his father was standing, wondering what this was all about. But he wasn’t able to ponder for long as the warriors attacked him again, forcing him to battle them. Vegeta dodged one as he tried to tackle the Prince, ducking to the side and causing the man to fly into the wall. Others attacked from all sides, but the Prince blocked each blow with surprising skill for his young age. The young Prince noticed his father watching him blandly, but got struck on the side of the head when he became distracted.

Vegeta growled, dizzy from the unblocked hit. He struck out, knocking three of the Elite away from him in one strike. They just came right back, bounding in and dashing at the Prince with fury. Vegeta was confused. Why were they doing this? What was the point?

He effortlessly danced around the clumsy attacks of the Elite, getting bored. Vegeta decided to end the foolishness of this whole ordeal, and let out a howl. Blue winds seemed to strike out from the young Prince’s body. The attacking soldiers were blown to the walls by the power surrounding the Prince. Only the King stood mostly unaffected, but even he looked surprised at the power the Prince was showing. Vegeta stopped powering up and turned to glare at each individual warrior. They flinched from his gaze.

"Either leave or fight me." The Prince demanded, sick of this whole thing. One by one the Elite cautiously began to form a line to attack once again. They were obviously more afraid of failing than dying. They attacked simultaneously from an unheard signal. Vegeta whipped to the side, immediately disposing of three of the six warriors with a roundhouse kick that broke their backs. The remaining three spun around, on the offensive once again. The Prince didn’t even wait for them to reach him, but instead let loose a small but powerful ki blast that disintegrated all traces of the Elite soldiers.

The Prince powered down, turning to face his father who still stood in the doorway.

"What are you doing?" The Prince demanded. "Why did you try that?" The King smirked at the young Saiyan.

"Bravo, brat… you past the test!" A familiar voice snickered. The King moved to the side, letting someone move from the shadows into the room. The Prince’s eyes widened in horror.

"Surprised to see me, young monkey? You shouldn’t be." Freeza stepped daintily into the room, avoiding the gore. Vegeta backed away, looking from his father to Freeza.

"Wha… what’s going on?" Vegeta tried to hide the fear that was beginning to surface. His father came forward.

"Come… you’re leaving this planet." The King stated harshly before he turned and walked from the room. Vegeta blinked in shock. Freeza came up to him, causing Vegeta to shrink back.

"You shouldn’t be so surprised, little one. You now have the honor of calling me Master." Then Freeza turned to proceed after the King. Vegeta stared at their retreating backs.

His father had sold him to Freeza? But why? True, his father hated him, but he’d never thought the King would go so far as to give him away. The young Prince felt a cold lump forming in his chest, but slowly he followed his father to the throne room.

Once he entered, Vegeta was ambushed from all sides. The young Prince had been expecting something like this to happen, so he blurred out of sight and appeared in front of his father.

"You don’t have to knock me out, you baka!" The Prince snapped, eyes flashing dangerously. He’d never spoken so disrespectfully to his father in his life, but Vegeta felt betrayed and used. His father had given him away to the one creature who had ruined his life. The King was surprised also.

"Why do you think I would want to knock you out?" The King barked, covering up his shock quickly. The young Prince gestured at the guards, who were unsure whether they should attack again or not.

"What do you take me for? An idiot? You obviously don’t want me conscious so that I won’t attempt to escape that… that thing!" Vegeta pointed viciously at Freeza’s mocking countenance. The King’s frown deepened.

"Well, then. Are you going to go willingly?" From the Prince’s defiant look, the King knew that would never happen. "You have to go… No one wants a weakling leading them."

The Prince snapped at this, the temper he had ruthlessly suppressed flaring to life.

"You IDIOT!!! I’m the most powerful Saiyan on this mudball and you dare call me weak? You’re the one who has made us weak! You spoke to Freeza and made this whole treaty with him! You’re the one who has used me! I haven’t done anything that shows me to be weak! Why are you doing this?" The last sentence was almost a plea. Vegeta’s temper cooled down into despair. "Why, father? Do I disappoint you so much that you would sell me? Do you hate me so much that you want to get rid of me?" The young Prince sank to his knees, trying to hold in all the emotions that were plaguing him. "Why?" He whispered, tear-filled eyes meeting the King’s and pleading silently. The King paused for a moment.

"I… I don’t know, brat… I really don’t know…" The King looked puzzled. Vegeta held in a sniffle, thinking over what his father had said. He didn’t know? What was that supposed to mean! His father had done all this from impulsiveness?

A laugh from across the room snapped both the King and Prince to attention. Freeza smirked cruelly.

"Bravo! What a touching performance! I almost felt tears in my eyes!" Freeza looked down and met Vegeta’s eyes. Vegeta kept glaring at him, not wavering in the slightest bit. Freeza’s smirk grew. "I knew I’d made a good choice when I found you!" He said, addressing the little Prince. Vegeta just growled. Freeza continued on, mocking him.

"Do you really want to know why precious daddy did all this?" Both Vegeta’s looked shocked. Freeza laughed. "You didn’t really believe that your father would go from loving you to hating you in a matter of hours?" The King began to glare at the lizard’s form, glowing faintly. The Prince kept his anger in check, wanting to discover what Freeza meant.

Freeza went on, enjoying tormenting the Saiyan Royalty. "Your father has a weak mind. It took very little to influence it and change his disappointment and fear into anger towards you. Your father never really hated you… it was I who possessed his mind so that he only believed that he did." Freeza’s laughter rang in the Prince’s ears.

So his father didn’t hate him? That sounded almost too good to be true. Vegeta glanced over at the King, who was still glaring at Freeza. Freeza followed the Princes gaze before speaking again.

"Your father is weak. I just released his mind and he has yet to remember all he has done. But he will soon." Freeza chuckled deeply. "It was fun manipulating your emotions, young Prince. You feel very strongly about many things. Maybe I should destroy your father while he’s recovering." The Prince snarled at that, getting up off the floor and walking over to his father, never taking his eyes off of Freeza. Freeza just looked back, slightly interested in what the Prince was doing.

Vegeta approached his father, halfway nervous. Though Freeza had told him that his father didn’t hate him, it was impossible to erase the memories of abuse, both physical and mental, that had occurred the past few months.

"Father?" Vegeta murmured, reaching a cautious hand out to touch the King’s shoulder. The King seemed to shake off his trance, the blue glow disappearing. He looked down to see the Prince staring at him almost fearfully.

Remembrance dawned on the King’s face. The King blinked, horror forming in his mind.

"My son… what…?" The King brought up a hand to touch Vegeta, but the Prince shrank away, unsure of what the King was actually trying to do. The King felt a sudden loss. His son was afraid of him. Anger towards the one who did this coursed into him as he turned to face Freeza.

"How could you?" The King barked. "You had no right to interfere with my life! I will kill you for that!" The King lunged forward, ignoring the Prince’s cries for him to stop. Only the bloodlust and anger flowed through the King, making him oblivious to all else.

Freeza grinned openly at this, striking the King once and sending him to his knees on the floor before him. The Prince watched in horror as Freeza prepared to deal a blow that would either cripple or kill the King.

"NO!!!" Vegeta screamed, panicked. He darted forward, managing to yank his father into safety before Freeza struck. Freeza looked at him, annoyed.

"What did you do that for? Why do you care? He hated you. Used you." Vegeta’s snarl cut off Freeza’s questions.

"You’re the one who hurt me! You said yourself that my father had no choice in the matter. How could you! DIE!" Vegeta blasted forward, leaving his father to lunge at Freeza’s disgusting face. Freeza laughed, batting at the Prince as he had the King. But Vegeta dodged Freeza’s blow, flickering around to strike the lizard in the face. Freeza’s expression turned from one of surprise to an absolute furious rage.

"Why you little APE! You dare mock me? I’ll teach you to respect me! I am your Master!" Freeza struck out with much more power this time, catching Vegeta in the chest and hurling him into the far wall. Vegeta attempted to get up, but Freeza was on him already, slamming him repeatedly into the hard floor. Vegeta felt his bones cracking beneath the powerful blows. Numerous bruises and gashes began to open up as Freeza began to punch him. Vegeta gave a cry of pain and rage, struggling to get out of Freeza’s hold as his blood began to flow from his wounds. He almost succeeded in escaping when a streak of liquid fire shot up his spine and exploded in his skull.

Vegeta shrieked in agony, collapsing into a writhing heap as Freeza ground the Prince’s tail into the rough floor. Incoherent sobs forced their way from Vegeta, as the supernova of pain seemed to branch into all the nerves in his body, tearing them apart. Vegeta had never felt torture such as this before. It was a common law that no Saiyan touched another Saiyan’s tail without their consent. Vegeta had never had anyone touch his tail before, let alone smash it. His body went into convulsions, jerking spastically away from Freeza as Vegeta felt like he was going to die any moment. Freeza laughed, and crushed the furry appendage more. Another harsh scream ripped from the Prince as he suddenly curled up in a fetal position, laying in his own blood and sweat.

Vegeta mercifully felt his consciousness ebb, even as Freeza released his tail. It was too much pain for the tiny Saiyan to handle. Vegeta fell into the deep abyss of dull agony as darkness clouded over his vision. Vegeta blacked out with the feeling of Freeza hefting him up and the terror of knowing that he had failed his planet, his father, and himself once again. Then Vegeta finally fell out of the real world into the black of unconsciousness.

Vegeta groaned, shaking off his weariness as he found his surroundings were unfamiliar. The Prince remembered what had happened between him and Freeza, but… what had happened after he had passed out? Vegeta growled low in his throat, stiffly trying to rise, but failing, as his aching body demanded him to rest.

He shifted, finding the surface he was on to be hard and cold. His eyes adjusted to the surrounding darkness, revealing a prison chamber that was completely closed off from the outside world. Vegeta grimaced, ignoring his body and attempting to rise once again. He managed to get to his knees, but was exhausted from blood loss and excursion. Vegeta tried to sit down, but sprang up with a yelp as it felt like he’d just torn his spine out. The Prince looked down to see his poor tail lying limply on the floor, completely soaked in his blood.

Vegeta winced, trying to move his furry limb, but immediately was forced to drop it as he doubled over in the agony it caused. His tail was broken… Well, more like shattered. Vegeta whimpered softly, stretching out with his senses to discover where he was. He didn’t attempt to rise again.

Vegeta was surprised and horrified to find that he was no where near the surface of Vegetisai. His brows furrowed as he struggled to open his mind and find his father’s ki signal. To his amazement, his father was rapidly approaching the ship Vegeta was on. Hope flickered in the Prince until he felt a massive ki reading going to meet his father. Tears sprang to the young Prince, not from the pain of his beaten body, but from the knowledge that Freeza had him and was going after his father. That was the only explanation. Vegeta had become very familiar with Freeza’s ki, since it overwhelmed his senses every time Freeza had come to meet his father. It sickened him. One could tell by someone’s aura what he or she were feeling and like. It was an ability very few possessed, but the Prince was far from normal.

He’d learned the trick from Bardock one of the times when he hadn’t been in the regeneration tank or training with his father. Bardock had done as he said he would, showing Vegeta the ki moon technique and then teaching him how to read someone’s aura. Vegeta had been delighted to learn. The Prince was exceptionally quick with his mind, able to pick things up far quicker than a normal being.

Needless to say, Freeza’s aura sickened him and actually made him lose his appetite. For a Saiyan, that’s a big deal. But at the moment, the Prince became engrossed with the meeting of Freeza and his father. He knew his father didn’t have a chance, but Vegeta couldn’t help but feel guilt flood him as he knew it was his fault this had even happened.

Vegeta began to feel anxious as he felt his father’s power rise. But even at full power, his father had no chance to even scratch the ugly lizard. No! Don’t die! The young Prince had just barely learned that his father still cared. He didn’t want to lose the King so soon after his discovery.

A sudden flash of light and a searing pain in his skull told Vegeta of his father’s death. Bitter tears trickled down the helpless Prince’s cheeks. Here he was, immobilized by pain and feeling his father die for him.

Vegeta reached out farther, searching for another mind he knew well. He found it among many other minds, but forced himself to focus on his target.

::Bardock!:: Vegeta screamed mentally, the horror of what he had just felt making him almost hysterical. He felt Bardock respond, reaching out with his own mind and allowing the Prince easier access to his own.

::My Prince! What’s wrong?:: Bardock answered, sounding very worried. Vegeta almost never sounded upset. And when he did, it was a big deal. Vegeta almost sobbed the answer to him.

::My father! He’s… he’s dead!:: Vegeta finished off with a numb tone in his voice. The Prince felt the radiating shock from the other warrior.

::The King is dead?!? How did this happen?:: Bardock demanded mentally. Vegeta answered the best he could, but finally gave up on the words and sent Bardock what he had felt. Bardock was horrified.

::So… Freeza is here…:: Bardock paused for a moment before going on, ::I haven’t forgotten my promise to you, my Prince. I will try to succeed in what your father failed.::

Vegeta panicked.

::No!!! You’ll be killed also! You know just as I that my father was much more powerful than you! What could you do that my father could not?!?:: Vegeta was beginning to sound hysterical again. Bardock sighed mentally. The poor boy was going through too much at one time. He was only a child! Not even a teenager yet, but he’d lived through more horrors than most anyone had four times his age.

::My Prince. If Freeza has destroyed your father, than most likely he will destroy the planet also. I do not believe he wants a planet of bloodthirsty Saiyans after him. So I will gather all the forces here that will listen, and we will attempt to stop Freeza.:: Bardock stated it so calmly that Vegeta was hard pressed to believe that the older Saiyan was going to his death. But Vegeta didn’t want to loose the only other being that considered him a friend. He begged Bardock, but the warrior wouldn’t listen.

::Look… I made an oath to you! I vowed on my life that I wouldn’t allow Freeza to take you! And you responded with an oath of your own. That seals us to completing the vows before we pass on. I am ready to fulfill my vow… just be sure to complete your own. Do not forget it, my Prince.:: Then abruptly the older Saiyan cut off their communication.

Vegeta reeled back into his own mind. He knew that he could force his way back into Bardock’s mind, but it wouldn’t matter. Vegeta had felt the strength of the Saiyan’s resolve, and nothing would sway his destiny.

No… Everything was crumbling into dust. All that Vegeta had known was being systematically destroyed in front of him. The young Prince was taken over by a wave of determination and hatred. He would kill Freeza.

The young Saiyan forced himself to his feet, ignoring all the shooting agony it caused the best he could. Vegeta powered up a small blast with the little ki he had remaining, and threw it viciously at the cell door. It hit and dented the door deeply, but didn’t break it. Vegeta gathered his strength and pushed himself violently forward to slam his small body into the door. That was all it needed. The door groaned once before falling off of its hinges to the floor with a resounding crash.

Vegeta smirked painfully, bracing his still bleeding body against the doorframe. Now all he had to do was find Freeza. He staggered forward, grimly set on his target. But his body gave out before he’d gone two meters. Vegeta cried out as he crumpled to the floor, his form overcome with weakness and pain. He tried once again to stand, but was unable to.

Vegeta finally had to lie still, panting harshly in the silent room. He saw his freedom… his goal… the doorway taunting him by being open. But he was unable to reach it. Vegeta growled in frustration and pain, once again trying to crawl this time to the door. He barely made it into the doorway, but all the buildup of pain he had been trying so desperately to ignore took over his senses.

Vegeta crumpled, but refused to give up. His stubborn pride and determination refused to allow him to just lay there. He had to help his people. So much damage had already been done because of him. He just couldn’t let them down again.

But, although the mind was willing, the flesh was definitely not. Vegeta’s arms were helplessly weak and his legs wouldn’t respond. Vegeta’s body was going into shock. He’d pressed himself too hard too soon. The Prince had been severely injured, but had doggedly strove onward.

One last try to help was all he had left to give. Vegeta reached out his mind to all his people, sending them all commands to follow Bardock and fight for their planet. All the Saiyan’s instincts forced them to obey their new King’s command. The entire Saiyan race, great and small, gathered to face Freeza’s wrath.

Vegeta continued his desperate call, feeling slightly satisfied as he felt all his people responding. Maybe… just maybe they had a chance after all.

But his hope was crushed brutally as he felt Freeza’s power flare into immense proportions. Vegeta involuntarily cringed, but sent out another call to warn his people of the danger. But he was too late. Freeza had released a devastating attack that flew forward, unstoppable.

Vegeta cried out his terror as he felt Bardock as the first to encounter the gigantic blast. Vegeta’s mind was still opened to every Saiyan on the planet when the blast struck. All the pain and anguish of his entire race was projected to him through his link.

Vegeta’s scream echoed around the corridors as his body arched in agony, feeling like his bones were liquefying. Another shriek of agony tore from his mouth, tears streaming shamelessly down his young face as he felt the death of his planet. He writhed helplessly, hurting more than even when his tail had been crushed. Now, not only was the Prince feeling every life on his planet die, he felt as if his soul was being ripped from his body as everything he’d ever known and cared for was destroyed. His mind refused to shut down. Somehow, he couldn’t even find minimal peace from blacking out. His senses were assaulted continually with wave after wave of torturous pain, each one more powerful than the last.

But finally his mind couldn’t take it anymore. Vegeta went into a state of mental shock, causing him to loose consciousness and also his life if no one found him soon. Vegeta sobbed in relief. He wanted to die. The Saiyan child didn’t want to live after what he had experienced. He felt all the ki’s in his mind finally flicker and die. But that didn’t bring relief to his tortured mind. Vegeta knew that he would be haunted for eternity from the pained cries echoing in his mind, hearing his people die out…

One thought forced it’s way into his shock-numbed mind. Bardock’s last words. ::Find my son… keep your vow…:: Vegeta heard this… he knew he wouldn’t die. He couldn’t until he kept his promise. Bardock had kept his oath, and now Vegeta knew he would never give up until he kept his part of the vow.

With a final assault on his senses, the Prince blacked out, failing to see the towering form of Nappa as he gazed sadly at the young Prince, carefully taking Vegeta’s small battered body to the regeneration tanks, now completely loyal to this tiny Saiyan, still a child. But Nappa would protect him with his life.

Once again Vegeta awoke to the familiar feeling of regeneration fluids surrounding his body. Maybe it was all a terrible dream. He’d found himself foolishly hoping he was right, but in his heart he knew that it was all true. Vegeta then felt the draining of the liquid, allowing him to shiver and step out of the tank. The Prince felt eyes on his back. He spun around, dropping into a fighting stance as his nervousness made itself known.

Nappa just chuckled sadly at the Prince. Vegeta paused, shocked as he saw the huge bald Saiyan warrior leaning against the wall. Vegeta blinked. How had Nappa survived? Nappa answered him, seeming to read his thoughts.

"My Prince. Your father, the King, made me come with you to be your body guard." Nappa peered at the young Prince for a moment. "I must stay with you at all times. That was your father’s wish." A brief look of loss flashed over Nappa’s large features. Vegeta felt himself calming down, even becoming comfortable in the large man’s presence. Oddly, he was happy that Nappa was alive. Though he’d never really cared for the huge Saiyan, Vegeta was glad he wasn’t the last of his kind.

That brought back the memory of his oath. So they weren’t the last of their kind. Somewhere, Bardock’s son… what was his name… Korot….Karot… No… Kakarot. That was it. Somewhere Kakarot was out there in space, alive.

Vegeta turned to find Nappa looking quizzically at the Prince. Vegeta gave a small smirk, finding it impossible to smile since he wasn’t happy.

"Come, Nappa. Let us find out what is going on." Vegeta then stalked to the door, using all his days of practice to look proud and unemotional. Nappa followed behind him, towering over the tiny Saiyan, looking very intimidating. As they walked, Vegeta tested out his tail. He remembered the agony that he had felt when the poor appendage was abused. No wonder it was a law that no Saiyan touched another’s tail! It hurt!!!

Vegeta found that his tail was better, still a bit tender, but it didn’t shoot much pain up his spine. That’s good. He couldn’t have his tail distracting him when he faced Freeza. At that time, both Saiyans came to the huge doors on the spaceship that led to Freeza’s main control room. Nappa had had to tell the Prince where to go, since the large man had had the time to explore the ship, unlike Vegeta.

The doors swung open as the two Saiyans approached it. Vegeta was almost awed by the size of the room. Hundreds of different species bustled around, frantic to do their job correctly or else face Freeza’s wrath. Vegeta scowled heavily as many of the room’s occupants turned to face them. Nappa glared, causing the nearby guards to shrink away unconsciously. Vegeta strolled towards the forbidding doors that led to the console where Freeza watched over the ship's progress. Many of the beings scrambled to get out of the way of the disgruntled boy with a tail. But others didn’t.

Vegeta soon found himself face to face with a leering orange creature that was even taller than Nappa. Vegeta frowned heavily, eyes narrowing.

"Move." Vegeta growled. The creature let out a snorting laugh.

"You think you’re pretty tough, kid. But you aren’t. Master Freeza has a way of making you see that." The creature cracked its knuckles in anticipation. "But I’ll help him out." The creature swung at Vegeta’s head. The Prince prepared to block it, but Nappa caught it instead. Vegeta’s scowl deepened.

"Nappa!" He barked. "I am quite capable of fighting my own battles! Now back off!" Nappa looked as if he was about to argue, but didn’t have a chance when an angered orange creature knocked him heavily aside.

"You little runt! Do you really think you can do better than your superior? I’ll teach you the truth!"

Vegeta blinked before he realized that the creature thought Nappa was his superior. Angered, the young Prince lunged forward at the orange creature, clashing with it in combat. The other people on the ship gathered round to see the outcome of the battle, most guessing that Vegeta was a goner. But to their amazement, when the ki glow and smoke disappeared, Vegeta stood triumphant, barely touched and standing next to his now dead nemesis.

Nappa walked forward to reach Vegeta, peering down at his Prince.

"My Prince. You mustn’t make a habit of angering the residents." Nappa muttered lowly. Vegeta smirked at him.

"Nappa. I don’t think I’m angering them… they look more afraid to me." And it was true. Most all of the beings around were desperately trying to work their duties and ignore the events that had just happened. At first Vegeta felt a bit of satisfaction, but it soon dissipated as he remembered why he had come here in the first place.

Vegeta started once again towards his previous goal of Freeza, but didn’t have to go too far as Freeza burst from the doors, anger marked on his face.

"Who killed Valkor?" Feeza demanded in a chilling voice. No one answered as Vegeta looked around, momentarily puzzled. Then it dawned on him who Valkor must have been. A smirk threatened to grace his lips, but he pushed it down, knowing it would only anger Freeza more. But Vegeta would confess his crimes, not ashamed of what he’d done. The creature had, after all, challenged him and not the other way around. Vegeta had just obeyed the unspoken rules of the warriors. Never leave an enemy alive.

"Well?!?" Freeza yelled again, causing the whole audience to cringe. Vegeta stepped forward, causing Freeza to raise an eyebrow.

"I did, baka!" Vegeta snarled, his tail snapping in the air behind him. He glared defiantly at the changeling in front of him. Freeza looked a bit surprised but then smirked at the young Saiyan.

"Well, well, well. If it isn’t my new little recruit! Already getting into trouble, aren’t we, little Prince?" Freeza stared forward, the crowd parting amazingly fast before the changeling’s feet. Vegeta had to force down the urge to cringe away from the lizard, but instead held his ground. Freeza came face to face with him, still smiling smugly.

Then, before the Prince had time to react, Freeza viciously backhanded Vegeta, causing him to crumple abruptly to his knees. Vegeta felt a sharp pain on his face and was shocked when blood began to trickle onto the metal floor beneath him. Vegeta growled low in his throat, angered by the killer’s cowardly action.

Freeza kicked Vegeta in the side, causing him to give a small cry as his small body flew across the room and slammed into a control panel. Vegeta pulled himself up, rolling to the side as Freeza attempted to strike again. Freeza missed Vegeta as the Prince scampered in a most unwarrior-like fashion across the room once again. Both opponents got up and faced one another from opposite sides of the control room. Everyone had moved quietly to the walls, cautiously watching the two forces collide.

Vegeta was breathing heavily. Every gasp of air burned as he felt some of his ribs were broken. His face had a nasty gash over the eye and many bruises were forming on the young Saiyan’s body. Freeza, on the other hand, was obviously enjoying himself.

Freeza spoke to the Prince in a mocking voice.

"Must you bloodthirsty monkeys always kill off intelligent beings? Valkor was my chief weapon master and you just killed him. What do you have to say for yourself, Princeling?" Freeza waited patiently for the Prince’s reply, but didn’t get what he had hoped.

"If it hurt you, I have no regrets! You will never get my loyalty, you bastard!" Vegeta snarled as the fury and pain began to give his limbs strength. Freeza frowned at these words, tisking softly at the Prince.

"Vegeta, Vegeta, Vegeta," Freeza murmured, shaking his head, "You’ll have to learn. You have no choice." Freeza suddenly phased out and appeared behind Vegeta without warning. The young Prince gave an unintentional yelp of fear as he spun around to face the changeling. Freeza didn’t look amused any more.

"You realize, you stupid monkey, that I am all you have now that you have no where to go." Vegeta bristled at that, but Freeza went on before he could speak up, "I will keep you and feed you. You should be grateful towards me that I took you in. You should at least have the respect to call me Master."

Vegeta snapped at that, crouching into a fighting position once again.

"I will never bow to you. I vow on my father’s death that I will kill you, bastard, no one will stop me from that." Vegeta hissed in a chilling tone. Freeza almost shivered at the hatred and determination in the young Saiyan’s voice, but inwardly smiled, finding the boy endlessly amusing.

"Oh Vegeta, you really are stupid!" Freeza chuckled, putting his hands on his hips. Vegeta bared his teeth as a reply. Freeza then scowled at the child. "You will call me Master." When Vegeta still looked defiant as usual, Freeza became angry.

He struck out with his tail, looping it around the young Prince’s neck and yanking him off of the floor. Vegeta’s eyes widened. He never even saw the tail coming at him. Freeza pulled Vegeta so they were nose to nose.

"Fine, ape, learn the hard way." With that Freeza threw the Prince savagely to the ground and began to whip him continuously with his tail, tearing through the skin brutally. Vegeta’s cries resounded around the silent room as the sound of Freeza’s tail making sickening contact with the small Prince’s body traveled to everyone present. Nappa attempted to go forward, but he was restrained, forcing him to watch the beatings.

Vegeta became oblivious to his surroundings, only noticing the slicing agony that each strike of Freeza’s tail brought. He felt his blood streaming onto the metal floor and his bones crunching grotesquely. The small Prince howled his pain before going silent, sobbing softly to himself. He hated this! Was this how it would be every day? Vegeta didn’t think he’d live very long if it was.

Freeza finally relented and once again forced Vegeta to his feet by wrapping his tail around the Prince’s neck. Vegeta felt blazing agony shoot through his limbs as his broken body was shifted, but he refused to give the changeling the pleasure of hearing his cries. Vegeta bit his lip, feeling the skin split and blood flow into his mouth.

Stop it! His mind gave the silent cry. But Freeza paid no heed to the call, just holding the Prince up so that Vegeta had to support his own weight, but was unable to fall.

Freeza smirked before speaking one last time.

"Let this be a lesson to you, monkey. Next time you defy me, it will be much worse." Then Freeza negligently tossed the small Prince at Nappa. Vegeta landed with a crash, and the pain that struck from the impact was too much. He passed out once again, thinking it ironic that he spent more of his time unconscious now than not…

Days passed into months, and months into years. Vegeta had been living with Freeza for 4 years now. He’d finally reached the age of 14, which made him an adult by Vegetisai standards. But Vegeta didn’t care. In fact, that was the last thing he had on his mind.

Vegeta sat on the cold bench in his chambers. It seemed like so long ago that he’d been on a planet and had a normal life. Here, all the planets he got to visit, he was forced to destroy. Freeza was a cruel master, beating and torturing the young Prince for any mistake. Vegeta had learned to act respectful to Freeza, knowing that it was better to muffle his pride for a few moments instead of spending a week in the regeneration tank.

A sigh forced its way from Vegeta’s mouth. He hated his life. There was no point to it. The only thing that kept him from ending his worthless life was the vow. He had to complete the vow. Vegeta would forever be disgraced as a Saiyan warrior if he didn’t follow through with the oath or die trying.

The thought of death brought back the haunting echoes of his planet’s end. All the voices screaming in terror, all the pain and fear that had been felt, swarming Vegeta’s senses all at once. He still had nightmares about it. The Prince shuddered slightly, pulling his knees to his chest. Freeza had said that he had a special assignment for him. Vegeta was dreading the meeting. All the ‘special’ assignments he had completed were filled with pain and humiliation. Usually they were just created for Freeza’s amusement, and Freeza thought that Vegeta was very amusing.

The Prince bared his teeth at the far wall. The bitter hatred he felt for the changeling had grown every moment he spent on this accursed ship. Vegeta really did hate killing without a challenge. But he had learned to hold his tongue around Freeza. Freeza did not take mocking lightly. Vegeta had learned that the hard way.

A knock on the door sent the little Prince jumping to his feet. Nappa came in a moment later.

"My Prince, Freeza is waiting for you." Nappa stated, bowing deeply. Vegeta nodded curtly, stalking into the hall with Nappa following.

Nappa finally spoke after a long pause.

"Do you think it’s safe, my Prince? He says that it has something to do with you becoming a Saiyan adult today." Nappa informed briefly. Vegeta cursed under his breath. He had so hoped that Freeza would have just skipped over that fact. Who knows what Freeza was going to force him to do…?

The large hallway opened into the familiar control room. Vegeta walked stiffly through the workers in there. Everyone parted for the small Prince. Ever since his battle with Valkor, no one had confronted him again. Vegeta reached his destination, raising a small fist to knock, but was shocked when Freeza answered it before he could. The Prince immediately became wary when Freeza didn’t look angry or strike him on sight. That was strange.

"Come in, my little Princeling! Dismiss your bodyguard. I will not harm you tonight." Freeza gestured for Vegeta to enter. Vegeta really didn’t have to tell Nappa to go. One fierce glance from Freeza sent the large Saiyan running. Freeza then turned back to face the Prince.

"Oh, Vegeta! How you’ve grown!" Freeza sounded almost happy. Somehow that scared Vegeta even more. He growled as a response to Freeza’s comment. Freeza, to his surprise, just chuckled at him, not even bothering to strike him for being disrespectful.

Now Vegeta knew that something was up. He cautiously followed as Freeza once again gestured for him. They walked in tense silence, Vegeta nervously staying a few meters behind Freeza, not sure if the changeling would just spin around to hit him.

But they reached Freeza’s destination without mishap. Vegeta scowled as he saw where they were. The prisoner’s bay. Freeza enjoyed keeping weak beings and tormenting them. The changeling got sadistic pleasure in destroying everything. Vegeta was living proof of that. Though the young Saiyan was alive, Freeza was destroying his hope… his very reason for living.

Freeza turned to face the Prince squarely, explaining Vegeta’s unvoiced question.

"Since you are an official adult crew member as of today, I’m offering you a present." Freeza chuckled at Vegeta’s look of fear and distrust. "Oh, don’t worry, little Prince. They won’t hurt you! You get to hurt them!"

"They?…" Vegeta murmured, completely confused by Freeza’s act. Never had Freeza treated him nice before. Vegeta knew it was a trick. For a moment, Freeza went inside the prisoner’s bay, causing Vegeta to cringe as he heard the pain-filled moans on the other side of the door. He’d always hated that place.

Soon Freeza returned, dragging two small figures behind him. Both were struggling violently against their bonds, but failing. Vegeta peered closer at them and was shocked to see two females of his own age.

One had pale skin, silver ringlets framing her frightened face. She was slim and very beautiful. The other was tan with flaming red hair. She also was slim, but had a more muscular build. Vegeta began to feel bad for the young girls. He knew what they were going through.

So when Freeza handed Vegeta the tethers to the girls bonds, Vegeta was shocked into stillness. Freeza chuckled deeply at the look of disbelief on the young Prince. He held numbly onto the rope that wound over to tie both girls’ wrists together. Freeza snapped him from his trance.

"So, Vegeta. How do you like your gift?" Freeza smiled mockingly at the young Prince. Vegeta gulped, sickened.

"Gift?" He stammered out. Internally he was raging. How DARE Freeza give him slaves!!! He didn’t want any help with his life! And he didn’t want to be constantly reminded of his own slavery!!! Freeza was mocking him, Vegeta realized as his anger grew. This wasn’t right. He wasn’t going to accept the lives of these two sobbing girls. But Freeza gave him no choice as the changeling grabbed both the tethers and Vegeta’s shoulder, basically dragging all of them down the hallway.

Freeza led Vegeta to a room that was much better furnished than his own quarters. Freeza tossed the young Prince in before throwing in the terrified girls. The changeling laughed cruelly.

"Okay, little Prince. Here are the terms of my gift! Both these girls have never been touched or broken in by a man. To put it bluntly, they’re virgins." Freeza watched as Vegeta’s eyes widened as he began to realize what Freeza was going to demand. The changeling continued. "To become a true man on my ship, you must prove it to me. By tomorrow, both of these slaves should be… how shall I put it… ‘broken in.’ If not…" Freeza left it hanging as a threat before turning to leave. But he paused before closing the door.

"I’m counting on you, Princeling!" With that, Freeza left but his mocking laughter rang in Vegeta’s ears. Vegeta stood rigidly by the bed, fury making his muscles tighten. Freeza couldn’t demand this of him! Vegeta wouldn’t do this. It sickened him just thinking about it. He may kill thousands of people and murder planets, but he would never force himself on a female. Vegeta had honor, though some doubted it at times. And besides, when a Saiyan mates, he mates for life under normal circumstances.

Vegeta’s eyes snapped over to the corner of the room as a small whimper escaped from the silver, pale girl. Both looked at him in horror as he approached them. They both shrank back as Vegeta reached out, their eyes clenching tightly in fear and pain. But, to their utter shock, Vegeta snapped the bonds that held their wrists.

Vegeta stood up, throwing the shackles to the side as both females slowly opened their eyes. The Prince felt better after releasing them like that. Somehow it felt as if it had released something in him also.

Vegeta was shocked when one of the girls spoke.

"Who… who are you?" She asked in a timid voice. Vegeta peered at the slight silver-haired girl who had spoken. He really hadn’t believed they could communicate with him.

"I’m Prince Vegeta of the Saiyan race." Vegeta stated as proudly as he could muster. The red haired one spoke up next, bitterness in her tone.

"Oh, you mean that one planet that Freeza destroyed a few years ago? Wow… you rule a bunch of people." The girl ended sarcastically, but regretted it when Vegeta looked away.

"Yes… I am the Prince of a dying race." Vegeta whispered in pain. Both girls began to become less shy as their ‘captor’ told them this. The silver one rose to her feet, placing a hand on the Prince’s shoulder.

"I’m Alexianra, the Princess of my people. We…. we had powers that Freeza was afraid of. He took over my planet and enslaved my people." She ended with anger evident in her voice. Obviously it pained her just as much as it did Vegeta to think about what Freeza had done.

The red haired one spoke up.

"Humph… I suppose if you want to know, I’m Krystl. I was captured when I went on a journey with my parents to a different world. Freeza picked up our ship and took us in." Krystl crossed her arms, glaring at the far wall.

Vegeta sighed, spinning away from the females to go and flop on the bed. What was he going to do? Certainly not what Freeza said!!! That just wasn’t an option. But what would he do with the girls? He couldn’t just leave them here if he hadn’t touched them. Freeza would destroy them for sure.

But maybe, just maybe he could help them escape. The more Vegeta thought about it, the more it sounded like the best plan.

He glanced over to find the two girls talking softly to one another. The Prince shifted on the bed to get a better look at them. Finally he grimaced, thinking of a way to get them to safety… but his punishment was going to be very harsh.

"Get over here, brats!" Vegeta snapped, annoyed that he was going through so much trouble just to save two girls his own age. But both looked terrified as Vegeta gestured for them. Vegeta sighed in exasperation. "Just get over here! I’m not about to hurt you." But when they both still clung silently in the corner, falling once again into their quiet broken shells, Vegeta spoke again in calmer tones. "I promise on the memory of my planet that I will not harm you."

The first to look him in the eye was Alexianra. She cautiously arose from her crouched position on the floor and stumbled over to the bed. Vegeta sat up, allowing her a place to sit next to him. Soon Krystl growled but came over to join them. Vegeta took a deep breath and then told them his plans.

"Look. I don’t want to do this. I’m not going to obey Freeza on this one. So I’ll take you to the escape pods and show you how to use them. Then you leave, got it? No looking back and no regrets."

Alexianra was the first to speak again.

"What about you?" She murmured. Vegeta winced visibly.

"I’ll hold off Freeza and his men until you’re safe and then get the beating of my life and probably get killed." Vegeta stated it bluntly, not expecting any reply to that. But he found that the girls were very emotional.

"What?!? I’m not going to let you die! Sure, you may be on Freeza’s side, but you’re only a teen like me!" Alexianra paused as Vegeta’s eyes narrowed.

"I am NOT on the same side as that bastard, Freeza. He has gotten no loyalty from me. But I must obey him or my race will become extinct. There are only three other Saiyans besides myself, and I will not become a traitor by abandoning my comrades, but neither will I obey Freeza willingly." Vegeta snarled in vehement rage.

This seemed to warm both girls up to him. They smiled shyly, though Krystl’s smile was more of a smirk. Vegeta frowned heavily in response, getting to his feet and padding to the door of the room. As he had suspected, the door was locked from the outside.

Vegeta gave a small curse before he blasted the lock. He was a bit surprised when the girls followed him silently.

The trio slipped down the long corridor, Vegeta in the lead. He was alert for any sounds or movement, adrenaline making his senses even more powerful. The girls were good, keeping absolutely quiet and obey Vegeta’s every gesture.

After what seemed like an eternity of sneaking around, Vegeta finally arrived at the launching area of the ship. He motioned for both girls to stop, going in alone and searching to make sure it was safe. Vegeta was so jittery. His nerves were on high, sending him into battle mode at the slightest shift or sound. But Vegeta had to finally admit to himself that no one else was in the space port section of the ship.

The Prince turned to gesture to his temporary comrades, but found them already scampering across the floor towards the space pods. Vegeta gave a soft growl. They had a death wish to go prancing around like that! What if it hadn’t been safe?

But he had no time to think about that at the moment. Vegeta dashed forward to catch up, keeping his ki suppressed so as to prevent any scouter from picking up his position. Vegeta entered the code to two of the pods. They immediately slid open to reveal the cramped one-man seat inside.

"Get in," Vegeta whispered urgently. Both girls complied, strapping themselves securely in. Alexianra gave the young Prince a bright smile of gratitude. Vegeta was shocked. No one had been glad of anything he’d done before. He felt oddly at peace after seeing her happiness and even caring for him.

But how could she like me after everything I’ve done? Vegeta felt ashamed to be seen as a hero after all the pain he’d caused. But he forced himself to smile back, though he failed miserably to produce anything more than a slight twitch of his lips. Then Vegeta turned to Krystl.

She gave him a proud smirk, also thankful for what he was doing for them. Vegeta felt his shame intensify as he saw how she admired him. But she shouldn’t admire him! He’d done nothing to admire!

The poor Prince was confused and afraid. Confused that the girls could see him as a good person, and afraid of what would happen when he was caught. Alexianra seemed to hear his thoughts.

"Come with us," She begged softly. Vegeta shook his head bitterly.

"I can’t," He sighed to her. "I’ve got a warrior’s vow to uphold. I won’t leave my remaining people." Alexianra began to protest, but Krystl cut her off.

"Leave him be, girl! He’s a warrior and one that has honor! He must make his own choices." Krystl looked at him with pride in her eyes. "He will be powerful with such commitment. It would be a shame if he shattered that hope by deserting his destiny."

Vegeta blinked at the warrior girl. What was she talking about? And why? He shook his head, ignoring Krystl’s words for the time being as he typed the code in to close the pods. Vegeta backed away as both girls powered on the escape pod systems, feeling vaguely sorry to see the strange girls go.

The engines rumbled, causing a small tremor to shake the floor. Vegeta tensed. This was the part where Freeza came.

Sure enough, just as the space pods lifted from the ground, troops burst into the room. Freeza stormed through the door a minute later, followed by Nappa and Raditzu. Vegeta growled at the crowd as they gathered around him. Freeza scowled in fury.

"You ungrateful little monkey! I gave you a gift, and you throw it away! Stupid boy!" Freeza blurred forward, striking Vegeta to the floor. Vegeta snarled and got back to his feet slowly. Freeza looked over at the pods, which were waiting for the space door as it creaked slowly open. The changeling smirked cruelly before turning to Vegeta’s defiant glare.

"So… you care for the little slaves." Vegeta was silent. "Well then, how shall I teach you not to disobey me…" Freeza paused as if thinking for a solution. "Ah! I’ve got an idea!"

Then, before Vegeta could protest, Freeza shot a small blast, sending one of the pods spinning out of control and slamming to the metal floor. But before Freeza could shoot the other pod, Vegeta tackled him, knocking the blast aside. The other pod zipped out to safety. Freeza grabbed Vegeta by the neck, pinning him to the floor.

"You little monster! You allowed that slave to escape! I honor you and this is the respect I get?!? Now you’re setting my property free!" Freeza yelled at the Prince.

Vegeta couldn’t breath as Freeza’s hand cut off his air. He struggled, but already knew he’d never get away. The Prince heard Freeza’s words, registering them in his numb mind. But Freeza released him, causing the Saiyan teen to gasp in air.

Freeza was furious. More furious than Vegeta had ever seen him. Freeza snapped some orders to the crowd before snaking his tail around Vegeta’s neck and dragging him behind. Vegeta hissed in frustration as he found himself completely defenseless against Freeza’s much greater strength. The Prince didn’t notice his surroundings until Freeza swung him viciously into the wall. A small sound of pain escaped from Vegeta as he felt Freeza hold him there.

"Bring her in!" Freeza snarled. Vegeta felt his stomach twist in horror as some guards dragged in a dazed Alexianra. Vegeta struggled wildly, desperation giving him strength. But not enough. Freeza watched through emotionless eyes as he made a final command.

"Kill her."

Vegeta screamed in fury at that, powering up and managing, to Freeza’s surprise, to escape from Freeza’s tail. The Prince darted towards the frightened guards as they held Alexianra down. Vegeta just knew he couldn’t let this happen. This girl… he felt a need to protect her. He felt a kinship with her. She had lost all her life just as he did, but she lived on, just like him. Vegeta found himself caring for her more than he’d like to admit.

She looked up at him, confusion in her eyes. But then horror as she saw what Vegeta didn’t.

A scream ripped from the Prince’s throat as Freeza grabbed his tail. Vegeta collapsed, paralyzed from the agony that it caused. Freeza slammed his tail own down on the Prince’s back, hard. A loud crack was heard as Vegeta shrieked in pain.

Freeza had broken his back. Vegeta knew that it could heal in the regeneration tank, but he was now helpless. A harsh sob tore from Vegeta’s throat, as the pain caused him to see colors flash in his eyes.

He felt Freeza pick him up by his hair, sending exploding agony through his dangling limbs. Alexianra stared in horror and shock at what Freeza had just done.

Freeza forced Vegeta to open his eyes, lashing out with his tail and ripping through the flesh on his back to cause the Prince to scream in pure agony. Vegeta could see her with his blurred vision. He tried to keep from blacking out, dreading the terrible explosion of pain Freeza’s tail brought as it shattered bone and ripped flesh.

The dull horror of the next moments were embedded in Vegeta’s mind, quite like the death of his planet was. He watched each guard force Alexianra to the floor, using her over and over again, laughing at her screams of pain and terror. Vegeta felt his shock and horror hit harder than even the torturous pain he was in. No… Vegeta couldn’t stop watching in sick fascination as each guard took a turn. Then something shocked him even more. It seemed that every person on the ship was to use her. Betrayal and anger coursed through Vegeta as even Nappa and Raditzu ignored his state and took their turn.

Vegeta snapped. He hated them. Even his own kind had betrayed him. Vegeta hated them all. He hated Freeza, Nappa, Raditzu… but most of all… he hated himself. Here he was, completely helpless, unable to stop what Vegeta saw as the most hideous, cruel act of cowardice he had ever seen.

Incoherent pleadings came from Vegeta to stop. He couldn’t stand this any more. Vegeta could tell the girl was dead, but still the perversion of Freeza made sure that he mangled the body, desecrating it. The Prince shivered in the utter horror and agony he was in.

Freeza suddenly threw him to the floor, causing Vegeta to cry out as pain lanced through his skull. Freeza leered down at the young Saiyan.

"See what caring does to you? It will always cause you pain, brat. I’ll make sure of it." Freeza laughed sadistically at the helpless Prince. Vegeta coughed, seeing Freeza through blood and tears. Emotions tumbled around through his mind, making it impossible for Vegeta to figure things out.

Freeza frowned as Vegeta didn’t respond to him.

"You better say that you won’t cause any more trouble, Princeling." Vegeta was silent, closing his eyes. Freeza went livid. "Here you are, dying on the floor, and you still choose to be defiant! Well, little monkey! I won’t let you go until you say you’re loyal to me. I’ll beat you till you die, ape!" Freeza lashed out, striking the small Prince’s body continuously.

Vegeta vaguely heard himself screaming as the familiar rush of pain overtook him. But he would never swear allegiance to Freeza. Never… A sudden calmness swept over the Prince’s mind. His emotions halted as Vegeta shoved them all into a hidden corner, bottling them up behind locked doors.

The Prince curled up, taking Freeza’s verbal and physical abuse without a word, refusing even to cry out with each lash. The poor Saiyan was a bloody mess, limp and broken.

Vegeta heard Freeza give some command, and he was vaguely surprised that he was still conscious. The Prince felt jolts of liquid lava shoot through his nerves as he was picked up.

Someone set him down onto a flat surface of some kind. Vegeta felt a momentary break in the waves of pain, but it came back a hundred fold as something cut into his tail. All defiance and feelings forgotten, Vegeta screamed with heartfelt agony. The world sank into a pit of throbbing swelling waves of nausea and pain as someone cut open his tail. Vegeta writhed as best he could as he literally felt the nerves ripped out of his body. But they finished quickly, leaving the Prince to curl up in a fetal position, sobbing as the pain became overwhelming from his broken bones and bleeding gashes.

The Prince had had enough. In his mind, Vegeta formed a defense for himself, becoming cold and detached. He pushed people away, not only because he didn’t want to get attached to them, but also because he feared touch. No touch he had ever received had felt like anything other than pain.

It was then that the change happened to Vegeta. Too much had happened. He was traumatized, tortured, alone, and afraid. But he decided it would be no more.

Since that event, Vegeta became distant, often staring into the stars for hours without a reason. He seemed to clam up, not letting anyone, even his fellow Saiyans, to talk to him. Vegeta refused to be sociable, scowling ferociously at anyone who attempted to approach him. Even his temper was shorter and more vicious than usual.

Soon, Vegeta began to throw himself savagely into training, vowing to himself that he would kill Freeza for the suffering the changeling had caused him. Vegeta promised himself that he would become the most powerful in the universe, believing that anyone more powerful would enslave him, as Freeza had. It had been a shock that Vegeta’s tail felt no more pain after he had healed, but the Prince had pieced together that on that day, they must have taken out the nervous system from the furry appendage.

No one could get through to the Prince’s emotions. He was as cold as ice and as merciless as death. Vegeta became a ruthless destroyer, savagely taking his pain out on the worlds he was sent to purge.

Vegeta truly didn’t enjoy killing lesser beings. The only one he wanted to destroy was Freeza. Vegeta’s whole life was now based on three things…. Killing Freeza…. Becoming a Super Saiyan… and…. Finishing his vow to Bardock.

Even through all the humiliation and scorn of Freeza and his men, Vegeta never forgot his promise to the dead Saiyan warrior. It was when Vegeta had turned 19 years that Raditzu disappeared on one of his purging missions, sending only one message back.

Vegeta had felt a jolt of relief when he’d heard about how Raditzu had found Kakarot. Immediately, Vegeta focused himself on getting Freeza to agree to him going to this Earth to get the ‘dragonballs.’ Freeza, when he heard what they did, agreed readily and sent Vegeta and Nappa on their way.

The Prince was worried deep down. He still felt strongly about many things, but had become an expert at hiding his feelings. He knew he had to tell this Kakarot that Bardock had loved him… but Vegeta didn’t know how. This whole ‘love’ thing was beyond him. He’d never experienced it in his life.

But Vegeta couldn’t dwell on the problem as he fell into the gas-induced sleep that happened during every long space mission.

Vegeta was jarred awake by the crash landing of his pod. He shook his head to rid himself of the lingering affects of the gas. The Prince emerged from his pod to find himself being surrounded by the weak species of the planet. He frowned, about to fly off in search of Kakarot when Nappa blasted some of the audience into oblivion.

Vegeta scowled heavily. He really hadn’t wanted to come here to destroy mindlessly. He’d come to finish his vow so that he could let go of his life. Vegeta didn’t want to deal with Nappa, so he allowed the bald Saiyan to enjoy his pointless massacre.

The Prince felt the approach of some fighter ki’s. None of them would challenge him or Nappa, but it would certainly make things interesting. When the fighters landed, Vegeta surprised Nappa by telling him to take them out. Usually Vegeta wasn’t one to allow another to battle without him. But Nappa shrugged it off and faced the grim warriors.

Vegeta barely acknowledged the fights between Nappa and the earthlings. Nappa was clearly winning, and so the Prince spent his energies on searching for Kakarot’s ki. He couldn’t find it.

Internally, Vegeta was becoming frustrated. He couldn’t follow through with the vow if he couldn’t find Kakarot! This was getting to be pointless. But, like a spark in the night, Vegeta felt a powerful ki rear up from the earth before disappearing once again. Vegeta smirked slightly. Kakarot was on his way.

Kakarot’s arrival was timed so that the Namekian had just died by Nappa’s hand. Needless to say, Kakarot didn’t look happy with them. Kakarot walked to every one of his downed comrades and gave them something. Vegeta watched with mild interest as energy began to flow into the earth warriors. But he was getting sick of all this fooling around.

Kakarot disposed of Nappa quickly, sending the huge Saiyan to lay broken at the Princes feet. Nappa begged Vegeta to save him. Vegeta’s face darkened before he answered telepathically.

::Since when did you matter to me? Remember all the times where I was almost dead, and did you try to help me? I never saw you lift a finger for me during my whole life, so now I return the favor ten fold.::

Nappa’s face twisted in fear as Vegeta threw him into the air and sent a blast that killed the bald Saiyan. Vegeta barely realized he had done it. His bitterness at Nappa’s betrayal so many years earlier had clouded his mind. But, although when Vegeta realized what he had done, he only felt a bitter glee at destroying the stupid Saiyan. He showed no regrets, forcing himself to act the emotionless killer that he stood for.

Kakarot was shocked, Vegeta could tell. Good. The Prince thought. He’d decided that he wanted to die by a fellow Saiyan warrior. Vegeta didn’t want to go on, he wanted to end the pain right then. But he refused to die without a fight. Vegeta remembered the flare of power he had felt before Kakarot had arrived. Now all the Prince could hope was that the rebel Saiyan would use that power to destroy him.

Vegeta and Kakarot faced off, starting off with Vegeta powering up to his max. The earth warriors seemed frightened at his power. Vegeta grinned self-mockingly, waiting for Kakarot to make the first move.

The battle commenced, both warriors fighting savagely. Vegeta was obviously the more powerful warrior of the two, though Kakarot kept using a strange attack that boosted his power.

But soon Vegeta got a hold of his hatred and anger that fueled every battle he was in. The Prince knew it was time to uphold his vow. The smaller Saiyan reached out with his mind, trying to force his way to Kakarot’s thoughts. What he found surprised him.

Kakarot didn’t remember being a Saiyan warrior. His mind was full of love and happiness. There was carefree joy radiating from the Saiyan’s soul, but also a fierce protectiveness for this world. Vegeta attempted to speak with Kakarot, trying to let the other warrior hear his thoughts, but Kakarot wouldn’t listen.

Finally Vegeta pulled away from Kakarot in frustration. The stubborn earth warrior wouldn’t let him in. Vegeta powered up, deciding to blast some sense into the brain damaged Saiyan.

The Prince let loose his most powerful attack, knowing in his heart that Kakarot would deflect it. Vegeta wanted to distract the other Saiyan to give the Prince enough time to get past Kakarot’s mental barriers.

It worked. Kakarot used another powerful beam to stop his own, but neither was making headway. Vegeta finally got the earth warrior to listen as Kakarot’s energies were focused on the beam and not on protecting his mind. By the time Kakarot realized he was in there, Vegeta already had past Kakarot’s walls and held himself steady.

Kakarot was surprised and angry at the Prince’s invasion. He demanded without words for Vegeta to tell him why this was happening. Why was Vegeta doing this?

Vegeta responded in kind, forcing Kakarot to listen.

::Kakarot. Please listen to me. I must tell you something.:: Vegeta was nearly begging the other warrior to trust him. The Prince just wanted to get this over with.

::Why should I trust you? You’re trying to kill me!:: Kakarot said coldly. Vegeta internally sighed. The Saiyan wasn’t going to trust him without proof, so Vegeta channeled parts of his life into the other Saiyan. The Prince was surprised at the change in the man.

Kakarot felt bad for him. The sympathy from the larger warrior struck Vegeta violently. A sudden blast jarred him from Kakarot’s mind. Vegeta shook his head, disoriented but then realized what had caused the blow. Kakarot’s beam of ki had overpowered his. Vegeta scowled. That was the first time this had ever happened, but strangely, Vegeta didn’t care. He only wanted to fulfill the vow, so with anger and harsh words, Vegeta prolonged the battle so he could speak again with Kakarot.

Vegeta knew that if he stayed in his normal form that the earth warriors would beat him. So Vegeta did the next best thing. He created the ki moon that Bardock had taught him.

He felt the energy swirl around him, making him stare at the orb in a trance. Vegeta welcomed the rush of raw power that swept into him as he felt his body grow into a huge form. Hair sprouted off of every visible part of the Prince’s body and his face stretched to show a monstrous maw full of razor teeth. Vegeta reveled in the energy this form had. He had always loved going Oozra, welcoming the mindless rage the transformation brought. Vegeta could vent all his anger and pain in this form without worries or cares. He felt invincible.

Vegeta peered down through blood-red eyes at Kakarot, who looked a bit spooked. The Prince grinned, showing his feral teeth. Vegeta remembered bragging about being powerful and all, but yet again he was trying to enter Kakarot’s mind. This time it was easier. Vegeta felt Kakarot let him in. The Prince was surprised. How could anyone be so trusting?

The Oozra Vegeta growled before leaping at Kakarot, chasing the figure through the land. Internally, they were speaking.

::Vegeta, why are you doing this? I understand the memory you showed me of your life, but why don’t you just choose your own path?::

Vegeta mentally snorted. ::How can I?:: He snapped bitterly. ::What could I do? I’m a killer and I’m evil. There is no hope for me. I have no purpose except to destroy and…:: Vegeta trailed off, becoming uncomfortable. Kakarot gave a mental imitation of an inquisitive look. Vegeta sighed.

::I promised your father I’d tell you something before I died.::

Kakarot was curious, both of them ignoring their actually battling bodies. Kakarot vaguely realized he was creating a spirit bomb, just as Vegeta allowed himself to stomp around aimlessly searching for Kakarot and swatting away the other earth weaklings.

::My father?:: Kakarot was shocked. ::What was he like? Was he a warrior like us? Did he go and kill people for fun?:: The last statement was bitter. Vegeta let out a snarl of rage as Kakarot insulted his childhood companion. The Oozra lunged at Kakarot, catching him just as he was about to throw the spirit bomb. Vegeta began to crush Kakarot in his huge fists.

::Bardock wasn’t a killer! He was an honorable fighter that had a kindness in him I’ve never seen in another. He was brilliant, Kakarot! You should be proud to be his son! But I will NOT tolerate your insults!:: Vegeta squeezed Kakarot harder, causing the other Saiyan to scream in pain. Kakarot’s next reply was sympathy filled.

::I… I am sorry, Vegeta. I didn’t realize… I never knew you cared for him at all. What happened to you? Why are you like this?::

Vegeta cut him off with a shake. Kakarot struggled futilely but Vegeta had no intentions of letting him go.

A flare of pain struck him from behind. And to his absolute confusion, Vegeta felt himself shrinking. His tail… His tail had been cut off. Vegeta growled, expressing his anger. True, Freeza had desensitized it with the torturous surgery so long ago, but Vegeta liked his tail. It was one of the only reminders of who he really was.

To put it bluntly, Vegeta was mad. Kakarot had landed in a helpless heap as Vegeta began to storm over there. He knew that it hadn’t been Kakarot’s fault, but Vegeta didn’t care. He was intercepted by a small half-breed.

The Prince was shaken from his anger as his loss hit him. He remembered fighting the young boy and beating him down as he felt a great energy being gathered behind him. Vegeta ignored it. He didn’t care anymore.

But he had to complete his vow once and for all… His mind was made up as he spoke to Kakarot yet again mentally.

::Kakarot, don’t forget your heritage. Continue on and be a great fighter. You are now going to be the last of the Saiyan race. Be proud of that. And remember that your father said he… he…loved you… with all of his heart…:: Vegeta broke off as Kakarot tried to reply to him. Vegeta refused to hear Kakarot’s mocking answer. The other Saiyan was probably laughing at Vegeta’s show of emotion.

Just then a searing pain struck the distracted warrior Prince. He cried out as the blast burned through his armor and into his soul. It seemed to be slowly killing him for every evil deed he had done and every evil thought in his mind. Vegeta let out a scream. He knew he was going to die, but oddly felt at peace.

The Prince had upheld his promise. He had done his duty. Vegeta was now ready to let go of his life to join his people in death. But it wasn’t to be. Vegeta felt the energy that was destroying him pause as it came to his mental wall. Then it lunged into Vegeta’s hidden mind savagely, tearing around and discovering all of Vegeta’s thoughts, deeds, and feelings. The energy seemed to be confused, as it swirled around aimlessly. Vegeta sighed wearily. Why couldn’t it just kill him? Why did it torment him so?

Then it was gone. Just like that. Vegeta lay on the ground, broken and bleeding, but still alive. He didn’t know what to do now. Vegeta had thought for sure that the blast had been more than powerful enough to kill him. So why hadn’t it?

::Because you aren’t evil, my Prince.::

Vegeta gave a start as Kakarot’s voice spoke in his mind.

::You are just bitter and confused. There is good in you, but you’ve locked it away in the darkest recess of your mind. I’m sorry, my Prince, for all that has happened to you. It wasn’t fair for you at all. But there is nothing I can do to help you but give you this advice. After this day, promise to follow your feelings. Quit trying to hide behind your wall. Let yourself go…::

Then Kakarot’s presence was gone. Vegeta numbly felt all the warriors leave him. Why are they letting me live? Why couldn’t they just kill me? But Vegeta couldn’t think of the answer except that Kakarot had allowed him to keep his life.

Vegeta sagged in defeat. He was defeated mental, physically, emotionally… The Saiyan Prince couldn’t even count all the ways he had failed. He dragged himself painfully over to his pod, dropping in it and accepting the offer of unconsciousness the gas gave. Before he was allowed to end his pain-filled mind, Vegeta thoughts were…why did they care? Kakarot confused him… but Vegeta was unable to ponder on the subject any further as darkness claimed his mind…

*****************************End of Flashback*******************************

Bulma reeled back from Vegeta’s mind. She found herself, not watching his past as she had been before, but back in the swirling mists of memories from his thoughts. A shudder ran through the ground she was on, and Bulma noticed for the first time what Vegeta was feeling about her invasion.

He was mad… No… he was beyond mad. He was furious. Bulma cringed a bit, knowing she had deliberately disobeyed his wishes. But as she thought back about what she had seen… she didn’t blame him for never wanting to remember those events. They were terrible. Vegeta had lived through Hell. His whole life had been one drawn out nightmare. The sympathy that Bulma felt made her weak.

It seemed that Vegeta finally got a hold of her as Bulma spun away from his mind. She screamed in fear as everything tossed around her, making her giddy with nausea.

Then she was back in her own mind. Bulma opened her eyes slowly, squinting at the sudden brightness of the morning sun. She blinked, clearing her mind as everything she had seen about Vegeta came back….

Oh Kami…. How had he lived through all that? Bulma felt a swell of admiration and awe for the Saiyan Prince. She knew that if she had been in his position, she would have given into the temptation of dying.

Bulma shivered as she felt everything he had felt. Now she knew why he was the way he was…. Who could blame him? The horror and torture he had been through was like nothing Bulma had ever seen. She hadn’t even known that such cruelty could have existed.

Bulma dimly realized that she was crying. Tears splashed to her hands as she sobbed for the way Vegeta had been molded. He hadn’t had a choice but to come out as he was this day. Actually, considering what he’d been through, it was amazing that Vegeta was reforming the way he was. Bulma knew that Vegeta was beginning to emerge from his hidden shell. She knew that he would never be like Goku or Yamcha, but…. Bulma cared deeply for all that the Saiyan had accomplished. He was stronger than he would ever realize.

Bulma snapped from her thoughts as she realized that Vegeta was still in the room with her. She was afraid to raise her gaze, afraid of the hatred and bitterness he would aim at her now. He would never forgive her for this, Bulma thought. How could he? He’d told her… no… DEMANDED her that she stay out of forbidden memories… But she had gone against what he had said…

After a while of just sitting there quivering in fear of Vegeta’s reaction… but nothing happening, Bulma slowly glanced over at where he had been sitting.

Vegeta wasn’t looking at her. He wasn’t even facing her. The Saiyan had stood up and was across the room, looking out the window into the sun swept lawn. Bulma winced as she saw a tremor run through his muscular body. His tail was limp, as was his whole stance. Just looking at him, Bulma could tell he was… devastated.

You IDIOT!!!! Her mind screamed at her. Yesterday you said you basically hated him and then today you forced yourself into his mind and saw exactly what he hadn’t wanted to show! He very likely thought she hated him even more. The dawning of this answer made Bulma’s heart clench. She could never go back to hating or even disliking him as she had in the past. What he had lived through…. It was amazing he was even sane.

Bulma stood up slowly, carefully treading her way to stand behind the silent Prince. She reached a hesitant hand out, gently brushing her fingers against his shoulder.

He stiffened violently, making a loud guttural growl. Bulma gulped back her fear and sorrow to place her whole hand over his shoulder. To her shock and slight terror, he seemed to go limp, trembling beneath her hand.

Bulma’s worry overcame her past fear as she walked around so she could see his face. Bulma immediately almost fell over in shock.

Silent tears streamed furrows down the angular cheekbones of the Saiyan Prince. He stood there shaking without a sound, eyes clenched shut. Bulma gulped in a lump of guilt. She had caused this. Bulma gently turned him around to face her before thinking of the consequences.

Vegeta tensed at her touch, jerking away and stalking to the door. Bulma followed.

"Vegeta… I’m so sorry… I never… I never thought…" Her throat closed off in sympathy. Vegeta gave a snort of disgust, turning to glare at her. She still saw the visible lines of dampness trailing from his eyes, proving his tears had been real. But when Bulma saw his ebony eyes, she burst into tears.

He was so hurt. She had dealt the worst blow possible to his mind. His eyes were hard, filled with anger and hatred. But Bulma could now see past all his physical masks. Somehow being connected with him mentally made her able to read his emotions better. Past all the cold hatred, Bulma saw his fears. He believed she was going to push him away, mock him like everyone else in his past had. He believed that she hated him.

Her sobs became heavier as she ran to him. His face turned surprised and then full of fury. Instead of allowing her to hug him, Vegeta flung her away, causing her to land on the bed roughly.

Bulma was shocked. She hadn’t thought he would strike her. But he hadn’t hurt her, just scared her by tossing her away. Bulma watched as he approached, his face twisting with emotions.

"Stay away from me…" Vegeta hissed at her. Bulma blinked. That hadn’t been what she had expected. She tried to speak with him… to apologize for her mistakes…

"Vegeta," Bulma begged, "Please forgive me! I’m so sorry…" He cut her off with a growl.

"I don’t need your pity, woman! I don’t need your petty emotions! Leave me ALONE!" Vegeta snarled. Bulma whimper, but doggedly went on.

"You don’t understand! I’m sorry for doing that to you! I’m sorry for saying I didn’t like you! I’m so sorry for invading you like I did…" Bulma broke down into incoherent sobs. She gasped through her tears. "I’m sorry I didn’t tell you how much I care… And I do care, Vegeta… I admire you. You will always be stronger than Goku in my eyes…"

Bulma sat there for a long moment of time. He had left. He hates you now. You’ll never see him again…

Bulma gave a start as warm arms wrapped around her shoulders. She looked up in shock to see Vegeta sitting next to her on the bed, trying awkwardly to comfort her.

"Shut up woman." Vegeta growled gruffly with suppressed emotions, "If anyone should be crying it should be me… Stupid weakling." The last words seemed almost affectionate, but Bulma brushed it off as her thinking irrationally again. She leaned into his warmth, surprised that he would do this after everything she had done to him.

Bulma reached her own arms out to curl around the slim waist of the Saiyan Prince, but paused as she felt her fingers brush against the fuzzy warmth of his tail. She looked up to see Vegeta peering down with something like regret and sorrow in his eyes.

He thinks I hate him. Bulma reached up, brushing her fingers against his cheek. He seemed to flinch away, but Bulma persisted, brushing a hand so that it snaked around to the back of his neck. Bulma stroked his hair at the nape of his neck slowly, feeling the amazing softness of his hair. She leaned closer, feeling him tense beneath her. Bulma put her chin on his shoulder, twisting so her mouth was near his ear.

"I could never hate you, my Prince. You will always be my friend. I vow this on the memory of my planet…" Bulma whispered, using Vegeta’s own oath. Vegeta went still, freezing in her arms.

Suddenly he jerked upright and stared back at her. A faint red tinged his cheeks. Bulma smiled shakily at him as he looked at her in deep thought. Finally he just pulled her back to him, resting his own chin on her shoulder.

"I know…" Vegeta murmured back, voice cracking. He didn’t say anything else, just sat there holding her to his chest. Bulma sighed. This felt so good to her. He was so warm and soft but full of untamed power. It felt delicious.

Bulma gasped as Vegeta’s hold tightened, almost forcing the breath from her lungs. A trembling was starting up in Vegeta’s body again as he crushed her to him. Bulma became worried, but was unable to pull back to look at him. She gave a start as a wet heat pooled on her shoulder.

He was crying again. Bulma held back her own tears. She had never seen Vegeta so broken before. He seemed to be trying to recover from the shock that her releasing his past so suddenly had brought.

Bulma knew for a fact that Vegeta had been forced to watch his own memories along with her. She remembered feeling his horror at having to see everything again. He had been shrinking away, cringing as his past had unfolded before her. But she had just watched everything in fascination and pity.

Now it seemed that she had broken the barrier he had strived so hard to build. Bulma’s own tears flowed once again from this knowledge. She knew that Vegeta didn’t hate her… he wouldn’t be holding her like this if he did. But he certainly was never going to trust her again… not after everything she had done to him. Maybe she should just leave him, send him back to their own dimension so that he could get away from her.

But Bulma steeled herself. She wouldn’t give up this easily. He needed her now, even if he wouldn’t admit it. And Bulma needed him. She would go insane without his reassuring presence, no matter how annoying he got.

Yes, Bulma promised herself. She would do everything in her power to heal the Saiyan Prince. He hadn’t had a chance to before. No one had given him a chance. But now she would. She was going to make a difference in his life by showing she cared. Bulma wouldn’t desert him in his time of need.

So Bulma quashed any qualms she had, stroking the broken Prince’s back and calming him with soothing words. But he wasn’t allowing himself to relax. But neither was he pulling away. Finally Bulma brushed one hand farther down his back, tentatively resting her fingers in the soft fur of his tail.

Another shudder ran through Vegeta, but this time it wasn’t from pain or sorrow. Bulma smiled softly, beginning once again to calm the Prince with her fingers. It made sense now, she thought. His tail had been surgically desensitized before. Obviously when the regeneration tank had grown it back, the nerves were grown back also.

Bulma felt Vegeta’s tail unfurl and wrap around her waist. She brushed her hand upward, ruffling the fur and causing Vegeta to shiver again. Finally she just began to stroke his tail in a rhythmic pattered, humming softly in his ear as he finally relaxed. She felt him begin to vibrate beneath her and paused for a moment in worry.

But Bulma smiled as she realized what was happening. Vegeta purred under her touches, curling into her as he had the night before. She was shocked that he would show affection like this, but he was mentally traumatized, so Bulma couldn’t blame him. Vegeta would have never done this before hand. But after everything that had happened in the last week, Vegeta was exhausted and confused.

He shifted in her embrace, turning so that he could look her in the eyes. Bulma smiled warmly at him. Vegeta just leaned back down and nipped her lightly on the neck before murmuring to her.

"I’m going to sleep, woman…. Don’t wake me up…" And Vegeta was out like a light.

Bulma blinked before realizing she was stuck again. Vegeta must have been drained of energy from their mind contact. Not only was he emotionally exhausted, he was still recovering from his wounds before. Even after the regeneration tank, Vegeta just couldn’t erase the effort it had taken to heal. Bulma affectionately nipped at Vegeta as he had her before pulling him down to lay next to her.

She peered at his sleeping face. He looked worn out and hurt. Bulma gave him a light kiss on the cheek before closing her own eyes.

"Good resting, my Prince…" She whispered to him. If she had looked at him then, she would have seen that after her words, the pain in Vegeta’s face lightened, causing a small smile to unconsciously grace his lips. But Bulma, too, was sound asleep, tired from emotion and shock at realizing how much she truly did care for the arrogant man in her arms… the arrogant man who held her in awe and also now held her heart.

* * * * *

*sob * I was almost crying when I wrote this chapter!! I was so sorry for Vegeta!!! I hoped you all liked it!!! I made it extra long… sorta a Christmas gift for all you who’ve stuck with me!!! Please review!! Since this chapter took so long I haven’t had an ego booster for a long time….. *sigh * Just remember… The more reviews the faster and more I write!!! ^_^ So R/R for me!! PLEASE?!?!? And if you have comments or questions… email me at willi-4698@iacademy.org. I do so love email!!!! But gotta run!!! REVIEW!!! Thanks!!

Table of Contents
Chapter 5
Chapter 7