Disclaimer: Ditto as all the other ones…. Okay, I know it’s taken me forever to get this out… but you can’t blame me…. *sigh * With Christmas and everything I’m lucky to even have had time to write this!!! Oh well… Please review for me!!! I need reviews to keep me going!!! Thanks for all you people who have stuck with me so far!!! I’m very happy!! ^_^ Hope you like it!!! Onward….

Chapter 5


Bulma continued down the hallway until she was sure that she was alone with Vegeta. She heard him muttering curses under his breath and smirked. Vegeta was going to have to get used to not being in power for awhile.

She stopped, turning to face the irate Saiyan. He halted, his face clouded in anger and frustration.

"How dare you order me around like that, woman! I’m not some low class baka like you that grovels at others feet!" Vegeta snapped, glaring at her vehemently. Bulma smiled sweetly at him, knowing that there was no way he could get the upper hand in this argument…or so she thought.

"Well, Vegeta, if you hate being ordered around so much, why did you follow me?" Bulma almost laughed at Vegeta’s look of shock and fury.

"For Kami’s sake, woman! What was I supposed to do! You had my tail! Do you realize how much that hurt?" He yelled at her, tail snapping harshly in his anger. Bulma just grinned wider. Vegeta turned away from her, snarling over his shoulder. "Stupid baka! If you weren’t the one capable of getting me out of this mess, I would just kill you!"

Bulma paused for a moment. Would he really kill me? She had just begun to believe that there was a heart in his cold-blooded soul, but maybe she was wrong. Maybe he really did hate her and was just using her for her brain.

This made Bulma very angry. She stalked up to the now silent Saiyan and furiously made him face her. His face registered a bit of shock, but mostly annoyance.

"What do you want, woman?" He snapped at her, crossing his arms on his chest. Bulma glared at him coldly.

"Vegeta, I know you’re a heartless bastard! You really don’t need to prove it to me! After all the trouble I went through to get these people to heal you and make you a regeneration tank, and all the thanks I get is YOU SAYING YOU’D KILL ME!!!" Bulma screamed in his face. "I HATE YOU!!! YOU… WORTHLESS JERK!!! I BET YOU’VE ALWAYS HAD A PAMPERED LIFE, OH GREAT ONE!" Her voice dripped heavily in sarcasm. She was so steamed that she didn’t notice Vegeta going pale. "YOU AND YOUR STUPID EGO! YOU’VE PROBABLY NEVER DONE ANYTHING NICE IN YOUR LIFE SINCE EVERYTHING WAS DONE FOR YOU!" To her mortification, she found tears threatening to spill from her eyes. She wasn’t quite ready for the response that Vegeta gave.

An alien emotion that Bulma had never seen on his features seemed to settle for a brief moment. It seemed like she had.. hurt him. But she erased that thought from her mind as his face suddenly twisted to show an absolute radiating fury. Bulma had never been truly afraid of Vegeta, but she came very close to it with him staring at her like that. Suddenly she found herself pinned against the wall. Vegeta held her there, his face an inch away from her own.

Bulma gulped. Maybe she had gone just a bit overboard on her comments. She attempted to free herself to no avail.

"Vegeta," Bulma pleaded, but he cut her off with a shake.

"You, woman, would do well to keep your mouth shut…" Vegeta hissed in her face. Bulma gulped. She had never seen such fury or emotion in Vegeta’s eyes. "You know nothing of me or my past! So do not presume things that you don’t know." Then he abruptly dropped her, turning his back.

Bulma blinked at him. What had caused that? He’d said that she shouldn’t guess what had happened to him… What did he mean? Did he actually feel under that hard emotionless mask that seemed to surround him? And why did he respond so harshly to her comments? She stood quietly, reaching a hand to touch Vegeta’s shoulder. He flinched from her.

"Just leave me alone, woman!" He snarled hoarsely. Bulma sighed at that, but backed off.

"I’m sorry, Vegeta." She said after a moment. He didn’t move from his stance. Bulma paused before going on. "I didn’t mean what I said. It’s just that you… threatened me… and I just lost my temper…" She frowned as he still didn’t respond. "Vegeta, I… I was wrong to say those things…" She gulped, squashing her pride to say the next few words. "Please forgive me…" She whispered. Bulma noticed his shoulders relax a bit from his stiff stance.

Slowly he turned to face her, his features hard and emotionless.

"Next time, woman, I won’t let you off so easy." He growled deeply. Bulma smiled in relief. That was as much of an answer that she could expect from the Saiyan. She decided to change the subject.

"So, Vegeta… Are you ready to meet the others?" Bulma asked cautiously. She didn’t want him killing them just because he was grumpy. Vegeta peered at her, face unreadable.

"Fine, woman. I’ll have to sooner or later, might as well get the misery done with."

Bulma spun around, knowing he would follow her. She made idol chat along the way, trying to cover up the feeling of silence from the stoic Prince. He hadn’t said a thing since the hall way incident and Bulma wondered what was going through his head.

Vegeta… why are you such a mystery? He was giving her very mixed signals. First he yells, then he saves her life, then he’s actually nice to her (but then again he was almost in a coma when he did….) and now he was acting….strange… like something disturbed him.

Bulma had to cut off her thoughts, though, since they reached their destination. Bulma knocked on the door, receiving an immediate answer of the door opening for them.

Bulma was surprised when only the Professor was in the room, sitting behind a large desk. He looked up from his work before beckoning them to enter.

"Come in, Bulma!" Then he turned to Vegeta, who was scowling ferociously. The Professor smiled at him warmly. "You’re allowed in, too, Vegeta."

Vegeta gave a start when the Professor said his name. He was just going to stand there, but Bulma gave him a warning look, causing him to growl and sit down violently. Bulma smiled internally. She still had the touch!

"Now," The Professor said calmly. "I want to know about the both of you."

Vegeta looked at the crippled bald human incredulously. There was no way he was going to tell him anything! He wasn’t about to go and spill his emotions like all the stupid little weaklings that swarmed this mud ball. They didn’t deserve to know about him.

You just don’t want to face your past. A small voice of reason whispered. Vegeta snarled, causing both the Professor and Bulma to jump at his sudden noise. Bulma glared at him as the human man blinked. Then the human smiled calmly at him.

This irked Vegeta. Wasn’t the man supposed to cringe in terror and beg for his life? But no! Somehow, ever since Kakarot had beaten him, his whole life had definitely become very strange.

"Well, I’m sure Vegeta would be honored to tell you about his past." Bulma said sweetly, causing Vegeta to jerk upright and stare at her in shock. She turned to look at him, "Right?" She said through clenched teeth, a sound of steel in her voice. Vegeta shuddered.

What was it about this woman that made him act all… human? Ever since he’d come to live with her, he’d been getting… feelings… emotions that were alien to him.

But he couldn’t keep thinking. Both the people in the room with him were staring at him impatiently. Vegeta internally sighed. How was he going to get out of this one? True, he could just blast his way out, but then the woman would never find him a way to get back to the normal world.

And then he would never beat Kakarot. His mind supplied quickly. But somewhere in the deep recess of his mind, Vegeta knew that was only part of the reason.

"Well?" Bulma snapped at him. Vegeta scowled back at her before pointedly turning away to face the Professor.

"What do you baka’s want to know?" He grudgingly growled. The Professor shrugged slightly, still smiling.

"I would just like to know how you were raised, who your father was, and your mother… The usual introductions." Vegeta frowned heavily.

"My father was King of Vegetisai and I don’t know who my mother was. My planet was destroyed when I was 8 and I was taken in by a tyrant named Freeza. He raised me." Vegeta snapped shortly, really not wanting to remember the memories. He found Bulma staring at him strangely and tried to brush it off. The Professor seemed a bit surprised from the information, but quickly recovered.

"Well, Vegeta, it seems that you gave us a very brief speech, but what I really want to know is how you were trained and raised." He raised a hand to silence Vegeta, who was about to protest loudly. "Now, you don’t have to say these things aloud…" The Professor gave Vegeta a searing look. :: You can always just tell me through your mind and thoughts::

Vegeta gave a start as the human talked to him mentally. Dear Kami! He’s a telepath! This intrigued Vegeta. He studied the old man with a new interest. He’d never thought of humans having any power. Kakarot’s friends didn’t count. Crome-dome and the woman’s temporary mate were weaklings that just were born with more energy. But this man was different. He had powerful brain waves that were so strong, he could make them become a physical force and control weak minds.

Vegeta smirked, answering the Professor with his own telepathic ability.

::I’m impressed, old man. You seem strong… for a human.::

The Professor blinked in shock from hearing Vegeta’s words in his mind. But stifled his unease by responding to Vegeta out loud.

"Well, I need to find out about your past…" Vegeta cut him off with a snarl.

"Why? What’s in the past is done. Just leave it be! I have no loyalties to you! Why should I suddenly trust you? What is so important about my past that you must try to force it from me?" Vegeta found himself truly wanting to know. The old man better have a good reason!

The Professor smiled again, this time it was strained, before responding.

"You’ve been summoned here by an outside force which I have yet to discover. But I must find out about your past! There must be a key link to why you were summoned, but I haven’t found one in Bulma, so it must be in you. The only problem is you guard your thoughts so closely that I have no chance in finding out anything." Vegeta gave him a searing look.

"What does that have anything to do with me?" He growled, crossing his arms. "What would my past have anything to do with this dimension?"

The Professor sighed, losing the smile he had so diligently kept on his face until that moment. He looked straight into Vegeta’s eyes solemnly.

"You must give me the information. I’ll be able to narrow down suspects and even find the person who summoned you if I knew more about your past. I cannot help you get home, Vegeta, unless you help me first. There must be some reason you’re here."

Vegeta snorted. "What if it was all an accident? Besides, I don’t need your help, old man. The woman can make a device to get me home any day. I don’t see why giving information on myself will help anything." Vegeta glowered into the mutant’s eyes, stubbornly refusing to give in. Finally the Professor sighed, rubbing his temples.

"Fine, Vegeta. If you want to be stubborn, you may. But I’ll tell you this. Bulma has agreed that she’s not going to get you home until you help me."

Vegeta’s eyes snapped over to Bulma in surprise. She flushed slightly but scowled heavily before talking.

"It’s true, Vegeta. These people saved your life. The least you can do is give them a brief summary of your training. It won’t kill you to show emotion, Vegeta." Bulma stared at him curiously as he paled slightly.

Vegeta gulped. He was backed into a corner with no way out. He could refuse to tell them anything and stay here forever, he shuddered at the thought,… or he could tell them everything, shatter his pride, but get to go back home. Vegeta smirked humorlessly at that thought. The last place he’d ever thought he’d call home was this measly earth, but somehow… it just seemed right. With a sigh he turned to the people staring at him, his decision in mind.

Bulma watched as flickers of emotions played across Vegeta’s face. He seemed to be in deep thought, somehow very troubled at the prospect of revealing anything about himself. Bulma remembered the scars on his body and winced. Maybe his memories were painful.

Of course they’d be painful, you baka! Her mind screamed at her. She knew very little about his past besides his planet had been destroyed and Freeza had raised him. But even that little bit of information made it clear that his life had been rough.

Bulma frowned in slight puzzlement as Vegeta finally seemed to come up with a decision. He looked… defeated somehow. I wonder what he’s going to do?

He spoke up in a low voice, "Fine, old man. I’ll… let you… see my past." The last words seemed to be forced from his throat. The Professor smiled once again.

"Very good, young man! I knew you’d see sense!"

Bulma gritted her teeth to keep from strangling the mutant. He didn’t seem to notice how uncomfortable Vegeta was. This was probably going to be the biggest emotional thing that Vegeta had ever done in his life, and the Professor couldn’t care one way or another about Vegeta’s feelings. She sighed, causing Vegeta to glance at her through his dark eyes.

Abruptly she knew what she had to do. Bulma stood up, both the Professor and Vegeta followed her movements in curiosity. She crossed the room to where Vegeta sat and put a hand on his shoulder.

To her absolute surprise, Vegeta was trembling beneath her touch. She looked at him again, this time seeing his ebony eyes from a closer view. Bulma started in shock. He was afraid. Deathly afraid of what he was about to do. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to control the sudden need to hug him, comfort him in his fear. That was the last clue she needed to figure out that Vegeta did not want to remember his past.

"Professor Xavior, I would like to offer a compromise." Bulma spoke up. The Professor nodded for her to go ahead. Bulma licked her dry lips, going on before she lost her nerve. "I… I say that I should be the one that Vegeta talks to about his past and then I’ll relay the information to you. He’d be a lot more comfortable with that." The Professor looked thoughtfully at her. Then he nodded.

"Yes, it seems that he would rather open up to you than to me." The Professor smiled wryly. "I don’t seem to have the same… affect… on him as you do." Bulma blinked at this, but looked down at Vegeta to see his reaction.

He was staring at her. Emotions swirled through the darkness of his eyes. His face betrayed no emotions, but Bulma wasn’t looking at his face, only his eyes and the deep shock that stood out in them. She pursed her lips.

"What is it, Vegeta?" Bulma asked. He didn’t respond right away, just continued to stare at her. Bulma began to get uncomfortable and so turned back to the Professor.

"Thank you, Professor, for agreeing with me."

"No, Bulma. Thank you. You have amazing insight for one so young." Bulma unconsciously preened under the compliment. The Professor chuckled. "Come on, now. I’ll show you to your quarters when you are ready. I’ll wait for you outside." Bulma began to follow the Professor out the door, but looked back at Vegeta. His brows were furrowed, his face scrunched in what looked like deep thought.

Well, at least he isn’t staring at me anymore! That was creepy! Bulma paused before reaching a hand out to him.

"Come on, Vegeta. Let’s go." Bulma said quietly. Vegeta didn’t look up.

"Why do you care?" He finally asked. Bulma blinked at him.

"Um.. well, I don’t want to go alone down the halls, and you need to know where your quarters are…." Vegeta cut her off harshly.

"No, baka! I’m talking about before!" Vegeta snarled at her. Bulma sighed.

"Well, I could tell that you were uncomfortable, and so I decided to help you."

Vegeta looked at her, piercing eyes quizzical.

"Why do you help me?" He muttered softly. Bulma smiled at him gently, reaching a hand out. He flinched back from her. Bulma was a bit hurt, but decided to answer him.

"I consider you my friend, Vegeta, and friends stick up for one another." Bulma stated. She was surprised at the complete change in Vegeta’s attitude. When she had said ‘friends,’ his face had gone pale, and he looked… vulnerable?

Vegeta? Vulnerable?!?! Now THAT would be the day!!! But Bulma ignored those thoughts. Vegeta gulped slightly, shifting to face her better.

"Why… do you…consider me as a friend? I’ve… I’ve never done… anything nice to you…." Vegeta was almost talking to himself when Bulma cut him off. She placed a hand under his chin, bringing his downcast face up so she could look him in the eyes.

"Vegeta," she murmured softly, "You have too helped me. You saved my life! I think that is considered helping. I want to help you, Vegeta. I want you to consider me your friend too." Vegeta stared at her for a moment before jerking his chin from her hands. He stood up abruptly, beginning to pace in front of her, tail lashing behind him. Then he stopped, taking a deep breath before turning to face her.

Bulma waited nervously for him to reply. She hadn’t really meant to go all mushy on him like that. It just kind of happened. She saw him sigh before he spoke in a soft voice.

"I suppose…" he started. Bulma realized how hard this must be for him. She smiled to give him encouragement. Vegeta finally continued in a voice so low that Bulma had to strain to hear his words. "I suppose I can… think of you as a… friend." The last word seemed hesitant but honest. Bulma squealed in joy, tears coming to her eyes.

"Thank you so much, Vegeta!!! You have no idea how happy I am!!!" Bulma flung herself at him. Vegeta tensed, thinking she was attacking him, but almost fell over in shock as she glomped onto his ridged body and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Vegeta flushed into a beet red. Bulma giggled at this before he pushed her roughly away, scowling heavily and trying to cover his sudden embarrassment.

"Keep you’re hands to yourself, woman!" He snapped at her crossly, trying to regain the dignity he’d just lost in the past few minutes. Bulma just smiled brightly before walking out after the Professor.

Vegeta sat down again as she left, stunned. What had just happened? He just remembered feeling the utter humiliation and agony as he was ready to open the floodgates of his surpressed past, when Bulma had placed a hand on his shoulder.

His entire focus had gone out of whack when she had touched him. And then she had spoken up, saving him from showing the old man his past. She had saved him from the shame of that… but when she had spoken on his behalf, saying that he could tell her instead, he’d wanted to stop her. Protest against it violently.

For some reason, he would rather face public humiliation and scorn rather than make her see what had happened to him as a child. He didn’t want her pity or sympathy. He didn’t want her to feel bad for him.

That’s not true. His mind supplied. You just don’t want her to hate you or look at you with the disgust everyone else has. Vegeta bit his lip, confused. He didn’t know why he cared so much about how the woman felt about him. All he knew was that if she hated him and ridiculed him for the things of the past, he would die.

Vegeta grimaced at his sudden confession to himself. She changed him… he didn’t know how she’d done it, but she had. Vegeta wanted to yell at her, to kill her and get rid of his weakness. But he knew if he allowed harm to come to her that he’d never forgive himself.

He started, almost falling out of the chair, as the woman’s voice yelled at him, jolting him from his thoughts.


He sighed, standing up and trudging slowly towards the door. This whole ‘tell me about your past’ thing was really wearing on him. He’d actually said out loud to the woman that she was his friend! Even if he did consider her a friend, he hadn’t wanted to tell her. A slight blush creeped onto his cheeks, remembering her reaction to his confession. She’d flung herself at him, causing his battle instincts to turn on. But he’d been completely taken by surprise when she’d hugged him. Vegeta paused to think for a moment.

That was the first time that anyone had hugged him let alone said he was their friend. Somehow, this comforted Vegeta. He didn’t know why.

He finally stalked from the room, seeing a very impatient Bulma and the old mutant waiting for him. He scowled heavily at them, waiting. Soon they just turned away and started to walk through the corridors. He heard the woman chatting gaily to the Professor ahead. Vegeta snorted softly.

That old man was a complete fool. Vegeta had no intentions of telling anyone of his past. I’ll make up something to tell to the woman, Vegeta decided. He felt a pang of guilt for thinking of lying to Bulma, but ignored it. There was no way he’d let anyone know about him willingly. The only one who had any idea of his past was Kakarot, but Kakarot never told anyone because he was a brain-damaged idiot.

Vegeta had been so deep in his contemplation that he didn’t notice when Bulma stopped. He almost walked into her before jerking back and trying to cover up his mistake. BAKA! He yelled at himself. You’ve trained your whole life to be a hard and emotionless warrior since all emotion does is hurt… and now your falling for the woman?!?! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!?!? He really needed to focus more.

Vegeta blinked slightly, clearing his mind to concentrate on the people by him. The old man was saying something about sleeping and… OH DEAR KAMI!!!! Vegeta went pale with shock at the next comment.

He had to share a ROOM with the WOMAN?!?!?! If being around her almost all the time during the day wasn’t bad enough, now he had to sleep in the same room as her! Vegeta internally growled. This whole ‘other dimension’ was getting sickening very fast. To put it bluntly, he HATED it here. Vegeta decided then to voice his opinion at the same time Bulma did.

"I am NOT sleeping in the same room as that arrogant jerk!!! Just being stuck with him here is bad enough! I don’t want to spend the only time I have alone with him!!!" Bulma snapped in indignant anger. Vegeta glowered at her for a moment. What had happened to her ‘I’m your friend’ speech? Had she just been mocking him? Vegeta snarled in anger at the thought.

"I won’t be able to even close my eyes in the same room as that loud mouthed baka!!! She won’t shut up to save her life!!! Are you trying to kill me?!?!? I won’t get any rest with her yelling all the time!!!" Vegeta snapped, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring ferociously at the mutant.

The Professor blinked at their outbursts before sighing a little. He turned to leave.

"Well, I guess then one of you will have to share a room with Wolverine or Rogue. They’re the only ones that have an extra bunk." Bulma smiled softly.

"I’ll share a room with Rogue, if that’s alright with you. It’s a lot better than sharing it with him!" She said happily, glad to have gotten out of being with Vegeta. "I don’t even like him!" Vegeta growled dangerously, eyes narrowing at Bulma.

So she had just been kidding about the whole friend thing. She had made a fool of him by playing on his emotions. Vegeta cursed himself. He’d known that feeling for others only brought pain. But NO! His mind didn’t listen to him and had to go and actually care about the woman! He had been the closest to being happy for the first time in his entire life when she had said that she had actually cared about him. No one had ever said anything to him like that. He’d come dangerously close to admitting that he liked her… true, he had said she was a friend, and now he cursed himself, cursed himself that he had even thought that someone might care for him.

Vegeta broke off from his thoughts. He was going to have to meditate extra hard for the next couple days to erase these ‘thoughts’ about the woman from his mind. He couldn’t bear to be this pathetic… or have the woman hurt him again. Vegeta hissed at his weakness. He swore at himself for ever seeing something in the woman. It hurt. It hurt so much to have her lie to him like that.

Vegeta sighed heavily, stalking into the room that the Professor had offered. Bulma and the Professor stared after his ridged form in confusion. The door slammed in their faces, leaving Vegeta alone in the room with his thoughts.

He paused, glancing around to take in his surroundings. It was a small room. A desk sat at the far-left wall, a small lamp settling on its top. There was a window above it, causing a small stream of sunlight to pierce the darkness. His eyes flickered to the other wall, noticing the double bunk anchored to it. A closet was set to the right of the beds, making the room seem quite cozy. There was even a bathroom branching out from the room next to the closet, making the comfortable setting complete.

It was obviously meant for two people to sleep in. But, Vegeta thought bitterly, He was going to be the only one to use it. He muttered something under his breath, moving over to the beds and finally deciding that he liked the bottom bunk best. With a final groan of weariness, Vegeta flopped onto the bed, staring at the springs for the top bunk and thinking to himself.

What was wrong with him? How come he even cared what that stupid witch thought of him? He certainly never had really cared for anyone before. A slight twinge of guilt hit him. He snorted softly. Now he was even lying to himself! How much more pathetic could he get?

Vegeta thought it ironic that these feelings built up over a period of time, but he had been able to ignore them until the woman had said that she considered him her friend. Then he had actually admitted to her that he might slightly care for her… that had been the biggest emotional outburst he’d had in years. True, it hadn’t been much, but to him it had been a HUGE deal.

And then she had just blown him off like he was nothing. Vegeta winced at the sudden feelings of hurt and sorrow that washed over him. He shouldn’t care! Every time he had cared, it had blown up in his face. Hadn’t he learned his lesson by now? Obviously not.

Vegeta was used to pain… used to anguish and embarrassment. But to be hurt in such a cruel way… It would have just been better if she’d never talked to him at all! Better to leave him alone in a cold world rather than torment him in such a cruel way.

Vegeta shook his head violently. He wouldn’t think of it anymore. She was a weak sentimental fool that obviously hated him so much as to do something like that. He wouldn’t let her get under his skin like that again, he vowed. She meant nothing to him anymore. At least… nothing that he would show….

NO!!! Vegeta slapped himself on the forehead. Shut up, you compulsive, obsessive idiot! You will NOT think of her like that!!! But as Vegeta forced himself to calm down and go into a restless sleep, he knew he had lied to himself again…

Bulma stared blankly at the place Vegeta had been standing in. What had happened? She was so used to insulting him that she had just done it by habit. Bulma had been serious when she said she wanted to share a room with Rogue. It had nothing to do with Vegeta as a person, it was just that she didn’t want to sleep and share a room with a man. Especially a man like Vegeta that tempted her into just wanting to jump him then and there.

But why had he suddenly stalked away from them? She had just said her usual insult and then something about wanting to sleep in the same room as Rogue, but she didn’t see what was so bad about that. She hadn’t meant to actually succeed in insulting him! After all, he was officially her ‘friend.’

Bulma shook her head lightly, looking over to the Professor, who was watching her closely. He seemed to have a sad look on his face, staring at her almost accusingly.

"What?" She finally snapped, the mutant’s stare becoming nerve wracking. He just shook his head lightly before responding.

"Do you know what you just did to him?" The Professor asked softly. Bulma blinked before shaking her head. He sighed in exasperation. "Why didn’t you just agree to the room situation?" Bulma glared at him indignantly.

"Well, mister, for your information, I didn’t want to sleep in the same room as someone from the opposite sex! He could have jumped me in the middle of the night! I don’t even want to think of what he might force on me!" Bulma stated hotly, thinking that it was the most obvious answer in the world. She wasn’t lying about that either. She was a beautiful, sexy young lady that most any man would die for. What made Vegeta immune to her powers? NOTHING! She wasn’t going to take the chance.

The Professor shook his head sadly. "You have no idea what you’ve just done to him. Think for a moment. Think! You know that he wouldn’t do anything like that! Even I know that and I don’t even know him that well! He’s got too much pride and honor to do something like that to anyone. Think!"

Bulma paused for a moment, clearing her mind to analyze the situation closer, trying to sort through the recent past events.

Okay, so she had told him that he was to tell her everything about him later on so that the Professor could figure things out. Then he had asked her why she cared, and she had responded that he was her friend. He had then told her that she was his friend, although it looked like saying it might kill him. Then they had gone to see the room that the Professor was offering them. When they found out they were supposed to share, both of them had retorted hotly about how much they despised the other. And then the Professor had offered one of them a different bedroom companion so they could have different rooms, and she had taken up the offer and then said that she… Oh Kami!… How could she have been so stupid?!?!? Bulma gasped in shock as she realized what she had unwittingly done.

Vegeta had actually admitted to caring about her. And when they had been complaining about how they didn’t want to share a room, now that she thought about it, Vegeta’s insults had held no heat. It had seemed like he’d just been going through the motions from habit, like herself. But then she had said that she wanted a different companion and that she disliked him. That had been her downfall.

Bulma almost broke into tears as she realized how she had accidentally rejected him. She was probably the first person he had ever even slightly opened up to, and she had basically told him that she wanted nothing to do with him. Bulma had never thought that such a small gesture could mean so much. She looked over to the Professor.

He nodded grimly at her. "Now you know what you have done." Bulma almost asked him what he was talking about before she remembered he could read her mind. He continued, "You were the closest thing he has ever gotten to a friend. That much I can decipher from his mind. Right now, though, he believes that you have betrayed him. He believes that you are mocking him." Bulma snorted.

"That’s ridiculous!!! I would never do anything like that!"

"But how would he know that?" The Professor gave her a searching look. "He thinks you hate him." Bulma gaped at that revelation. She had never hated Vegeta! Well… maybe she had when he had first come to earth, but that was when he was evil! Bulma knew for a fact that he wasn’t the same thoughtless killing machine he had been before. How could he ever think that she hated him?

Easily. Her mind supplied cruelly. You were the only one he even sort of trusted! Even you knew that! Then to just turn your back on him right after he had admitted you were his friend?!? That had been a heartless move on her part.

Bulma sank to her knees, suddenly feeling weak. She looked up at the Professor.

"Can you show me what he’d feeling right now?" She pleaded, desperately wanting to know how much she had hurt him. The Professor raised an eyebrow before taking her hand.

"Clear your own thoughts, Bulma. I’ll transfer the feelings I managed to get from him before he shut them behind his mental wall. Now concentrate on me…" The Professor trailed off and Bulma felt electric tingles cover her hands at their touching, before it moved up her arms and into her mind.

A sudden flash of dizziness swarmed her before it cleared, leaving her in a strange mind, her surroundings cold. She recognized the silent feelings to be Vegeta’s. His mind was so much sharper and harsher than her own, windswept and disciplined… but not by choice. It seemed as though someone had raked through his mind, tearing out any warmth and forcing him to hide his caring. She paused, opening her mind to his thoughts, allowing them to flow into her. She listened to them carefully, a deep dread filling her chest as she heard them.

Why do I care?… she hates me… mocking me like everyone else has… thought that someone might actually care for me… obviously I was wrong…It hurts… dear Kami, it hurts… Why?… why did she do that to me?… Must really hate me a lot… I deserve it, though… I’ve never done anything to deserve respect… or the woman’s caring… I deserve to die and be scorned… but, dear Kami, it still hurts… it hurts so much…

Bulma wrenched herself viciously from Vegeta’s mind, severing the connection between her and the Professor abruptly. She spun away, tears stinging her eyes from the overflow of Vegeta’s emotions. She turned and saw the Professor look at her solemnly. He frowned lightly before gliding past her.

"You must make up with him. I’m afraid that if you don’t, he might snap and turn on this world. His only loyalty was to you, and now I’m afraid that if you don’t do something, he will slowly self-destruct inside until he finally blows up, hurting others in the process… He’s too powerful and unpredictable to stop… It’s all up to you and him now…" The Professor gave her a searing look before continuing down the hallway. Bulma rested her back against the door to where Vegeta was.

She had never in her wildest dreams imagined that Vegeta felt so… strongly about everything. Bulma had discovered before that anything Vegeta got interested in became an obsession. He was one of the most determined and passionate people she knew. Usually the passion was his need to destroy poor Goku. He’d shown it another time when he’d learned about how Yamcha had cheated on her once. She had forgiven Yamcha, but Vegeta continued to hold a grudge against her boyfriend, muttering about how it was just wrong to cheat on your mate.

Bulma giggled slightly through her tears at that memory. She had had to explain to Vegeta that she and Yamcha were just dating, not ‘mates.’ Vegeta had been very confused at this, never actually understanding why the ‘weak humans weren’t satisfied and honest with one mate.’ Bulma had never actually had the chance to question what he’d meant by that, but she had just shrugged it off when Yamcha had begged her to take him back. Bulma, of course, had just jumped into his arms and immediately forgiven him. After that incident, Vegeta had always given her a look of disgust before she went out on a date with Yamcha.

That had been the only other time she had seen Vegeta so passionate about something. But now, seeing only a bit of his thoughts that were left unguarded, Bulma knew how wrong she was about Vegeta being cold and without feeling. She had never seen such emotion in anyone. But then again, she had never seen someone so good at hiding his emotions.

What had happened to make Vegeta that way? Bulma knew that Vegeta had said he would show his past to her, and she was really curious. But, she vowed silently, she would not press him into anything until she was sure that she had redeemed herself in his eyes.

Bulma blinked rapidly, wiping the tears from her eyes. He’d been so hurt…felt so betrayed by her action. Bulma sighed, wracking her brain to come up with something that would convince Vegeta that she hadn’t meant to hurt him. But she was so exhausted… she couldn’t think straight and she had worked so hard the past few days. Bulma slowly fell into a light slumber, her head resting against Vegeta’s door…. She’d think of something tomorrow. Bulma promised herself as the darkness overcame her thoughts. Yes… tomorrow…

* * * * *

Okay, now even I admit this is a cruel place to end… *hee hee hee!!! * Please tell me what you think of it so far!!! Don’t worry!!! It will turn out happily at the end… (I think….) Review it for me!!! The more reviews, the sooner the next part will come out!!! If you have any questions, my email is willi-4698@iacademy.org. FAREWELL AND REVIEW!!! Bye!!! ^_^

Table of Contents
Chapter 4
Chapter 6