This is my last chapter! Don't worry, I'll be back! I just want to say that I've dedicated this chapter to Dark Angel. She was comment on each chapter and has been a great friend. Read her stories!


Chapter 9


Frieza stepped forward to start the battle. He admitted that Goku and Vegeta would be good opponent but they still did not match is power. He smirked at his daydreaming victory of tarring them apart. They would pay for using the dragonballs. Goku walked

up, ready to fight when out of nowhere, Vegeta flew infront.

"I'm going to take care of Frieza, Kakarot. He has done far to much to me to let you take him down..which you wouldn't." he quickly added. Bulma smirked. She sat from behind as the battle began. Vegeta sure did have one hell of an attitude. She gazed closer as he took three punches to Frieza's stomach. He flinched and smashed heads with Vegeta. Vegeta tumbled to the ground in pain. This was going to be a short battle.

Goku watched in horror as the sayian prince had his blood smeared around the ground. He couldn't just stand there, he had to help...but could he? Maybe while Frieza and Vegeta fought, he could see what would be done about Bulma. No that wouldn't work. With everything she had gone through and the incredible amounts of training, he would lose. He had to think quick, which was very hard for him. Suddenly Vegeta stepped back to take a breather.

"I...ah...I can't do this..." he whispered as he tumbled head first into the dirt. Frieza smiled at the prince's performance. What a stupid little boy.

"Giving up so soon?" he asked with a cocky voice. Then Piccolo round up in front.

"Vegeta, you rest and I'll take care of this bag of shit!" he announced.

"HA HA HA...I'm sure you could match me...but can you match the next?" Frieza asked. Piccolo stared in confusion. What was he talking about? Next what? Suddenly Frieza began to grow and a disgusting sight it was as he seamed to increase by three sizes. When he was finished, Vegeta looked up in horror.

"...His next form..." he whispered, still out of breath. As Bulma watched the weak sayian, she some how had the urge to go over and comfort him. Where did that come from. Piccolo took a step back as to catch his breath in shock. Not only did Frieza grow three times his size but seemed to have twice his power! They could hardly handle the first form, how would they take on this one? Anyways, the battle started and Piccolo was used as a punching bag. While this was going on, Bulma found herself walking over to Vegeta as he was on the edge of consciousness. Goku looked up and backed away not knowing what to do. She leaned down and surveyed his wounds. He cried in agony as she placed her hand on it. Seeing to how damaged it was, she held him in her arms. Not knowing why she was doing this, continued...

Krillen looked up to the sky and saw Dende coming towards them.

"Dende! What are you doing out here? You're gonna get hurt." Krillen explained. Dende nodded but walked up to Vegeta and Bulma as if he hadn't even heard him.

"Let me help..." he told Bulma. She looked up and aloud him to heal Vegeta. He slowly opened his eyes, feeling more power. Since when sayians were damaged, their power would increase and Vegeta could feel his well but he also felt something else. Two arms were wrapped tightly around his upper body and his head laid in someone's lap. He blushed, knowing that it could only be either Krillen, Goku or Gohan and was embarrassed to be seen with a man. But when he looked up, he found someone else.


Piccolo fell hard to the ground after being tossed by Frieza from up above. Using the rest of his strength, he pushed to remove the rocks that covered him and fainted. Gohan ran over and lifted Piccolo up onto his shoulders and brought him to Dende. They had to help him fast, knowing that if they did not, he would die and that would mean no Dragonballs.

As Gohan glanced up to see how Vegeta was doing, his spit got caught in his throat as he found Bulma holding onto Vegeta. He sat up and turned around.

"...Bulma?" Vegeta stuttered. She was so beautiful and was there with him. She nodded.

"I...I can't remember much but I'm pretty sure that...that I belong with you." she explained, staring down at the ground. Suddenly, Frieza flashed with blinding light and morphed to his third and last form. Vegeta faced filled with anger as he looked back over to Bulma. Seeing all the scars that had been done by Frieza, it made him angry.

Suddenly Frieza glanced towards the sayian prince and found Bulma at his side.

"You little bitch!! You betrayed me!!" he yelled with rage. Her punishment would be death. He raised his hand and with a slight, quick beam of energy, it pierced her heart as she fell to the ground. Vegeta's blood ran cold as he looked down at her dead body. Dende ran to heal her but it was to late. A strange sense of ki shocked him as he cried in anger and was surrounded in a golden light. His strength had grown three times as much while his pitch black hair changed yellow. This power? What was this power he felt? Frieza couldn't believe what he was seeing. Prince Vegeta had turned into a...a Super Sayian!

At incredible speed, Vegeta shot at Frieza like a bullet, knocking him to the ground. Vegeta took no time in trying to tear him limb from limb. The fight went on for three quarters of an hour...well it wasn't much of a fight, it was just Frieza trying to stay alive. By the end of it, Vegeta had fired up his fist and mashed a hole right though his gut, then causing him to split in half. Vegeta looked down at the weak creature he had just taken on. He had now become the most strongest being in the universe but that didn't matter to him anymore. He walked back over to his love's body. He picked her up as she hung limb in his arms.


Hours later, Goku had been able to telepathically contact Master Roshi. They had decided to bring back all the people killed on Namick by Frieza...that meant Bulma too. The ship was still working well so on they went back to earth. Bulma wrapped her arms around Vegeta's neck and told him never to leave her. He promised he would stay with her on earth. She then whispered in his ear...

"I love you, my Super Sayian Prince!"



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