One week after Bulma's encounter with the King and his son, she, together with the other kids from other planets started their classes every morning that starts from 7:00 AM and lasts till 12 noon, and their only subjects were Mathematics and Science. Although the usual people might find these subjects a total bore, it's completely opposite to Bulma.

Calculating and guessing which kind and how much energy and elements must be put on something to make it work was just her thing, it allows her to use her critical thinking mind.

"Harino-sensei! did I get this one right?," an ever-cheerful Bulma asked their teacher, referring to the mini-disc on her hands.

Surprised and a bit speculative, Harino-sensei, their Science educator, came towards Bulma and took the mini-disc and turned it to different angles to see how was it done. After 5 minutes of turning and looking, their teacher handed the disc back to Bulma with a very stern face.

Bulma held her breath.

"That was excellent, keep improving and you'll be the future head of the Science and Research department when you grow up," Harino told Bulma with a little grin on his face. Even though Harino-san was not a sayiajin, his look is enough to scare people away, so, that means, if ever you even got a tiny smile from him, that means he's extremely pleased.

"What you did was great, Bulma-chan~!," Bulma's new found Chikyuu friend, Cyan, told her, immensely in awe.

Bulma smiled at her new friend, "Nah... it was just too simple, that even you could have figured it out in minutes!,"

The petite Chikyuu native girl standing on front of Bulma shook her heard, "No, I wouldn't and it wasn't that easy~!, I'm barely firguring out the half of it~!," Cyan said, looking at her own supposed-to-be mini-disc.

Bulma smiled, she was glad she was able to make a new friend on this strange place, so that it would make her less lonely. Even though, she still misses her family terribly.

"Hey~!, Vegitasei to Bulma, what were you thinking?," Cyan asked the daydreaming Bulma.

Snapping out of her reverie, she pasted on a cheerful smile and turned towards her friend, "Heheh.. that was nothing, c'mon, Science class is over, why don't you go to my room and stay there until tomorrow?, it would be fun if you would stay with me even for a day..,"

Cyan pouted, they were warned not to leave their own rooms without permission, "I don't think I could, it's not allowed..,"

Bulma's eyes turned sad, "Okay, if you don't really want to," then she immediately lightened up, "But why don't you go in my room for a moment?.. we could tell each other's stories about our families..," she trailed off, remembering her own family.

Cyan, noticing the sadness on Bulma's eyes, nodded affirmatively, "Okay, maybe a couple of minutes wouldn't hurt, besides, i think it would also be fun,".

Jumping up and down, Bulma hugged Cyan, "Yatta~!, Arigatou.. Cyan-chan,"


"King Vegeta, I have some urgent news for you regarding your son," Vargas, one of the King's advisers, informed King Vegeta.

The King just raised one eloquent eyebrow, "And what would that be?, has my son pulling up pranks again with his educators?,"

Vargas bowed gracefully to his Majesty, "No, Your Highness, I was here just to inform you that, his Majesty's private educator had just died yesterday,"

The King just snorted, "And what do you expect me to do?, you know you duties well, you just hire another one," he stated simply.

"That's the problem, Your Majesty, there isn't any hireable educator," Vargas informed him.

The King thought about this for a minute, "Well, what do you have in your mind, Vargas?,"

Vargas was surprised when the King asked for his advice, but then he realized that it was his purpose as his Majesty's *adviser*.

"Your Majesty, if you would only allow me to place the Royal Prince along with the other kids to study, that would be much less effort and it would help the Prince 'socialize' and learn the ways of the other kids from their respective planets, but I assure you, that would be only temporary, because once we find another suitable educator, we'll just return the prince with his own tutorial hours," Vargas explained humbly.

THe King seemed to be rethinking about his suggestion, since he was quite silent for a few minutes, "That would be fine, but just be careful and not let him develop weaknesses he could acquire along with the other kids,"

Secretly, Vargas smiled, "Thank you, your Highness,"


"What do you mean, I'll be put along with those other low-class kids?! explain this to me Vargas!," yelled the arrogant, spoiled and temperamental 8 yr. old prince, "I will not allow this to happen~!, I'll tell this my father!,"

Vargas sighed inwardly, the prince now prooves to be as hard headed as an arrogant ass could be, "But your Highness, the King has already given his permission," he said, keeping his respect to the prince.

At this, the Prince glared at Vargas, "I don't believe you, I don't believe that my father would do such thing~!, he couldn't range me with the dumb and the weak. I'm the prince~!, I should be elite, I should be on top of everyone else's and not classified with those puny new-comers!," he snapped. This was getting hard for him, he was used to being alone and only taught by the highest class of educators, and not to be in the same room with those.. low class people.

"I'm sorry, Prince Vegeta.. but this should be done, since we couldn't find any suitable educator since yours had just passed away," Vargas said within clenched teeth, he couldn't, with all the gods on Vegitasei, stand the arrogant prince.

Prince Vegeta turned towards Vargas, even at his small age, he was already smart for his own, "Don't give me that Vargas!, then find another educator!, I don't care where you would find it just find someone!,"

"But your Majesty, that would take some time, considering that we're not finding the usual educator, we must find someone who is suitable for you,"

Prince Vegeta clenched his teeth and hands, he must go with the decision of his father afterall..

"Okay, I would accept to be with those no-class weaklings, but just assure me this would only be for a few days!,"

Vargas sighed with relief, "I give you my assurance, Your Majesty, May I now be excused?," he said, turning towads the prince.

The prince could only nod.


"That was fun Bulma-chan~!," Cyan squealed after they had their minute fun inside Bulma's room, they just played around dolls and other girly stuffs.

Bulma smiled at her friend, her eyes glittering with enjoyment, "It sure was, come on, I'll walk you to your room so that I could also get a tour around this place,"

Cyan nodded and started walking towards her room.

After some series of turning walking and hiding from the saiyajin guards that were doing their daily check-up routine, they finally reached Cyan's room.

"Well, here we are... see ya tomorrow Bulma-chan~!," Cyan said walking up to the side of the door and began pressing her own door passcodes.

Bulma grinned at her friend, "Thanks for being the most wonderful friend, Ja~," at that she turned to walk and return towards her own quarters.

:: I wonder what my dad and mom are doing right now?, I wish they're okay :: she thought as she bowed down her head to observe the exquisite marble floor on her feet, it was colored grayish-blue with some kind of different paintings..

:: That's strange.. paintings on the floor? :: she thought as she observed them more and bent her head even lower to look at them closely.

:: Wow.. now I get it, this painting on the floor is like Chikyuu's World War I painting.. :: she said to herself, quite grasping the marble painting,

:: This is certainly some kind of artwork, this should've taken years to complete and only to be walked upon~! :: she eyed every strokes on the floor that she became too consumed by it, that she didn't notice another person, rather, saiyajin coming along her way.


Bulma collided with another person, she could see that the person was an adult.. she grew afraid, she thought that the person she bumped into was a guard or something.

"I'm sorry~!, it's my fault... I'll just have to return to my room and promise I won't come out until orders were given," she said, stammering a little bit.

The man got up, and brushed himself, then he looked over Bulma and smiled a little, which confuses Bulma even more, "It's okay little one, don't be afraid, but tell me, what's your name?,"

Bulma's fear with the man was already fading away little by little, because as she looked into his gentle black eyes, she remembers her dad, "I'm Bulma Briefs,"

The man smiled at Bulma, "Well, Bulma-chan, I suppose you're one of the seasonal kids that were sent here, right?," he questioned Bulma, he was not angry or annoyed by the kid, but something about her kept him smiling, she was looking like an angel.

Bulma just nodded.

The man gave her one look and ruffled her hair, "Now, little one, since I know your name, I might as well introduce myself, well, you could call me Vargas, I'm the King's adviser... now, Bulma-chan, I must go now, it's nice bumping unto you," at that he left along with his swishing tail behind him.

Bulma smiled at his retreating back, he felt like his dad.. his gentleness and his voice, she smiled a little and whispered to herself, "I miss you Otousan..,"


[ next day... ]

"Okay everyone, before I start the lesson, I would like you to give respect to who will be joining us starting this day..," Harino-sensei told the class, "Now, kids if you must know, the person who would be joining us is a royalty, so each and everyone must give him respect okay?,"

The whole class nodded affirmatively, everyone was excited on who would be this 'royalty' that would be joining them in class.

Then the arrogant Prince stepped in and glared at everyone.

Everyone except Bulma cowered on their seats, she was not the least intimidated by him, she met his glare squarely.

Harino-sensei and the others looked at each other at the obvious tension building between the brightest student in class and the most powerful kid on the whole of Vegitasei.

At that Prince Vegeta turned away from her glare and 'hmphed' towards his seat, the only vacant one, which was at the back of Bulma. Prince Vegeta strode along the aisle towards his seat, making no more eye contacts with anyone.

Once he's been seated he told Harino-sensei, "Well?, what are you waiting for?, I'm forced into this class, so might as well start your work!," he snapped at the class' educator.

Harino-sensei just nodded and started the class.

:: Why this little blockhead! :: Bulma thought as the classes started. She could almost feel his glare on her back, :: He doesn't even give some respect to our mentor~!, I thought prince's are supposed to be respectful.. geh~!, now I know they aren't.. and if he mess up with me, I'll make sure he remembers that, I don't care one iota if he's the prince.. ::

"I'll just have to plan something to change his ways..," Bulma whispered to herself, plotting something that would be useful for the prince's attitude.


Next Chapter: CHAPTER III - Friends and Foes..

Author's notes: hehehe.. gomen, I know this chapter's a major bore, but I promise I'll make it up to y'all~!, afterall, I'm not yet even at the middle of the story.. ^_^;

Ja minna-chan, and don't forget to drop me off some nice comments.. onegai?

Arigatou minna~

--» Mattel

Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 3